Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21 ... - Weight To ·...

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Weight To Go Drops This homeopathic remedy has been found to be supportive of weight loss when taken in conjunction with the adapted Dr. Simeons’ Diet Protocol.

Weight To Go Medical Disclaimer Do not follow this weight loss protocol without consulting a physician and/or health professional. The material provided in this document is for your convenience and to increase your knowledge and understanding of the Weight To Go Drops and the Drops & Diet Protocol. This document does not intend to diagnose disease nor to provide specific medical advice. Be advised that Weight To Go is not a medical institution, nor do we portray ourselves as such. Anyone using the Drops & Diet Protocol should be aware that you are following it at your own risk and Weight To Go accepts no responsibility for any damage or health issues as a result.

Weight To Go products are made in Canada and are in compliance with Health Canada’s standards. Weight To Go distributors have completed Homeopathic Certification through Maison Naturelle International Homeopathic Institute.

© Weight To Go 2011 Printed and Made in Canada weight togo page 2









Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Drops & Diet Protocol Phase I Loading (2 days) Take 10-15 drops 3 times a day. Eat more than you normally would especially oils, starches and sweets. Eat at least 3 meals a day. This is important to prevent hunger for the next 4-5 days. This phase is also known as the "Binge Days". Phase II Weight Loss (No less than 21 days, no more than 45) Continue to take the drops 3 times a day. The daily meals consist of the following: Breakfast: Herbal teas, tea, or coffee in any quantity for breakfast or throughout the day. Lunch: 1. Protein - 100 grams/3.5 oz lean, raw weight: veal, beef, skinless chicken breast, white fish, lobster, crab, albacore tuna (if canned: water), shrimp, Arctic char or "meats of the land" such as, buffalo, caribou, elk, deer or moose. Prepare boiled or grilled without any additional oils or fats. 2. Vegetable - One cooked vegetable of the following: spinach, Swiss chard, chicory, fennel, kale, beet greens, asparagus, cabbage, onions, or a salad consisting of any combination of the following: lettuce, tomatoes, celery, radishes, cucumbers, spinach or alfalfa sprouts. 3. Carbohydrate (carbs) - Choose one: Ryvita Cracker, Melba Toast, Kavli Crispbread, 2 Stone Wheat Thins or Dorothy’s Ancient Grains Cracker (Recipe Page 11). The carb can be taken for breakfast, a snack, or left out completely without effecting any results. 4. Fruit - Choose one: apple, orange, handful of strawberries or ½ grapefruit. This can be taken for breakfast or as a snack during the day.

Dinner: The same four choices as lunch but a different protein and vegetable for each daily meal.


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Additional Information a. Absolutly no oils, fats, butter or dressings are to be used. b. The juice of a lemon is allowed daily. This can be used in tea, as a dressing or as desired. c. 1 tbsp of milk is allowed each day. d. No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Natural sweeteners, like Stevia and Xylitol are allowed. e. Any herbs or spices without sugar or starch are allowed. This includes: salt, pepper, cayenne, dill, mustard powder, garlic, onion, oregano, parsley, etc. Absolutly no MSG. a. Protein Substitutions: ½ cup fat free cottage cheese, ¾ cup fat free yogurt and 1 egg portion which is 1 egg plus 2 egg whites. g. Either lunch or dinner can be switched for breakfast. Phase III Stabilizing (3 weeks) After the last day of Phase II, eat for 2 days as if you were still on the drops, then begin Phase III. This phase is important to stabilize your new weight and is necessary to prevent future weight gain.

Increase your food intake to 1200-1500 calories daily. Do not eat less than this. Your weight will fluctuate the first week or two. This is normal. Do not try to lose weight during this time. Do not eat sugars or carbs. This means no potatoes, rice, breads, grains, beans, squash, etc. Increase your protein to 150 grams per meal and fruits to 3 a day, may include bananas. Add dairy, nuts and non-starch vegetables. i.e. avocado, cottage cheese, butter, cheese, etc. Eat the healthy fats and the scale goes down. Try to limit the fats and the scale goes up. The occasional glass of wine can be taken with a meal. Weigh yourself each morning. Stay within 2 lbs of the lowest weight you recorded at the end of Phase II. If you exceed 2 lbs, reduce your food intake or do a “Steak Day” within 24 hours. This is when you eat nothing all day and for dinner have as much steak, or allowed protein, as desired with an apple or a tomato. Many have claimed losing 3-4 lbs. After 3 weeks slowly introduce carbs and sugars. Your carbs should be whole grains. Do not take oils and carbs at the same time. This is a good weight loss tip in general. Continue to monitor your weight. See our web site for more tips and explanations. 2

