Schedule and Plan for Home

Post on 10-Mar-2021

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Transcript of Schedule and Plan for Home

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    Schedule and Plan for Home Learning

    Class III (Session 2020-21)

    Lesson Plan (February 1-6, 2021)

    Dear Parent


    The weekly Time Table will be shared separately along with Meeting Ids and Passwords.

    Please refer to Event Planner for Holidays and Activities planned for the month.


    Concept: Lesson 10 – Tenali Raman and The Thieves

    Speaking Activity- Our Brave Freedom Fighters

    What will I learn?

    I will be able to:

    read the text with fluency, clarity and correct intonation.

    develop my listening and comprehension skills and draw inferences from it.

    comprehend the theme of the story.

    Enjoy the story and learn the life lesson that wit and presence of mind can

    turn any adversity into positivity.

    enrich my vocabulary.

    use new words appropriately to frame meaningful sentences.

    answer comprehension questions based on the text.

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    To Read & Understand: (Textbook-Page number)

    Read pages 123-127

    Make sentences:

    i. valuable-

    ii. dawn-

    iii. lurking-

    I. Read the lesson thoroughly and answer the questions accordingly:

    (to be done in the Literature notebook/copy)

    Q1. Who was Tenali Raman?

    Q2. Why did Tenali Raman decide to draw water from the well?

    Q3. Why were the people warned to lock up their valuables?

    Q4. Why did Tenali Raman and his wife decide to put a grinding stone into the suitcase?

    Q5. How were Tenali Raman’s fields watered?

    Q6. What lesson do you learn from the story?

    II. Read the statement given below and answer the questions that follow in reference to

    the context: (To be done in the English literature notebook as a home assignment)

    ‘Let us hide all our valuables into the well.’

    i. Who speaks this line and to whom?

    ii. Why did the speaker say so?

    iii. Where were the thieves hiding

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    ऩाठ -16 डाभन औय पऩथथमस वर्क शीट ऩषृ्ठ 12 - 12 भरहावयम ,ऩमाकमवाची

    What will I learn?

    शिक्षण उद्देश्य श्रवण ,ऩठन ,वाचन औय रमखन र्ौशर र्ा पवर्ास होगा। ऩयोऩर्ाय ,सच्ची मभत्रता र्ी जानर्ायी मभरमगी। ऩयस्ऩय प्रमभ औय बाईचायम र्म गरण र्ा पवर्ास होगा। फमरदान र्ी बावना सम प्रमरयत र्यना। नवीन शब्दों सम ऩरयथचत होना एवं उनर्ा वाक्म ननभाकण र्य ऩाना। घय ऩरयवाय र्म प्रनत प्रमभ र्ी बावना र्ा पवर्ास होगा। नए शब्दों सम ऩरयथचत होंगम जजससम उनर्म शब्दर्ोश भें वदृ्थध होगी।

    To Read & Understand: (Textbook- Page number)

    पाठ्य पसु्तक – पेरिेि गाभ – 3 ऩषृ्ठ 126-128 To Do:

    ऩाठ 25– र्यें भें र्पऩी सािहाम( निम्िशऱखित िब्दों के अथथ शऱिकर उिका िाक्य में प्रयोभ करें।

    क हिम्मत -सािस िाक्य -मसुीबत के समय हिम्मत से काम ऱेिा चाहिए।

    ि शमत्रता -दोस्ती िाक्य -कृष्ण और सदुामा की शमत्रता अटूट थी।

    भ संकट -मसुीबत िाक्य -उसि ेसंकट के समय ईश्िर को याद ककया।

    घ चककत -िाराि िाक्य -अचािक से िई साइककऱ देिकर मैं चककत िो भया ।

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    Topic: Ch: 12-Money

    Ch:13 – Data Handling

    Learning Objectives:

    Students will be able to:

    • Know about money and its use. • Learn various denominations of money and coins used in India. • Money is medium of exchange;it is accepted as payment for goods and services.

    • 1 Rupee( ₹)= 100 paise (p)

    • Use basic operations to find total amount or change to be returned by a shopkeeper.

    Writing money in rupees and paise. • The number on the left side of the dot shows rupees.

