Satyam Project Repository. Contents Introduction Types of Projects and work flows Who can initiate a...

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Transcript of Satyam Project Repository. Contents Introduction Types of Projects and work flows Who can initiate a...

Satyam Project RepositorySatyam Project Repository


• Introduction• Types of Projects and work flows• Who can initiate a PID request?• PID Proliferation• Collaboration• Project Information in SPR• Process for getting new customer id• High Level features of SPR• Access to SPR• Roles and respective options


• Satyam Project Repository (SPR) is– A key application in the Integrated

Effort Management System– A Process Automation Tool that

automates project initiation process of QMS


• Key objectives– To maintain a centralized / common

repository of project information– To generate a unique project id for

each project that can be referred by all stakeholders

Note : The stakeholders of SPR are Business Units, Finance, HR and Quality.  Business Units provide the actual data of the projects, Finance validates and uses the information for effort management, HR provides associates data and Quality uses the information for process improvements.The end users of the tool are PLs / PMs / FIC / RCC / AIC / Program Manager / Delivery Heads / Account Managers / QRs.

Types of ProjectsTypes of Projects

There are 2 types of projects• Billable• Non-Billable

Non-billable projects are further categorized into – External non-billable projects: non-billable projects

executed for external clients. E.g.. initial requirements study, project prototypes.

– Internal (Competency building) - projects executed for competency building

Each category has a separate project initiation process flow. A high level process flow of all these types is depicted in subsequent slides.

High-Level Process for PID generation

Billable Projects



Enter project information& PO details

PL / PM / DH / Unit RCC / Program Manager / CoRCC

Validate PO details


Are PO details entered?

Update PO details



Approval of PIFAIC

Are PO details valid?


PIF Approved?

PL / PM / DH / Unit RCC / Program Manager / CoRCC


Generate Project ID

Mail to AIC, PM, PL, FIC& RCC with PID details

Mail to AIC, Pm, PL & FIC

Escalate to chairpersonIf PO details are not update within 15 days

ContinueProject? Yes


Inform AIC, CCFO, PM & RCC to close project

Yes No


High-Level Process for PID generation

Non-Billable External ProjectsStart

Enter project informationFor non-billable project PL / PM / DH / Unit RCC / Program

Manager / CoRCC

Approval of PIF for Non-Billable project


PIF Approved?


Approval of PIF for Non-Billable projects

Mail to AIC, PM, PL, FIC& RCC with PID details

Mail to AIC, Pm, PL & FIC




PIF Approved?


Generate Project ID

Mail to AICNo

High-Level Process for PID generation

Non-Billable Internal Projects


Enter Project Info / ProposalCompetency DevelopmentProject Proposal [CDPP]

Decision on CDPP Select Review teamReview

Allocate Project ID


Follow normal projectexecution process


Review CDPP

Review Outcome

Submit Clarification

Submit Review Report


Archive CDPP


Clarification required

Submit Review Report





SPR tool


Review Team

Review Team

Review Team

Review Team


Approve CDPP


Accept CDPP


Note: This work flow is not automated thru SPR

Who can initiate a PID request?Who can initiate a PID request?

• Customer facing unit (organic circle) like VBU/SRU/RBU should initiate project id request.

• HCU can also initiate a project id if it has received a PO from its Alliance Partners.

PID ProliferationPID Proliferation

• Number of PID(s) created and associated with a project will depend on

– Purchase Order (PO)– Work Order (WO) against a PO– Invoicing mechanism


• A project is considered to be in collaboration mode only if

a) it is being executed by multiple circles b) revenues are shared among multiple

units (VBUs and/or HCUs).

• Collaboration can happen at two levelsa) Project Levelb) Associate Level

Project CollaborationProject Collaboration

• In project collaboration multiple units are involved in executing a project.

