Scdl Pgdba Mis Master

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Scdl Pgdba Mis Master

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Management information systems

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The software triangle applied to produce quality software would contain Correct Answer management , software development , product assurance discipline

    Your Answer software development , product assurance discipline , communication

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the popular reasons for breaking into computer system are Correct Answer money , dishonor , challenge of doing it data dictionary

    Your Answer money , goodwill , dishonor

    True/False Question f the servicing process is not en!oyable though it gives what is asked forthen dissatisfaction occurs" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question #ulti processing is Correct Answer $inking together two or more C%&s to work in parallel" , A single !ob beinghandled by number of C%&'s" , C%& handling number of !obs at the same time"

    Your Answer $inking together two or more C%&s to work in parallel" , A single !ob beinghandled by number of C%&'s" , C%& handling number of !obs at the same time"

    True/False Question Audit trial could be based on built(in mechanisms" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    The product can be offered on payment while services are offered on demand"while services are offered on demand"

    &nlike the manufacturing the service sector does not have physical goods to bemanufacturing for the customers" the service sector does not havephysical goods to be manufacturing for the customers"

    The # S normally found in a manufacturing sector will not be suitable for service sector"

    will not be suitable for service sector"

    Any human interaction is knowledge based hence information based" henceinformation based"

    Select The Blank

    Question #odel base is a))))))))of *+SS" Correct Answer Configuration

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer 3uilding 4developing models" , #easuring the results" , nitiatingappropriate action"

    Select The Blank Question The core or the hub of the +3#S is))))))))" Correct Answer data dictionary Your Answer data dictionary

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The competitive strategies that a firm can use to deal with competitiveforces are Correct Answer product differentiation" , $ow cost products" , /ocused differentiation"

    Your Answer $ow cost products" , /ocused differentiation" , &niqueness in products"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 5ne of the following is a Quality %rofile- Correct Answer #erit indices Your Answer #erit indices

    Select The Blank

    Question /inding out facts previously not known is )))))))) Correct Answer 6vent Clustering Your Answer +ata /orecasting

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question /ollowing are 5b!ect(oriented languages Correct Answer 5b!ect(based %rogramming $anguages , 5b!ect(oriented %rogramming$anguages

    Your Answer 5b!ect(based %rogramming $anguages , 5b!ect(oriented %rogramming

    $anguages , 5b!ect(oriented high level languages

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Check with Quantity on hand is a step after one of the following Correct Answer 7aise indent" Your Answer 7eceive indent"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +SS is the short form of Correct Answer +ecision Support System Your Answer +ecision Support System

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +ata 8arehousing is a support to one of the following- Correct Answer +SS Your Answer # S

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question TQ# is the short form of Correct Answer Total Quality #anagement

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    Your Answer Total Quality #anagement


    Question t should not be made mandatory to maintain an audit trial" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question The))))))))database model represents all data in the database assimple two(dimensional tables called relations" Correct Answer relational Your Answer relational

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question A is the short form of Correct Answer Artificial ntelligence Your Answer Artificial ntelligence

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is a step in the /low Chart of #aterials %rocurement%rocedure after 7eceiving Quotation" Correct Answer %repare Comparison Chart" Your Answer %repare Comparison Chart"

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))synchroni es the speed between nput device and C%&" Correct Answer 3uffer" Your Answer Control &nit"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The different types of systems available are Correct Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Your Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 5ne of the following sub(systems of the dialogue management componentof the +SS programs checks the user commands for correct synta." Correct Answer &ser interface Your Answer +ialogue control interface

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The managerial4e.ecutive characteristics of 6 S46SS would be Correct Answer 9igh result4performance orientation , Support for strategic management ,/uturistic orientation

    Your Answer 9igh result4performance orientation , Quick decision(making , /uturisticorientation

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Ability to display : ntelligent: behavior is a characteristics of one of thefollowing Correct Answer 6.pert System Your Answer # S

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question $ogistics as a functional sub ( system will have the following functions Correct Answer nventories" , +istribution" , %urchasing"

    Your Answer %roduction planning" , +istribution" , %urchasing"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The input documents of inventory specifications are Correct Answer tem master entry" , Store master entry" , Stock ad!ustment entry"

    Your Answer tem master entry" , Store master entry" , Stock ad!ustment entry"

    True/False Question +ata in the data warehouse is updated or changed after the data entersdata warehouse" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The flow of information through # S isCorrect Answer need dependent

    Your Answer need dependent

    Select The Blank

    Question System software includes special programs which translate the higher

    level language programs into))))))))language" Correct Answer machine Your Answer machine

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The driving components of Tick T are Correct Answer management commitment for improvement , motivation for improvement ,measurement for improvement

    Your Answer management commitment for improvement , motivation for improvement ,measurement for improvement

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))is the ob!ect oriented programming language" Correct Answer ;ava Your Answer ;ava

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    strategic planning formulation of ob!ectives formulation of ob!ectives

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    5ffice automation system focus on communication focus on communication

    transaction processing shipments and receipts shipments and receipts

    operational control performance reports performance reports

    management control budgets budgets


    Question All the data in the database has to be identical and currently updated in allfiles" Correct Answer True Your Answer True


    Question The users of the system need not be aware of the security issues Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question Transaction processing system is normally used by operations personnelor supervisors" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question )))))))) helps integrate data from a number of hetrrogeneous sources" Correct Answer +ata 8arehousing Your Answer +ata 8arehousing


    Question nformation and information technology help create 4 spawn businesswithin old ones" Correct Answer True Your Answer /alse


    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

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    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question CAS6 tools can be from following phases Correct Answer %lanning , Analysis , +esign

    Your Answer %lanning , Analysis , +esign

    Select The Blank Question The))))))))layer of the 5S is an end user application and functions forparticular application services such as file transfer, remote file access" Correct Answer application Your Answer application

