sci-fi dance comedy rob liam sven

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of sci-fi dance comedy rob liam sven

Science fiction dance-comedy webisodeby Rob Williams, Liam Togher & Sven Mattes


Seven teenagers attend a college for people with supernatural powers. They get set a challenge: complete and practice a dance for the college’s big dance competition. They split into two groups and ‘abuse’ their powers to gain advantage and to manipulate the other team.

Audience research

we created a poll and posted it on facebook to see what webisode idea our friends like the best.

As you can see the sci-fi + horror/thriller idea both came first with 3 votes each.

This means that people aged 16-19 prefer horror and sci-fi.

Generic conventions: sci-fi

A generic premise of a ‘sci-fi’ could be:

a setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in an historical past that contradicts known factors of history.

A setting in outer space, on other worlds, or involving aliens.

Stories that involve a discovery or use of new technology.

Generic conventions: dance

Generic conventions of a dance film normally involves a love story and some dancing.

Sometimes dancing happens in ‘fantasy space’.

Often involves a struggle against “better” dancers

Generic conventions: comedy

‘Teen Comedy - Often set in school and involving conflicts with authority

Social Comedy - drawing on class conflict and social realism.

Romantic Comedy - a popular hybrid, targeted at women and couples.

SWOT analysis: strengths

broader audience because of a hybrid.

funny aspects.

special effects make it more interesting.

SWOT analysis: weaknesses

audience may dislike mix of genres.

special effects might not look realistic.

SWOT analysis: opportunities

wide range of genres, meaning more audience opportunities.

SWOT analysis: threats

misfits. :(