Scientific Method Review. What are the six steps of the Scientific Method IN ORDER?

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Transcript of Scientific Method Review. What are the six steps of the Scientific Method IN ORDER?

Scientific Method Review

What are the six steps of the Scientific Method IN ORDER?

Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, Communicate Results

What happens in the Problem step of the Scientific Method?

Come up with a scientific question.

What happens in the hypothesis step of the Scientific Method?

An educated guess about the answer to your problem.

What happens in the Experiment step of the scientific method?

Test your hypothesis.

What happens in the Data Analysis step of the scientific method?

Use charts and graphs to analyze your data that you collected in a data table.

What happens in the Conclusion step of the scientific method?

Summarize your results and answer your question.

What happens in the Communicate Results step of the scientific method?

Tell others about your experiment and findings.

Define: Observation

Something you sense DIRECTLY through one of your five senses.

Define: Inference

Your explanation of an observation. (i.e. What you think is happening)

Define: Qualitative Data

Data that does NOT use numbers.

Define: Quantitative Data

Data that DOES use numbers.

Define: Independent Variable

The variable that is purposely changed in an experiment.

Define: Dependent Variable

The variable that you measure (it depends on the independent variable).

Define: Constant Variable

The variables that MUST stay the same in an experiment.

Define: Control Group

The group that does NOT get anything special.

WHY do you use a triple beam balance?

To measure mass of an object.

WHY do you use an electronic balance?

To measure mass of an object.

WHY do you use a graduated cylinder?

To measure volume of an object.

WHY do you use a thermometer?

To measure temperature of an object.

When do you use a line graph?

To show change (i.e. change over time)

When do you use a bar graph?

To show categories.

Identify: Independent Variable

Hypothesis: If cows are fed grain THEN they will weigh more than cows fed grass.

Grass or grain (what they eat)

Identify: Dependent Variable

Hypothesis: If cows are fed grain THEN they will weigh more than cows fed grass.

How much the cows weigh.

Identify: Constant Variables

Hypothesis: If cows are fed grain THEN they will weigh more than cows fed grass.

Starting Weight, Breed, Amount of food, Amount of exercise…and so forth

What is the mass of sand (container mass 20g):


What is the length of the cat in mm?


What is the length of the cat in cm?


How do you read a graduated cylinder?

From the BOTTOM of the meniscus.

What type of data (qualitative or quantitative)?There are 3 marbles.


What type of data (qualitative or quantitative)?That is a large cat.


Observation or Inference?

I see 20 vultures flying.


Observation or Inference?

The vultures are looking for something to eat


Observation or Inference?

I think that the algae is growing because of extra fertilizer.


Observation or Inference?

My grade is an A on this test.
