Satipo Tours Southern Argentina and Patagonia Birding Nov...

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Transcript of Satipo Tours Southern Argentina and Patagonia Birding Nov...

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Satipo Tours

Southern Argentina and Patagonia Birding

Nov 27 – Dec 10, 2014 by Thomas Plath

Participants: Thomas Plath, Linda Koch

Itinerary: Post Tour with Linda

Nov 27: walked through park in front of Patagonian Suites, picked up laundry, then went to

airport for flight to El Calafate; flew to El Calafate, picked up rental car (manual Chevy)

Nov 28: visited Lago Nemitz 1000-1100 hrs, then went to hospital for botflies; visited Lago

Argentino in evening

Nov 29: left El Calafate 1000 hrs and drove to Rio Gallegos; arrived 1500hrs had lunch then

drove to Estancia El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

Nov 30: drove to the most southern point on mainland Argentina, Cabo Virgenes returning back

to Rio Gallegos 2030 hrs

Dec 1: drove from Rio Gallegos back to El Calafate; visited Los Glaciers NP in evening

Dec 2: drove from El Calafate to El Chalten; in late afternoon hiked up to Mirador Fitzroy

Dec 3: drove from El Chalten to Estancia La Angostura

Dec 4: all day around Estancia La Angostura and area

Dec 5: drove from Estancia La Angostura to El Calafate; stopping to bird the Rio Cruz en route;

in late afternoon went to El Calafate Mountain Park (local ski hill)

Dec 6: went to Los Glaciers NP in morning picking up French hitchhiker en route; visited Petit

Moreno glacier then went back to El Calafate to drop rental off

Dec 7: went to El Calafate airport 0715 for flight to Ushuaia, arrived 1100 hrs, got rental car and

went to Cabanas Incognito

Dec 8: hike up to Martial Glacier area; in afternoon visited Ushuaia dump

Dec 9: took boat trip down Beagle Channel from Ushuaia to Harberton

Dec 10: took walk around bay in front of Cabanas Incognito; in late afternoon visited dump

Highlights: Lesser Rhea, Patagonian Tinamou, Southern Giant Petrel, Kelp, Ruddy-headed

and Ashy-headed Goose, Flying and Flightless Steamer-Duck, Spectacled Duck, King, Gentoo

and Magellanic Penguin, Hooded Grebe, Magellanic Diving-Petrel, Rock and Imperial

Cormorant, Austral Rail, Snowy Sheathbill, Magellanic and Double-banded Plover, Magellanic

Oystercatcher, Rufous-chested and Tawny-throated Dotterel, Dolphin Gull, Austral Parakeet,

Austral Pygmy-Owl, Magellanic Owl, White-throated Caracara, Short-billed Miner, Blackish,

Buff-winged, Grey-flanked and Dark-bellied Cinclodes, Thorn-tailed Rayadito and White-

throated Treerunner, Austral and Sharp-billed Canastero, Ochre-naped, Dark-faced, White-

browed and Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant, Chocolate-vented Tyrant, Chilean Swallows,

Grey-hooded and Patagonia Sierra-Finch, White-bridled Finch, Patagonia and Greater Yellow-

Finch, Black-chinned Siskin

Mammals: Magellanic Tuco-Tuco, Patagonia Skunk

Annotated Bird Trip List

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


This trip list follows the taxonomic order and nomenclature Clements 6th Edition (updated 2014).

The status of the threatened bird species is taken from Birdlife International (Threatened Species).

NP – National Park * - Heard only birds

Rheas - Rheidae

Lesser Rhea (Pterocnemia pennata): Hundreds seen including a few males with their broods en

route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from El Calafate Nov 29th. Seventy were seen en route to El

Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Two were seen along RP 60 en route to

Glacier NP Dec 1st. Forty were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. About 20 were seen en

route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th.

Lesser Rhea, Cabo Virgenes Photo: Thomas Plath

Tinamous - Tinamidae

Elegant-crested Tinamou (Eudromia elegans): A male with eight chicks were seen en route to

Estancia La Angostura Dec 3rd.

Patagonian Tinamou (Tinamotis ingoufi): Great looks of three beside RN 40 between El

Calafate and Rio Gallegos.

Ducks - Anatidae

Black-necked Swan (Cygnus melanocoryphus): Fifty were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th.

Thirty were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. About 15 were seen at Lago Argentino, El Calafate Dec

5th. Over 150 were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Coscoroba Swan (Coscoroba coscoroba): Seventy were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th.

