Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson

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Transcript of Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden

    Poula Anderson

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2010 Poula Anderson

    A Gender Switch Adenture

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson



    !asille "onoan was drun# again$

    She sat near the open door of the Golden Planet% &oots on the ta&le% chair tilted &ac#% one arm

    resting on the &road shoulder of 'ocha% who sprawled on the floor &eside her% the other hand

    clutching a tan#ard of ale$ (he tunic was open a&oe her stained gray shirt% the &attered cap wasas#ew on her close)cropped &lond hair% and her insignia))the stars of a captain and the siler leaes

    of an earl on Ansa))were tarnished$ (here was a deepening flush oer her pale gaunt chee#s% and

    her eyes smoldered with an old rage$

    Loo#ing out across the co&&led street% she could see one of the tall% half)tim&ered houses of

    Lanstead$ *t had somehow suried the space &om&ardment% though its neigh&ors were ru&&le% &ut

    the tile roof was clumsily patched and there was oiled paper across the &ro#en plastic of the

    windows$ An anachronism% looming oer the great &ulldo+er which was clearing the wrec#age ne,t

    door$ (he wor#women there were mostly Ansans% &ig women in ragged clothes% &ut a well)dressed

    (erran was &ossing the -o&$ "onoan cursed wearily and lifted her tan#ard again$

    (he long% smo#y)raftered taproom was full))stolid &urghers and peasants of Lanstead% dischargedspacewomen still in their worn uniforms% a couple of tailed greenies from the neigh&or planet

    Shalmu$ (al# was low and spiritless% and the smo#e which drifted from pipes and cigarettes was

    &itter% cheap to&acco and dried &ar#$ (he smell of defeat was thic# in the taern$

    ./ay * sit here% sir (he other places are full$.

    "onoan glanced up$ *t was a young fellow% peasant written oer her sun&urned face in spite of the

    gray uniform and the empty sleee$ lman))yes% Sam lman% whose family had &een under

    "onoan fief these two hundred years% .Sure% ma#e yourself at home$.

    .(han# you% sir$ * came in to get some supplies% thought *.d hae a &eer too$ !ut you can.t get

    anything these days$ ot to &e had$.

    Sam.s face loo#ed aguely hopeful as she eyed the no&le$ .'e do need a gas engine &ad% lady% for

    the tractor$ ow that the central powercaster is gone% we got to hae our own engines$ * don.t want

    to presume% lady% &ut)).

    "onoan lifted one corner of her mouth la a tired smile$ .*.m sorry%. she said$ .*f * could get one

    machine for the whole community *.d &e satisfied$ Can.t &e done$ ' trying to start a small

    factory of our own up at the manor% &ut it.s slow wor#$.

    .*.m sure if anyone can do anything it.s you% sir$.

    "onoan loo#ed 3ui++ically at the open countenance across the ta&le% .Sam%. she as#ed% .why do you

    people #eep turning to the 4amily 'e led you% and it was to defeat$ 'hy do you want anything

    more to do with no&les ' not een that% any longer$ 'e.e &een stripped of our titles$ '

    -ust plain citi+ens of the Empire now li#e you% and the new rulers are (erran$ 'hy do you still thin#

    of us as your leaders.

    .!ut you are% sir5 6ou.e always &een$ *t wasn.t the 3ueen.s fault% or her women.s% that (erra had so

    much more.n we did$ 'e gae .em a fight they won.t forget in a hurry5.

    .6ou were in my s3uadron% weren.t you.

    .6es% sir$ CP on the Ansa Lancer% * was with you at the !attle of Luga$. (he deep)set eyes glowed$

    .'e hit .em there% didn.t we% sir.

    .So we did$. "onoan couldn.t suppress the sudden fierce memory$ utnum&ered% outgunned% half

    its ships shot to pieces and half the crews down with Sirius feer% the Royal Lansteaders had still

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    made naal history and sent the *mperial 4leet #iyoodling &ac# to Sol$ aal historians would &e

    scratching their heads oer that &attle for the ne,t fie centuries$ !efore God% they.d fought5

    She &egan to sing the old war)song% softly at first% louder as Sam -oined her))

    7 7 7

    Comrades% hear the &attle tiding%

    hear the ships that rise and yell

    faring outward% standard riding))

    8ic# the (errans &ac# to hell5

    (he others were listening% women raised weary heads% an old light &urned in their eyes and tan#ards

    clashed together$ (hey stood up to roar out the chorus till the walls shoo#$

    Lift your glasses high%

    #iss the &oys good)&ye%

    9Lie well: my friend% lie well% lie you well;

    for riding%

    for riding%

    for riding out to (erran s#y5 (erran s#y5 (erran s#y5

    'e hae sha#en loose our thunder

    where the planets hae their way%

    and the starry deeps of wonder

    saw the *mpies in dismay$Lift your glasses high%

    #iss the &oys good)&ye))

