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Transcript of SchoolAdmissions.inAParentsGuideToDelhiNurseryKGSchoolAdmissions20122013

  • 8/12/2019 SchoolAdmissions.inAParentsGuideToDelhiNurseryKGSchoolAdmissions20122013

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    Parent's GuideTo Delhi Nursery & KG School dmissions

    2012-2013o- uthored !y " #a$an rora % ounder School dmissionsin ( & San$ay % Parent and a )em!er (Contents of the Parent's Guide


    Clearing the Nomenclature and Age confusion

    Pre-School ( NURSERY ) and Pre-Primar ( !") Admissions Process

    #ists of Schools In $elhi

    Seat $istri%ution & E'S and "eneral

    Understanding Points Sstem Selection ethod

    $ra of #ots or Random Selection Procedure

    $ocumentation Re*uirement & "eneral Categor

    $ocumentation Re*uirement & E'S Categor

    Nurser And !" Admissions Schedule +,+-+,.

    Admissions orm distri%ution Process

    Suggestions and 0i1s for illing 2ffline and 2nline orms

    Result $eclaration Strateg

    Refund Polic

    3ac4door Admissions/Entr or Indian 5uggad Sstem

    Com1laint Redressal

    Researching and !ee1ing 0rac4 of Admissions - 6o to use SchoolAdmissions7in for %est hel17

    essage rom SchoolAdmissions7in ounders Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    About This Book and Story Behind It

    A Parent's Guide To Delhi Nursery & KG chool Admissions 2012-201Dear Parents,

    I have been a member of for my child's admission in the ast and

    this book is my way of !ivin! back to the community of arents and the


    Secial Thanks to "ounder#r.$a%an Arorafor &oAuthorin! and editin! this

    "irst Beta &oy of the (book.

    All the best to Every arent who is applying !or their child"s admission this year.

    # hope this small contribution o! mine with the support o! the $eam and its %ounders&

    'a(an Arora and u(a Arora will help you...

    This (book)Document is oen for su!!estions)udates and you can leave your su!!estions for

    additions, tis, any errors etc and we would be constantly udatin! this "ree Book for Parents and

    release udated version in the "uture.

    &lick *ere $o )eave *our Suggestions& $ips& Error 'eports as well as to see i! a +ew ,pdated -ersion o!

    this boo is available !or download.



    A Parent and a #ember of &ommunity

    Coyright / $he copyright o! this boo matter is with and # reuest all parents to share the eboo with everyonebut don"t copy the tet and post on other sites as that will be against the copyright.

    Note From Team The identity of the parent member who

    wored on and contributed this Parent's Guide has been ept partly anonymous on

    his re!uest and only the First name has been pro"ided. Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    Clearin# the Nomenclature and A#e confusion

    Private educational institutions, both Recognized and Unrecognized have wide variation and divergence

    in the present day Pre-Primary education and Pre-School education nomenclature. The schools

    have created a little confusion with reference to the connotation of the term nursery!.

    "t appears that there is also some ground for suspecting willful misinterpretation by a few institutions so

    as to reap commercial benefits and escape from implementation of government orders etc. in this


    #t present preschool classes are variously called $ursery, Pre $ursery, %ontessori, &indergarten, Play-

    school, etc. "n many of the private schools Pre-Primary consists of two or even three years variously

    'nown as (&), U&), Pre-nursery, $ursery, Preparatory and so on. Sometimes *reche! facility is also

    provided by big schools, hence there is bound to be confusion. Play schooling constitutes "nformal

    schooling where child is admitted at varied age starting from two year onwards. There cannot be

    any prescription of a standard nomenclature for preschool classes because such facilities would, toa large e+tent, derive their names from the system they follow such as %ontessori, &indergarten etc

    and also from their purpose and function, such as creche, nursery and day care centre. etc.

    So the correct accepted position as per $%& and Gan#uly committee recommendations is as

    follows (

    Pre-Primary Class

    Pre-Primary class is the one year of schooling of a child immediately before the child enters *lass-" i.e.

    Primary-ducation popularly 'nown as Prep/&)/%ont-0/U&) etc.

    Age Eligibility for Pre-Primary- # child should have attained four years on or before 31st

    Marchof theyear of admission to be considered eligible for gaining admission to Pre-Primary class.

