Schools in Britain 1

Post on 03-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Schools in Britain 1

Module Two:Lesson 1:

Terminal objective: The pupils will be able to draw the plan of their school.Enabling objectives: The pupils will be able to:

(read for gist and details

(infer the meaning of unfamiliar words from context (identify strategies used in collecting informationSkills: Speaking, Reading and Writing

Lexix: show around, dining hall, library, an assembly hall, main entrance, staffroom, Structure: discover the future with going toFunctions: talk about ones future plansMaterials: visuals, the books, the boardSpeaking test: a telephone call between two pupils.

Pupil (A) plays the role of Imene and speaks about the sights and the places she visited in London.

Pupil (B) plays the role of Imenes father or mother and asks her some questions.

Procedure:I-Presentation:Ill start the lesson by showing the pupils a picture of a school. Then Ill ask them a set of questions:-How do you come to school? Do you come to school by bus, on foot?

I come to school by bus.

I come to school on foot.

-do you have lunch at school or at home?

What is your favourite subject?

-who is your favourite teacher and why?

-do you like school? Why?

Ill draw a spidergram on the board with the word school in the middle. The pupils will have to jot down all the words they know about school.

Flag pupils desks

Headmaster teachers

pens board


library staffroom dining hall

We have 15 classrooms in our school.The pupils borrow books from the school library.

The staffroom is a room for the teachers.

The pupils have lunch in the dining hall.II-Practice:The pupils will be asked to read the introduction in the S-B on p 35 silently then Ill encourage them to ask for explanation.

Ill ask the pupils some comprehension questions about the introduction.

When in London imene becomes interested in what?

Iexpect the answer: in English secondary school

What does she decide to do?

I expect the answer: she decides to collect information about E.S.Ss

Ill ask the pupils to read the paragraph on p 36 and find out what did imene do to collect information about E.S.S?

I expect the answer: she visited Walcott S.S

Who gave her permission to visit the school? The teachers, the pupils?

I expect the answer: the headmaster gave her permission

Ill ask the pupils to open their A-B on p 40 and work in pairs to complete the conversation Imene had with the headmaster.

Can I see the school and take pictures?Taking permissionDid she visit the school alone?

I expect the answer: Chris took her to the school

How did they come to school? Did they come to school on foot or by bus?

I expect the answer: they came to school by bus.

The pupils will be asked to answer questions b and c in their A-B on p 41.

What does there refer to? Ill give them a multiple choice the headmaster / Chris / the school

Here Ill explain to the pupils that there is used to refer to a place and not a person.

Ill give them an example: Where is Sami?

He is there next to Imene.

(refers to a place)As a transition, Ill ask the pupils the following question:

What diod imene do to collect information about E.S.S? did she write a diary, a letter? Ill ask the pupils to focus on the last line.I expect the answer: imene took pictures of the different parts of the school

The pupils will be asked to look at these pictures on p 37.

The pupils will be asked to listen and repeat.

The pupils will be asked to go back to the text on p 36 and concentrate on the first sentence

Im going to leave London next Tuesday. To be (in the present) + going to + verb = Future planWhat is the tense used in this sentence?

The pupils will be asked to answer question 1 in the S-B on p 38.

III-production:The pupils will be asked to work in groups and draw a plan of their school. Activity 2 A-B p 39.

Project work:: the pupils will have to collect pictures of their school (take photos of the different school parts; the courtyard, the playground, the staff room, the main entrance, the library, the classrooms) stick them on a file then write in front of each picture what is it used for Eg: the pupils borrow books from the library.

The courtyard is an area where the pupils spend the break.

The classroom is a room where the pupils have lessons

The staff room is a room where the teachers relax.

The playground is the place where the pupils have physical education (P.E) lessonsschool