Ten were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Twenty were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Upland Goose (Chloephaga picta): Three hundred (including many pairs with broods) were seen

around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Hundreds of pairs observed en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Sixty pairs were seen en route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th. Sixty were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Two hundred including many pairs

and broods were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Hundreds were seen at Lago Argentino,

El Calafate Dec 5th. Over 500 were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th. A pair was seen

in the fields in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Kelp Goose (Chloephaga hybrida): Six were seen along the Beagle Channel from our lodging

Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Around 20 were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle

Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th. Eight were along the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas

Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Ashy-headed Goose (Chloephaga poliocephala): A pair was seen in the fields in front of

Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Ashy-headed Gooses, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

Ruddy-headed Goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps): A pair was seen at Estancia El Condor Cabo

Virgenes Nov 30th.

Flying Steamer-Duck (Tachyeres patachonicus): Over 120 were seen along Beagle Channel

from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Around 75 were seen on the boat trip down

the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Flightless Steamer-Duck (Tachyeres pteneres): Two were seen along the shoreline of Beagle

Channel from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Four were seen on the boat trip

down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides): Two hundred and fifty (many with broods) were

seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Four were seen en route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th. Fifty were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Thirty were seen at La Angostura

Estancia Dec 4th. Fifty were seen at Lago Argentino, El Calafate Dec 5th. Forty were seen along

the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th. Six were seen along the Beagle Channel from our lodging

Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Two were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel

from Ushuaia Dec 9th. Eight were along the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito,

Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Spectacled (Bronze-winged) Duck (Anas (Speculanus) specularis): A pair was observed sitting

on a small gravel bar in a bay at Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Chiloe (Southern) Wigeon (Anas sibilatrix): Over 100 were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov

28th. Fifteen were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Thirty were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Five were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Chiloe Wigeon, Estancia La Angostura Photo: Thomas Plath

Red Shoveler (Anas platalea): Twenty were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th.

Yellow-billed Pintail (Anas georgica): Fifty were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Thirty

were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Forty were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Ten were seen

at La Angostura Estancia Dec 5th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Silver Teal (Anas versicolor): Four were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Silver Teal, Estancia La Angostura Photo: Thomas Plath

Yellow-billed (Speckled) Teal (Anas flavirostris): Fifty were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov

28th. A pair with a brood was seen at El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th. Two were seen along the

El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th. Two were along the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas

Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis): Twenty were observed at a small pond near Punta Madera

Dec 6th.

Lake Duck (Oxyura vittata): Twenty were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Ten were seen

at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Grebes - Podicipedidae

Great Grebe (Podiceps major): One was seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. One was seen en route to

Estancia La Angostura Dec 3rd.

Silvery Grebe (Podiceps occipitalis): Thirty were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th

including a few displaying birds.

Hooded Grebe (Podiceps gallardoi) Critically Endangered: Great looks of a pair displaying

and sleeping at a small lake near La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Hooded Grebe, Estancia La Angostura Photo: Thomas Plath

Flamingos - Phoenicopteridae

Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) Near-threatened: Fifty were seen around Laguna

Nemitz Nov 28th. One was seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Fifteen were seen at La Angostura Estancia

Dec 4th. About 15 were seen at Lago Argentino, El Calafate Dec 5th. Fifteen were seen along the

El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Penguins – Spheniscidae

King and Gentoo Penguin, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


King Penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus): One lone bird was standing in the small Gentoo

colony near Harberton, Beagle Channel Dec 9th.

Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) Near-threatened: An estimated 10,000+

penguins was seen at the Cabo Virgenes colony Nov 30th. Around 300 were seen at the small

colony near Harberton, Beagle Channel Dec 9th.

Magellanic Penguin Photo: Thomas Plath

Albatrosses – Diomedeidae

Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche (Diomedea) melanophrys): Endangered. Six were seen

at Cabo Virgenes Nov 30th. Around 30 were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel from

Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Petrels – Procellariidae

Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus): Two were seen at Cabo Virgenes Nov 30th. Six

were seen along the Beagle Channel from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7 th.

Twenty were over the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10 th.

Diving-Petrels – Pelecanoididae

Magellanic Diving-Petrel (Pelecanoides magellani): Two were seen on the boat trip down the

Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Cormorants - Phalacrocoracidae

Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus): One was observed at Punta Madera Dec 6th.

