Scala Back to Basics: Type Classes

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Watch video (in Hebrew): Type classes are a fundamental feature of Scala, which allows you to layer new functionality on top of existing types externally, i.e. without modifying or recompiling existing code. When combined with implicits, this is a truly remarkable tool that enables many of the advanced features offered by the Scala library ecosystem. In this talk we'll go back to basics: how type classes are defined and encoded, and cover several prominent use cases. A talk given at the Underscore meetup on 19 August, 2014.

Transcript of Scala Back to Basics: Type Classes

Back to Basics: Type ClassesTomer Gabel, WixAugust, 2014


“Define a datatype by cases, where one can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts).”

-- Philip Wadler

Let’s Build a Calculator

• Operators:– Addition (+)

– Subtraction (-)

– Multiplication (*)

– Division (/)

– Remainder (%)

• Types:– Integers (32-bit signed)

– Longs (64-bit signed)

– Floats (32-bit IEEE 754)

– Longs (64-bit IEEE 754)

Two Views of the Same Problem

Pattern Matchingsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand

case class Real32(value: Float) extends


// ...

def addition[T <: Operand](left: T, right:

T): T =

(left, right) match {

case (Int32 (l), Int32 (r)) => Int32 (l +


case (Real32(l), Real32(r)) => Real32(l +


// ...


Object Orientedsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand {

def add(other: Int) = Int32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Int) = Int32(value -


// ...


case class Real32(value: Float) extends Operand


def add(other: Float) = Real32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Float) = Real32(value -


// ...


Two Views of the Same Problem

Pattern Matchingsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand

case class Real32(value: Float) extends


// ...

def addition[T <: Operand](left: T, right:

T): T =

(left, right) match {

case (Int32 (l), Int32 (r)) => Int32 (l +


case (Real32(l), Real32(r)) => Real32(l +


// ...


Object Orientedsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand {

def add(other: Int) = Int32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Int) = Int32(value -


// ...


case class Real32(value: Float) extends Operand


def add(other: Float) = Real32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Float) = Real32(value -


// ...


What if we

wanted to add a


Two Views of the Same Problem

Pattern Matchingsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand

case class Real32(value: Float) extends


// ...

def addition[T <: Operand](left: T, right:

T): T =

(left, right) match {

case (Int32 (l), Int32 (r)) => Int32 (l +


case (Real32(l), Real32(r)) => Real32(l +


// ...


Object Orientedsealed trait Operand

case class Int32(value: Int) extends Operand {

def add(other: Int) = Int32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Int) = Int32(value -


// ...


case class Real32(value: Float) extends Operand


def add(other: Float) = Real32(value + other)

def subtract(other: Float) = Real32(value -


// ...


What if we

wanted to add a


What if we

wanted to add an



What’s a Type Class?

• A type class:– Enables ad-hoc polymorphism– Statically typed (i.e. type-safe)– Borrowed from Haskell

• Solves the expression problem:– Behavior can be extended– … at compile-time– ... after the fact– … without changing/recompiling

existing code

Example #1: Equality

• Scala inherits legacy aspects of Java– This includes AnyRef.equals:

def equals( other: AnyRef ): Boolean

– So the following compiles:3.14159265359 == "pi" // Evaluates to false

• What if we wanted to implement type-safe equality?– Let’s define a type-safe isEqual function:

isEqual( 3.14159265359, "pi” ) // Does not compile!

What’s in a Type Class?

• Three components are required:– A signature– Implementations for

supported types– A function that requires

a type class This is where things get hairy.

Slight Digression

• A method in Scala can have multiple parameter lists:

def someMethod( x: Int )( y: String )( z: Double ): Unit = { println( s"x=$x, y=$y, z=$z" )}

scala> someMethod( 10 )( "abc" )( scala.math.Pi )x=10, y=abc, z=3.141592653589793

• There are multiple uses for this, but the most important is…

Scala Implicits

• The last parameter list of a method can be marked implicit

• Implicit parameters are filled in by the compiler

– In effect, you require evidence of the compiler

– … such as the existence of a type class in scope

– You can also specify parameters explicitly, if needed

Putting it together

• Let’s define our type class:trait Equality[ L, R ] { def equals( left: L, right: R ): Boolean }

• … and our isEqual function:def isEqual[ L, R ]( left: L, right: R ) ( implicit ev: Equality[ L, R ] ): Boolean = ev.equals( left, right )

This is where the magic happens

Still missing something!

• We have no implementations of the Equality trait, so nothing works!scala> isEqual( 3, 3 )<console>:10: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Equality[Int,Int]

• We need to implement Equality[ T, T ]:implicit def sameTypeEquality[ T ] = new Equality[ T, T ] { def equals( left: T, right: T ) = left.equals( right )}

• And now it works:scala> isEqual( 3, 3 )res1: Boolean = true

Ad-hoc Polymorphism

• Now we’ve met our original goal:scala> isEqual( 3.14159265359, "pi" )<console>:11: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Equality[Double,String]

• But what if we wanted to equate doubles and strings?• Well then, let’s add another implementation!

implicit object DoubleEqualsString extends Equality[ Double, String ] { def equals( left: Double, right: String ) = left.toString == right }

• Et voila, no recompilation or code changes needed:scala> isEqual( 3.14159265359, "pi" )res5: Boolean = false


Example #2: Sort Me, Maybe

• Let’s implement a sort function (e.g. bubble sort)

• With one caveat:– It should operate on any type– … for which an ordering exists

• Obviously, we’ll use type classes!

