Scanned Images - Larry Litwin€¦ · 5 A Caty Hartt 275 E. High St. 362S Glassboro, NJ 08028...

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Transcript of Scanned Images - Larry Litwin€¦ · 5 A Caty Hartt 275 E. High St. 362S Glassboro, NJ 08028...

5 A

Caty Hartt 275 E. High St. 362S Glassboro, NJ 08028


May 4, 2003 Mrs. Cathy Schwartz c/o Mayor's Office Township of Cherry Hill 820 Mercer Street Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 Dear Mrs. Schwartz: Professor Litwin suggested I send you my resume. I want very much to meet with you to talk about a possible job opening, to show you my portfolio, and convince you that I possess the qualities and experience necessary to fill the position. Last week, I was named “Public Relations Superior Student” at Rowan University. I will bring these same qualities of leadership to you at Cherry Hill. When presenting the award, my professors used the following words and phrases: “Mature beyond her years, articulate, well tailored and polished, loyal, has a passion for the profession, outstanding writer, and a skilled organizer and strategic thinker.” I am eager to begin my professional life as a public relations practitioner. In addition to being a fast learner, I am also versatile and comfortable in a fast-paced environment. I believe my enthusiasm and skill would be an asset to the township. I can be reached at 856-307-0909 and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Caty Hartt Encls: Resume

Amanda Marie DiFazio Resume


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Amanda Marie DiFazio 21 Parsons Drive Fairfield, IA 52556 515-555-1212

APPLICANT STATEMENT: Those who know me are quick to paint this personal and professional profile: outstanding communicator, open to learning something new every day, a true leader, trustworthy, loyal and ethical, caring, down to earth, and beautiful inside and out. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Communications, Public Relations Anticipated May 2013

Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ GPA: 3.4

Bartending Certification/Alcohol Awareness Certification Completed August 2011 Professional Bartenders Association, Red Bank, NJ COLLEGE ACTIVITIES: Lambda Pi Eta (Mu Tau Chapter) Treasurer Fall 2011-Present

Volunteerism Budgeting Transfering Money Reimbursing

Ad Club Spring 2011-Present

Member Homecoming Account team o Strategically designed Homecoming banner

Visited and interviewed local advertising agencies Researched social media’s impact

PRaction (Student Firm) Fall 2011-Present

Member The Haven (local church) account team o Special Events project

Met and worked in a group environment

Amanda Marie DiFazio Resume


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PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America) Fall 2011 -Present Special Events committee PR expert presentations Started networking within the PR field

Ad Dynamics (Student Firm) January 2011-May 2011

Magazine Literacy account o Wrote a press release o Created brand image o Convinced local stores to place collection boxes for magazines o Created a how-to video for putting collection/mailing boxes together

Division III Swimming October 2009-January 2010 WORK EXPERIENCE Barista December 2010-Present Barnes and Noble Rowan University Bookstore Café

Prepare Starbucks beverages Open and close the café Train other employees (Often) Work alone Create and practice Relationship Marketing through exceptional customer service

Lifeguard May 2008-Present Belleplain State Forest, Woodbine, NJ

Surveyed the water as well as performed First Aid room duties. Work full time during summer season, offered flexible hours due to job loyalty. Communicate (certified) and practice patron safety

o Rescued patrons and performed First Aid resuscitation maneuvers Sales Associate May 2007-January 2008 Wheaton Arts, Millville, NJ

Worked at the cash register. Executed sales and helped customers – practicing Relationship Marketing. Stocked and organized merchandise.

VOLUNTEER WORK: Big Buddies Little Buddies Mentor Program September 2007-June 2008 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Certified in:

CPR/AED Lifeguarding/First Aid Preventing Bloodborne Pathogens Transmission Administering Emergency Oxygen

Melissa Guzperson 577 W Kings Highway

Audubon, NJ 08106 609-929-9274


November 1, 2004 Kathy Katheder Executive Vice President The STAR Group 535 Route 38, Suite 400 Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002 Dear Kathy Katheder: My colleagues in the Cherry Hill Township Municipal Building refer to me as the “go to person” when they want something done and done well. I’ve worn many hats these past three years in the fast-paced business office. For me, they’ve been exciting and productive. Just this year, I assisted a Cherry Hill Police lieutenant in restructuring Township street lighting and so far we’ve netted savings of more than $60,000. I can do the same as The Star Group’s billing coordinator. While my primary duty, in Cherry Hill, is paying vendors, my strong attention to detail and my analytical skills have amounted to great savings in this area, too. Over the years, I have researched and recovered thousands of dollars in unnecessary payments that previously went unnoticed. And, last year, I applied for and won a $5,000 reimbursement from the Department of Health and Senior Services. My Cherry Hill colleagues “volunteered me” to become a charter member of the Employee Activity Committee. They often remind me that I helped make the Township a better workplace. I believe my abilities, drive, knowledge and qualifications are a perfect match for The STAR Group team. I look forward to talking to you and convincing you that I am the creative thinker, dependable researcher and organizer who can best fill the position. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you. Sincerely, Melissa Guzperson

Resume Writing Suggestions…

M. Larry Litwin, APR 856-767-7730

FAX: 856-673-0717 e-mail:

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Cristin Kastner/M. Larry Litwin, APR © 2005

Resume Writing Tips (for college students)

Print your resume on traditional resume paper—first impressions do count. Don’t

try using fancy paper with specks or a crumbled effect background. This paper does not copy or fax clearly.