    • The number on the right of the dot shows paise.

    • e.g. rupees 25 and 50 paise will be written as: 25.50

    Converting rupees into paise

    To convert rupees and paise to paise, multiply the rupees by 100. Then add paise to


    • E.g. Convert 93.18 into paise.

    = 93 x 100p + 18p



    Shortcut method

    To convert rupees and paise into paise, we simply remove the point and write p for paise

    at the end.

    Remove the symbol (₹) and the dot(.)

    ₹93.18 = 9318p

    Converting paise into rupees

    To convert paise to rupees, we divide paise by 100.

    The Quotient (Q) is rupees and the remainder (R) is paise.

    • E.g. Convert 270 p to rupees.

    270 p = 270 ÷ 100

    = 2 rupees 70 paise

    = ₹2.70

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    Shortcut method

    • Simply put a (.) after counting 2 numbers from the right of given number.

    270 p = ₹ 2.70

    Addition and Subtraction of money

    Step 1: Arrange the rupee and paise columns respectively.

    Step 2: Add or subtract the figures in the p(paise) column first.

    Step 3: Add the figures in the rupees column.

    Multiplication of money

    • The process of multiplication of money is similar to multiplication of ordinary


    • In the product put the dot before the second digit from right.

    Add 109.80 and 86.50

    1 1


    109 80

    86 50

    196 30

    Ans: 196 rupees 30 paise196.30

    Subtract 75.15 from 86.50

    P4 10

    86 50

    75 15

    11 35

    Ans: 11 rupees 35 paise11.35

    Do not forget to put (. ) in the answer to separate rupees and paise.

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    Division of money

    • The process of division of money is similar to division of ordinary numbers.

    To Do:

    Ex – 12.1

    A: 2 to 5 and QB in textbook.

    B in textbook

    C: 1 to 4 in textbook

    D: 1 to 3 in textbook.

    Ex 12.2

    A: 1 and 3

    B: 2 and 4

    C:2 and3

    D: 2 and3

    Ex 12.3

    Q3 and Q4

    Data Handling

    A pictograph consists of pictures or symbols that represent facts or numbers. These facts or numbers are called data.

    A pictograph helps to read and compare data easily. A pictograph has a title that tells you what the data is about. There are symbols that

    represent data.

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    Tally Mark

    Tally marks are drawn in groups of five. The first four lines in a group are vertical. The fifth line is marked diagonally across the first four. Tally marks for the numbers 1 to 10 are shown in the table.

    Note : Subject Enrichment Activity.

    Prepare conversions in Metric Measure of chapter 10 for recapitulation.

    The google form link will be shared during online classes from 8th

    – 12th February.

    MCQ = 10 questions

    Marks = 5

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    Environmental Studies

    Concept-The Potter’s Wheel

    What will I read?

    The Potter’s Wheel

    Making a pot

    Pottery in Our Lives

    To read:

    Read EVS Textbook Page numbers: 120-121.

    To enjoy:

    Make any object/animal/bird using clay dough or flour dough (if clay is not available).

    Decorate a diya or pot using colour and other decorative material.


    Lesson: Paint Box: Make your own Paint Program

    What will I learn:

    Add the pen extension in Scratch

    Use broadcasts to control a sprite in Scratch

    How to respond to mouse events in Scratch

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    Answer Key


    Make sentences:

    i. valuable- The lady put her valuable silver cups in the locker.

    ii. dawn- The train reached Pune at dawn.

    iii. lurking- The theif was lurking around the old house.

    I. Read the lesson thoroughly and answer the questions accordingly:

    (to be done in the Literature notebook/copy)

    Q1. Who was Tenali Raman?

    Ans. Tenali Ramakrishnan was one of the eight poets in the court of the King

    Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara. He was known for his wit.

    Q2. Why did Tenali Raman decide to draw water from the well?

    Ans. Tenali Raman decided to draw water from the well to water the plants.

    Q3. Why were the people warned to lock up their valuables?

    Ans. People decided to lock their valuables as there was a talk around that the city was

    ridden with thieves who stole things from houses.

    Q4. Why did Tenali Raman and his wife decide to put a grinding stone into the suitcase?