    Pre- Primary class is considered as ntry level in various schools where formal schooling starts from this

    class noticeably various *onvent schools and few %inority run schools.

    For Academic session 2012-13, child born beteen 01 A!ril 200" and 31 March 200# are eligible for


    Pre-%chool Class

    Pre-%chool Class &Classesconstitute that section of schooling of one year duration preceding the Pre-

    Primary class popularly 'nown as Pre-nursery/$ursery/%ont -1/(&) etc.

    Age Eligibility for Pre-%chool- very child admitted to preschool shall be of minimum three years by

    31st Marchof the year in which admission is being sought. Pre-School class is considered as ntry level

    in ma2ority schools where formal schooling starts from this class. Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    For academic session 2012-13, child born beteen 01 A!ril 200# to 31 March 200' are eligible for Pre-


    Schools li'e %t *armel and others are chronic flouters of the cut off age for admission as 34 September 0411.

    #s of present prevailing guidelines and order all such children admitted to Pre-School for academic session 0410-13

    shall be automatically promoted to Pre-Primary and shall not have to apply fresh.

    The 5onorable 6elhi 5igh ad2udicating #dvocate #sho' #garwal7s P"( on this issue is going to decide whether Pre-

    School is 8ormal or not , Preschoolers be automatically promoted or not to Pre-Primary and to whether to separate

    Pre-School from %ain school. The final order is due on 9th :an 0410. "f the court accepts and admits the prayer in

    the said P"( , then academic session 0410-13 may be a transition year and we may witness paradigm shift in school

    policies regarding Pre-School admissions. (ets wait and watch.

    8or *omplete )anguly committee report and recommendations C()C* +EE

    8or 6; clarification on #) criteria please C()C* +EE

    8or #dvocate #sho' #garwal7s P"( *("*& 5R

    Pre(School ) N*+S&+, - and Pre(Primary ) G- Admissions Process

    #s per the %5R6 order admissions guidelines dated 1< 6ec 0414, issued invo'ing various provisions of

    RT, subse=uently to 6; order dated 1

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    /0ST %F $&/10 SC1%%/S

    Clic The /ist Name 2elow To See Them

    /ist of Pri"ate *naided Schools +eco#ni3ed 2y $%& in $elhi

    /ist of Pri"ate *naided Schools +eco#ni3ed 2y 4C$ in $elhi

    /ist of Go"ernment Schools in $elhi

    /ist of 4C$ Schools in $elhi

    /ist of N$4C Schools in $elhi

    /ist of Go"ernment Aided Schools in $elhi

    /ist of All 4C$ Aided Schools in $elhi

    /ist of 5S ( endriya 5idyalaya San#athan Schools in $elhi

    /ist of $C2 ( $elhi Cantonment 2oard Schools in $elhi

    /ist of &CC& Centers in $elhi

    /ist of C+C Centers in $elhi

    /ist of 6N5 6awahar Na"odaya 5idyalaya Schools in $elhi

    /ist of N$4C Aided Schools in $elhi

    /ist of N$4C +eco#ni3ed Schools in $elhi Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    Seat $istribution

    The total seat distribution pattern is as follows

    245 resered for E6% are to be filled by Economically 6ea7er %ection and 8isadantaged9rou! by 8ra of (ots

    Who is eligible for to avail EWS seats

    #s per 6elhi School ducation 8ree seats for students belonging to conomically >ea'er

    Sections and 6isadvantage group ;rder, 0411*lic' 5ere To See The 6etailed ;rder

    Section !"c# $efines EWS as %&hild belonging to wea'er section% means a child whose parents

    have total annual income of less than ()E *+- rupees from all sources and who have been

    staying in $elhi for the *+ST T-REE E+RS.