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +3#S Correct Answer s a software system which performs the functions of defining" , s used forcreating, revising and controlling database" , s specially devised software to create andmaintain a database"

    Your Answer s a software system which performs the functions of defining" , s used forcreating, revising and controlling database" , s specially devised software to create andmaintain a database"

    True/False Question nformation such as data users, screens, reports, programmes andorgani ational positions that access and use data are not available in the data dictionary" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question An automated or manual file which stores the definitions of data elements

    and data characteristics is known as- Correct Answer +ata dictionary Your Answer +ata dictionary

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +ata warehouse as a process evolved gradually within Correct Answer An enterprise" Your Answer An enterprise"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The characteristics of data warehouse are Correct Answer Sub!ect driven" , 1on(volatile" , Time varying

    Your Answer Sub!ect driven" , 1on(volatile" , Time varying

    Select The Blank Question The )))))))) details are given by Accounts %ayable System to Creditors Correct Answer +ebit 1ote Your Answer %ayment

    Select The Blank

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Question n the data hierarchy collection of))))))))make up a +atabase" Correct Answer /iles Your Answer 7ecords

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    Star network 9ub 9ub

    #ultimedia Animation Animation

    888 nternet nternet

    $A1 1etwork 1etwork

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question To provide security against e.ternal threats the following issues need to beaddressed Correct Answer organi ations internet connection , remote dial(in capabilities

    Your Answer server , organi ations internet connection , remote dial(in capabilities

    True/False Question +ata dictionary is the rd component of the +3#S" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5$T% is the short form of Correct Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing" Your Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The programming approach that treats data as a critical element inprogram development and does not allow it to flow freely around the system is Correct Answer 5b!ect oriented programming Your Answer 5b!ect oriented programming

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the ma!or functions of the data warehouse are Correct Answer ntegrates data from a number of diverse, heterogeneous sources" ,Consolidates data" , Creates an enterprise wise integrated database"

    Your Answer ntegrates data from a number of diverse, heterogeneous sources" ,Consolidates data" , Creates an enterprise wise integrated database"

    Select The Blank Question The analysis of data of the data warehouse becomes more meaningfulusing )))))))) Correct Answer +ata mining Your Answer +ata mining

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The way in which machines are connected in a network is its Correct Answer Topology" Your Answer Topology"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The functions of the accounts dept" in the case of stores and purchasemanagement are to- Correct Answer 7eceive bill from vendor" , #ake payment after verification" , 7eceivedelivery challan from stores"

    Your Answer 7eceive bill from vendor" , #ake payment after verification" , 7eceivedelivery challan from stores"

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    5S Allocates computer resources System software

    +5S C$ C$

    8indows *& *&

    &tility programs %re(written program Application software

    Select The Blank

    Question )))))))) normally found in a manufacturing organi ation will not besuitable in the service sector" Correct Answer # S Your Answer # S

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))is a 'Quality /actor'" Correct Answer Security Your Answer Security


    Question n # S, Strategic planning is an activities sub(system" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The pre ( requisites of # S are that it should be Correct Answer Speedy and accurate" , Cost effective 4 beneficial" , &nified system"

    Your Answer Speedy and accurate" , Cost effective 4 beneficial" , &nified system"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The non(functional prototype approach focuses on the following aspects Correct Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputs

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputs

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 8hile controlling remote dial(in capabilities one of the following aspectsneed to be given consideration- Correct Answer 7emote Access Servers Your Answer Authori ation $evels

    Select The Blank

    Question $ike any other business, the management of hospitals has changed froman art to a ))))))))" Correct Answer technology Your Answer technology


    Question +ialogue management components of +SS program is a set of programsthat manages user interface" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The ma!or aspects of /easibility are- Correct Answer Assessment of management considerations , To e.amine whether thedevelopment process can be completed in time , To e.amine whether the solution isdesirable within the organi ational resources

    Your Answer To e.amine whether the development process can be completed in time ,To e.amine whether the solution is desirable within the organi ational resources , To preparea proposal for a proposed application

    True/False Question The third generation of computers used transistors for storing andprocessing data" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question 5perational level information is mainly for the top management" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +ata processing steps would involve Correct Answer 7ead" , Sort" , Compare"

    Your Answer 7ead" , Sort" , Compare"

    True/False Question Conversion is changing from new system to old system" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master



    Question The request translator manages the physical user interface" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Select The Blank Question The))))))))facility of data dictionary enables the users to have detailedreports" Correct Answer 7eport Your Answer 7eport

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 8hat denotes the hierarchy of and organi ationCorrect Answer organi ation structure

    Your Answer organi ation structure

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question #71 is the short form of Correct Answer #aterial 7equirement 1ote" Your Answer #aterial 7egister 1ote"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the tools of 6.pert Systems are Correct Answer 8AB , 6.pert 6ase

    Your Answer 8AB , 6.pert 6ase

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question +ata processing means Correct Answer %rocessing of raw facts" Your Answer %rocessing of raw facts"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is the first component of +3#S Correct Answer ++$

    Your Answer ++$

    Select The Blank Question The))))))))is the component of communication to which information istransferred Correct Answer 7eceiver Your Answer 7eceiver

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question There are different categories in computers such as Correct Answer Super computer" , #ini computer" , #icro computer"

    Your Answer Super computer" , #ini computer" , #icro computer"

    True/False Question The ability to be creative and imaginative is lower in Artificial ntelligencethan that of natural intelligence" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))is critical for transaction processing" Correct Answer +ata Your Answer +ata

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +ue to one of the following the consumers can be convinced that theprospective clients software is developed using best practices Correct Answer software quality assurance Your Answer software quality assurance

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +isadvantages of vacuum tubes are it Correct Answer *enerated lot of heat" , Consumed more power" , ery short span of life"

    Your Answer *enerated lot of heat" , Consumed more power" , ery short span of life"

    True/False Question %olymorphism is the ability to take more from two forms"

    Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question # S helps the organi ation inCorrect Answer process of decision making