Magellanic (Rock) Cormorant (Phalacrocorax magellanicus): Over 500 were seen on the boat

trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th, most at a breeding rock.

Magellanic Cormorant, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Imperial Cormorant (Phalacrocorax atriceps): Over 200 were seen along the Beagle Channel

from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Thousands were seen on the boat trip down

the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th including many on breeding islands. Twenty were over

the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Ibises – Threskiornithidae

Black-faced Ibis (Theristicus melanopis): Ten were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Eight

observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Two were seen en

route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. One was seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Ten

were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. About 20 were seen en route to El Calafate from

Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th. Ten were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th. Two were

seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Ten were seen in the fields in front of

Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Black-faced Ibis, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

New World Vultures - Cathartidae

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura): Two were seen along the shoreline of Beagle Channel from

our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. One was seen at the Ushuaia dump Dec 10th.

Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) Near-threatened: One observed en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Two were seen along cliffs at Glacier NP near El Chalten

Dec 2nd. One was seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th. One was

observed soaring over Petit Moreno Glacier at Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Hawks - Accipitridae

Cinereous Harrier (Circus cinereus): Three were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. One

was seen en route Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30 th. Three were seen en route to

Glacier NP Dec 1st. Six were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Five were observed en route

to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus): One was seen at La Angostura

Estancia Dec 4th. Three were observed en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. One was seen at the

Ushuaia dump Dec 10th.

Rails – Rallidae

*Austral Rail (Rallus antarcticus): One was heard at close range at Estancia La Angostura Dec


Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Red-gartered Coot (Fulica armillata): Two were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Forty were seen at

La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Five were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 5th. Ten were seen

at a small pond at Punta Madero Dec 6th.

Red-gartered Coot Photo: Thomas Plath

White-winged Coot (Fulica leucoptera): Two were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st.

Sheathbills - Chionididae

Snowy Sheathbill (Chionis alba): Seven were seen around the sea lion colony during the boat

trip down the Beagle Channel Dec 9th.

Snowy Sheathbill, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Magellanic Plover - Pluvianellidae

Magellanic Plover (Pluvianellus socialis): A couple and a single were seen foraging along the

banks of the Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec 5th.

Oystercatchers - Haematopodidae

Blackish Oystercatcher (Haematopus ater): One was seen along the shoreline of Beagle

Channel from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th.

Magellanic Oystercatcher (Haematopus leucopodus): Twenty were seen around Laguna Nemitz

Nov 28th. Ten observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th

including displaying pairs. Two were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th. Four were seen near the Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec 5th. Two

were seen along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th. Five were seen along the shoreline of Beagle

Channel from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Ten were along the Beagle

Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Magellanic Oystercatcher, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

Plovers - Charadriidae

Tawny-throated Dotterel (Oreopholus ruficollis): Flocks of 12 and eight were seen en route to

El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Twelve were seen at La Angostura

Estancia Dec 4th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Tawny-throated Dotterel Photo: Thomas Plath

Southern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis): A few were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Ten

observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29 th. Ten were seen en

route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. A few were seen en route to

Glacier NP Dec 1st. A few were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Several were seen en

route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th. Over 30 were seen along the El Calafate

waterfront Dec 6th. A few were seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7 th. Ten

were along the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Two-banded Plover (Charadrius faulklandicus): Twenty observed en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Twelve were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Four were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Two were seen

near the Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec 5th.

Two-banded Plover Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Rufous-chested Dotterel (Charadrius modestus): One was seen en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. One was seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from

Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th.

Seedsnipe - Thinocoridae

Gray-breasted Seedsnipe (Thinocorus orbygnyiana): Great close looks at four were seen at El

Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th.

Least Seedsnipe (Thinocorus rumicivorus): Three were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Five were seen en route to Estancia La Angostura Dec 3rd.

Four were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Least Seedsnipe Photo: Thomas Plath

Sandpipers - Scolopacidae

Baird’s Sandpiper (Calidris bairdii): A flock of about 2,000 were seen on the big grass flats of

Lago Argentino. Seventy-five observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos

Nov 29th. Twenty were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30 th.

Three hundred were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. One was seen near the Rio Cruz 40

km east of El Calafate Dec 5th.

South American Snipe (Gallinago paraguaiae): One was seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th.

Skuas – Stercorariidae

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Chilean Skua (Stercorarius chilensis): Ten were seen along Beagle Channel from our lodging

Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Three were seen at the Ushuaia dump on Dec 8th. Around 80

were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9 th. Ten were along the

Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Chilean Shua, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Brown Skua (Stercorarius antarcticus): One was observed flying about at Punta Madera, Lago

Argentino, Dec 6th, an obvious vagrant.

