Scalable Platforms for Web Services EECS600 Internet Applications Michael Rabinovich.

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Transcript of Scalable Platforms for Web Services EECS600 Internet Applications Michael Rabinovich.

Scalable Platforms for Web Services

EECS600 Internet Applications

Michael Rabinovich

Web Resource Provisioning Challenge

• How much resources to provision?– Potentially unlimited client populations

• How to add capacity quickly?– In time for serving flash crowds

• What to do with extra capacity once the flash crowd ebbs?

Web Resource Types and Scaling Technologies

Static Files

Dynamic Pages



HPP,CSI,ESI,Result caching


Utility Computing• Analogous to power grid

– Autonomous resources added to the grid– Clients’ needs satisfied by transparent work distribution

• Started in scientific computing for CPU-intensive tasks

• Many difficult challenges in moving to Internet at large– Security and privacy– Billing and accounting– Migration of computation– Data consistency

Utility Computing for the Web:A Feasible Interim Approach

• Confined to a single network/hosting service provider– Security and privacy simplified by private network

• Natural boundaries in computation simplify migration– Automatic app deployment rather than migration of computation

• Typical tiered architectures simplify data consistency

Tiered Architecture of Internet Applications

Web Gateway


Corporate DB Server

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3


Web/App server

Core App Servers

Corporate DB Server

Tier 1 Tier 2

High-Level View of the Platform



Usage feedback



Usage fe



Replica placement


Replica placement





Granularity of Resource Sharing




Usage feedback



Usage fe



Replica placement


Replica placement




• Application-level server sharing – Efficient – Complex load predictions– Poor resource isolation (security, accounting)

• Kernel-level server sharing– Multiple app server processes

• Virtual machine sharing– Runtime overhead (up to x30 slowdown for system calls)

• Whole server allocation– Simple– Good resource isolation– Supported by cluster technologies– Slow server allocation

Major Components• Framework

– Dynamically installing and uninstalling applications

– Maintaining replica consistency

– Supporting stateful client sessions

• Algorithms and policies– Admission control algorithm

– Request distribution algorithm

– Application placement algorithm

• Performance and demand monitoring



Application Server Sharing

• Built on top of standard Web server: Apache + (Fast) CGI

• Uses standard HTTP throughout

Replication Framework• Inspired by work on software distribution (e.g., Marimba) • Metafile for each application containing:

– A list of time-stamped files (data and executable files)

– An initialization script (or a pointer to it)

FILE /home/applications/mapping/query_engine.cgi 1999.apr.14.08:46:12 FILE /home/applications/mapping/map_database 2000.oct.15.13:15:59 FILE /home/applications/mapping/user_preferences 2001.jan.30.18:00:05

SCRIPT mkdir /home/applications/mapping/access_stats setenv ACCESS_DIRECTORY /home/applications/mapping/access_stats


Application Metafile

• A metafile is a simple static Web page• Having a metafile is sufficient to deploy the

application• Having the current metafile is sufficient to bring the

application replica up-to-date.• Consistency of application replicas = consistency of

cached copies of the metafile

Framework Tasks

• Creating a replica– Obtaining a metafile– Obtaining a tar file with all files listed in the metafile– Running the initialization script

• Updating a replica– Obtaining the diff of metafiles– Obtaining files that are new

• Deleting a replica– Retaining the deleted replica for some time to process

residual requests before physical deletion

Fail-Over Support

• Session state maintenance

Using Cookies for Session Fail-Over

Algorithms and Policies

• Metrics• Measurement infrastructure• Algorithms

Metrics Taxonomy

• Measuring “What”– Proximity– Server load– Aggregate

• Measuring “How”– Passive measurements– Active measurements

• Measuring “When”:– Synchronous– Asynchronous

• Metric stability– Dynamic– Static

Proximity Metrics• Goal: select a “nearby” server to process a client request• Benefits: lower latency and network load• Static metrics:

– Geographical distance• (+) Provides strong lower bound for latency• (-) May not correlate with routing paths

– Autonomous System hops• (+) Counts peering points and not over-provisioned backbone hops• (-) Equates large and small ASs

– Network hops• (+) Distinguishes large and small ASs• (-) Equates local area hops, wide-area hops, and NAP hops

– General drawback: do not account for congestion

• Dynamic metrics: – Message RTT– Path bandwidth

Combining Static Proximity Metrics

• Divide the Globe into large regions• A client is closer to servers in the same region than in

different regions• Among servers in the same region, a client is closer

to a server that is fewer AS hops away• Among servers in the same region and the same AS,

a client is closer to a server with fewer network hops• Otherwise servers are equidistant.

Proximity Metrics in Practice

• Companies’ proprietary secret sauce – Knowledge of peering points and their congestion– Pricing with neighboring ISPs– Knowledge of Internet topology

Server Load Metrics

• CPU utilization• Disk utilization• Network card utilization• The number of TCP connections• Number of pending requests• Server response time• Others

Passive (Aggregate) Metrics

Aging Dynamic Metrics

• Exponential aging

ave_new = (1-r) x ave_cur + r x sample

Measurement Infrastructure

Client Groups

• Replica placement and request distribution components must agree on the notion of proximity

• Replica placement is based on accesses by clients• Request distribution is based on client DNS

• Associate clients with their LDNS servers• Aggregate proximity metrics over client groups

Auth. DNS



Node 1 Node 2

Measuring Client-Node Proximity

• Goal: (client_group I, node J, app K) Performance

• End-to-end response time measurements– Simple– Catch-all measure

• Scalability problem– 1.5M client groups– ~20 nodes– ~100 applications

– 3G entries with random access!

• Measurement availability problem

• Proximity depends on multiple factors

Measurements Architecture

Client group 1 Client group 2

Front-end delaymeasurements(aggregated over all applications)

Back-end delayMeasurements(aggregated overall client groups)

Cost(client group I, node J, app K) =

Front_delay(I,J)* Front_traffic_ratio(K) +

Back_delay1(J)*Back_traffic1_ratio(K) +


Front-end and back-endtraffic ratios(aggregated over all client groups and AAN nodes)


• Request distribution• Replica placement• Taxonomy

– Global optimization vs. greedy– Centralized vs. distributed/hierarchical

Request Distribution Issues

• Combination of server load and client proximity factors

• Algorithm Stability– Load oscillations due to “herd effect”– Randomization violates proximity in the common case

• Challenge:– Select the closest server – Guard against overload– Be responsive in load redistribution– Avoid load oscillations

Replica Placement Issues

• Combination of server load and client proximity factors

• Simple Idea (which does not quite work):– If an existing server is overloaded, create more replicas– If an existing server is underloaded, remove some replicas– If a node is closer than existing replicas for significant part of

demand, migrate or replicate there

Vicious Cycles of Replications• Proximity-driven

replication is based on demand thresholds– Expressed in requests or

bytes served

• Load-based replication is based on load thresholds

• Load and demand thresholds may cause vicious cycles

• Tuning thresholds is possible but leads to a fragile system

20 reqs/sec

App1 App1

15 reqs/sec 5 reqs/sec