    Your Answer process of decision making

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the output devices are Correct Answer %lotters" , %rinters"

    Your Answer %lotters" , %rinters"

    Select The Blank Question )))))))) is a 3ack office Application" Correct Answer #aintenance of the service facilities Your Answer #aintenance of the service facilities

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The different types of systems available are

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Your Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question nformation requirement within organi ation are Correct Answer different Your Answer different

    Select The Blank

    Question 6SS46 S is developed to support decision making processes atthe))))))))level" Correct Answer top management Your Answer top management


    Question 6ncapsulation refers to art of representing essential features withoutincluding the background details" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    The longer the data warehouse has been in use the more it will evolve" the more it willevolve"

    n today's information era data constitutes one of the potentially most powerfulassets of corporate organi ation" one of the potentially most powerfulassets of corporate organi ation"

    As data is routinely collected and stored away in archives organi ations face dilemma ofbeing data rich but information poor" organi ations face dilemma of beingdata rich but information poor"

    +ata in the data warehouse and is used for comparisons, trends,provide historical perspective forecasting" generating reports and answering pre(defined queries"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 8hat denotes the hierarchy of and organi ationCorrect Answer organi ation structure

    Your Answer organi ation structure

    Select The Blank

    Question n the))))))))database model each record appears to be like anorgani ational chart with one top level segment called root, spreading downward intobranches and leaves" Correct Answer hierarchical

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer hierarchical

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question #S is the short form of Correct Answer nformation #anagement System" Your Answer nformation #anagement System"


    Question 8hen an employee leaves the organi ation his user d should beterminated" Correct Answer True Your Answer True


    Question 6.pert systems are very easy to maintain" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question 6.pert systems are not widely used or tested due to difficulty in use" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question # S always refers to Correct Answer computer system and manual system Your Answer computer system

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))helps to connect dissimilar networks by providing the translationfrom one set of protocols to another" Correct Answer *ateway Your Answer *ateway

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question # S as a combination of human and computer based resources result intoCorrect Answer both of the above

    Your Answer both of the above

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Tick T certification scheme is a Correct Answer sector scheme Your Answer sector scheme

    Select The Blank

    Question The choice of technology makes a significant )))))))) in the servicequality to the customer" Correct Answer difference Your Answer difference

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    +#$ is generally used in con!unction with rd or Dth generation programminglanguages" rd or Dth generation programming languages"

    The database approach evolved out of the need to eliminate the data managementproblems" eliminate the data management problems"

    +atabase implies a particular structuring of data both conceptual and physical" bothconceptual and physical"

    n a database instead of storing data separately data records are physically organi edand stored centrally" data records are physically organi ed and stored centrally"

    Select The Blank

    Question The commands received from the))))))))management components aredelivered either to the model base management system or the mode e.ecution system" Correct Answer dialogue Your Answer dialogue


    Question The marketing service system will provide the facility of re(openingenquiries received from distributors or customer" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The basic relationships used in 7elational +atabase #anagement Systemare Correct Answer Select , %ro!ect , ;oin

    Your Answer Select , %ro!ect , ;oin

    Select The Blank Question 5ne of the service goals of airline industry is )))))))) E occupancy toconclude that the schedules are convenient" Correct Answer >F Your Answer >F

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The different types of threats4problems faced by information securitysystem are Correct Answer e.ternal threat , internal threat

    Your Answer e.ternal threat , internal threat

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The functions of the operating system are Correct Answer Scheduling computer events" , #onitoring events"

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer Scheduling computer events" , #onitoring events"

    True/False Question /eedback can be only positive" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question /iles that have not been accessed for quite some time should be purged,to free up space" Correct Answer True Your Answer True


    Question %roducts are tangible, services are intangible" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The ethical dimensions would cover one of the following aspects- Correct Answer 5bligation to employees Your Answer 5bligation to employees

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is an 6thical +ilemma Correct Answer nefficient programming logic Your Answer nefficient programming logic

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The strategic planning which is an activities sub ( system would beresponsible for Correct Answer /ormulation of ob!ectives" , /ormulation of strategic plans"

    Your Answer /ormulation of ob!ectives" , /ormulation of strategic plans"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The back bone of any organi ation is

    Correct Answer information Your Answer information

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 3ottom(up approach is used in Correct Answer 5b!ect oriented programming Your Answer 5b!ect oriented programming

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The signals through which data is transferred in telecommunication are Correct Answer Analog" , +igital" , 6lectromagnetic wave"

    Your Answer Analog" , +igital"

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different types of data processing are Correct Answer 3atch" , 5nline" , 7eal time"

    Your Answer 3atch" , 5nline" , 7eal time"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The bus which specifies whether to read or write data from input device is- Correct Answer Control" Your Answer Control"

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    The product can be offered on payment while services are offered on demand"while services are offered on demand"

    &nlike the manufacturing the service sector does not have physical goods to bemanufacturing for the customers" the service sector does not havephysical goods to be manufacturing for the customers"

    The # S normally found in a manufacturing sector will not be suitable for service sector"will not be suitable for service sector"

    Any human interaction is knowledge based hence information based" henceinformation based"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The fourth generation computers have become instrumental in Correct Answer %roviding impetus to CA+4CA#" , Spreading computers from offices tohomes" , +ecentrali ing computer organi ation"

    Your Answer %roviding impetus to CA+4CA#" , Spreading computers from offices tohomes" , +ecentrali ing computer organi ation"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question +ata 8arehousing is seen as a +ata Arrangement technology adoptingone of the following- Correct Answer &p(date approach Your Answer &p(date approach

    Select The Blank

    Question n the hierarchical model within each record data elements are organi edinto pieces of records called))))))))" Correct Answer segments Your Answer segments

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the policies 4 measures that needs to be addressed in case ofavoiding internal security threats are

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer passwords , special privilege +s , authori ation levelsYour Answer passwords , special privilege +s , authori ation levels