Gulls - Laridae

Brown-hooded Gull (Chroicocephalus (Larus) maculipennis): Two hundred were seen around

Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. One was seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Over 100 were seen

along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Dolphin Gull (Leucophaeus scoresbii): Five were seen along Beagle Channel from our lodging

Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. One was seen at the Ushuaia dump on Dec 8th. Around 10

were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9 th. Five were along the

Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Dolphin Gull, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

Kelp Gull (Larus dominicus): Hundreds were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Six

observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29 th. Twenty were seen

en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30 th. Two were seen at La

Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Over 300 were seen along Beagle Channel from our lodging Cabana

Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Around 100 were seen at the Ushuaia dump on Dec 8th. Hundreds

were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th. Hundreds were along

the Beagle Channel in front of Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

South American Tern (Sterna hirundinacea): One was seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st, an apparent

vagrant. Sevent-five were seen along Beagle Channel from our lodging Cabana Incognito,

Ushuaia Dec 7th. Over 1,000 were seen on the boat trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia

Dec 9th.

South American Tern, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Pigeons - Columbidae

Rock Pigeon (Columba livia): Several seen at El Calafate on Nov 28th and Dec 1st.

Eared Dove (Zenaida auriculata): Six were seen en route and at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Four were

seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Five were seen en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Owls - Strigidae

Austral Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium nanum): Great looks of one perched in the open at Los

Glaciers NP Dec 1st.

Austral Pygmy-Owl, Los Glaciers NP Photo: Thomas Plath

Great Horned (Magellanic) Owl (Bubo virginianus magellanicus): Thirty were seen at La

Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Kingfishers – Alcedinidae

Ringed Kingfisher (Megaceryle torquata): Two were seen along the river en route to Ushuaia

dump on Dec 8th.

Woodpeckers - Picidae

Chilean Flicker (Colaptes pitius): Two were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. One was seen in Los

Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Falcons - Falconidae

White-throated Caracara (Phalcoboenus albogularis): One was observed near the Martial

Glacier Dec 8th and 15were seen at the Ushuaia dump. Fifteen were seen at the Ushuaia dump Dec


Southern Caracara (Caracara plancus): One was seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Twelve

observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29 th. A few were seen en

route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Two were seen at La Angostura Estancia

Dec 4th. Two were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5 th. Four were

observed en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Over 250 were seen at the Ushuaia dump on Dec

8th. Seventy-five were seen at the Ushuaia dump Dec 10th.

Crested Caracara, Ushuaia dump Photo: Thomas Plath

Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango): Ten were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th. Five

observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. A few were seen en

route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Twenty were seen at La Angostura Estancia

Dec 4th. A few were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5 th. Five were

observed en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Over 200 were seen at the Ushuaia dump on Dec

8th. Over 120 were seen at the Ushuaia dump Dec 10th.

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius): One observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from

Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Two were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec

5th. Five were observed en route to and at Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis): One observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from

Rio Gallegos Nov 29th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus): One was seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Parrots - Psittacidae

Austral Parakeet (Enicognathus ferrugineus): A few were heard at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Five

were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.


Ovenbirds - Furnariidae

Common Miner (Geositta cunicularia): Three observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

Nov 29th. Six were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30 th. Two

were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th.

Common Miner Photo: Thomas Plath

Short-billed Miner (Geositta tenuirostris): Two were seen en route to Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th.

White-throated Treerunner (Pygarrhichus albogularis): One was heard at Glacier NP Dec 1st.

Scale-throated Earthcreeper (Upucerthia dumetaria): One was seen en route to El Condor,

Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. One was seen en route to Estancia La Angostura

Dec 3rd. Eight were seen at El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Scale-throated Earthcreeper Photo: Thomas Plath

Buff (Bar)-winged Cinclodes (Cinclodes fuscus): One was seen en route to El Condor, Cabo

Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Two were seen en route to Estancia La Angostura Dec 3rd.

One was observed near the Martial Glacier Dec 8th. One was seen along the river near the

Ushuaia dump Dec 10th.

Blackish Cinclodes (Cinclodes antarcticus): One was seen on the sea lion rocks during the boat

trip down the Beagle Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Gray-flanked Cinclodes (Cinclodes oustaleti): One was seen along the river near the Ushuaia

dump Dec 10th.