    (he wor#women in the street heard it and stopped where they were$ Some &egan to sing$ (he

    *mperial superintendent yelled% and an Ansan turned to flash her a wolfish grin$ A s3uad of &lue)

    uniformed Solanrian marines coming toward the inn went on the dou&le$

    h% the Emp.ror sent her &attle

    ships against us in a mass%

    &ut we shoo# them li#e a rattleand we crammed them))



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    (he sergeant loo#ed around% trying to ignore her$ .*.m here for Captain "onoan))Earl !asille% if

    you prefer$ (hey said she.d &e here$ *.e got an *mperial summons for her$.

    (he no&le stretched out a hand$ .(his is she$ Let.s hae that paper$.

    .*t.s -ust the formal order%. said the sergeant$ to come at once$.

    .Commoners%. said "onoan mildly% .address me as .sir$.. a commoner with the rest of .em now$. (he sergeant.s oice waered -ust a little$

    .* really must demand a little respect%. said "onoan with drun#en precision$ (here was an unholy

    gleam in her eyes$ .*t.s a mere formality% * #now% &ut after all my family can trace itself farther &ac#

    than the Empire% whereas you couldn.t name your mother$.

    Sam lman snic#ered$

    .'ell% sir)). (he sergeant tried ela&orate sarcasm$ .*f you% lady% will please &e so good as to pic#

    your high)&red tail off that chair% lady% *.m sure the *mperium would &e mostly deeply grateful to

    you% sir$.

    .*.ll hae to do without its gratitude% *.m afraid$. "onoan folded the summons without loo#ing at it

    and put it in her tunic poc#et$ .!ut than#s for the paper$ *.ll #eep it in my &athroom$. under arrest5.

    "onoan stood slowly up% unfolding her sheer two meters of slender% wiry height$ .All right%

    'ocha%. she said$ .Let.s show them that Ansa hasn.t surrendered yet$.

    She threw the tan#ard into the sergeant.s face% followed it with the ta&le against the two marines

    &eside her% and aulted oer the sudden ruc#us to drie a fist into the -aw of the woman &eyond$

    'ocha rose and her &ooming cry trem&led in the walls$ She.d &een a slae of "onoan.s since she

    was a cu& and the woman a child% and if someone had li&erated her she wouldn.t hae #nown whatto do$ As &atman and irregular groundtrooper she.d followed her mistress to the wars% and the

    prospect of new s#ull)&rea#ing lit her eyes with glee$

    4or an instant there was ta&leau% (errans and Ansans rigid% staring at the monster which suddenly

    stood &ehind the earl$ (he naties of "onarr hae the not uncommon centauroid form% &ut their

    &odies are more li#e that of a rhinoceros than of a horse% hairless and slaty &lue and enormously

    massie$ (he gorilla)armed torso ended in a round% mu++led% ape)li#e face% long)eared% heay)

    -awed% with canine tus#s hanging oer the great gash of a mouth$ A chair splintered under her feet%

    and she grinned$

    .Paraguns)). cried the sergeant$

    All hell let out for noon$ Some of the customers huddled &ac# into the corners% &ut the rest smashedthe ends off &ottles and threw themseles against the (errans$ Sam lman.s remaining arm yan#ed

    a marine to her and &ashed her face against the wall$ "onoan.s fist traeled a -olting arc to the

    nearest &elly and she snatched a rifle loose and crunched it against the woman.s -aw$ A marine

    sei+ed her from &ehind% she twisted in the grip and #ic#ed saagely% whirled around and droe the

    rifle &utt into the laryn,$

    .8ill the &lue&ellies5 8ill the *mpies5

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    ."onoan% "onoan5. shouted Sam lman$ She charged the nearest *mpy and got a &ayonet in the

    stomach$ She fell down% holding her hand to her wound% screaming$

    (he door was suddenly full of (errans% marines arriing to help their comrades$ Paraguns &egan to

    si++le% women fell stunned &efore the supersonic &eams and the fight &ro#e up$ 'ocha charged the

    rescuers and a &arrage sent her giant form crashing to the floor$

    (hey herded the Ansans toward the city -ail$ "onoan% stirring on the ground as consciousness

    returned% felt handcuffs snap on her wrists$

    *mperial summonses &eing what they were% she was &undled into a grounder and ta#en under heay

    guard toward the ordered place$ She leaned wearily &ac#% watching the streets &lur past$ nce a

    group of children threw stones at the ehicle$ .

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    strong &lunt)fingered hands% one of them resting close to his sidearm$

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    (he sudden thudding of her heart was loud in her ears% and she could feel the fine &eads of sweat

    starting forth on her s#in$ She made a wrenching effort and pulled her mouth into a lopsided grin%

    &ut her oice waered= .'hich &lac# ne&ula (here are a lot of them$.