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    n +SS focus is on semi structured tasks semi structured tasks

    # S is considered useful for structured decisions useful for structured decisions

    +SS is considered useful for decisions at tactical4strategic levels useful fordecisions at tactical4strategic levels

    n # S focus is on structured tasks and routine decisions structured tasks androutine decisions

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is true with +ata warehousing Correct Answer t is a data manipulation tool" Your Answer %rovides user with the tools to store the summari ed information frommultiple, heterogeneous databases

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The following layer of the 5S provides the means to establish maintainand terminate the connections" Correct Answer 1etwork layer" Your Answer 1etwork layer"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The most critical part of System +esign $ife Cycle as the whole edifice ofthe information system would depend upon Correct Answer nformation requirement analysis Your Answer nformation requirement analysis

    Select The Blank

    Question Criticism free idea generation is a factor of))))))))" Correct Answer *+SS Your Answer *+SS

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the popular reasons for breaking into computer system are Correct Answer money , dishonor , challenge of doing it data dictionary

    Your Answer money , challenge of doing it data dictionary

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the mistakes that should be avoided while implementing datawarehouse are Correct Answer 6.pecting warehouse to stay static" , &sing poor definition and approach" ,&sing ine.perienced personnel"

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer 6.pecting warehouse to stay static" , &sing poor definition and approach" ,&sing ine.perienced personnel"

    Select The Blank Question dea organisation and evaluation is a))))))))of *+SS" Correct Answer /actor Your Answer /actor

    Select The Blank

    Question There are))))))))steps in %rototyping process" Correct Answer four Your Answer four

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The non(functional prototype approach focuses on the following aspects Correct Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputs

    Your Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputs

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the benefits of 6 S 46SS are Correct Answer 3etter strategic planning and control , Time effective information ,ncreases communication capability and qualityYour Answer 3etter strategic planning and control , Time effective information ,

    ncreases communication capability and quality

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question # S helps the organi ation in

    Correct Answer process of decision making Your Answer process of decision making

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +3#S Correct Answer s used for creating, revising and controlling database" , s speciallydevised software to create and maintain a database" , s a software system which performsthe functions of defining"

    Your Answer s a software system which performs the functions of defining" , s used forcreating, revising and controlling database" , s specially devised software to create andmaintain a database"

    True/False Question %rototyping is like a blue print of any product4pro!ect"

    Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question %lanning personnel requirements, analy ing performance etc would be thetasks of the functional sub ( system Correct Answer %ersonnel" Your Answer %ersonnel"

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  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 7+3#S is the short form of Correct Answer 7elational +atabase #anagement System Your Answer 7elational +atabase #anagement System

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5$T% is the short form of Correct Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing" Your Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the reports that are generated by the inventory managementsystem are Correct Answer *oods receipt" , 7e!ection *%" , Stock information"

    Your Answer *oods receipt" , 7e!ection *%" , Stock information"

    Select The Blank Question n))))))))type of feasibility the likely savings to be effected and the costbenefits are assessed" Correct Answer 6conomic Your Answer 6conomic


    Question +ynamic binding is associated to polymorphism and inheritance" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question &ser Termination comes under one of the following-

    Correct Answer nternal Security Threat Your Answer nternal Security Threat


    Question %asswords can be of two characters also" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question #aintenance refers to changes in Correct Answer 9ardware , Software

    Your Answer 9ardware , Software , +ocumentation , %rocedures

    Select The Blank Question Select, train and )))))))) the employees to work for the customers is aprinciple stated by Tom %eters in :The Service 6dge:" Correct Answer 6mpower Your Answer 6mpower

    Select The Blank

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  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question What denotes the hierarchy of and organization

    Correct Answer organization structure Your Answer organization structure

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question Data processing steps would involve Correct Answer Read. , Sort. , Co pare.

    Your Answer Read. , Sort. , Report.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question !"S always refers to Correct Answer co puter syste and anual syste Your Answer co puter syste

    T ue!F"lse

    Question #eutral #etwor$ is %%& application. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer (rue

    Select The #l"n$

    Question ))))))))synchronizes the speed *etween "nput device and C&+. Correct Answer uffer. Your Answer uffer.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question So e of the fre-uent practical anagerial applications of dataining are Correct Answer Custo er seg entation. , Assessing credit ris$ credit worthiness. ,

    endor analysis.Your Answer Custo er seg entation. , Assessing credit ris$ credit worthiness. ,endor analysis.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question A data warehouse typically starts with one of the following type ofdata*ase/ Correct Answer ery large Your Answer ery large

    Select The #l"n$

    Question Criticis free idea generation is a factor of)))))))).

    Correct Answer 0DSS Your Answer 0DSS

    T ue!F"lse

    Question Dyna ic *inding is associated to poly orphis and inheritance. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question "nfor ation re-uire ent within organization are Correct Answer different Your Answer vast

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question !"S helps the organization inCorrect Answer process of decision a$ing

    Your Answer process of decision a$ing

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question !"S always refers to Correct Answer Co puter syste and anual syste . Your Answer Co puter syste .

    Select The #l"n$

    Question (he analysis of data of the data warehouse *eco es oreeaningful using )))))))) Correct Answer Data ining Your Answer Data ining

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question A co *ination of hu an and co puter *ased resources whichresult in collection and use of data for purpose of efficient anage ent and *usinessplanning is $nown as one of the following Correct Answer !anage ent infor ation syste . Your Answer !anage ent infor ation syste .