Possible Solution

trait Ordering[ T ] { def isLessThan( left: T, right: T ): Boolean }

def sort[ T ]( items: Seq[ T ] )( implicit ord: Ordering[ T ] ): Seq[ T ] = { val buffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer( items:_* )

for ( i <- 0 until items.size; j <- ( i + 1 ) until items.size ) if ( ord.isLessThan( buffer( j ), buffer( i ) ) ) { val temp = buffer( i ) buffer( i ) = buffer( j ) buffer( j ) = temp }


Possible Solution, cont.

• Sample implementation for integers:

implicit object IntOrdering extends Ordering[ Int ] { def isLessThan( left: Int, right: Int ) = left < right}

val numbers = Seq( 4, 1, 10, 8, 14, 2 )Assert( sort( numbers ) == Seq( 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14 ) )

Possible Solution, cont.

• Sample implementation for a domain entity:

case class Person( name: String, age: Int )

implicit object PersonOrdering extends Ordering[ Person ] { def isLessThan( left: Person, right: Person ) = left.age < right.age}

val haim = Person( "Haim", 12 )val dafna = Person( "Dafna", 20 )val ofer = Person( "Ofer", 1 )assert( sort( Seq( haim, dafna, ofer ) ) == Seq( ofer, haim, dafna ) )

Implicit Search Order

Current Scope• Defined implicits• Explicit imports• Wildcard imports

Companion• … of T• … of supertypes of T

Outer Scope• Enclosing class


Example #3: Server Pipeline

• REST is good, but annoying to write. Let’s simplify:

case class DTO( message: String )

class MyServlet extends NicerHttpServlet { private val counter = new AtomicInteger( 0 )

get( "/service" ) { counter.incrementAndGet() DTO( "hello, world!" ) }

get( "/count" ) { counter.get() }}

Uses return value;no direct response manipulation

Example #3: Server Pipeline

• What’s in a server?– Routing– Rendering– Error handling

• Let’s focus on rendering:

trait ResponseRenderer[ T ] { def render( value : T, request : HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse ): Unit}

Example #3: Server Pipeline

• A couple of basic renderers:

implicit object StringRenderer extends ResponseRenderer[ String ] { def render( value: String, request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse ) = { val w = response.getWriter try w.write( value ) finally w.close() }}

implicit object IntRenderer extends ResponseRenderer[ Int ] { def render( value: Int, request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse ) = implicitly[ ResponseRenderer[ String ] ].render( value.toString, request, response )}

Example #3: Server Pipeline

• Putting it together:

trait NicerHttpServlet extends HttpServlet {

private trait Handler { type Response def result: Response def renderer: ResponseRenderer[ Response ] }

private var handlers: Map[ String, Handler ] = Map.empty

protected def get[ T : ResponseRenderer ]( url: String )( thunk: => T ) = handlers += url -> new Handler { type Response = T def result = thunk def renderer = implicitly[ ResponseRenderer[ T ] ] }

Example #3: Server Pipeline

• And finally:

override def doGet( req: HttpServletRequest, resp: HttpServletResponse ) = handlers.get( req.getRequestURI ) match { case None => resp.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND )

case Some( handler ) => try handler.renderer.render( handler.result, req, resp ) catch { case e: Exception => resp.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ) } }

PHEW.Take a deep breath

Example #4: JSON Serialization

• Assume we already have a good model for JSON

• How do we add type-safe serialization?

Example #4: JSON Serialization

• Let’s start with a typeclass:

trait JsonSerializer[ T ] { def serialize( value: T ): JsonValue def deserialize( value: JsonValue ): T}

• And the corresponding library signature:

def serialize[ T ]( instance: T )( implicit ser: JsonSerializer[ T ] ) = ser.serialize( instance )def deserialize[ T ]( json: JsonValue )( implicit ser: JsonSerializer[ T ] ) = ser.deserialize( json )

Example #4: JSON Serialization

• Define a few basic serializers…

implicit object BooleanSerializer extends JsonSerializer[ Boolean ] { def serialize( value: Boolean ) = JsonBoolean( value ) def deserialize( value: JsonValue ) = value match { case JsonBoolean( bool ) => bool case other => error( other ) }}

implicit object StringSerializer extends JsonSerializer[ String ] { def serialize( value: String ) = JsonString( value ) def deserialize( value: JsonValue ) = value match { case JsonString( string ) => string case other => error( other ) }}

Example #4: JSON Serialization

• We can also handle nested structures– The compiler resolves typeclasses recursively!

• For example, Option[ T ] :

implicit def optionSerializer[ T ]( implicit ser: JsonSerializer[ T ] ) = new JsonSerializer[ Option[ T ] ] {

def serialize( value: Option[ T ] ) = value map ser.serialize getOrElse JsonNull

def deserialize( value: JsonValue ) = value match { case JsonNull => None case other => Some( ser.deserialize( other ) ) } }

Require a serializer for T

… and delegate to it

Example #4: JSON Serialization

• What about an arbitrary type?

case class Person( name: String, surname: String, age: Int )

implicit object PersonSerializer extends JsonSerializer[ Person ] { def serialize( value: Person ) = JsonObject( JsonField( "name", serialize( ) ), JsonField( "surname", serialize( value.surname ) ), JsonField( "age", serialize( value.age ) ) ) def deserialize( value: JsonValue ) = value match { case obj: JsonObject => Person( name = deserialize[ String ]( obj \ "name" ), surname = deserialize[ String ]( obj \ "surname" ), age = deserialize[ Int ]( obj \ "age" ) ) case _ => error( value ) }}


• We added serialization for Person after the fact without…

– … modifying the serialization framework

– … modifying the domain object

• We did not compromise:

– … type safety or performance

– … modularity or encapsulation

• This applies everywhere!

clients of either are unaffected!

… and we’re done

• Thank you for your time!

• Questions/comments?–– @tomerg–

• Code samples:–