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

How to use Weight To Go Drops 1. Keep the drops in a dark place, like a cupboard or drawer, to avoid deterioration. 2. Vigorously shake the bottle at least 3 times before taking the drops. 3. Do not drink or eat anything within 20-30 minutes before or after taking the drops. 4. Take the drops 3 times a day, first thing in the morning and at least 20 minutes before eating each of your 2 meals. Place 10-15 drops under your tongue and let them sit there for approximately a minute to absorb, then swallow. 5. Drink plenty of water during each Phase. It is recommended to drink half of your body’s weight in fluid oz a day. i.e. If you weigh 150 lbs drink 75 fluid oz/8 glasses of water. If you drink coffee or tea with caffeine, increase your water intake. 6. Weigh yourself at the same time every morning. Your weight fluctuates throughout the day. 7. Keep a journal of your weight, size, food, and how you are feeling. Record this on a calendar or go to our website for our "Tracking Chart". If you do not have a digital bathroom or kitchen scale, consider purchasing one. You will get more accurate measurements. 8. While on the drops do not use oil based face or body lotions. This includes massage oils your hands may touch. Oils are absorbed through the skin and will reduce your weight loss. An exception is pure mineral oil or white petrolatum based products, such as George’s Creams, which skin does not readily absorb. 9. Do not use mint, peppermint or spearmint in any form such as in teas, chewing gum, candy, lozenges, toothpaste, etc. Mint neutralizes the drops. 10. After completing Phase II, if more weight loss is desired, the Drop & Diet Protocol can be repeated in 6 weeks. The 3 weeks of Phase III is part of your 6 weeks off of the drops. 11. If you repeat the Drops & Diet Protocol beyond 2 cycles, add an additional week off from the drops every time you go on an another cycle. 3

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Helpful Tips 1. When weighing your protein, be sure the 100 grams/3.5 oz is the raw weight, which is approximately the size of a deck of playing cards, not the cooked weight which would be closer to 85 grams/3 oz. 2. Apple Cider Vinegar: If possible, use at least 1 tbsp daily. An organic, raw, unfiltered type, such as Bragg, from a health food store is the best. Use it as a salad dressing or add a splash in hot water as a tea. Capsules are available for those who do not like the tangy flavour. 3. Many have found that tart apples, like Granny Smith’s, give better weight loss results when compared to sweeter apples, which can result in hunger. Monitor for yourself. 4. Herbamare is a tasty seasoning that can be used on both proteins and vegetables. Look for it at the organic or gluten free section of your grocery or health food store. 5. A "Mini Steak Day" has been known to be helpful during Phase II to break a plateau. Eat 4 or 5 apples throughout the day and for dinner eat 150 grams/5 oz of lean beef or allowed protein with a vegetable. 6. If at all possible use organic foods, though this is not mandatory. 7. Weight To Go Drops are not ruined when subjected to very warm or freezing conditions. The bottle must be kept out of light as this eventually deteriorates the drops. 8. Consider taking SYNERGY A+ during and after Phase III. This will help the body to continue balancing itself, while providing mental clarity, sustained energy and other health benefits. See product listing on page 12.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. How old do you have to be before you can take the drops?

You must have reached puberty prior to taking the drops. There is no age limit and a women can have completed menopause and still take the drops.

2. Can men take the drops? Yes. Men do very well on the drops. They are to stick to the same diet, even with a strenuous job.

3. I take various medications. Will this interfere with my weight loss? As stated in our Medical Disclaimer, consult your physician and/or health care professional before making any changes to your medication. If at all possible avoid oil capsules. We have found that people who have taken or are on diuretics, have little weight loss for the first week but do lose inches. We also have feedback from those on anti-depressant medication who say they are more emotional than usual for 4-5 days. Also, hunger can be a side effect of certain medications. Sometimes this is not overridden by our drops.

