Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13

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Transcript of Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13

  • 8/9/2019 Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13


    FBT FA06 4015691 : SUPERIOR COURT




    H E A R I N G


    A P P E A R A N C E S :

    Representing the Plaintiff:

    ATTORNEY KEVIN FINCHLaw Office of Kevin W. Finch244 Bridgeport Avenue

    Milford, CT 06460

    Representing the Defendant:

    Self-Represented Litigant

    Recorded By:PShaunda D. Gibbs-Hopkins

    Transcribed By:

  • 8/9/2019 Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13



    PShaunda D. Gibbs-HopkinsCourt Recording Monitor1061 Main StreetBridgeport, CT 06604

  • 8/9/2019 Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13



    THE CLERK: Two; Sorrentino versus Sorrentino .1

    THE COURT: All right, the parties --2

    THE CLERK: Do you wish me to put them3

    under oath?4

    THE COURT: Yes.5

    THE CLERK: All right.6

    Please raise your right hand.7

    (Whereupon the clerk of the Court administered8

    the oath to the parties.)9

    THE CLERK: Please state your name and address10for the record.11


    MR. SORRENTINO: Sam Sorrentino, 27 Plum Trees13

    Road, Newtown, Connecticut.14

    THE CLERK: And, maam.15

    MS. SORRENTINO: Kathryn Sorrentino, 212 Curtis16

    Terrace, Fairfield, Connecticut.17

    THE CLERK: Thank you.18

    ATTY FINCH: And good morning, Your Honor.19

    For the record, Attorney Kevin Finch. I20

    represent Sam Sorrentino.21

    THE COURT: All right.22

    And it looks like at the end of the Court23

    hearing on June 4 th , the Court found the plaintiff --24

    no, the defendant, in contempt and ordered her to pay25

    a one thousand dollar fine today.26

    And you advised the clerk that you have those27

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    monies today?1


    I thought that you said that I was supposed to3

    bring you proof of everything that I filed, which I4

    did, and also evidence that -- or evidence that I was5

    going to an organization to seek help because you6

    felt that the --7

    THE COURT: All right.8

    MS. SORRENTINO: -- motions -- there was a -- it9

    was a sign of mental illness of filing so many10motions.11

    THE COURT: Not mental illness but some sort12

    of -- some type of mental health issue.13

    But I did indicate that if you had brought some14

    sort of proof that youre attempting to curb this15

    type of behavior -- let me back up, maam.16

    The -- the repetitive nature of these filings17

    indicates to me several things. One; its just you18

    want to antagonize the other party. Two; that its --19

    it appeared to me that it was almost so compulsive20

    that it might be indicative of some type of21

    mental health issue, and that if you felt and -- and22

    if you wanted to bring to me proof that you are at23

    least attempting to curb this type of behavior on24

    that by seeking counseling, I would consider that and25

    consider vacating it. So if you want to show me26

    something -- let me emphasize. I dont want to see27

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    detailed reports that shouldnt be part of a record1

    but something that shows that youre at least2

    attending and seeking assistance from the therapist.3

    I would certainly review.4

    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.5

    Ive -- here you go.6

    THE COURT: All right.7

    Have you seen that?8

    ATTY FINCH: Ive not seen it, Your Honor.9

    THE CLERK: Defendants A for ID.10ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, I have no issue with11

    this being admitted.12

    THE CLERK: Defendants A, full.13

    (Whereupon Defendants Exhibit A was entered14

    into evidence as a full exhibit.)15

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, Ill -- Ill point out,16

    Your Honor, that letter in no way addresses the17

    concerns that Your Honor raised the last time we were18

    in court.19

    THE COURT: All right.20

    And theres -- the clerk advises me that21

    according to Edison theres been another filing or22

    another request?23

    ATTY FINCH: There was a filing, I believe, the24

    day after we were present before Your Honor.25

    THE COURT: Did you get a copy of that?26

    ATTY FINCH: I did get a copy of it, Your Honor.27

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    Yes, I did.1

    THE COURT: And it was an attempt to file a2

    motion with the Court?3

    ATTY FINCH: It was a request for Ms. Sorrentino4

    to file an additional motion.5

    MS. SORRENTINO: I brought it with me if youd6

    like to read it. Mr. Sorrentino keeps -- continues to7

    fail to pay educational support.8

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, my client wholeheartedly9

    disputes that allegation and well deal with the10matter if, in fact, it is -- if it is granted by11

    Judge Turner.12

    MS. SORRENTINO: Im ready to address it now if13

    youd like though.14

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, its not on the docket15

    today, Your Honor.16

    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.17

    THE COURT: I cant, I cant. Besides, that would18

    be a different Court. If its a support order thats19

    family support magistrate.20

    You -- isnt that what you just said?21

    ATTY FINCH: Yes, Your Honor.22

    THE COURT: I was --23

    ATTY FINCH: I believe its --24

    THE COURT: Its a support matter, that comes out25

    of the family support magistrate.26

    MS. SORRENTINO: Isnt the permission supposed to27

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    be through Judge Turner though?1