– Each customer facing unit is to initiate a project id request thru SPR tool by providing PO, Customer, Project and collaboration details

– FIC and AIC of the respective circles will review and approve the details to get the system generated project id

– This project id is referred to as organic project id and the same has to be communicated to collaborating circles offline

– With reference to the organic project id each collaborating circle has to request for collaboration project id

Project CollaborationProject Collaboration

• How is it implemented in SPR?– The organic project id has to be requested for by

submitting the Level 1 data in the PIF by the project team (PL / PM / DH / Program Manager) of the customer facing circle. This would include specifying the circles that will be collaborating to execute the project

– Once project id is generated, collaborating circle(s) project team has to be informed about this project id offline

– Taking this as the reference project ID each of the collaborating circles have to request for project ID in the tool. Upon selection of the reference project ID the corresponding PO details, Customer details will be populated in the form automatically from organic project information

– FIC review is incorporated here to ensure the correct reference project id is picked up by the project team

Associate CollaborationAssociate Collaboration

• Collaboration at associate level refers to the scenario where one circle requests for resources from another circle to execute a purchase order either in professional services or projects mode

• Associates from respective parent circles would be deputed to the requesting circle for the execution of the specific PO

• In such cases, associates have to log efforts against project id of the organic circle and no new project id will be required. The Reporting Manager of the organic circle has to approve the efforts of these associates for invoicing

Associate CollaborationAssociate Collaboration

• The unit RCC of the associate has to map the requesting circle id to the associate id through ‘Add Circle’ option in SPR

• This would enable the requesting circle RCC to map the associate to the corresponding project

Project Information in SPRProject Information in SPR

• Project Information in Satyam Project Repository (SPR) is maintained at two levels

– Level 1 Informationa) Entered before the start of the projectb) Contains Purchase order details,Customer

Details and high level project details.c) Basis for PID generation

– Level 2 Informationa) Entered and updated periodically during the

course of project executionb) Contains project execution details.c) Builds the organization-wide project repository

Process for getting new customer Process for getting new customer id id

• PL/PM has to make an offline request to unit FIC for a new customer entry

• Unit FIC will fill the template available in SPR

• Finance desk will then create new customer id in Finance database and inform IIS

• IIS will update new customer id in SPR database

High Level features of SPRHigh Level features of SPR

• Role based access to Project Repository – There are various specified roles who can access SPR with different set of responsibilities.

• Project initiation- Projects can be initiated by PL/PM/DH/Program Manager/RCC.

• Review & approval for projects – Each project type has review approval cycle –Refer to high level project id generation flow for more details.

• Maintenance of Project information- Once project id is created, project information can be maintained by respective roles and can be updated in SPR.

High Level features of SPR - High Level features of SPR - Contd..Contd..

• Query the project repository – Queries on various fields maintained in SPR can be done to generate analysis reports.

• System generated communication to the stakeholders – SPR generates mails to respective stakeholders in the process flow to keep everyone informed.

• Integration with other databases/tools-SPR is integrated with other databases and tools like SHINE for associates information, Quantify to update project details, Finance database for customer details.

Access to SPRAccess to SPR

• Associate has to register with the tool for access. This triggers a mail to the Unit RCC.

• Unit RCC has to add the new user to the tool by assigning an appropriate role.

• A mail is generated to the registered user with the login id and password once the unit RCC submits the necessary role details.

SPR can be accessed through the following URLsIntranet : :

Roles in SPR Roles in SPR

• Associates of different roles have responsibility in project id generation. The functionality to support these roles is built-in SPR. The roles available are:

– Unit RCC – Finance-In-Charge– Project Manager– Project Leader– Delivery Head– Program Manager– AIC– AIC (Rep)– Corporate

Role of Unit RCC in SPRRole of Unit RCC in SPR

• Unit RCC is responsible for– Registering associates of the circle

with SPR– Initiating project id requests for

professional services– Maintaining the project information

for professional services in SPR– Maintaining Associate information in


Options for Unit RCCOptions for Unit RCC

• Add a New Associate• Add Circles• Remove Circles• Update User Roles• Remove Registration• Activate Registration• PM/PL Transition• Query Projects• Query Old Project Id• Add New Project Details• Modify Project Details• Update Project Status• View Active Projects• View Role Wise Registrations• Project Review/Approval Status• PIF Guidelines• FAQs• SLAs

Add a New AssociateAdd a New Associate

•Select the user id from the dropdown list•Check the appropriate role for the associate and submit the details.•The system will trigger a mail to the user with the login details and the URL to SPR.