    Section !"d# $efines $isadvantaged group as % &hild belonging to $isadvantaged group%

    means a child belonging to Scheduled castes. the Schedule tribes, the (ther /ac'ward &lasses

    not falling in the creamy layer " i.e income less than 0.1 la'hs#, child with special needs and

    suffering from disability as defined in the 2ersons with $isabilities " E3ual (pportunities,

    2rotection and full 2articipation# +ct, 4556

    205 for Management uota is schools discretionary uota

    445 9eneral category filled by by 100 Point system

    At least 145 of the 9eneral category seats ill be filled through the lottery system by 8ra oflots: as !er ME8)A EP/; Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    788 Point system as per $%& order )accordin# to Gan#uly committee- for General cate#ory

    The 144 Point system followed in ma2ority school is school specific with regard to criterion followed and

    points allocated to each criteria. ach applicant is given points depending on the e+tent to which an

    applicant fulfills a particular criteria as per points allocated to that criteria. *ommonly followed criteria

    are as follows

    The school would assess the applicant on a scale of 1 to 144 in the following manner

    .eighborhood- Points #llocated 04 to

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    %ingle Parent :8iorced&ido&idoer&unmarried&se!arated;points allocated < to 14. The School

    may give preference to admit child of such single parent viz. divorced or widow or widower or unmarried

    or separated.

    %chool %!ecific - *ertain schools had devised their school specific criteria last year also which were

    canceled after 6; intervention. Aut this year too we e+pect schools to come out with such criteria.

    /ther Miscellaneous Criterion- *ertain schools li'e %ahavira %odel schools etc Run by Sh S ( :ain

    comes out with out of the bo+ criterion - loo' out for them.

    As !er Proisions of E there should be ./ !rofiling of the child based on !arental

    educational ualification and income : sans E6% ;$ .otithstanding, schools do as7 for

    !arents ualification and income for their records only$

    )n the eent of many a!!licants getting identical final scores in the loest eligible scores, a

    limited lottery system ould be o!ted for ithin these a!!licants to select children foradmission$ his o!tion ill arise only in case of aailability of seats for admission$

    $raw of /ots or +andom Selection Procedure

    Random procedure implies that if the number of children applying to a school e+ceeds the available

    seats, an open lottery system shall be used to fill the seats. This applies to all categories of schools.

    ?arious methods could be employed for the open lottery system, the easiest being having name/number

    for each child that applied on a folded paper slip in a container, out of which children themselves fish out

    one each randomly, in the presence of parents in an open transparent manner.

    #ccording to Section 0o along with Section 131 and 130b of RT prohibits and prescribes

    punishment for any of screening procedures and calls for only random procedures to be used for

    admitting a child to school. This prohibition would apply to all schools, private or special category

    schools li'e $avodaya schools too. $o school can claim special category status because it indulges in

    screening procedures at the elementary level.

    *lic' 5ere To See The 6etails Regarding RT

    #t least 1

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    $ocumentation +e!uirement General Cate#ory

    The re=uirement of documents is also school specific and normally schools mentions in their

    advertisements or on their website or in forms as to what documents are re=uired to be submitted with

    the filled application form.

    ()% /F =)E8

    Self attested or attestation from wor'ing first class 1 gazetted officer photo copies of the documents to

    be submitted. Some schools accept self attested and others may specifically as' for attestation from

    wor'ing first class 1 gazetted officer.

    5owever the final selection and admission is sub2ect to the verification of the documents in originals

    which is done at the time of shortlisting of applicants.

    All AFF)8A

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    ;riginal Airth *ertificate or other age documents are re=uired at the time, when schools calls parents for

    document verification/shortlisting and at the time of ta'ing formal admission in school.

    School ta'es and 'eeps the ;riginal Airth certificate only at the time of formal admission only. So it is

    advisable to have

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    Siblin! alicants/$he school #dentity Cardlast paid !ee receipt o! sibling studying in

    schoolhotocopy o! the last 'eport card o! sibling.

    Secial needs/ Certi!icate o! disability issued by the competent authority.

    Proof of ransfer to 8elhi- Transfer ;rder from employer and 2oining report stating date of transfer and

    date of 2oining. Transfer not valid if it is within $*R . ;nly interstate transfers and transferred from

    outside 6elhi within last two years *an be different in some schools - copy of transfer order. 8or

    )azetted ;fficers of #ll "ndia Services / 6elhi )ovt. Posted outside / PSUs / #utonomous bodies under

    )ovt. of "ndia / *ommissioned officers of "ndian #rmy // #ir 8orce // $avy / "nternational #gencies.

