School Management Software

Post on 27-May-2015

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this is the same presentation ( School Management Software) but with some screen shots of the program

Transcript of School Management Software

DescriptionThis program designed by the

ministry of education for school administrators and teachers in order to:

• Provide modern technologies available in the school environment.

• facilitate access to various data needed by teachers.

•prepare a comprehensive database for the school.

•access to comprehensive statistics for school districts and the ministry.

target users:

It designed for school administrators and teachers to enable them to Conduct administrative transactions quickly and easily

teacher’s roles:

Student data entry.


Technical and pedagogical features:

• Program is flexible, doesn’t duplicate work One work is enough for all the years in the future.

• Easy to use (beginner Users can work on the program easily).

• Fast production, have multi-options.• Easy and accessible to all users.

- Reduces the use of paper.

- Contains an archive of previous years.

- useful for administrators and teachers.

• Has privacy which gives all his duties , benefiting from the input of others without access to their privacy

• Director of the school can observe users work without interrupting them

• search and show results quickly and give more details, there is no need to go through the chapters to take the details of the student data.

Objectives of the program .:

• provide a centralized database.

• Conduct school administrative transactions in a technical organized way.

• get the various school data easily.

Advantages of the program• Convert the management of

traditional school administrative transactions to organized technical management

• Increase educational awareness of the importance of implementing electronic management in schools.

• Replacement of paper records and forms in most schools to computerized records.

• Preparing learning environments to receive the application of educational portal

Challenges … Limitations• Lack of some users awareness to

deal with the program.

• low quality of some devices used in schools.

• The lack or scarcity of the devices in some schools

• Absence of a network to connect devices in some schools, causing congestion in the used device.

• Limit the responsibility of data entry to one or two people by the school administration

• Lack of follow-up applying and activating the program by officials of different areas of education.