School Management Plan -€¦ · Web viewBourke Public School –...

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School Management Plan

Bourke Public School2012 – 2014

Bourke Public SchoolSchool Management Plan – 2012 to 2014

School Priority Areas 2012 – 2014 - 3 Year HorizonLiteracy


Engagement and Attainment

Aboriginal Education

Quality Teaching

Public Schools NSW – Strategic Directions 2012 - 2014Leadership & Management

Curriculum & Assessment

Engagement and Attainment

Literacy & Numeracy

Aboriginal Education

Organisational Effectiveness

Low Socio-Economic ReformsReform 1: Incentives to attract high performing principals and teachers.Reform 2: Adoption of best-practice performance measurement and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for principals.Reform 3: School operational arrangements that encourage innovation and flexibility.Reform 4: Provision of innovative and tailored learning opportunities.Reform 5: Strengthen school accountability.Reform 6: External partnership with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and the provision of access to extend services.

School ContextBourke Public School was erected in 1975. It is located 380km North-West of Dubbo in the Bourke School Education Group (SEG). The Bourke SEG is located in an area with 16 widely-dispersed communities with low populations; eleven of the schools are located in the Murdi Paaki region.

Bourke Public School consists of 209 students, 69% of whom are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. Bourke Public School has an active Parents and Citizens committee which provides extensive support to the school. We also have a highly supportive Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG).

Bourke Public School receives funding through the National Partnerships Low SES, Schools in Partnership (SIPS), Priority Schools Program (PSP) and the Country Areas Program (CAP) which allows for extra programs to be implemented supporting both Aboriginal students and students in isolated areas.

Bourke Public School has an experienced, passionate and innovative staff that is committed to the ongoing enhancement of our school. The school staff of 30 employees consists of school executive, classroom teachers, reading recovery, Aboriginal Education Resource teachers, teacher’s aides, administrative staff and grounds staff.

Bourke Public School has a focus on the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy programs to students in our school to enhance their knowledge and skills in these focus areas. This also encompasses a major focus on improving and retaining attendance at Bourke Public School so all students have an equal opportunity to an education in a supported learning environment.

Intended Outcomes (3 year horizon, developed from School Priority Areas 2012 – 2014)1. Increased levels of literacy and numeracy achievement for every student2. Diminish the gap in literacy and numeracy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students3. Improved use of assessment data to identify student needs4. Increased parental engagement in supporting their child’s learning5. Improved social and emotional wellbeing and skills for life for every student6. A safe and respectful learning environment7. To strengthen partnerships with the local and wider community8. Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes9. Enhanced school leadership capacity for school improvement

Principal: Date: Endorsed by School Education Director: Date:

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 2

School Identified Priority Area/s Summary of Targets


Increase the percentage of students achieving Kindergarten regional benchmark of 5 from 56% in 2009 to 75% in 2012 Increase the percentage of students in Year 5 meeting or exceeding expected growth in reading by 10% in 2012


Increase the percentage of students in Year 5 meeting or exceeding expected growth in Numeracy by 10% in 2012

Engagement and Attainment

Increase the attendance rates from 90% to 92% in 2012

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 3

School Identified Priority Area: LiteracyIntended Outcome/s:

Increased levels of literacy achievement for every student Decrease the gap in literacy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students Improved use of assessment data to identify student needs

Target/s:Increase the percentage of students achieving Kindergarten regional benchmark of 5 from 56% in 2009 to 75% in 2012Increase the percentage of students in Year 5 meeting or exceeding the national minimum growth in reading by 10% in 2012

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Best Start data is used to inform teaching practice

Increased representation of students meeting or exceeding the national minimum standard in literacy.

Improved student outcomes through ongoing assessment


Support implementation of Best Start initiatives through: accessing support from the Dubbo-based Literacy

Leader for Best Start training teachers establish a regular routine of Best Start testing taking

place in the first 2 school days Implement Early Learning Plans into Curriculum.

1 & 4 PrincipalES1 teachers $500

1.2Teacher relief (0.3) to create an extra class

1 & 4 Principal 0.3 entitlement

1.3Embed Reading to Learn and further develop classroom teacher literacy teaching skills through employment of an AP (higher duties) Literacy.