    Ans. Tenali Raman and his wife put a grinding stone into the old suitcase to make it heavy.

    Dropping the heavy suitcase in the well would make a loud noise.

    Q5. How were Tenali Raman’s fields watered?

    Ans. Tenali Raman and his wife threw a heavy trunk into the well to fool the thieves.

    Thinking it to be full of valuables, the thieves pulled water from the well the whole night to

    pull it out. This helped in watering the plants.

    Q6. What lesson do you learn from the story?

    Ans. We should show presence of mind to turn a difficult situation into a positive one.

    II. Read the statement given below and answer the questions that follow in reference to the

    context: (To be done in the English literature notebook as a home assignment)

    ‘let us hide all our valuables into the well’

    i. Who speaks this line and to whom?

    Ans. Tenali Raman speaks the line to his wife

    ii. Why did he say this line?

    Ans. He wanted to fool the thieves.

    iii. Where were the thieves hiding?

    Ans. The thieves were hiding in Tenali’s garden.

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    Answer Key


    उत्तय र्रं जी (ऩषृ्ठ 129 मरखखत प्रश्न उत्तय) र् पऩथथमस नम अऩनी अंनतभ इच्छा अऩनम ऩरयवाय सम मभरानम र्ी फताई। ख याजा नम फोरा -"मिद तराहायी जगह र्ोई दरसया िमजक्त जमर भें यहनम र्म मरए तामाय हो जाए तो तरभ

    अऩनम ऩरयवाय सम मभरनम जा सर्तम हो।" ग रौटतम सभम पऩथथमस र्ा घोड़ा ठोर्य खार्य थगय गमा औय वह उठ नहीं ऩामा जजससम पऩथथमस र्ो

    दमय हो गई। घ जफ डाभन नम फोरा कर् आऩ पााँसी रगानम भें दमय क्मों र्य यहम हैं। तो उसर्ी फात सरनर्य याजा चकर्त

    था। ङ डाभन औय पऩथथमस र्ी मभत्रता औय एर् -दरसयम र्म प्रनत ामाग र्ी बावना दमखर्य याजा र्ी आाँखों सम

    आाँसर फहनम रगम। (2)सही उत्तय चरनर्य ) √ (रगाइए।

    र् डाभन ख ऩरयवाय सम

    (3) नीचम िदए वाक्म कर्सनम, कर्ससम र्हम ? र् डाभन नम अऩनम आऩ सम फोरा ख याजा नम डाभन सम फोरा ग पऩथथमस नम याजा सम फोरा

    बाषा र्ी फात (1) पवशमषण औय पवशमष्म र्ा यमखा खींचर्य मभरान र्ीजजए औय मरखखए।

    र् गहयी मभत्रता ख ऩरयानी फात ग अंनतभ इच्छा घ सच्चम मभत्र ङ अामाचायी याजा

    (2 ) नीचम िदए गए शब्दों र्ा अथक सभझ र्य वाक्मों भें प्रमोग र्ीजजए।

    र्. सज़ा -दंड शमामाधीश नम अऩयाधी र्ो सज़ा सरनाई। र्. सजा -सजावट उसनम अऩनी थचत्रर्ायी सम दीवाय र्ो सजामा।

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    ख. अशम -दरसया भरझम इसर्म अरावा अशम खखरौना बी रमना था। ग. अशन -अनाज कर्सान हभायम मरए अशन उगाता हा।

    (3 ) नीचम िदए गए वाक्मों भें पवयाभ थचह्न रगाइए। र्. पऩथथमस भमया सच्चा मभत्र हा। ख. आऩ दमय क्मों र्य यहम हैं ? ग. आह !आज भमयम मभत्र र्म मरए भमया जीवन र्ाभ आएगा। घ. पऩथथमस नम याजा सम खा ," भैं अऩनम ऩरयवाय सम मभरना चाहता हराँ।"

    (4 ) सवकनाभ शब्दों र्म नीचम यमखा खींथचए। र्. उसर्ी ख. वह ग. भरझम घ. भैं

    (5) इन अंर्ों र्ो शब्दों भें मरखखए। र्. आठ ख. तमयह ग. चाय घ. सौरह ङ. फायह च. ऩंद्रह छ. फीस ज. ग्मायह