To provide access to the registered users in SPR

Add CirclesAdd Circles

•Select the associate id from the drop down list. •Add the collaborating circle from the list of circles and submit the details.•The system will trigger a mail to the respective associate and the unit RCC of the collaborating circle informing the same.

To map multiple circles to associates who are deputed to other circle for execution of projects. Enables the unit RCC of the collaborating circle to map the associate to the projects being executed by their circle.

Remove CirclesRemove Circles

To release associates from or disassociate associates with the collaborating circles at the end of deputation.

•Select the associate id from the drop down list. •Remove the collaborating circle from the list of circles mapped to the associate and submit the details.•The system will trigger a mail to the respective associate and the unit RCC of the collaborating circle informing the same.

Update User RolesUpdate User Roles

•Select the associate id from the dropdown list. •Check / uncheck appropriate role(s) and submit the details. •Associates with multiple roles will be given an option to choose from the roles after login to SPR.

To reflect the change in the role(s) of the user.To assign multiple roles to the user.

Remove RegistrationRemove Registration

•Select the associate id from the dropdown list and submit the form.•Access to SPR tool for the selected associate is disabled.

To disable SPR access to an associate.Deactivated user ids will be visible in the activate registration list for future use

Activate RegistrationActivate Registration

•Select the associate id from the dropdown list and submit the form.•Access to SPR tool for the selected associate is enabled.

To activate access to SPR for a deactivated user.Activated user ids will be visible in the update user roles list.

PL / PM TransitionPL / PM Transition

To add / remove/change the PL / PM for a project

•Select the project from the list box. •Check the appropriate option from ‘Add new PM’, ‘Remove PM’, ‘Add new PL’ and ‘Remove PL’ options. •Add / remove the associate from the appropriate list box and submit the details.•The system will trigger a mail to the respective associates with the details of changes.

Query ProjectsQuery Projects

To query the project repository

•Select fields for input criteria from the list of fields•Select fields to view in the query results •Proceed to give the criteria values and submit the details•The query results are displayed based on the criteria and values given and the fields selected to view

Query Old Project IDQuery Old Project ID

•Select the old Project ID from the drop down list•Corresponding new project id(s) is displayed•Click on the new project id for the project information

To query the project repository with the old project id

Note :Due to the changes in the project id conventions old projects have been allocated with new project id(s). The list of old project ids and the corresponding new project ids is maintained in the repository for query

Add New Project DetailsAdd New Project Details

To request for a new project id for professional services of the circle

Note : For more details on filling the project information form refer to PIF guidelines option provided .

•Select the Billing Type from the dropdown list•Select the Execution model from the dropdown list•Select circle from the dropdown list•Submit the details to proceed to provide the Project Information

Add New Project Details – Add New Project Details – Contd….Contd….

Note : For more details on filling the project information form refer to PIF guidelines option.

Modify Project DetailsModify Project Details

To update the project information with the changes during the project life cycle

•Select the project from the list•Update the project information as needed and submit the details

Partially Saved ProjectsPartially Saved Projects

To modify the partially saved project details

Note: Saved project information with project details will be available in partially saved projects.

•Select the project id from the list•Modify / complete the project information and submit the details for review / approval

Update Project StatusUpdate Project Status

•Select the project id from the dropdown list•The project name and the circle details will be populated into the form•Select the appropriate status for the project and submit the details

To change the status of the project

View Active ProjectsView Active Projects

To view the list of Active Projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

Guidelines for RCCGuidelines for RCC

To view the help document detailing the options available to the Unit RCC.

View Role-Wise RegistrationsView Role-Wise Registrations

To view the list of associates registered under various roles in a circle.