1 & 4 Principal

AP LiteracyExecutive

$28, 562

1.4Train and support staff members in Reading to Learn and provide ongoing training for previously trained staff members 1 & 4

PrincipalAP LiteracyExecutive


1.5Further develop the capacity of Stage 1 teachers to deliver effective literacy teaching through the employment of a teacher to support Stage 1 Literacy groups.

1 & 4 PrincipalExecutive $28, 000


Provide further opportunities and experiences for students to engage in extended reading through strategies such as, involvement of community members - Peer reading, Books In Homes, Home readers and parenting workshops.

4 PrincipalExecutive


1.7Employ 3 SLSO’s to provide in-class tuition for students across all stages to support learning and engagement.

Implementation of Multilit program4 Principal


$65,000 SIPs$30,450 Norta



Strengthen connections between prior-to-school and school settings and build recognition of connections between the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and Early Stage 1/Stage1 syllabus documents.

6 PrincipalExecutiveES1 staff


School Identified Priority Area: NumeracyIntended Outcome/s:Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 4

Increased levels of numeracy achievement for every student Decrease the gap in numeracy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students Improved use of assessment data to identify student needs

Target/s:Increase the percentage of students in Year 5 meeting or exceeding the national minimum growth in Numeracy by 10% in 2012

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Best Start data is used to inform teaching practice

Increased representation of students meeting or exceeding the national minimum standard in literacy.

Improved student outcomes through ongoing assessment

Basic policy and procedures are in place and are reflected in teaching programs


Support implementation of Best Start initiatives through: accessing support from the Dubbo-based Leader for

Best Start training teachers establish a regular routine of Best Start testing taking

place in the first 2 school days Implement Early Learning Plans into Curriculum.

1 & 4 PrincipalES1 teachers $500

2.2Provide initial training and ongoing support to staff involved in the Maths Matters Professional Learning Program. 1 & 4 Principal $4,000


Establish a numeracy committee to coordinate and implement a whole school numeracy policy to effectively develop the following areas.

Scope and sequence Programs Assessment Resources Professional Learning

1,2,4 & 5 PrincipalExecutiveNumeracy committee


School Identified Priority Area: Engagement and Attainment

Intended Outcome/s: Increased parental engagement in supporting their child’s learning Improved social and emotional wellbeing and skills for life for every student A safe and respectful learning environment

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 5

To strengthen partnerships with the local and wider community

Target/s:Increase the attendance rates from 85% to 87% in 2012

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Reduced suspension rates

Improved student attendance rates

Parents and community involvement in school activities

School involvement in community activities

Student leaders developed through ongoing leadership training

Students demonstrate an understanding of healthy eating


Continue to establish Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) within the school to support the following:

Welfare and discipline Merit system Attendance

1,3,5 PrincipalExecutive

PBL Committee


3.2Attendance by school leaders at “Young Leaders “conference in Sydney. 4

Stage 3 Teachers


3.3Implement Personalised Learning Plan’s for all students.

Maintain and review Training for staff to effectively implement

6 PrincipalAll staff $19,500


Implement a travel subsidy for geographical isolation. Provide opportunities to enrich students learning in all KLA’s to enhance student's knowledge and experience outside the confines of Bourke.

4 PrincipalExcursion Committee



Continue to build partnerships with the local and wider community through:

Employment of a Community Liaison Officer. Engage community through the use of a variety of

media forms Support and participate in local community

organisations such as the AECG, interagency groups and elders of the community

3 & 6 Principal



3.6Support the transition of students into kindergarten through the employment of 1 SLSOs for Early Stage 1 to assist in delivering personalised learning plans

3 PrincipalExecutive $52, 252


Improve parent understanding of importance of attendance and improve student attendance through the following:

employment of 1 School Learning Support Officer as a Target Attendance Mentor (0.5 position)

attendance initiatives

3 & 6 $8, 000$8,000

3.8Strengthen and extend support for all transition points within the school including the Early Childhood playgroup, Pre-school and year 6 to 7 transition programs.