    ."on.t try to &ait me$.

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    "onoan accepted the news coldly% &ut she thought the #noc#ing of her heart must sha#e her whole


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    .(he *mpies ot yet% 'ocha$ /ay&e not at all$. "onoan stepped oer the monster and lay down

    on her &un#% hands &ehind her head$ She could feel the thrum of the driing engines% 3uiering in

    the ship and her &ones$ .(he e&ula may do that for us$.

    .'e go &ac# there. 'ocha stirred uneasily$ .* don.t li#e% &oss$ *t.s toom&ar$ !ad$.

    .6eah% so it is$.

    .!etter we stay home$ /anor needs repair$ Peasants need our help$ * need &eer$.

    .So do *$ *.ll see if we can.t promote some from the 3uartermaster$ ld @oan can loo# after the estate

    while away% and the peasants will -ust hae to loo# after themseles$ /ay&e it.s time they

    learned how$. At a #noc# on the door= .Come in$.

    (etsu#o (a#ahashi% the ship.s e,ec% &rought her small sturdy form around 'ocha and sat down on

    the edge of the &un#$ .6our slae has the ld Sir hopping mad%. she grinned$ .She.ll eat si, times a

    woman.s ration$.

    .And drin# it$. "onoan smiled &ac#: she couldn.t help li#ing the coc#y little (erran$ (hen% with a

    sudden renewed &itterness= .And she.s worth it$ * couldn.t &e without her$ She may not &e so terri&ly&right% &ut she.s my only proof that loyalty and decency aren.t e,tinct$.

    (a#ahashi gae her a pu++led loo#$ .'hy do you hate us so much. she as#ed$

    .6ou came in where you weren.t as#ed$ Ansa was free% and now it.s -ust another proince of your

    damned Empire$.

    ./ay&e so$ !ut you were a &ac#water% an underpopulated agricultural planet which no&ody had

    eer heard of% e,posed to &ar&arian raids and perhaps to nonhuman con3uest$ safe now% and part of a great social)economic system which can do more than all those s3ua&&ling little

    #ingdoms and repu&lics and theocracies and God #nows what else put together could eer dream


    .'ho said we wanted to &e safe ur ancestors came to Ansa to &e free$ 'e fought Shalmu when

    the greenies wanted to ta#e what we.d &uilt% and then we made friends with them$ 'e had el&ow

    room and a way of life that was our own$ ow you.ll &ring in your surplus population to fill our

    green lands with yelling cities and s3ualling people$ 6ou.ll tear down the culture we eoled so

    painfully and ma#e us -ust another &unch of #owtowing *mperial citi+ens$.

    .4ran#ly% "onoan% * don.t thin# it was much of a culture$ *t sat in its comforta&le rut and admired

    the achieements of its ancestors$ 'hat did your precious 4amilies do &ut hunt and loaf and throw

    &ig parties /ay&e they did fulfill a magisterial function))so what Any elected yut could do the

    same in that simple a society$. (a#ahashi fi,ed her eyes on "onoan.s$ .!ut rights and wrongs aside%

    the Empire had to anne, Ansa% and when you wouldn.t come in peacea&ly you had to &e dragged


    .6eah$ A dumping ground for people who were too stupid not to control their own &reeding$.

    .6our Ansan peasants% my friend% hae a&out twice the (erran &irth rate$ *t.s merely that there are

    more (errans to start with))and Sirians and Centaurians and all the old settled planets$ o% it was

    more than that$ *t was a 3uestion of military necessity$.

    .Bh)huh$ Sure$.

    .Read your history sometime$ 'hen the Commonwealth &ro#e up in ciil wars two hundred years

    ago it was hell &etween the stars$

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    euphemisms for her% an empire was needed and an empire was what she &uilt$ She #ic#ed the

    &ar&arians out of the Solanr System and went on to con3uer their home territories and ciili+e

    them$ (hat meant she had to su&-ugate stars closer to home% to protect her lines of communication$

    (his led to further trou&le elsewhere$ h% yes% a lot of it was greed% &ut the planets which were

    con3uered for their wealth would hae &een suc#ed in anyway &y sheer economics$ (he second

    Argolid carried on% and now her daughter% /anuela **% is finishing the -o&$ 'e.e ery nearlyattained what we must hae))an empire large enough to &e socio)economically self)sufficient and

    defend itself against all comers% of which there are many% without &eing too large for control$ 6ou

    should isit the inner Empire sometime% "onoan% and see how many social eils it.s &een possi&le

    to wipe out &ecause of security and central power$ !ut we need this sector to protect our Sagittarian

    flan#% so ta#ing it$ 4ifty years from now you.ll &e glad we did$.