    T ue!F"lse

    Question Conversion is changing fro new syste to old syste . Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    T ue!F"lse

    Question !icro co puters are always stand1alone achines. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    M"tch The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    "n DSS focus is on se i structured tas$s se istructured tas$s

    !"S is considered useful for structured decisions useful forstructured decisions

    DSS is considered useful for decisions at tactical2strategic levelsuseful for decisions at tactical2strategic levels

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    "n !"S focus is on structured tas$s and routine decisionsstructured tas$s and routine decisions

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he characteristics of data warehouse are Correct Answer Su*3ect driven. , #on1volatile. , (i e varying

    Your Answer Su*3ect driven. , #on1volatile. , (i e varying

    Select The #l"n$ Question "n))))))))type of feasi*ility the li$ely savings to *e effected andthe cost *enefits are assessed. Correct Answer 4cono ic Your Answer 4cono ic

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question !"S as a co *ination of hu an and co puter *ased resourcesresult into

    Correct Answer *oth of the a*ove Your Answer *oth of the a*ove

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he non1functional prototype approach focuses on the followingaspects Correct Answer +ser interface , Data entry displays , Syste outputs

    Your Answer +ser interface , Data entry displays , Syste outputs

    T ue!F"lse Question Super co puters are often ter ed as or considered synony ous

    with personal co puters. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question (he infor ation of !"S co es fro the Correct Answer *oth internal and e5ternal resource Your Answer *oth internal and e5ternal resource

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he advantages of D !S are Correct Answer it provides central control. , 6elps reduce co ple5ity in the syste

    environ ent. , Records are not repeated.Your Answer it provides central control. , 6elps reduce co ple5ity in the syste

    environ ent. , Records are not repeated.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question "nternal infor ation for !"S ay co e fro Correct Answer all of the a*ove Your Answer all of the a*ove

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question %ne of the following is the first co ponent of D !S Correct Answer DD7 Your Answer DD7

    M"tch The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    !"S relies on co puter e5pert data storage

    DSS relies on anagerial 3udg ent non1referralsyste s

    !"S gives e phasis on data storage tools fordecision process

    DSS gives e phasis on data anipulation anagerial 3udg ent

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question 45ternal infor ation fro !"S ay co e fro Correct Answer all of the a*ove Your Answer all of the a*ove

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question 'ollowing are %%& applications Correct Answer Si ulation , #eural #etwor$s , DSS

    Your Answer Si ulation , #eural #etwor$s , DSS

    Select The #l"n$ Question All instructions of data which are input into a co puter to cause itto function in any code is $nown as)))))))). Correct Answer Software Your Answer Software

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question (he ost critical part of Syste Design 7ife Cycle as the wholeedifice of the infor ation syste would depend upon Correct Answer "nfor ation re-uire ent analysis

    Your Answer "nfor ation re-uire ent analysis

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe Question Data ining enco passes a nu *er of technical approaches suchas Correct Answer Clustering. , Analyzing changes deleting ano alies. ,Su arization.

    Your Answer Clustering. , Analyzing changes deleting ano alies. ,Su arization.

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    T ue!F"lse

    Question 'iles that have not *een accessed for -uite so e ti e should *epurged, to free up space. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    T ue!F"lse

    Question (he data *us trans its signals for locating a given address. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    Select The #l"n$

    Question Cross reference reports of the data dictionary indicates)))))))). Correct Answer relationships Your Answer relationships

    Select The #l"n$ Question An auto ated, for ally defined, centrally controlled collection ofdata in an organization is called)))))))). Correct Answer Data*ase Your Answer Data*ase

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question 8"nstruct the vendor to pic$ up the aterial8 is a step after one ofthe following Correct Answer &repare Re3ection %rder. Your Answer &repare Re3ection %rder.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question (he *ac$ *one of any organization isCorrect Answer infor ation

    Your Answer infor ation

    T ue!F"lse

    Question When an e ployee leaves the organization his user "d should *eter inated. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question So e of the storage devices are Correct Answer !agnetic tape. , !agnetic dru . , %ptical dis$.

    Your Answer !agnetic tape. , !agnetic dru . , %ptical dis$.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question While controlling re ote dial1in capa*ilities one of the followingaspects need to *e given consideration/ Correct Answer Re ote Access Servers

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer Re ote Access Servers

    Select The #l"n$

    Question ))))))))consists of co ands, which ena*le end1users andprogra ers to e5tract data fro data*ase. Correct Answer D!7 Your Answer D!7

    T ue!F"lse

    Question (he function of stores and purchase anage ent is to provideti ely up1to1date and consistent infor ation to the anage ent for decisiona$ing. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he co petitive forces that collectively deter ine the industryprofita*ility Correct Answer *argaining power of consu ers. , &ressure fro su*stituteproducts. , (hreats of new entrants in the ar$et.

    Your Answer *argaining power of consu ers. , &ressure fro su*stituteproducts. , (hreats of new entrants in the ar$et.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe Question CAS4 tools cannot Correct Answer 4asily interface with data*ases , 0ive standardization *ased onsingle ethod

    Your Answer 4asily interface with data*ases

    T ue!F"lse Question &ersonal co puters are said to *e a powerhouse of assivee ory and e5tre ely rapid processing speed2a*ility. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    Select The #l"n$

    Question "n the data hierarchy collection of)))))))) a$e up a Data*ase. Correct Answer 'iles Your Answer 'ilesLIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERST ue!F"lse

    Question 'oreign e5change anage ent, ta5 planning etc. are applicationswhere e5pert syste s are used. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question A" is the short for of Correct Answer Artificial "ntelligence Your Answer Artificial "ntelligence

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  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Question (he user interface characteristics of 4"S2 4SS will include Correct Answer 0+" , Access fro any places , Secure relia*le and confidentialaccess

    Your Answer 0+" , Access fro any places , Secure relia*le and confidentialaccess

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe Question (he different types of e ories in the hu an infor ationprocessing syste are Correct Answer Short ter . , 7ong ter . , 45ternal.

