Schools of Knowledge

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Schools of Knowledge

  • 8/12/2019 Schools of Knowledge


    Schools of Knowledge

    Schools of Philosophy


    These Institutions or Groups state that most Humans are not fully and spiritually

    developed yet. In this sense and in spite all the blabla concerning our so-called

    advanced intelligence and civilizationthey affirm we are but human-to-be projects.

    They then propose the building up of the Authentic Man.

    In general terms, the so-called Academia agrees with the perspective of man in the

    world trying to find the Real Sense of Intelligence and Creation. As in the case of the

    Greek, the Egyptian, and Persian Mystery Temples, they have a quest: to restore the

    Tree of Life, that is, the fully developed, multidimensional human being, Wise and

    able to transcend the Cosmos or Kenoma itself and to restore the Pleroma or



    In order to fulfill such an objective, they teach their students about the Path .

    Pupils are then fed with lots of info stemming from the objective and authorized

    sources (like the Masters or their Disciples): lectures, readings, books,

    interviews, counseling, e-mail courses, etc.

    Even though Neophytes were taught on Rites, Hermetic knowledge, medicine,

    psychic faculties, secret Geometry, and more; they had to go through a dilated period

    of hard psychological testing and ordeals in order to attest to the strength of their

    hearts: their real Brain and source of knowledge and intelligence, as they perceived.


    The students absorb this info by means of their memory, that is, the external


    NOTICE: Personality means successive accumulation of memories from external

    sources throughout life: affection, family ties, education, socialization, work,

    experiences, and so on. So are formed humans different Centers: Intellect, Emotion,

    Movement, Instinct, and sex.

  • 8/12/2019 Schools of Knowledge


    Since they were looking for truly-hearted Neophytes, their Candidates were selected

    among the most mature and Self-independent, capable of steady, autonomous and

    self-reflected decisions when under trial or unexpected situations. External

    personality, habits, and memories were not of main use: these were ratherchallenged.


    The School of Knowledge as do other current Educational systemstherefore re-

    programs the students personalities on different thinking, feeling, and acting. This

    means more passive, obedient, and spiritually prone Esoteric personalities.

    These dilated preparations aimed at getting the most authentic out of the Initiate, his

    or her truly stamina, courage, and deep Intelligence, the one connecting his/her

    Consciousness with his/her Unconsciousness. Along with a more objective

    Discernment, his/her decisions were therefore more laconic (heart-inspired).


    Such passive personalities memorize and repeat new and pre-established concepts,

    Rituals, and practices, follow their new Mentors without any questioning because

    they are the ones who know (and their Superiors act accordingly); defend their

    new sets of Values, and live up their lives as the rest of the group. As such they

    embrace a higher Moral, a refined way to thinking about classical issues

    concerning Good and Evil, Karma and Law transactions, Returns and Reincarnations,

    Heavens and Hell, Virtue and Sin, Dharma, etc. Thus, they come to also consider

    themselves of higher spiritual status than their fellow men, and definitely saved and

    blessed souls that will escape the Realm of Darkness, whatever that means to them.

    The new Initiates are just renewed passive personalities repeating new roles but

    exerting little if none heart-inspired discernment at all. What they do is just blind and

    unconscious imitation of their Masters deeds without ever looking inward to

    discover the actual Void and lack of life Sense they are trying to fill up with new

    beliefs. A void that provokes them great Fear (one among many instincts), and makes

    them sort of slaves of the ones who promise the Immortality potion to cure that

    suppurating wound.

  • 8/12/2019 Schools of Knowledge


    In those early Spiritual Schools, Philosophers and pupils exerted the focused

    observation of phenomena impressing them. In many cases, such devotion and

    intuition made them arrive to unexpected and enlightening conclusions the so-

    called Eurekathat later set the basis for many of todays Sciences. Such heart-

    driven Initiates looked for developing their authentic Inner character and a moreEthical judgment. This character was not to depend on the changing Moral values of

    the time, but on the objective feelings and appraisals of the relentless Self. That is

    why, on time, the mature Initiates these Temples helped promote made of the

    Emancipation, legitimate freedom, the untiring quest for Discernment and Truth, the

    Self-concepts and Self- ideas, the refusal of Fear and other blind instincts as their

    wills main driving force, and the quest for Synthesis in all things; all these were made

    their truly set of authentic Values.