•Select the role from the dropdown list•Select the circle from the dropdown list and submit the details•The list of associates of the selected circle in the selected role will be displayed

Project Review / Approval Status Project Review / Approval Status RequestRequest

To view the status of the project requests and the details of the associate with whom request is pending.

•The list of projects that have been initiated and the review/approval status are displayed.

PIF GuidelinesPIF Guidelines

To view the guidelines for filling project information


To view answers to the most frequently asked questions on SPR


To view the service level agreements for various roles in SPR

Role of FIC in SPRRole of FIC in SPR

• Unit FIC is responsible for – validation of

a) Purchase Order detailsb) Customer Detailsc) Project Description

– Requesting new customer Id in finance database• Details of validations to be done:

– PO details w.r.t. customer name and project description

– Work order details w.r.t. Purchase Order details wherever available (to address type 2 projects)

– Purchase Order details w.r.t. reference project id (Id allocated to project for the customer facing circle) in case of collaboration projects

Options available to FICOptions available to FIC

• PO review• View active projects• View on-hold projects• View closed projects• Customer details entry• Guidelines for FIC• Project review/approval status request• PIF guidelines• FAQs• SLAs

PO ReviewPO Review

To validate the PO information submitted by the associates of the circle

•Select the project from the list. Project information of the selected project id will be displayed. Validate the details and approve / reject the request as appropriate.•All approved requests are presented to the circle AIC for approval. The system triggers a mail to the next level informing the same.•Rejections of requests are to be appropriately justified. The system triggers a mail to the initiator of the project request with this justification.

View Active ProjectsView Active Projects

To view the list of Active Projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View On-hold ProjectsView On-hold Projects

To view the list of projects of the circle that are on-hold

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View Closed ProjectsView Closed Projects

To view the list of closed projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

Customer Details EntryCustomer Details Entry

To request for addition of new customer details into the customer database maintained by the finance circle

•Submit the necessary details. •The system will trigger a mail to the concerned associate of the finance circle with the details of the request.•The customer database is updated by the associate with the details

Note : The customer list in the project information form is synchronized with the database of customers maintained by the finance circle.

Guidelines for FICGuidelines for FIC

To view the help document detailing the options available to the FIC.

Project Review / Approval Status Project Review / Approval Status RequestRequest

To view the status of the project requests and the details of the associate with whom request is pending.

•The list of projects that have been initiated and pending for approval and the status are displayed.

PIF GuidelinesPIF Guidelines

To view the guidelines for filling project information


To view answers to the most frequently asked questions on SPR


To view the service level agreements for various roles in SPR

Role of Project Manager / Project Role of Project Manager / Project Leader / Delivery Manager / Program Leader / Delivery Manager / Program


• Project Manager / Project Leader / Delivery Manager / Program Manager are responsible for

– initiating project id request– maintaining project information– maintaining project status

Options for PM / PL / Program Options for PM / PL / Program Manager / Delivery HeadManager / Delivery Head

• Add New Project Details• Modify Project Details• Level 2 Details (PL only)• Level 2 Approval (PM only)• Partially Saved Projects• View Active Projects• View On-hold Projects• View Closed Projects• Query Projects• Query Old Project ID• Modify Project Status• Project Review / Approval Status Request• PIF Guidelines• FAQs• SLAs

Add New Project DetailsAdd New Project Details

To request for a new project id

Note : For more details on filling the project information form refer to “Guidelines for Filling Project Information” in Qualify

•Select the Billing Type from the dropdown list•Select the Execution model from the dropdown list•Select circle from the dropdown list•Submit the details to proceed to provide the Project Information

Add New Project Details – Add New Project Details – Contd….Contd….

Note : For more details on filling the project information form refer to “Guidelines for Filling Project Information” in Qualify

Modify Project DetailsModify Project Details

To update the project information with the changes during the life cycle

•Select the project from the list •Update the project information as needed and submit the details

Level 2 ApprovalLevel 2 Approval

To approve the Level 2 information of the project . Level 2 needs to be approved by PMs before project can be closed in SPR.