Dark-bellied Cinclodes (Cinclodes patagonicus): Two were seen along the Rio Cruz 40 km east

of El Calafate Dec 5th. Two were seen on rocky islets during the boat trip down the Beagle

Channel from Ushuaia Dec 9th.

Thorn-tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda): Three were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Three

were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Fifteen were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito,

Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Thorn-tailed Rayadito, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

Austral Canastero (Asthenes anthoides): Close good but brief looks of one at Cabo Virgenes

Nov 30th.

Sharp-billed (Lesser) Canastero (Asthenes pyrrholeuca): Two were seen around Laguna

Nemitz Nov 28th.

Tyrant Flycatchers - Tyrannidae

Tufted Tit-Tyrant (Anairetes parulus): Three were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

White-crested Elaenia (Elaenia albiceps): One was seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Ten were seen in

Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Eight were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec


Austral Negrito (Lessonia rufa): Over 100 were seen around Laguna Nemitz and Logo

Argentino Nov 28th. Over 100 observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos

Nov 29th. More than 100 were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos,

Nov 30th. Many were seen en route and at Glacier NP Dec 1st. About 10 were seen at La

Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Many were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura

Dec 5th. Many were seen en route to Los Glaciers NP and the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6 th. Six

were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Spectacled Tyrant (Hymenops perspicillatus): Five were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant (Musciaxicola flavinucha): Six were observed near the Martial

Glacier Dec 8th.

Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant Photo: Thomas Plath

Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant (Musciaxicola maclovianus): Three were seen along Lago

Argentino Nov 28th. Two were seen en route to Cabo Virgenes Nov 30th. Two were seen near the

Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec 5th. Eight were observed near the Martial Glacier Dec 8th.

Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


White-browed Ground-Tyrant (Musciaxicola albilora): One was foraging along the lakeshore

at Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant (Musciaxicola capistratus): One was seen at Cabo Virgenes

Nov 30th. Three were seen at El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th.

Fire-eyed Diucon (Xolmis pyrope): Five were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Two were seen along

the trail to Mirador Fitzroy, Glacier NP at El Chalten Dec 2nd. One was seen in Los Glaciers NP

Dec 6th. One was seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Fire-eyed Diucon, Los Glaciers NP Photo: Thomas Plath

Chocolate-vented Tyrant (Neoxolmis rufiventris): Three observed including great looks of one

foraging beside the highway en route to Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Three were seen en route to

Estancia La Angostura Dec 3rd. One was seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Chocolate-vented Tyrant Photo: Thomas Plath

Swallows - Hirundinidae

Blue-and-White Swallow (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca): Three observed en route to El Condor,

Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Five were seen at Cabo Virgenes Nov 30th. Five were

seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. About 10 were seen en route to El Calafate from Estancia

La Angostura Dec 5th. Ten were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Chilean Swallow (Tachycineta (leucopyga) meyeni): Five were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov

28th. Ten were seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Thirty were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Twenty

were seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. Twenty were seen in the parkland

near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Chilean Swallow, Ushuaia Photo: Thomas Plath

Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica): One was seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Wrens - Troglodytidae

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon): One was seen at Cabo Virgenes Nov 30th. Ten were seen at

Glacier NP Dec 1st. A few were seen along the trail to Mirador Fitzroy, Glacier NP at El Chalten

Dec 2nd. About 10 were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Five were seen in Los Glaciers NP

Dec 6th. A few were seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. A few were seen

en route to Martial Glacier Dec 8th. Five were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito,

Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Thrushes - Turdidae

Austral Thrush (Turdus falcklandii): Two were seen along the trail to Mirador Fitzroy, Glacier

NP at El Chalten Dec 2nd. Five were seen at El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th. Fifteen were seen

in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Ten were seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th.

A few were seen en route to Martial Glacier Dec 8th. Fifteen were seen in the parkland near

Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Mockingbirds - Mimidae

Patagonian Mockingbird (Mimus patagonicus): Five were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov

28th. One observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29 th. One was

seen at Glacier NP Dec 1st. Four were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Six were seen en

route to El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th. One was seen en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Patagonian Mockingbird Photo: Thomas Plath

Pipits - Motacillidae

Correndera Pipit (Anthus correndera): Eight were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th. Three were seen along the Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec

5th. Three were seen well along the El Calafate waterfront Dec 6th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Correndera Pipit Photo: Thomas Plath

Tanagers - Thraupidae

Grey-hooded Sierra-Finch (Phrygilus gayi): Two were seen at Cabo Virgenes, Nov 30th. About

10 were seen at El Calafate Mountain Park Dec 5th.

