Save a bee, adopt a bee,breed a bee

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Save a bee, adopt a bee,breed a bee

Save a bee, Adopt a bee,

Breed a bee!Bee Values

1. Save a bee

Bees are killed in mass by ignorance?


People are scared of bees for their sting. Often bees are

mistaken for wasps that sting to cause undue pain in the


Scientific evidences prove bee sting is highly beneficial

for human being.

But what happens when bees are in open and 90% do

not know what is a bee or a wasp? What happens when

they do not know bee values?

1. Save a bee…….

The big mass of bees clustering are swarms that has split from a

colony and such bees are homeless and they are really in the

lookout of a good shelter.

It is we who can save them.

Let us rehabilitate each swarm we find before someone take a

drastic step of killing them.

Create the awareness on bee values – it is bees that which work

for us to pollinate our food crops. We need them. We have to

save them.

1. Save a bee……

We are building a tool by which anyone can inform us when they find a

swarm and we swing into action.

People with ideas can contact us.

People with facilities can inform us.

Entrepreneurs interested to involve can contact us by joining Global Bee


We are committed to save bees in any place and any location.

2. Adopt a bee

Bees need care.

They need water. They need plenty of water in summer; to cool

themselves and to cool their house. To cool and keep their younger

ones in the brood chamber.

You can give them water even if you do not have your own bee

keeping. You can create a bee waterer just with a shallow vessel

with some pebbles in that. Bees cannot sit on water for they drown.

So pebbles help them not to drown.

If you have your own bee hives with bees, ensure they get plenty of

water in summer. Let them not fly too far for water fetching.

2. Adopt a bee………

Also, they need food when they don’t have natural nectar. Pollen is an

essential food that bees need. Feed them if they don’t have it. Reserve

pollen and honey in your hive for the bees in the off season and especially

in the cold weather when bees can’t go out.

A bee keeper is one who can do all the care the bees need. You too can

learn it. Find a bee keeper in your area and learn. It is just like you look after

your children. Care with love; loving as they are your own.

We at Global Bee Village have several programs to adopt bees through

volunteering and in our own farm.

If you have an idea, please let us know.

If you have a thought, please share it to make it practical.

2. Adopt a bee…..

Entrepreneurs interested to involve can contact us by joining Global Bee


We are continuously learning to find new ways of protecting bees and help

mitigating bee decline that is happening all over the world.

This is the time any bee lover can spring into action and make it a project

for sustainability and evolution.

3. Breed a Bee

Bee breeding is a natural process unless you want to do it by controlled


During the honey flow season, when more bees are produced in the

colony, the colony generate a queen and the new queen need a colony

of its own.

Learn to identify your queen as a first step.

Learn to identify the queen cell that stands out.

Learn to be bee friendly.

3. Adopt a bee…….

It is just easy to make another colony when bee breeding happen. Give them a new house and it grows to become a big colony.

It is just by loving bees you learn the art of bee breeding. There is high scope for dong a breeding farm as we need thousands of bee colonies in the coming days.

Bee breeders are needed.

Bee colonies are needed.

Bee breeding artisans are required by us.

Entrepreneurs interested to involve can contact us by joining Global Bee Village

Just go to this link clicking on that and fill up the simple form in few seconds.

It is your pathway to a better world of bees and bee entrepreneurship.

4. Action:

Register yourself in the Global Bee village

Join us to mitigate bee decline by being a partner

It is a global platform of bee enthusiasts and bee experts.

We create jobs, bee entrepreneurship programs though out the world.

We need people everywhere.

It is building a global enterprise with people participation.

Bees are worth the attention; Bee values are deeper. Let us mine the bee values


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Let us make the world a better place with more bees around.