    Transfer ;rder / Release (etter and :oining (etter from a competent authority in support of transfer /

    posting in respect of parent claiming transfer points. 6PS ?&.

    5owever, The Transfer rules for some schools would be different from above and you are

    re=uested to chec' with the schools.

    Proof of School Secific &riteriaAuthentic certi!icatesdocuments proving the claim under school

    speci!ic criteria.

    #edical fitness certificate 0includin! Immuni1ation status2 of the child / issued by 8edical

    :!!iceruali!ied registered medical practitioner pre!erably on prescription letterhead or certi!icate issued

    by 866S or above uali!ied 5octor.

    Sin!le arent status A validlegal proo! o! hisher single status. #t can be attested photocopy o! 5eath

    certi!icate o! spouse&in widowwidower or 3uardianship orderAdoption decree in case o! single parent

    adoption or 5ivorce decree;udicial separation decreeany interim order indicating separationcourt notice

    along with an notari

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    $ocumentation +e!uirement &9S Cate#ory

    Documents $e6uired "or Admission To "reeseats for (conomically +eaker Section and

    Disadvanta!ed 7rou / (+S &ate!ory

    A) Age Proof

    hoto copy o! :riginal 6irth Certi!icate 4%irst copy #n copy7 o! the child issued by 8unicipal

    Corporation or euivalent authority. Some schools may speci!ically as !or with +ame o! the

    Child printed on it. #t taes 10/19 days !or 8C5 to print +ame o! child on 6C (ust in case i! u

    apply !or the same at the concerned >? is not

    available& any one o! the !ollowing documents shall be deemed to be proo! o! age o! the child !or the

    purpose o! admission in schools/

    =ospitalAuiliary +urse and 8idwi!e 4A+87 register record&

    Anganwadi record&

    5eclaration o! the age o! the child by the parent or guardian.

    B) (+S I&8#( P$88" %or the admission o! child belonging to Economically weaer

    sections / #ncome certi!icate issued by revenue o!!icer not below the ran o! $ehsildar or 6)

    'ation Card 4yellow colored 7 or AA* 'ation Card 4in colored7 shall be considered as proo! o!


    Provided that the parents of the child belonging to weaker section shall submit a self declaration of

    annual income on an affidavit every year for continuation of free seat in the school once admitted

    against a free seat. However, no student shall be epelled or debarred from the school in case of

    non submission of above mentioned documents without prior approval of !irector " education),

    !te of #ducation,$%&'!

    "or the admission of child belon!in! to Disadvanta!ed 7rou /

    &) A Certi!icate issued by a revenue o!!icer not below the ran o! $ehsildar or any other competent

    authority& in the name o! child or his her parents shall be considered.

    !) %:' 'ES#5E+CE '::% $he school shall not consider any other document ecept any one o! the !ollowing documents& as

    as proo! o! residence @/

    'ation card issued in the name o! parents 4mother !ather having name o! the child7

    5omicile certi!icate o! child or his her parents.

    -oter #/card o! any o! the parents

    Electricity bill8$+) $elephone bill ater bill assport in the name o! any o! theparents or child.

    Some schools might tae other documents lie ban statement& ,#5 Card& Proof of 3 years stay in 6elhi, sShools are also as'ing for proof of five year stay in 6elhi.


    VERIFICATION & SCRUTINY OF REGISTRATION FORMS. Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    Nursery And G Admissions Schedule :87:(:87;

    *ommencement of #dmission Process @ 40 :anuary 0410

    *ommencement of #vailability of #dmission application Process @ 40 :anuary 0410

    (ast date for receipt of #pplication @ 19 :anuary 0410

    (ast date for displaying 1st selection list including waiting list - 41 8ebruary 0410

    (ast date for displaying 0nd list if any - 0E 8ebruary 0410

    *losure of admission process - 31 %arch 0410

    Admissions Form distribution Process

    Schools issue admissions forms both offline and online.

