SAS Basics

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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SAS Basics. Windows. Program Editor Write/edit all your statement here. Windows continue …. Log Watch this for any errors in program as it runs. Windows continue …. Output Will automatically pop in front when there is output. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of SAS Basics

SAS Basics


Program EditorWrite/edit all your statement here.

Windows continue…

LogWatch this for any errors in program as it runs

Windows continue…

OutputWill automatically pop in front when there is output. Does not need to occupy screen space during program editing.

File Organization

Create subfolders in your Project folder for Data

Contains SAS datasets, with .sd2 extension Formats

Compiled version of formats, a file with .sc2 extension. Used for building classes of variables for looking at frequencies.

Output Save output files here. These are text files with

a .sas extension. Programs

All programs are text files with .sas ending.

Creating a dataset

Internal DataDATA datasetname;INPUT name $ sex $ age;CARDS;John M 23Betty F 33Joe M 50;RUN;

Creating a dataset

External DataDATA datasetname;INFILE ‘c:\folder\subfolder\file.txt’;INPUT name $ sex $ age;;RUN;

Creating from an existing one

DATA save.data2 (keep = age income);SET save.data1;RUN;

DATA save.data2;SET save.data1;DROP age;TAX = income*0.28;RUN;

Permanent Data Sets

LIBNAME save ‘c:\project\data’;DATA save.data1;X=25;Y=X*2;RUN;Note that save is merely a name you

make up to point to a location where you wish to save the dataset called data1. (It will be saved as data1.sd2)

What’s in my SAS dataset?PROC CONTENTS data=save.data1;RUN;


RUN;This will organize the variable list sorted

alphabetically and a duplicate list sorted by position (the sequence in which they actually exist in the file).

Viewing file contents

PROC PRINT data=save.data1; run;

PROC PRINT data=save.data1 (obs=5); VAR name age;RUN;

PROC PRINT data=save.data1 (obs=12); VAR age -- income;RUN;

Frequencies/Crosstabs PROC FREQ data=save.data1;TABLES age income trades;RUN;

PROC FREQ data=save.data1;TABLES age*sex;RUN;

Scatter Plot

PROC PLOT data=save.data1;PLOT Y*X;RUN;

Creating a Format LibraryPROC FORMAT LIBRARY=LIBRARY;VALUE BG 0 = 'BAD' 1 = 'GOOD' -1 = 'MISSING';VALUE TWO -1 = 'MISSING' -2 = 'NO RECORD' -3 = 'INQS. ONLY' -4 = 'PR ONLY'0='0' 1='1' 1<-HIGH='2+';RUN;

Applying a format to a variable

PROC DATASETS library=save;MODIFY data1;FORMAT trades ten.;RUN;QUIT;

This applies the format called ten to the variable trades. A subsequent PROC FREQ statement for trades will show the format applied. Note that ten must already exist in the format library for this to work.

Applying a format: Method 2

Data save.data2;

SET save.data1;


trades bktrds ten.

totbal mileage. ;


This is another way to apply formats when creating a new dataset (data2) from a previous one (data1) that has unformatted variables.

Random Selection of Obs.

DATA;SET save.old;Random1 = RANUNI(254987)*100;IF Random1 > 50 THEN OUTPUT;RUN;QUIT;The function RANUNI requires a seed number, and then

produces random values between 0 and 1, stored under the variable name Random1 (you can choose any name). The above program will create new.sd2, with about half the observations of old.sd2, randomly chosen.

Sorting and Merging Datasets

PROC SORT data = save.junk;BY Age Income;Run;

PROC SORT data=save.junk OUT=save.neat;BY acctnum;RUN;

PROC SORT data=save.junk NODUPKEY;BY something;RUN;

Sorting and Merging Datasets

PROC SORT;BY Acctnum; RUN;PROC SORT data=save.two;BY Acctnum; RUN;

DATA save.three;MERGE save.two;BY Acctnum;RUN;

Sorting and Merging Datasets

DATA save.three;MERGE (IN = a) save.two;BY Acctnum;IF a;RUN;

Using Arrays

DATA;SET save.old;ARRAY vitamin(6) a b c d e k;DO i = 1 to 6; IF vitamin(i) = -5 THEN vitamin(i) = .;END;RUN;This assumes you have 6 variables called a, b, c, d, e, and ,k

in save.old. This program will modify all 6 such that any instance of a –5 value is converted to a missing value.

Simple Correlations

PROC CORR data=save.relative;VAR tvhours study;RUN;

PROC CORR data=save.relative;VAR tvhours study;WITH Score;RUN;

Run Regression Analysis Runs the regression and stores the estimates

in a file called estfile

Proc reg data=save.treg2 corr outest=estfile;bgscore: model good=trades01trades02ageavg01ageavg02 / selection=none;run;Quit;

Score the data Score the data intreg1 and save the

output in save.scrdata

Proc score data=save.treg1 score=estfile out=save.scrdata

type=parms;trades01trades02ageavg01ageavg02 Run;Quit;

Format bgscore Format the bgscore variable in the new

save.scrdata file. Find or create a format from the file to apply to the bgscore variable.

Proc datasets library=save;Modify scrdata;Format bgscore insert_format_here.;Run;Quit;

Creating Dummy Variables%MACRO DUMMY(VAR, FIRST, LAST, TOT);



data save.testreg2;set save.testreg;

%Dummy(AGEOTD, 0, 78, 1);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 96, 119, 2);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 120, 143, 3);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 144, 179, 4);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 180, 99999999, 5);
