Science Focus Fluoride Aquafresh Science Academy

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Science Focus Fluoride Aquafresh Science Academy

  • 8/14/2019 Science Focus Fluoride Aquafresh Science Academy


    Science focuS ReSouRce

    Research into this remarkable mineralcontinues in the 21st century. Scientistscontinue to investigate mode o actionand the eects o dierent uorideormulations are constantly beingexplored. Read on or a summary o recentdata comparing the release o uoriderom dierent sources and advances in

    uoride uptake rom dentirices.

    Scs f d n

    dntfcsThere are our sources o uoride used indentirices, which include:

    sodium uoride (NaF)

    sodium monouorophosphate (MFP)

    stannous uoride (SnF2)

    amine uoride (AmF).

    Dierent uoride sources, pH andthe choice o other ingredients in theormulation can aect uoride delivery and not all uoride dentirices are equallyeective, even i they contain equivalentconcentrations o uoride.

    Although SnF2

    and AmF are used indentirices, the majority o ormulationsuse either NaF or MFP as uoride sources.Comparing these two, BowensJournal ofthe Royal Society of Medicine paper (1995)has indicated that uoride ions are reelyavailable in NaF; however, MFP needs tobe broken down by salivary phosphatasesin order to release uoride.

    Dffncs n d ptakWhile there have been numerous studiesto compare anti-caries eects betweenthe two most common sources o uoride

    in dentirices NaF and MFP there issome debate regarding their respectivemechanisms o anti-caries action.

    Two recent GSK caries model studiesdemonstrate that NaF provides greaterremineralization and increased uorideuptake than MFP. The studies compareda) changes in surace microhardnessand uoride uptake using a 20-day invitro caries cycling model and b) theremineralization potential and uorideuptake o NaF and MFP dentirices usingan in situ caries model.

    Science focuS on...

    The anti-caries eect o

    fuoride is well established

    and it has been used as an

    ingredient in dentirices or

    decades. Extensive studies

    have demonstrated the main

    eects o fuoride are to

    promote remineralization

    o early caries and prevent



    Two recent GSK caries model

    studies demonstrate that NaF provides

    greater remineralization and increased

    fuoride uptake than MFP

    Amine fluoride

    N+ N+



    F- F-

    Sodium fluoride



    Stannous fluoride

    F F









    For further information
  • 8/14/2019 Science Focus Fluoride Aquafresh Science Academy


    Science focuS ReSouRce

    Sra mrhardss

    hags ad rd ptak

    wth naf ad MfP a vtr

    ars ylg mdl

    This study, published in Caries Research,

    was undertaken by Newby et al (2007)with the objectives o determining therelative efcacies o marketeddentirices to:

    promote enamel uoride uptake

    promote lesion remineralization

    diminish subsequent demineralizationunder dynamic conditions simulating invivo caries ormation.

    The study compared MFP-containing

    dentirices with dierent ormulationso NaF-containing pastes, includingAquaresh Advanced (NaF in silica base A,1100ppm uoride) and an experimentalGSK ormulation (NaF in silica base B,1100ppm uoride).

    Artifcial lesions were ormed in humanenamel specimens and subjected to a daily

    cycling regimen. Surace microhardnesswas measured at baseline, 10 and 20 days.Fluoride uptake in the enamel specimenswas measured at 20 days using themicrodrill technique.

    Ater 20 days o treatment signifcantlygreater surace microhardness wasobserved with Aquaresh Advancedthan with both MFP pastes and theother NaF paste, as a result o improvedremineralization and increased uorideuptake (fgure 1).

    This study by Newby demonstrates thatdentirices with similar available uorideand the same uoride source can beormulated to provide increased enamel

    hardness and uoride uptake. This wasdemonstrated by the act that AquareshAdvanced (NaF in silica base A, 1100ppmuoride) was associated with greatersurace microhardness and uoride uptakeater 20 days o treatment (p

  • 8/14/2019 Science Focus Fluoride Aquafresh Science Academy