    Your Answer Short ter . , 7ong ter . , 45ternal.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe Question "nfor ation is a resource *ecause Correct Answer it is scarce , it has cost , it has alternate uses

    Your Answer it is scarce , it has cost , it has alternate uses

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe Question !ar$eting as a functional su* 9 syste of an organization will havethe following functions Correct Answer custo er and sales analysis , sales forecast , sales planning

    Your Answer custo er and sales analysis , sales forecast , sales planning

    T ue!F"lse Question Co piler is used to translate asse *ly language. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    T ue!F"lse

    Question (he disruption caused *y viruses is always har less or evena using. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question irus chec$ing co es under one of the following/ Correct Answer "nternal Security (hreat Your Answer "nternal Security (hreat

    T ue!F"lse

    Question Data dictionary is the :rd co ponent of the D !S.

    Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he *usiness as well as anage ent co ple5ities havenecessitated Correct Answer strategic planning , setting of o*3ectives , devising operationalplans

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer strategic planning , setting of o*3ectives , devising operationalplans

    T ue!F"lse Question 4S derives fro the discipline of Artificial "ntelligence. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    T ue!F"lse

    Question 4D& focuses on decision support for top anage ent. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    Select The #l"n$

    Question 8What are the co petitors doing;8. (he answer to this -uestion isgiven *y)))))))). Correct Answer 4"S Your Answer 4"S

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question 'inance and accounting would *e responsi*le for Correct Answer 'inancial analysis. , Cost analysis.

    Your Answer 'inancial analysis. , Salary and incentives. , Cost analysis.

    Select The #l"n$ Question )))))))) details are given *y !ar$eting Service Syste to!anage ent Correct Answer Report Your Answer Custo er

    T ue!F"lse

    Question 7ogs giving details a*out unsuccessful log1in atte pts should *ereviewed and investigated. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question So e of the output devices are Correct Answer &lotters. , &rinters.

    Your Answer &lotters. , &rinters.

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question (he *usiness organization is nor ally designed in a Correct Answer pyra id structure Your Answer pyra id structure

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question So e of the characteristics e5hi*ited *y procedure1orientedapproach are

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer Division of larger progra s into s all progra s , (op downapproach , 0lo*al data shared *y functions

    Your Answer Division of larger progra s into s all progra s , (op downapproach , 0lo*al data shared *y functions

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question %ne of the following is a Quality &rofile/ Correct Answer !erit indices Your Answer !erit indices

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question (he wea$ness of pay off atri5 is that it Correct Answer Depends on decision a$ers 3udg ent. Your Answer Depends on decision a$ers 3udg ent.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question So e of the *enefits of 4"S 24SS are Correct Answer etter strategic planning and control , (i e effective infor ation ,"ncreases co unication capa*ility and -uality

    Your Answer etter strategic planning and control , (i e effective infor ation ,"ncreases co unication capa*ility and -uality

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question (hin$ glo*ally and Act locally< is a $ey to successfuli ple entation to one of the following= Correct Answer Data Warehousing Your Answer Data Warehousing

    Select The #l"n$

    Question According to DoD >?@ , Quality eans the degree to whichthe))))))))of the software ena*le it to perfor its specified end ite use. Correct Answer Attri*utes Your Answer Attri*utes

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question Syste residence device is a device where one of the following isstored Correct Answer %perating syste . Your Answer %perating syste .

    Select The #l"n$

    Question 4"S provides access to historical data. (his is its)))))))). Correct Answer capa*ility Your Answer capa*ility

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question !a3or functions of the teleco unication are Correct Answer (rans itting data. , Converting data. , Routing.

    Your Answer (rans itting data. , Converting data. , Routing. , &rocessing data.

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Select The #l"n$

    Question (he))))))))is the co ponent of co unication to whichinfor ation is transferred Correct Answer Receiver Your Answer Receiver

    Multiple Choice Single Answe

    Question 'unctioning of *usiness organization involves Correct Answer *oth Your Answer *oth

    T ue!F"lse

    Question Software instructions are also $nown as registers. Correct Answer 'alse Your Answer 'alse

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question "n a data*ase anage ent syste a colu n is $nown as a Correct Answer 'ield. Your Answer 'ield.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he pu*lic "nterface CAS4 toolset provides for Correct Answer 'ile transfers , Query reporting

    Your Answer 'ile transfers , Query reporting

    T ue!F"lse Question 4nd 1 !eans analysis is a techni-ue used for deter ininginfor ation re-uire ent of the organization at depart ent or individual angerslevel. Correct Answer (rue Your Answer (rue

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question %ne of the following is the front end application in hospitalindustry Correct Answer patient data*ase , lin$ed data*ase , edical case history data*ase Your Answer patient data*ase , edical server data*ase , edical case historydata*ase

    M"tch The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    %*3ect code Co puter reada*le Co puterreada*le

    RA! volatile e ory volatilee ory

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    R%! #on1volatile e ory #on1volatilee ory

    Source code 6u an reada*le 6u anreada*le

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answe

    Question (he increased *usiness co ple5ities could *e attri*uted to Correct Answer technological changes , e5plosion of infor ation , research anddevelop ent

    Your Answer technological changes , e5plosion of infor ation , research anddevelop ent

    Multiple Choice Single Answe Question CR( is the short for for Correct Answer Cathode Ray (u*e. Your Answer Cathode Ray (u*e.