4,6 PrincipalExecutive $2,800 SIPS

3.9Develop the structure and procedures of the SRC and implement school based workshops to build student leadership capacity.

4,6 Principal

ExecutivesSRC Coordinator


3.10 Develop and maintain the Kitchen and Garden learning area to 1,4 Principal $14,000Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 6

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

engage students and provide opportunities to enhance their learning through the following:

Employ a Garden Specialist Scope and Sequence Quality Teaching & learning Resource management Community Engagement

Executives $14,000

3.11Employ a teacher to provide an additional class to make class sizes smaller and enhance student learning. 1,4 Principal

Executive $86, 253

School Identified Priority Area: Aboriginal EducationIntended Outcome/s:

Increased parental engagement in supporting their child’s learning To strengthen partnerships with the local and wider community Diminish the gap in literacy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Improved learning outcomes are evident for all Aboriginal students. 4.1

Implement a local Cultural Awareness Program for staff through involvement of local community, local sites and local 4 Principal

Executive $3,000

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 7

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Culturally appropriate content and strategies are in place.

Teaching and learning programs reflect, where appropriate, the integration of 8 Ways processes and strategies.



Continue to sustain the 8 Ways pedagogy of learning by Embedding the program into teaching and learning

programs across the school. providing PL for staff

1 PrincipalExecutive

4.3Purchase teacher relief to develop Aboriginal Education implementation and resource management in the school. 4 Principal

Executive $5,600

4.4Implementation and continued expansion of an Aboriginal language program through the employment of an SLSO. 4,6 Principal



School Identified Priority Area: Quality TeachingIntended Outcome/s:

Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes Enhanced school leadership capacity for school improvement

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 8

Indicators Number Strategies Reform Area


2012 Resource

Allocation & Funding Source

2012 2013 2014

Quality teaching elements evident in programs and classroom practice

Individual teacher professional learning plans show focus on aboriginal pedagogies

Basic policy and procedures are in place and are reflected in teaching programs

Increased use of technology is evident in classroom practice


Provide support for executive to improve classroom pedagogy among teaching staff.

Release executive to strengthen supervision purposes

Provide professional learning for executive staff which supports effective supervisory practices

1 PrincipalExecutive $2,500

5.2Provide an effective induction for Beginning Teachers.

4 PrincipalExecutive $1,000

5.3Embed Quality teaching practices and further develop classroom teacher teaching skills through employment of AP. 1 & 4 Principal $126, 828


Join with other schools to increase onsite professional development opportunities with a focus on classroom practice and curriculum knowledge through employment of a SEG position focused on supporting quality teaching.

1 & 4 Principal $13, 662

5.5Join with other schools to release a person at PH2 level to support leadership development programs, provide training in analysis of data and coordinate professional learning networks.

1, 2, 3, 5 Principal $17, 733

5.6Ensure that teachers’ individual professional learning plans include a specific focus on bridging the gap in outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students.

2 PrincipalExecutive

5.7Engage school leadership teams in school accountability processes across the stage and, whole school.

Team leadership for School Improvement.5 Principal



Strengthen current teaching practices through revising scope and sequence for all KLA’s refining teaching programs assessment timeframes refining TARS procedures

1,3,4,5 PrincipalExecutiveAll staff


Provide ongoing staff training and acquisitions to support technology within the school through the use of:

Implement the K-6 scope and sequence for ICT Connected classrooms virtual excursions. weekly timetabled technology lessons using

resources within the school Executive TPL in Communication IT


PrincipalExecutivesTechnology CoordinatorTechnology Committee


5.10Join with other schools to release a person at AP/HT level to facilitate professional learning focused on the effective integration of interactive technology into classroom practice.

1 Principal $14, 509

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 9

Funding Codes

Colour (taken from the Palette in Word) Funding Source

Red Low SES National Partnership e.g. employ DP

Black Global Budget e.g. purchase resource

Blue CAP e.g. employ teacher

Green PSP & PAS e.g. employ TA

Purple Professional Learning e.g. attendance at R2L

Orange Aboriginal Education e.g. $2500 SiP employ SLSO

Dark Red Other e.g. $1000 Community Grant

Bourke Public School – School Management Plan (version 20/10/2011) page 10