4. It has been 3 weeks and I have not lost weight for 3 days. Is this common? Yes. A plateau is when there is stalled weight loss. It often occurs during week 3 and may last 3-4 days. Do not be concerned since the body is balancing itself and you are often losing inches. Consider doing a “Mini Steak Day” if the plateau continues. See Helpful Tips page 4 #5. Weight loss rates often start to decline in weeks 4-5. This is common. Do not panic.

5. Can I eat my 2 fruits or 2 carbs at the same time and are pickled or dried fish allowed? No. Follow the Drops & Diet Protocol exactly as outlined. MAKE NO CHANGES AT ALL.

6. I am a vegetarian. Will the Drops & Diet Protocol work for me? Yes. Substitutions are allowed to get sufficient protein in your diet. Your weight loss may be less than that of others. Protein substitutions are listed on page 2 f.


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More FAQ 7. How do I deal with constipation?

Since you are eating less, this might become a problem especially if you have issues already. It is common not to have a bowel movement for up to 3 or 4 days. Do not panic. If you feel discomfort, take the products you normally would but be sure they are free of sugar. Consult your physician if discomfort arises. Consider taking Phyto-Laxa. See page 12.

8. Do I keep taking the drops during my menstruation?

Yes. Continue the Drops & Diet Protocol however weight loss may be reduced. It may be desirable to start the drops following your menses.

9. It is day 2 of my “loading” and I am not hungry. Can I skip a binge day?

No. On the second day you already may not feel hungry but eat an increased amount to prevent being hungry for the next 4-5 days.

10. Should I exercise while on the drops?

We do not recommend adding strenuous activities during Phase II, though walking or low impact exercise for 20-30 minutes a day can be done. During Phase III you can increase your physical activity or resume a previous exercise program. Part of a healthy lifestyle includes exercise and there are many benefits both physically and mentally that occur with exercise.

11. What quantity of the recommended vegetables can I eat?

2-3 cups per meal is suggested but you could have more, with your meal, if desired.

12. I initially had some mild headaches when taking the drops. Is this usual?

A few people have had mild headaches but usually for just a day or two. If this is the case, increase your water intake. If they persist, stop the drops. Consider taking Phyto-Drainol to detox. Page 12.

13. I have finished my second cycle of drops. Why did I lose less than the first time?

People generaly seem to lose the most the first time though additional cycles still have very significant losses of weight and inches. So maximize the potential of that first opportunity.


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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

14. Can I follow this diet without taking the drops?

Absolutely not. A low calorie diet, such as this one, without the support of the drops, would be harmful to your health and is not recommended. When on the drops you are not just living on the calories you are eating. You are also living on the fat that is being broken down through the ongoing process which is giving you the high weight loss you are experiencing.

15. I’ve been on the drops for 5 days already and I’m constantly hungry. Any suggestions?

If you follow the Drops & Diet Protocol properly you should not feel hungry. Review the entire protocol. Are you eating the proper foods? Did you load properly? Are you drinking enough water?Check for: mint, oils in your body lotions, side effects of medications especially anti-depressants, essential oils, hidden MSG and artificial sweeteners. Consider taking Apple Cider Vinegar.

16. Can I take massages during Phase II or Phase III?

No. Avoid any massages since they disturb the very delicate process that is going on in the body.

17. I have seen similar diets with drops but with additional foods listed. Can I include these?

There are lists which include zucchini, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, red and green peppers and other vegetables as well as additional fruits such as apricots, cherries and plums. We have found when these are included in the diet, you will not lose as much weight. To maximize the full potential of the drops, strictly follow our Drops & Diet Protocol. You can decide for yourself if you will include these foods but realize they will impact your results.

18. If I use more than the recommended 10-15 drops 3 times a day will I lose more weight?

No. Using more drops just wastes product. Also spreading out the drops, for example, taking 6 drops 6 times a day, will not increase your weight loss. 3 times daily is a homeopathic standard.

19. I am on Phase III and my weight is fluctuating a lot. What is happenig?

The most common error is not eating enough food for your body to stabilize. Review the protocol.