    उत्तय र्रं जी वर्क शीट ऩषृ्ठ-21

    (1)नीचम िदए गए थचत्रों र्ो दमखर्य दो-दो ऩमाकमवाची मरखखए।

    र्. पर र -ऩरष्ऩ ,र्र सरभ ख. चााँद -यार्म श ,शमश ग. घय -बवन ,सदन

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    घ. फादर -जरधय ,भमघ ङ. वषाक -फारयश ,फयसात

    उत्तय र्रं जी वर्क शीट ऩषृ्ठ-22 (1)र्पवता भें यमखाकंर्त शब्दों र्म ऩमाकमवाची शब्द मरखखए सरयज तऩता धयती जरती गभक हवा ज़ोयों सम चरती तन सम ऩसीना फहता हाथ सबी र्म ऩखंा यहता आ यम फादर र्ारम फादर गभी दरय बाग फादर

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    (३ ( खारी स्थानों भें यमखाकंर्त शब्दों र्म ऩमाकमवाची बयर्य वाक्म ऩरयम र्ीजजए। र्. बोजन ख. बगवान ग. तन घ. ऩरयश्रभ ङ. जर

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    वर्क शीट ऩषृ्ठ -24

    (2) ननानमरखखत भरहावयों र्ा वाक्म भें प्रमोग र्ीजजए। र्. ताजभहर र्ी सरंदयता दमखर्य ऩमकटर्ों नम दााँतों तरम उंगरी दफा री। ख. गोरगप्ऩम दमखर्य भमयम भराँह भें ऩानी आ गमा। (३ )र्ोष्ठर् भें िदए गए भरहावयों र्ा प्रमोग र्यर्म खारी स्थान बयर्य वाक्म ऩरयम र्ीजजए। र्. पर रम न सभाए

    वर्क शीट उत्तय र्रं जी ऩषृ्ठ-23 पर रा न सभाना

    आसभान मसय ऩय उठाना

    मसय ऩय ऩााँव यखर्य बागना

    िदन भें तायम नज़य आना

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    ख. ऩीठ थऩथऩाई ग. आाँख रग गई घ. फाए हाथ र्ा खमर हा।

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    Answer Key


    Exercise- 12.2

    A: Add

    1. ₹9 75 and ₹6 10

    ₹ P

    9 75

    + 6 10

    15 85

    Ans: ₹ 15 85

    3 ₹3 35 and ₹ 121 00

    ₹ P

    005 35

    + 121 00

    126 35

    Ans: ₹ 126 35

    B: Subtract

    2. ₹500.00 – ₹386 55

    4 9 9



    500 00

    -386 55

    113 45

    Ans: ₹ 113 45

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    4 ₹70 00 – ₹47 50

    6 9



    70 00

    - 47 50

    23 50

    Ans: ₹ 23 50

    C: Multiply

    2 ₹ 15 65 x 6

    3 3 3

    1 5 . 6 5

    x 6

    9 3 . 9 0

    Ans: ₹ 93 90

    3. ₹ 80.00 x 8


    8 0 . 0 0

    x 8

    6 4 0 . 0 0

    Ans: ₹ 640 00

    D. Divide

    2. ₹ 96 ÷ 8

    8 9 6 12


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    1 6

    1 6

    0 0

    Ans: ₹ 12

    3. ₹81÷ 9

    9 8 1 9

    8 1


    Ans: ₹ 9

    Exercise 12.3

    Q3 Jiya buys a box of erasers for ₹48 The cost of each eraser is ₹4 How many erasers

    are there in the box?

    Cost of box of eraser = ₹48

    Cost of 1 eraser = ₹4

    Number of erasers in the box = ₹48 ÷ 4 = 12

    Ans – There are 12 erasers in the box.

    Q4 The price of 5 pencils is ₹25 What is the price of 1 pencil?

    Cost of 5 pencils = 25

    Cost of 1 Pencil = 25 ÷ 5 = 5

    Ans – The cost 1 pencil is ₹ 5