    THE COURT: Oh, the permission; yes. But --2

    and -- and I dont know whats happening with that3

    but any kind of support matter would be through the4

    family support magistrate, all right.5

    Maam, Im not finding this sufficient. This6

    shows that you had domestic violence counseling and I7

    understand some of those skills that you might have8

    learned regarding treatment there, you can maybe pass9

    over and carry to todays date, but the only thing I10see here is some evidence of that there was a11

    one-time visit on June 7 th .12

    In light of that, Im going to order you to pay13

    the one thousand dollar fine to the clerks office14


    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.16

    THE COURT: All right.17

    MS. SORRENTINO: Your Honor --18

    THE COURT: Go ahead.19

    MS. SORRENTINO: -- she said that she would --20

    she thought that --21

    THE COURT: Whos she?22

    MS. SORRENTINO: The counselor.23

    THE COURT: Okay.24

    MS. SORRENTINO: She said that in looking at25

    all of my documents, it looks like I need help with26

    legal issues and that she would -- she would be able27

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    to get me in and get some legal help because I dont1

    have any. So she said thats probably whats creating2

    the problem because I dont have any legal help.3

    So --4

    THE COURT: Well, to begin with what she says --5

    you cant tell me what she says; thats hearsay. And6

    number two, it goes far beyond needing legal help at7

    this point in time.8

    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.9

    THE COURT: There -- were way beyond the --10needing legal assistance just to file motions.11

    MS. SORRENTINO: All right.12

    THE COURT: All right.13

    MS. SORRENTINO: Who does the check get made out14


    THE COURT: Clerks office downstairs.16

    Was there anything other than the -- other than17

    this --18

    ATTY FINCH: No, Your Honor.19

    THE COURT: -- that was on the docket; all right.20

    Youre ordered --21

    MS. SORRENTINO: Your Honor -- okay. Your Honor,22

    I have two checks. One is made out to Attorney Finch23

    and one is made out to Mr. Sorrentino.24

    THE COURT: Oh, okay.25

    MS. SORRENTINO: So I dont know who -- do --26

    THE COURT: Well, the -- did I --27

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    ATTY FINCH: No, Your Honor. I dont know -- I1

    dont know why those checks would be issued to me or2

    to my client.3

    MS. SORRENTINO: I -- nobody told me who to4

    make --5

    THE COURT: Did I order legal fees?6

    ATTY FINCH: You did not order legal fees,7

    Your Honor.8

    THE COURT: What are the checks made out --9

    what -- whats the amount of each check?10MS. SORRENTINO: You said to -- that I had to pay11

    a thousand dollars.12

    THE COURT: Okay.13

    Thats a thousand dollar fine to the14

    clerks office. It goes into the -- you pay -- its15

    paid to the clerks office. It is a contempt of Court16


    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.18

    Nobody told me who to make it out to so I have19

    the checks made out one to Mr. Sorrentino, one to20

    Attorney Finch, and I didnt bring anything with me.21

    I didnt bring another check with me.22

    So I -- again,I dont have legal help and I had23

    no idea. I just thought that the --24

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, this is just another25

    example of what Mrs. Sorrentino does.26

    Your Honor never indicated to her to write a27

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    check to me or to write a check to my client.1

    THE COURT: Why would you write out a check to2

    Mr. Finch?3

    ATTY FINCH: To either one of us, Your Honor.4

    MS. SORRENTINO: Then Ill -- Ill change it and5

    Ill put to the clerks office.6

    THE COURT: Okay.7

    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.8

    THE COURT: All right.9

    Proceed downstairs now, maam.10MS. SORRENTINO: All right.11

    THE COURT: To the clerks office.12

    MS. SORRENTINO: Okay.13

    ATTY FINCH: Thank you, Your Honor.14

    (Whereupon the matter was passed and recalled.)15

    THE CLERK: Recalling Sorrentino .16

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, we went down to the17

    clerks office.18

    Mrs. Sorrentino does not have the ability to19

    make the payment. She has checks from20

    other individuals that she cant possibly change the21

    names on.22

    THE COURT: All right.23

    ATTY FINCH: Theyre not her checks.24

    THE COURT: All right.25

    ATTY FINCH: Again, this is just another effort26

    of Mrs. Sorrentino to --27

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    MS. SORRENTINO: Your Honor --1