    #dmissions forms for )eneral category are available at School7s front office and can be procured for Rs


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    %uggestions and i!s for Filling /ffline and /nline Forms

    8""I( "8$# "I--I7

    "t is generally suggested and advised to fill at-least 1

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    +&S*/T $&C/A+AT0%N ST+AT&G,

    Schools generally call the prospective parents 4without child7 !or in!ormal interaction pre!erably

    a!ter the submission dates !or document veri!ication where they veri!y the attested photocopies o!

    documents submitted with !orm and have an in!ormal chat with parents. +ormally both parentsare reuired to go along with the originals o! documents and !orm receipt.

    As you wait !or the display o! %irst )ist& prioriti

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    +&F*N$ P%/0C,

    "n case you have secured a seat in a school and later on you get a seat in another school that is moreclose to your dream school or choice you can opt for surrendering the seat secured/bloc'ed earlier and

    opt for refund of the money/fee you had paid at the time of admission.

    he refund !olicy that all school hae to follo com!ulsorily is A#RH ;8 SU*5 PRS;$#("T"S as they are damn

    good at luring the most panic'ed and desperate parents who may find themselves at greater loss of

    funds at the end.

    Complaint R!"##al

    "n case any parent is aggrieved and has any complaints against any school/school staff not following any

    procedure as laid down by 6;, the matter can either be reported to the concerned school principle in

    writing or the issue can be escalated to 6; level by lodging a complaint online or offline at the

    concerned zonal office in writing.

    C/MP(A).% CA. ?E (/89E8 A.8 AC*E8 A +)% ().* +EE Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    +esearchin# and eepin# Trac of Schools and Admission *pdates

    Simle Solution / se &ommunity +ebsite

    1ow to use to #et 4a=imum 1elp> 0nformation and $etails

    #n my opinion SchoolAdmissions.incommunity &is undoubtedly the best portal pioneering and catering

    to and satis!ying the in!ormation needs o! parents looing !or nursery admissions o! their loved ones in

    5elhi +C'& providing updated in!o related to schools& !orms& admissions procedure&!ee& result declaration

    and all news related.

    A!ter (oining the !orum with your email id& the !ollowing can be done to reap maimal bene!its !rom the

    nowledge treasure o! the wonder!ul in!ormative portal.

    17 95?@>3>59?5>

    7 Post your 6ueries and seek su!!estions,oinions and commentsby members o! by maing new discussion thread or blog posts.

    &lick *ere To Start a ew Discussion on ow

    97 If you are interested in !ettin! udate from any thread)discussiono! your interest& then go tothe bottom o! the discussion or blog post and

    C)#CB the !ollowing / Follow Email me when people reply

    ?7 &ontribute and share any school related / !ood or bad in!o in relevant threads& group and

    contribute to the common pool.7 &heck your emails hourly for udates from Team.$hey send only

    validated and relevant in!ormation and # have bene!ited a lot in the past !rom their support.

    >7 isit the website re!ularlyduring the admissions time !or gettingimmediate updates.

    F7 Download the Deskto Alert Alication ) #obile Alicationswhich

    www.SchoolAdmissions.inlaunches during the admissions time and get updated even i! you are

    not checing your emails or are not on the web due to being in o!!ice& in meeting etc. Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.
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    #essa!e "rom The "ounders

    5ear arents&

    e wish you all a very =appy +ew *ear and all the best !or your Child"s admission this year.

    e would also lie to than our member parent #r. San%ay who helped in developing this guideboo !or

    all parents and salute his sel!less e!!ort... #t too uite some time to get this boo together !or all o! you and

    we hope it was worth the e!!ort.

    5o send in your !eedbacchanges or point out any errors etc !or this boo at the emaild id given below or

    the lin o! this boo on and we would try to incorporate that in the !uture editions.

    All the best&ith *ou&

    Pu%a and $a%an Arora

    %oundersAnd our (ntire Team and Parent olunteers

    arents %or arents Community

    Email #d !or Suggestions on the boo.


    &lick *ere "or The -ink To &heck The dates of This Book and "or 7ivin! Su!!estions etc

    Disclaimer $his boo has been provided !or the bene!it o! parents and every e!!ort has been made tovalidate the in!ormation& however there might be some errors and ommisions.... $he writer o! this boo and

    anyone at would not be held liable !or any issue arising thereon. lease recon!irm the

    in!ormation and guidelines o! various schools be!ore !illing the !orms. Copying the above material without permission and attribution to is prohibited.