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Not all drops are created equal! Our drops are proven and have been used by hundreds of successful and satisfied customers who have lost weight and inches. Here are some of their stories. The health benefits expressed by these individuals are not isolated but have been reported by many other people as well. See our website for more stories and pictures.

Victor - When I saw my wife drop the weight I thought I’d try the drops as well. Though I would not have considered myself much over weight I did lose over 40 lbs. I did not lose any muscle. As First Nations, I know my Aboriginal friends will appreciate being able to have traditional meats while on the Drops & Diet Protocol. JL Age 50 - I was the work out queen but always lost the battle of the ever increasing spare tire around my waist. What I thought would be 20 lbs to lose was actually 30 as I toned up and reduced my body fat percentage. ‘Steak Day’ rocks. I’m always amazed when I lose 3-4 lbs the next day. No hunger. Down 30 lbs and have kept it off for over 5 months. Char Age 75 - I am down 52 lbs and just starting Phase III of my second cycle of drops. It has been so exciting and easy to see the weight drop off compared to my previous failed attemts. Beyond this, I have many positive health benefits including my ankle swelling going down, clearer thinking, lots of energy, no more night sweats or hot flashes, and my blood pressure is down to normal on half the previous medication. I am now on the SYNERGY A+ for further support in stabilizing my weight. PJ (Male) Age 60 - Down 42 lbs. I can not believe how quickly the weight came down. I was not hungry when I stuck to the diet but as soon as I ate something extra, I got hungry. My knees feel so much better.


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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

More testimonies

Heike - NWT - When Dorothy introduced me to the Weight To Go Drops she instilled hope in my heart for the first time in several years. I had Type II Diabetes, mononucleosis, and continually suffered extreme heartburn, stomach pain and swelling. Within 3 days of beginning the Drops & Diet Protocol my sugar levels started going down and by day 6, I had achieved normal sugar levels that continue. Initially I was fearful that the Drops & Diet wouldn’t work for me. Because of the diabetes I added a third small protein meal, as a breakfast, which is what I would recommend to other diabetics. It did not take long for me to realize that the protocol works, and now I am committed to bringing this news to the North! There was no struggle involved. I have lost weight. I have normal blood sugar and blood pressure readings. I feel alive. I am grateful for Weight To Go Drops and the changes they have brought to my life. I dreamed the dream, and now live in the Joy! YOU can too!

CJ Age 60 - In 2 cycles of 6 weeks on the drops, I have lost 60 lbs. I am the slimmest I have been in 30 years. I just cracked 200 lbs and celebrated by buying a couple of pieces of clothing that fit my new size. My doctor has been willing to watch me during this journey and he approves of what I am doing. My health has improved so much. My blood sugar levels are now normal and I am off my diabetes medication. My blood pressure is significantly lower. My digestion medication is down by half. My energy levels are so much better along with my mental soundness. I am learning to cook again and to know when I am hungry and when I am satisfied. This has been a very spiritual step for me. I am very thankful and full of gratitude in how the drops have turned my life around. 9

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Recipes and Food Preparation Make meals as convenient as possible by preparing portions in advance. For example, weigh, bake and freeze a large batch of skinless chicken breasts. These will be handy to warm up and eat with a salad or a cooked vegetable. When barbequing, fill your grill with pre-weighed portions and freeze the leftovers for future meals. Chicken or beef chunks left over from the 100 gram portions work well as shish kabobs. Here are some recipes. Go to our web site for more tasty ideas. Other Phase II & III Recipes on our web site: Fermented Cultured Vegetables & Kefir Oma’s Old Fashioned Sauerkraut/ Pickles Mock Fried Chicken/Fish

Strawberry Ice Cream/Smoothie Handful of strawberries 1 tbsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp milk Stevia and vanilla to taste 1-2 cups of ice - Blend until smooth for a smoothie - Freeze smoothie 1 hour for ice-cream - Meal Substitute: add ¾ cup fat free yogurt Tuna (Albacore) Salad Place a can of drained tuna on a bed of lettuce, cucumbers, alfalfa sprouts and tomatoes. Season with Herbamare or your favorite herbs and sprinkle with apple cider vinegar.