    ATTY FINCH: -- delay this matter.2

    MS. SORRENTINO: Your Honor, its not an effort3

    to -- to do anything.4

    Nobody told me who to make the checks out to and5

    if you look in the record, nobody did. I didnt even6

    get a Court order but what I can do is if I -- I7

    can -- its still early. I can go and get another8

    check and be back before lunchtime.9

    THE COURT: What do you -- tell me precisely what10it is you have.11

    MS. SORRENTINO: I have two checks. Ones made12

    out to Saviero Sorrentino, ones made out to13

    Kevin Finch; Attorney Finch, because --14

    THE COURT: In the amount of what?15

    MS. SORRENTINO: One thousand dollars.16

    THE COURT: Each?17

    MS. SORRENTINO: Yes because what -- my daughter18

    is loaning me the money and she said who do I make19

    the check out to, and I said its either to dad or to20

    his attorney, I guess, because I didnt know. So she21

    made one out to both. So Im supposed to rip up the22

    one --23

    THE COURT: So youre -- these arent24

    your checks.25

    MS. SORRENTINO: These are -- this is money being26

    loaned to me because I dont have a thousand dollars.27

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    THE COURT: But youre not -- youre not the1

    maker of the check?2

    MS. SORRENTINO: No. I dont -- I dont have --3

    THE COURT: All right.4

    Well, the order was clear on June 4 th that if5

    she doesnt pay the one thousand dollar fine,6

    shes incarcerated in lieu of that.7

    So, marshals, take her into custody --8

    MS. SORRENTINO: How do I --9

    THE COURT: -- until she -- until she purges10herself of the one thousand dollar fine. And if she11

    doesnt, well have her return to court.12

    MS. SORRENTINO: Can I call -- can I call and --13

    THE COURT: Yes.14

    MS. SORRENTINO: -- get the money?15

    THE COURT: Yes. You can -- Ill allow you to16

    make -- well, thats obviously up to the marshals but17

    if youre not -- if youre not allowed to make a18

    phone call downstairs, theyll allow you to make a19

    phone call at corrections.20

    Is there any way she can make a phone call --21

    can you make a phone call on her behalf to the22


    ATTY FINCH: I believe my client certainly can,24

    Your Honor.25

    MR. SORRENTINO: I dont -- I dont have any way26

    to reach my daughter by phone.27

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    ATTY FINCH: If Your Honor orders me to do that,1

    Im happy to do it, Your Honor.2

    THE COURT: Well, he doesnt have a way to reach3

    her by phone.4

    ATTY FINCH: Your Honor, my --5

    THE COURT: Take her to -- you know what, you6

    know --7

    ATTY FINCH: I already said, Your Honor --8

    THE COURT: I didnt create this situation,9

    folks.10ATTY FINCH: Your order was your order,11

    Your Honor.12

    THE COURT: Im stuck here. Im -- Im just the13

    one that has to enforce it. I ordered her a week ago14

    to come in with a pay of a thousand dollars. I gave15

    you the week as a courtesy more than anything to you.16

    I gave you a week in which to pay the fine, maam.17

    And you come in today without a fine payment. I dont18

    know what made you think that you can -- that the19

    check would be made payable to a different party.20

    If you can -- if you can provide Mr. Finch with21

    a phone number with which to reach your daughter --22

    because I dont think the marshals are able to give23

    you a phone call from downstairs, well do that. In24

    the meantime, youre in custody.25

    Shes got to be returned to court at some point26

    in time. Theres got to be someone doing arraignments27

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    so if she -- if she doesnt post that one thousand1

    dollar fine by Friday, shes going to have to be2

    brought to the GA court at least for it to be heard3

    further on the arraignments docket.4

    THE CLERK: So on the 14 th .5

    THE COURT: Yes.6

    THE CLERK: The review date.7

    THE COURT: Yes.8

    MS. SORRENTINO: I will have to call a friend and9

    have her --10THE COURT: Well --11

    MS. SORRENTINO: Let me give you my friends --12

    my friends number.13

    ATTY FINCH: Thank you, Your Honor.14

    (Whereupon this matter was concluded.)15













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    FBT FA06 4015691 : SUPERIOR COURT




    C E R T I F I C A T I O N

    I hereby certify the foregoing pages are a true and

    correct transcription of the audio recording of the above-

    referenced case, heard in Superior Court, Judicial District of

    Fairfield, Bridgeport,

    Connecticut, before the Honorable Corinne

    Klatt, Judge, on the 11 th day of June, 2014.

    Dated this 18 th day of July, 2014, in Bridgeport,


    _______________________________PShaunda D. Gibbs-HopkinsCourt Recording Monitor

  • 8/9/2019 Saverio Sorrentino vs. Kathryn Sorrentino Transcript 6-11-13



    FBT FA06 4015691 : SUPERIOR COURT




    C E R T I F I C A T I O N

    I hereby certify the foregoing pages are a true and

    correct electronic transcription of the audio recording of the

    above-referenced case, heard in Superior Court, Judicial District

    of Fairfield, Bridgeport , Connecticut, before the Honorable

    Corinne Klatt, Judge, on the 11 th day of June, 2014.

    Dated this 18 th day of July, 2014, in Bridgeport,


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    _______________________________PShaunda D. Gibbs-HopkinsCourt Recording Monitor