Note : This option is available to the Project Managers only

Level 2 DetailsLevel 2 Details

To maintain the Level 2 information of the project

Note : This option is available to the Project Leaders only

Partially Saved ProjectsPartially Saved Projects

To modify the partially saved project details

•Select the project id from the list•Modify / complete the project information and submit the details for review / approval

View Active ProjectsView Active Projects

To view the list of Active Projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View On-hold ProjectsView On-hold Projects

To view the list of projects of the circle that are on-hold

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View Closed ProjectsView Closed Projects

To view the list of closed projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

Query ProjectsQuery Projects

To query the project repository

•Select fields for criteria from the list of fields•Select fields to view in the query results •Proceed to give the criteria values and submit the details•The query results are displayed based on the criteria given and the fields selected to view

Query Old Project IDQuery Old Project ID

•Select the old Project ID from the drop down list•Corresponding new project id(s) is displayed. •Click on the new project id for the project information

To query the project repository with the old project id

Note :Due to the changes in the project id conventions old projects have been allocated with new project id(s). The list of old project ids and the corresponding new project ids is maintained in the repository for query

Project Review / Approval Status Project Review / Approval Status RequestRequest

To view the status of the project requests of the circle

•The list of projects that have been initiated and pending for approval and the status are displayed.

Modify Project StatusModify Project Status

•Select the project id from the dropdown list•The project name and the circle details will be populated into the form•Select the appropriate status for the project and submit the details

To change the status of the project

Note: Only PMs can close the projects in SPR.

PIF GuidelinesPIF Guidelines

To view the guidelines for filling project information


To view answers to the most frequently asked questions on SPR


To view the service level agreements for various roles in SPR

Role of AIC / AIC(Rep) in SPRRole of AIC / AIC(Rep) in SPR

• AIC of the circle is responsible for– Final approval of billable projects – Approval of projects that are being

initiated without a Purchase Order– Initial or First level Approval of non-

billable projects

Options for AIC / AIC(Rep)Options for AIC / AIC(Rep)

• Level 1 Approval• View Active Projects• View On-hold Projects• View Closed Projects• Project Review / Approval Status Request• PIF Guidelines• FAQs• SLAs

Level 1 ApprovalLevel 1 Approval

To approve / reject billable and non-billable projects

Note : AIC can edit few fields like Critical Success Factors and Business Risks before approval.

• Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

• Approve / Reject the project

View Active ProjectsView Active Projects

To view the list of Active Projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View On-hold ProjectsView On-hold Projects

To view the list of projects of the circle that are on-hold

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View Closed ProjectsView Closed Projects

To view the list of closed projects of the circle

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

Project Review / Approval Status Project Review / Approval Status RequestRequest

To view the status of the project requests of the circle

•The list of projects that have been initiated and pending for approval and the status are displayed.

PIF GuidelinesPIF Guidelines

To view the guidelines for filling project information


To view answers to the most frequently asked questions on SPR


To view the service level agreements for various roles in SPR

Role of Corporate in SPRRole of Corporate in SPR

• Corporate is responsible for– Final approval of all non

billable(internal,external,SSU) projects.

Options for CorporateOptions for Corporate

• Level 1 approval• View Active projects• View on-hold projects• View closed projects• Project review / approval status request• PIF guidelines• FAQs• SLAs

Level 1 ApprovalLevel 1 Approval

To approve / reject non-billable projects

• Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

• Approve / Reject the project

View Active ProjectsView Active Projects

To view the list of Active Projects of the organization

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View On-hold ProjectsView On-hold Projects

To view the list of projects of the organization that are on-hold

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

View Closed ProjectsView Closed Projects

To view the list of closed projects of the organization

•Select the project id from the list to view more details of the project

Project Review / Approval Status Project Review / Approval Status RequestRequest

To view the status of the project requests of all the circles

•The list of projects that have been initiated and pending for approval and the status are displayed.

PIF GuidelinesPIF Guidelines

To view the guidelines for filling project information


To view answers to the most frequently asked questions on SPR


To view the service level agreements for various roles in SPR

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