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The software triangle applied to produce quality software would contain Correct Answer management , software development , product assurance discipline

    Your Answer software development , product assurance discipline , communication

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the popular reasons for breaking into computer system are Correct Answer money , dishonor , challenge of doing it data dictionary

    Your Answer money , goodwill , dishonor

    True/False Question f the servicing process is not en!oyable though it gives what is asked forthen dissatisfaction occurs" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question #ulti processing is Correct Answer $inking together two or more C%&s to work in parallel" , A single !ob being

    handled by number of C%&'s" , C%& handling number of !obs at the same time"Your Answer $inking together two or more C%&s to work in parallel" , A single !ob beinghandled by number of C%&'s" , C%& handling number of !obs at the same time"

    True/False Question Audit trial could be based on built(in mechanisms" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    The product can be offered on payment while services are offered on demand"while services are offered on demand"

    &nlike the manufacturing the service sector does not have physical goods to bemanufacturing for the customers" the service sector does not havephysical goods to be manufacturing for the customers"

    The # S normally found in a manufacturing sector will not be suitable for service sector"will not be suitable for service sector"

    Any human interaction is knowledge based hence information based" henceinformation based"

    Select The Blank

    Question #odel base is a))))))))of *+SS" Correct Answer Configuration Your Answer Configuration

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The back bone of any organi ation isCorrect Answer information

    Your Answer information

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Compiler Correct Answer Translates source code into machine code" Your Answer Translates source code into machine code"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the factors that influence the success of *+SS are- Correct Answer mproved pre(planning , Access to e.ternal information , ncreasedparticipation

    Your Answer mproved pre(planning , Access to e.ternal information , ncreasedparticipation

    Select The Blank Question The )))))))) details are given from Audit to #aster #aintain process Correct Answer %art Your Answer nvoice

    Select The Blank

    Question +SS for a group is known as))))))))" Correct Answer *+SS Your Answer *+SS

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    True/False Question n # S, marketing is an activities sub(system" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question # S need not be compatible with the organi ations structure and culture" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question $ocal area network 0$A12 is connected through Correct Answer Cable" Your Answer Cable"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question /unctions of +ata mining are Correct Answer 3uilding 4developing models" , #easuring the results" , nitiatingappropriate action"

    Your Answer 3uilding 4developing models" , #easuring the results" , nitiatingappropriate action"

    Select The Blank Question The core or the hub of the +3#S is))))))))" Correct Answer data dictionary Your Answer data dictionary

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The competitive strategies that a firm can use to deal with competitive

    forces are Correct Answer product differentiation" , $ow cost products" , /ocused differentiation"Your Answer $ow cost products" , /ocused differentiation" , &niqueness in products"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 5ne of the following is a Quality %rofile- Correct Answer #erit indices Your Answer #erit indices

    Select The Blank

    Question /inding out facts previously not known is )))))))) Correct Answer 6vent Clustering

    Your Answer +ata /orecasting

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question /ollowing are 5b!ect(oriented languages Correct Answer 5b!ect(based %rogramming $anguages , 5b!ect(oriented %rogramming$anguages

    Your Answer 5b!ect(based %rogramming $anguages , 5b!ect(oriented %rogramming$anguages , 5b!ect(oriented high level languages

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question Check with Quantity on hand is a step after one of the following Correct Answer 7aise indent" Your Answer 7eceive indent"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question +SS is the short form of Correct Answer +ecision Support System Your Answer +ecision Support System

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +ata 8arehousing is a support to one of the following- Correct Answer +SS Your Answer # S

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question TQ# is the short form of Correct Answer Total Quality #anagement Your Answer Total Quality #anagement


    Question t should not be made mandatory to maintain an audit trial" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question The))))))))database model represents all data in the database assimple two(dimensional tables called relations" Correct Answer relational Your Answer relational

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question A is the short form of Correct Answer Artificial ntelligence Your Answer Artificial ntelligence

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is a step in the /low Chart of #aterials %rocurement%rocedure after 7eceiving Quotation" Correct Answer %repare Comparison Chart" Your Answer %repare Comparison Chart"

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))synchroni es the speed between nput device and C%&" Correct Answer 3uffer" Your Answer Control &nit"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Question The different types of systems available are Correct Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Your Answer 5pen and closed systems" , 1atural and artificial systems" , Conceptualand empirical systems"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 5ne of the following sub(systems of the dialogue management componentof the +SS programs checks the user commands for correct synta." Correct Answer &ser interface Your Answer +ialogue control interface

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The managerial4e.ecutive characteristics of 6 S46SS would be Correct Answer 9igh result4performance orientation , Support for strategic management ,/uturistic orientation

    Your Answer 9igh result4performance orientation , Quick decision(making , /uturisticorientation

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Ability to display : ntelligent: behavior is a characteristics of one of thefollowing Correct Answer 6.pert System Your Answer # S

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question $ogistics as a functional sub ( system will have the following functions Correct Answer nventories" , +istribution" , %urchasing"

    Your Answer %roduction planning" , +istribution" , %urchasing"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The input documents of inventory specifications are Correct Answer tem master entry" , Store master entry" , Stock ad!ustment entry"

    Your Answer tem master entry" , Store master entry" , Stock ad!ustment entry"

    True/False Question +ata in the data warehouse is updated or changed after the data entersdata warehouse" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The flow of information through # S is

    Correct Answer need dependent Your Answer need dependent

    Select The Blank

    Question System software includes special programs which translate the higherlevel language programs into))))))))language" Correct Answer machine

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Your Answer machine

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The driving components of Tick T are Correct Answer management commitment for improvement , motivation for improvement ,measurement for improvement

    Your Answer management commitment for improvement , motivation for improvement ,measurement for improvement

    Select The Blank Question ))))))))is the ob!ect oriented programming language" Correct Answer ;ava Your Answer ;ava

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    strategic planning formulation of ob!ectives formulation of ob!ectives

    5ffice automation system focus on communication focus on communication

    transaction processing shipments and receipts shipments and receipts

    operational control performance reports performance reports

    management control budgets budgets


    Question All the data in the database has to be identical and currently updated in allfiles" Correct Answer True Your Answer True


    Question The users of the system need not be aware of the security issues Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question Transaction processing system is normally used by operations personnelor supervisors" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question )))))))) helps integrate data from a number of hetrrogeneous sources" Correct Answer +ata 8arehousing Your Answer +ata 8arehousing

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    True/False Question nformation and information technology help create 4 spawn businesswithin old ones" Correct Answer True Your Answer /alse


    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer 7eports *eneration %rocess" Your Answer %ayment *eneration %rocess"


    Question %ersonal computers are said to be a powerhouse of massivememory and e.tremely rapid processing speed4ability" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question 5ne of the following is the front end application in hospitalindustry Correct Answer patient database , linked database , medical case historydatabase