Have your contact information on the top of your resume, larger than the regular

text. Don’t try to use a font that makes you look ‘unique’—you do not know if it will be legible to your audience.

Do not put an e-mail address on the resume if it is not professional sounding.

Always keep your resume to one page. There are few exceptions to this (military

resume, technical resume, resume of older person).

Make sure the font you use is large enough for your reader to see. (size 11 or 12 usually.)

There are two traditional ways resume are set up—chronological and functional.

For recent college graduates with limited experience, functional may be the best way to go. This emphasizes skill sets rather than work history. Examples of heading you could use are: Leadership Abilities, Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Honors and Awards, Skills, Professional Affiliations. After listing these headings first, put your work experience at the bottom of the resume. If using a chronological resume, make sure the most recent information is listed first.

Don’t list high school distinctions.

Do not list hobbies or personal interests.

Custom fit your resume for each job that you are applying for. Emphasize the

skills they are looking for. Try to use the key words they used in their advertisement.

When listing a job, bold face either the title of the job or the employer—not both.

Change the title of previous job if it is industry jargon. List the location of where you worked. Do not list exact address or phone number—that’s for an application.

Ditch the objective! Most objectives are either space fillers or self-serving. You

don’t want the first thing a potential employer sees to be either of those.

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Ditch the ‘References Available Upon Request’. It’s a given. But, make sure you have a separate typed list (on the same type of paper as resume) of professional references, with all of their current contact information. Contact these people ahead of time and let them know you will be using them as a reference. Make sure that they will answer questions about you if asked (some company policies will not allow for any information to be released).

Whatever makes you stand out should be within the top third of the resume.

Most employers only look at your resume for thirty seconds—that’s all the time they need to decide whether you are getting an interview.

Usually, put your education level at the bottom of the resume. Do not list your

date of graduation. All that matters is that you have the degree, not when you received it. Unfortunately, reverse age discrimination does exist. Potential employers may initially think, “I was looking for someone older and more mature” and not give your resume a second glance. If they ask during the interview, or on an application, release the information then. You are already in the door and making a face-to-face impression.

If you do not have a degree yet, use this example to list your education:

Rowan University Anticipated B.A. in Communications, 2006. (This is so an employer can know when you will be available full-time, and if there will be a need for your skills then.)

If you have a college degree, there is no need to list your high school degree.

Under each job description or skill set, list a few highlights and make them bullet

points. Your most recent job should have the most bullets, with each job listed after that having less than the one before it.

For each job that you are no longer at, make sure you use the past tense to

describe your duties.

Make sure your format is consistent throughout the resume. It shows you pay attention to detail. (e.g. if you spell out New Jersey once, do it throughout.)

When listing a summer job, do not put it as “Summer 1999”. That could mean

one day, or that could mean four months. Use month and year. If it is a job you returned to, you could list it as “5/98-8/99 and 5/00-8/00.”

If you need a ‘space-filler’ to take up more space, list attributes such as “detail

oriented”, “results driven” or “goal oriented”. But, be prepared to give an example of how you have these qualities during the interview.

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List fraternity or sorority experience only if it is relevant to the type of position you are applying for, or if you held a leadership position. Yes, employers are looking for a well-rounded individual, but it may not be wise to emphasize your social life during a first impression. The myth that a Greek member has connections with people they’ve never met is just that, a myth. You will not get the interview if you do not have the skills that warrant it. However, having common ground with the interviewer will ensure that you are remembered. It may or may not be a fraternity or sorority. It could be that you lived in the same area, know the same people, or went to the same school.

Use strong action words to describe your position. Try not to use the same one

more than once. Some examples are: developed, implemented, researched, created, organized, assured, supervised, acted, assisted, managed, produced, oversaw, designed, provided, supported, motivated, ensured.

Look at job listings and resumes on the internet to get ideas about what

employers are looking for—and what your competition is listing on their resume. It may give you some good ideas. Try the free websites such as

Always keep your resume updated. You never know when you may need it.

Always look for a creative way to list your job duties. Instead of “answered

phones” try “answered incoming calls efficiently and courteously”. It’s all how you say it.

Even if you sent the company a copy of your resume before the interview, bring

more copies to the interview. It may be in a different department, or you may have more than one interviewer.

Never lie. You will be caught.

Do not send an out-of-date resume or one with typos.

Fill the full page for your resume—even if you feel you don’t have enough

information to do so. Get creative.

Feel confident in your resume. It is the first impression of you—make it a good one. There are no true die-hard rules of resume writing, just common preferences. Resume styles change often, so always make sure yours is up to date.