Alfalfa Seeds (see product listing page 12) Sprouts are easy to make and very nutritious. They are great in salads and high in enzymes. Making Alfalfa Sprouts You Need: 2 tbsp alfalfa seeds, quart size glass jar, cheese cloth, rubber band. How To: Put seeds in the jar and cover with 2 inches of water. Place cheese cloth over the jar and secure with the rubber band. Soak overnight. Rinse each morning and night by adding more water and drain it off using the cheese cloth as a screen. The jar should be kept in a dark area. After 2 days the seeds will start sprouting. They are ready to eat when they are about 2 inches long which takes 5-6 days. Leave the sprouts in the sunlight for a day to turn them green. Store refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.


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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Beef & Cabbage Stir-fry (2 servings) 200 grams lean minced beef

½ cup thinly sliced white onion 4 cups thinly sliced red cabbage 1 green apple: peeled, cored and finely chopped Juice of ½ grapefruit (optional) 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar ¼ tsp Herbamare or ¼ tsp sea salt Add a dash of thyme, pepper and a bay leaf - Brown meat & onion - Add other ingredients, boil, then simmer for 20 minutes or until cabbage is tender - Substitute Swiss chard or spinach for the cabbage - Substitute any of the "meats of the land" for the beef

Dorothy’s Ancient Grains Crackers: Phase II Worthy - 1 cracker per serving 2 cups rye flour 1 cup whole wheat flour (use rice flour for gluten free) 1 cup mixture from any of the following: oatmeal, salba seed, ground amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, 1 tsp sea salt or 1½ tsp Herbamare 1 cup water +/- to make a stiff dough - Put ingredients in a bowl and mix - Divide into 4 portions and roll to about ¼ inch thick - Cut into 2 x 3 inch squares and place on a cookie sheet - Bake at 333° till just slightly brown 20-/+ minutes - At this point the crackers start to smell done - Do not overbake since crackers will tast bitter - See web site for variations of this recipe 11

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Products available through Weight To Go Homeopathic Remedies Weight To Go Drops - Supports weight loss when taken with the Drops & Diet Protocol. SYNERGY A+ - Supports overall body balance, energy, and mental clarity. Use during or following the stabilizing Phase III or between the Weight To Go Drops cycles. DiaBEAT+ - Support for diabetics. Take during and following Phase III of the Protocol. LOVE Potion Cloud #9 - Intimacy enhancement for women. YOUNHGH+ - Anti-aging formula: hair, skin and wrinkles, sexual function, mood. Insect Resist Pellets - Resists insects and treats insect bites. Teething Pellets - Reduces the pain and swelling when teething. Homeopathic Herbal Remedies and Other Products Phyto-Drainol - Universal Detoxifier for liver, kidneys, skin, and intestines. Assists in eliminating chemicals and heavy metals. Can be taken before or during Weight To Go Drops. Phyto-Laxa - Natural Laxative. Phyto-Relax - For stress, insomnia, and as a calming aid. Phyto-Cal - Calcium Fixate, for PMS, arthritis, osteoporosis, and de-calcification. IVERNAX - Flu buster for any stage of the flu. CIGASTOP - Use to help quit smoking. George’s Cream - Oil free cream for face and body. Alfalfa seed for sprouting.


See web site for complete product

listings and prices. Ph: 403-964-2000 Fax: 403-964-3000

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21

Weight To Go Drops Founder - Dorothy Lethbridge "I have struggled with being overweight for most of my life. After trying countless weight loss techniques, I would always return to the same weight plus a bit more. The question in the back of my mind was, "Why can’t I be satisfied 20 bites sooner?" That’s the beauty of the Weight To Go Drops. It has been the easiest way for me to take off weight and keep it off while naturally eating less. I’ve now lost over 65 lbs. In particular, my stomach area, where I carried a lot of my excess weight, is significantly reduced. My face looks slimmer and there is no hanging skin anywhere. I feel very energetic and catch myself running up and down the stairs. I now weigh what I did back in High School. I am both amazed and grateful at how I feel, look and who I am today at 54 years old. I feel that the vibrant person inside is now reflected in what is seen on the outside.

Weight To Go Drops has helped my dreams come true and my desire is that the drops bring hope and success to you as well." Dorothy Fall 2010

Dorothy Fall 2011

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Saturday, October 01, 2011 17:21