Patagonian Sierra-Finch (Phrygilus patagonicus): Six were seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Two were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Patagonian Sierra-Finch Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Mourning Sierra-Finch (Phrygilus fruticeti): One was seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Plumbeous Sierra-Finch (Phrygilus unicolor): Several were seen at El Calafate Mountain Park

Dec 5th.

White-bridled Finch (Melanodera xanthogramma): Great looks of one at km 20 of the Cabo

Virgenes Road Nov 29th. Two were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th.

White-bridled Finch Photo: Thomas Plath

Patagonian Yellow-Finch (Sicalis lebruni): One was seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30th.

Patagonian Yellow-Finch Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Greater Yellow-Finch (Sicalis auriventris): Ten were seen en route to Estancia La Angostura

Dec 3rd.

Sparrows - Emberizidae

Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis): A few were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov

28th. Two were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos, Nov 30 th. Many

were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Many were seen en route to El Calafate Dec 5th.

Many were seen enroute to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Ten were seen in the parkland near Cabanas

Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Blackbirds - Icteridae

Long-tailed Meadowlark (Sturnella loyca): Five were seen around Laguna Nemitz Nov 28th.

Eight observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos Nov 29 th. Six were seen

at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Five were seen en route to Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th.

Long-tailed Meadowlark Photo: Thomas Plath

Austral Blackbird (Curaeus curaeus): One was seen in Los Glaciers NP Dec 6th. Five were seen

in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 10th.

Finches, Euphonias - Fringillidae

Black-chinned Siskin (Carduelis barbata): A few were seen along the trail to Mirador Fitzroy,

Glacier NP at El Chalten Dec 2nd. Fifteen were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Ten were

seen along the Rio Cruz 40 km east of El Calafate Dec 5th. Eight were seen in Los Glaciers NP

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Dec 6th. Ten were seen from our lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. A few were seen en

route to Martial Glacier Dec 8th. Five were seen in the parkland near Cabanas Incognito, Ushuaia

Dec 10th.

Black-chinned Siskin, Estancia La Angostura Photo: Thomas Plath

Old World Sparrows - Passeridae

House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) Introduced: A few observed at Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Over

20 were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. A few were seen in El Calafate Dec 6th.


Armadillos - Xenarthra

Pichi (Zaedyus pichiy): One seen crossing the road at Los Glaciers NP Dec 1st.

Rodents - Rodentia

Magellanic Tuco-Tuco (Ctenomys magellanicus): Two were seen at the El Calafate Mountain

Park Dec 5th. Evidence of this fossorial animal in the form of burrows were every on the

mountain side.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Rabbits – Lagomorpha

European Hare (Lepus europaeus): Fifteen observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from

Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Twenty were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th.

Carnivores – Carnivora

Colpeo Fox (Dusicyon culpaeus): One observed in the evening near Lago Argentino Nov 28th.

One was observed along the highway en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5 th.

Argentine Gray Fox Photo: Thomas Plath

Argentine Gray Fox (Dusicyon griseus): Four observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes

from Rio Gallegos Nov 29th. Two were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos, Nov 30th. One was observed along the highway en route to El Calafate from Estancia

La Angostura Dec 5th.

Patagonian Skunk (Conepatus humboldti): Great looks of one walking about the steppe brush at

La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th.

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Patagonian Skunk Photo: Thomas Plath

Sea Lions and Seals – Pinnipedia

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens): Ten were seen along Beagle Channel from our

lodging Cabana Incognito, Ushuaia Dec 7th. About 200 were at the sea lion rocks off Ushuaia

harbor Dec 9th.

South American Sea Lion, Beagle Channel Photo: Thomas Plath

Satipo Tours Southern Argentina 2014


Even-toed Ungulates – Artiodactyla

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe): Eight observed en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio

Gallegos Nov 29th. Thirty were seen en route to El Condor, Cabo Virgenes from Rio Gallegos,

Nov 30th. Twenty were seen at La Angostura Estancia Dec 4th. Over hundred were observed along

the highway en route to El Calafate from Estancia La Angostura Dec 5th.


Bell’s Anole (Leiosaurus bellii): One observed in the shrub steppe near Estancia Angustura Dec


Bell’s Anole Photo: Thomas Plath