    Such Schools impose new sets of Dogmas that Newcomers cannot oppose since

    they are not yet awaken in case they were theyd know it is the Truth, as

    they say. But if persistence follows, they would get warnings or even threats not to

    unless they preferred the Karma Rigor laws to be imposed upon them for

    punishment, or the going back to the world of the sinful and lost, for their


    As such, the Initiate vision in Temples like the Eleusinian Mysteria (Pythagorean line),

    the Mithraism (Persia), Platos Greek Akademia and more recently, the Mideast

    Christian Gnostics, was not based upon Dogmata. Instead, the Neophyte found and

    open and tolerant Institution or group that promoted research and study. This in

    order to become more universal and syncretic, capable of approaching Wisdom

    (Philosophy) and Grace by transcending Duality, reflecting on texts and writings from

    different Masters not only onethat could provide more insights and clarifying

    standpoints, and participating in ceremonies and rites comprised of Symbols and

    moving Archetypes that opened up the gates to the Unconsciousness. Institutions

    that helped the Initiates discover their deepest Vocations the Inner Selfand even

    letting them go on their own Adventure for the sake of finding their Real Identities.


  • 8/12/2019 Schools of Knowledge


    These arguments are pure Religious reasoning. Such a discourse is always intolerant,

    Fear-motivated, and supported on the scaffold of Dualism appealing to and

    promoting the DISPERSION of the Mind. This split Mind can either accept or reject

    concepts without reflection, but is unable to integrate opposites and reestablish the

    authentic state of Consciousness the different Masters speak about like Illumination,Self-Realization or Self-awareness. In other words, what these Schools sell they also

    steal in cunning. Publicly, they look like defying the spiritual status quo, but in its

    Darkest Secrecy they perpetuate the same outlines of the Matrix, the state of

    Maya, or Illusion. They are the religions of the New Age. THE IGNORANCE.

    Instead of forms of Religion with affixed sets of beliefs, the Schools of Initiates

    stimulated the restoration of free Discernment and INTEGRATION of the Candidates

    via the calming down of the Mind (no more judgments or reactions). As a result, their

    Heart brains would be finally heard and let beat at Its own pace: And this is called

    Self-realization of THE TRUTH. The Enlightment that has neither specific time nor

    latitude nor given personality where to Occur or to Nest. The TRUTH as the totally

    Unknown from Moment to Moment, or the Kabbalahs Adam Kadmon.


    These new Religions disguised as pseudo-Schools of Philosophy are like Octopuses,

    whose suckers systematically absorb the Psychic life of its members, keeping them

    weakened, drugged, and spiritually Asleep. The Octopus that lives at the expense of

    its hosts blood, being that host the Fallen Adam or First Adam mentioned in some of

    Pauls Letters; the seeker of the Truth that ends up stagnated among false securities,

    like another fearful and paralytic sheep in the pen. In words of the Primitive Christian

    Gnostics from the first Centuries, Octopus like the Obscure Ialdabaoth or Demiurge,

    the False, Ignorant and selfish Deity in charge of this Creation, the Child-Lord, Saklas,

    or Samael, the Blind Lord of Death. The Slaver that keeps Sophia, the Fallen Daughter

    of the Original Father, encaged and in desperate need of redemption by the Savior,

    the Logos Christ.

    The Temples of Knowledge insisted in the need of Comprehension from the part of

    the Initiate. This capability cannot be bestowed from external sources (readings,

    advice), but rather only be stimulated: it emerges deep from the Candidates Heart

  • 8/12/2019 Schools of Knowledge


    only after extended periods of trial and maturation along his/her life. This is also

    called Intelligence, and Truly Self.


    Pseudo-philosophies that content their customers with just incense scents and Ritualswhose symbolisms they all ignore, defining for them whats Virtue and whats Sin,

    what is Good and what is Evil, whats Correct and what is Incorrect. Occult

    Ceremonials that make them think their souls will be fully saved by just taking bread

    and wine permeated with the Masters energy of Grace. And Pseudo-psychologies

    that sell the conformist, fear-inspired, and misunderstood reasoning that they must

    kill part of themselves the so-called Ego.

    The Initiates build up concepts and conclusions by means of constant and

    progressively deeper communion with their authentic Heart brain. The teachings they

    get from their Mentors are well received but, in time, some of them will be left aside

    on the basis of non-importance or personal experience reformulations. The truly

    inspired Adept has the Power from Above for his/her own and objective Self-

    ideas and concepts, as Master Samael stresses. And Osho says: I started writing when

    I finished reading. In this sense, the Initiate has no spiritual beliefs stemming from

    external icons or historical sources. He/she doesnt believe in God, cause they just

    know, as Dr. Carl Jung once said. For them there is no external and religious God: God

    lies deep within our own Real Consciousness: every one of us is thus a seedling God.

    And thats all that matters: find the correct ways to recall The Source again, just

    Remembering It, and leave behind whatever else. Religions and Morals in fashion as

    well. As Master Samael states, the Self is not moral but Ethic, referring to the

    Kabbalahs Tree of Life.