    Your Answer patient database , medical server database , medical casehistory database

    Select The Blank Question ))))))))is the most common hierarchical model which wasreleased in =>?@ by 3#" Correct Answer #S Your Answer #S

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question CAS6 tools can be from following phases Correct Answer %lanning , Analysis , +esign

    Your Answer %lanning , Analysis , +esign

    Select The Blank

    Question The))))))))layer of the 5S is an end user application andfunctions for particular application services such as file transfer, remote fileaccess" Correct Answer application Your Answer application

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +3#S Correct Answer s a software system which performs the functions of defining" ,s used for creating, revising and controlling database" , s specially devisedsoftware to create and maintain a database"

    Your Answer s a software system which performs the functions of defining" ,

    s used for creating, revising and controlling database" , s specially devisedsoftware to create and maintain a database"

    True/False Question nformation such as data users, screens, reports, programmesand organi ational positions that access and use data are not available in thedata dictionary" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question An automated or manual file which stores the definitions of dataelements and data characteristics is known as- Correct Answer +ata dictionary Your Answer +ata dictionary

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question +ata warehouse as a process evolved gradually within Correct Answer An enterprise" Your Answer An enterprise"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The characteristics of data warehouse are Correct Answer Sub!ect driven" , 1on(volatile" , Time varying

    Your Answer Sub!ect driven" , 1on(volatile" , Time varying

    Select The Blank Question The )))))))) details are given by Accounts %ayable Systemto Creditors Correct Answer +ebit 1ote Your Answer %ayment

    Select The Blank

    Question n the data hierarchy collection of))))))))make up a+atabase" Correct Answer /iles Your Answer 7ecords

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    Star network 9ub 9ub

    #ultimedia Animation Animation

    888 nternet nternet

    $A1 1etwork 1etwork

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question To provide security against e.ternal threats the following issuesneed to be addressed Correct Answer organi ations internet connection , remote dial(in capabilities

    Your Answer server , organi ations internet connection , remote dial(incapabilities

    True/False Question +ata dictionary is the rd component of the +3#S"

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer True Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 5$T% is the short form of Correct Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing" Your Answer 5nline Transaction %rocessing"

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The programming approach that treats data as a criticalelement in program development and does not allow it to flow freely around thesystem is Correct Answer 5b!ect oriented programming Your Answer 5b!ect oriented programming

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question Some of the ma!or functions of the data warehouse are

    Correct Answer ntegrates data from a number of diverse, heterogeneoussources" , Consolidates data" , Creates an enterprise wise integrated database"Your Answer ntegrates data from a number of diverse, heterogeneous

    sources" , Consolidates data" , Creates an enterprise wise integrated database"

    Select The Blank Question The analysis of data of the data warehouse becomes moremeaningful using )))))))) Correct Answer +ata mining Your Answer +ata mining

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question The way in which machines are connected in a network is its Correct Answer Topology" Your Answer Topology"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The functions of the accounts dept" in the case of stores andpurchase management are to- Correct Answer 7eceive bill from vendor" , #ake payment after verification" ,7eceive delivery challan from stores"

    Your Answer 7eceive bill from vendor" , #ake payment after verification" ,7eceive delivery challan from stores"

    Match The FollowingQuestion Correct Answer Your Answer

    5S Allocates computer resources System software

    +5S C$ C$

    8indows *& *&

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    &tility programs %re(written program Application software

    Select The Blank

    Question )))))))) normally found in a manufacturing organi ation willnot be suitable in the service sector" Correct Answer # S Your Answer # S

    Select The Blank

    Question ))))))))is a 'Quality /actor'" Correct Answer Security Your Answer Security


    Question n # S, Strategic planning is an activities sub(system" Correct Answer True

    Your Answer True

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The pre ( requisites of # S are that it should be Correct Answer Speedy and accurate" , Cost effective 4 beneficial" , &nifiedsystem"

    Your Answer Speedy and accurate" , Cost effective 4 beneficial" , &nifiedsystem"

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The non(functional prototype approach focuses on the followingaspects

    Correct Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputsYour Answer &ser interface , +ata entry displays , System outputs

    Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 8hile controlling remote dial(in capabilities one of the followingaspects need to be given consideration- Correct Answer 7emote Access Servers Your Answer Authori ation $evels

    Select The Blank

    Question $ike any other business, the management of hospitals haschanged from an art to a ))))))))"

    Correct Answer technology Your Answer technology


    Question +ialogue management components of +SS program is a set ofprograms that manages user interface" Correct Answer True Your Answer True

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    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question The ma!or aspects of /easibility are- Correct Answer Assessment of management considerations , To e.aminewhether the development process can be completed in time , To e.amine whether the solution is desirable within the organi ational resources

    Your Answer To e.amine whether the development process can becompleted in time , To e.amine whether the solution is desirable within theorgani ational resources , To prepare a proposal for a proposed application

    True/False Question The third generation of computers used transistors for storingand processing data" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse


    Question 5perational level information is mainly for the top management" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer /alse

    Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

    Question +ata processing steps would involve Correct Answer 7ead" , Sort" , Compare"

    Your Answer 7ead" , Sort" , Compare"

    True/False Question Conversion is changing from new system to old system" Correct Answer /alse

    Your Answer True

    True/False Question The request translator manages the physical user interface" Correct Answer /alse Your Answer True

    Select The Blank

    Question The))))))))facility of data dictionary enables the users tohave detailed reports" Correct Answer 7eport Your Answer 7eport

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question 8hat denotes the hierarchy of and organi ationCorrect Answer organi ation structure

    Your Answer organi ation structure

    Multiple Choice Single Answer

    Question #71 is the short form of

  • 8/10/2019 Scdl Pgdba Mis Master


    Correct Answer #aterial 7equirement 1ote" Your Answer #aterial 7egister 1ote"