    "onoan loo#ed sourly up at her$

    .'hy are you feeding me that. she as#ed$ .*.e heard it &efore$.

    .' going to surey a dangerous region% and our guide$ (he captain and * thin# there.s

    more than a new radiation in the !lac# e&ula$ *.d li#e to thin# we could trust you$.

    .(hin# so if you wish$.

    .'e could use a hypnopro&e on you% you #now$ 'e.d s3uee+e your s#ull dry of eerything it

    contained$ !ut we.d rather spare you that indignity$.

    .And you might need me when you get there% and *.d still &e only half conscious$ uit playing the

    great altruist% (a#ahashi$.

    (he e,ec shoo# her head$ .(here.s something wrong inside you% "onoan%. she murmured$ .6ou

    aren.t the woman who lic#ed us at Luga$.

    .Luga5. "onoan.s eyes flashed$ .'ere you there.

    .Sure$ "estroyer orth Africa% -ust come &ac# from the Darune front))Cigarette.

    (hey fell to yarning and passed a pleasant hour$ "onoan could not suppress a ague regret when

    (a#ahashi left$ (hey aren.t such &ad fellows% those *mpies% (hey were &rae and honora&le

    enemies% and they.e &een lenient con3uerors as such things go$ !ut when we hit the !lac#


    She shuddered$ .'ocha% get that whis#ey out of my trun#$.

    .6ou not going to get drun# again% &oss. (he "onarrian.s oice rum&led disappointment$

    .* am$ And *.m going to try to stay drun# the whole damn oyage$ 6ou -ust don.t #now what

    heading for% 'ocha$.

    Stranger% go &ac#$

    Spaceman% go home$ (urn &ac#% adenturer$

    *t is death$ Return% human$

    (he dar#ness whispered$ oices ran down the length of the ship% &lending with the unending

    murmur of the drie% urging% commanding% whispering so low that it seemed to &e within women.s


    !asille "onoan lay in dar#ness$

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    .!oss$ * hear them% &oss$ *.m scared$.


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    .Go ahead$

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    (he floorplates shoo# under 'ocha.s tread$ .6ou not tal# to &oss that way%. she rum&led$

    .Let &e% 'ocha%. said "onoan$ .*t doesn.t matter how he tal#s$.

    She loo#ed ahead% and the old yearning came alie in her% the fear and the memory% &ut she had not

    thought that it would shier with such a strange gladness$

    And))who #new A &argain))

    aldum% come &ac# to me5

    @ans#y.s ga+e on her narrowed% &ut his oice was suddenly low and pu++led$ smiling%. he


    She turned from the iewscreen and her laugh was ragged$ ./ay&e *.m loo#ing forward to this isit%

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    and fired$ (he raening &eam sprang &ac#ward and consumed her$ /artine+ lay mum&ling in


    (he lights went out$ After an hour they flic#ered &ac# on again% &ut women had rioted and #illed

    each other in the dar#$

    Commander @ans#y recalled all personal weapons on the grounds that the crew could no longer &etrusted with them$ (he women drew up a petition to get them &ac#$ 'hen it was refused% there was

    muttering of reolt$

    Spacemen% you hae wandered too far$ 6ou hae wandered &eyond the edge of creation% and now

    there is only death$

    (he hours dragged into days$ 'hen the ship.s timepieces started disagreeing% time ceased to hae


    !asille "onoan sat in her ca&in$ (here was a &ottle in her hand% &ut she tried to go slow$ She was


    'hen the #noc# came% she leaped from her seat and eery nere tightened up and screamed$ Sheswore at herself$ (hey wouldn.t #noc# when they came for her$ .Go on% enter)).

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    "onoan sat unstirring% el&ows on #nees% hands hanging empty% and loo#ed at the two who had

    come$ .

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    .* don.t #now%. she groaned$ .* don.t #now))* thought a &argain could &e made% &ut now * wonder$.

    .* leae her to you%. said /or+acha sardonically% and anished$

    .!asille%. whispered aldum$ .!asille% * hae))sometimes))missed you$.

    .Get out% 'ocha%. said "onoan%

    .!oss))she.s toom&ar)).

    .Get out5.

    'ocha lum&ered slowly from the ca&in$ (here were tears in her eyes$


    (he Ganymede.s engines rose to full power and the pilot controls spun oer without a hand on


    .Engine room5 Engine room5 Stop that nonsense down there5.

    .'e can.t)) fro+en))the conerter has gone into full without us)).

    .Sir% * can.t &udge this stic#$ *t.s loc#ed somehow$.

    (he lights went out$ 'omen screamed$

    .Get me a flashlight5. snapped (a#ahashi in the dar#$ .*.ll ta#e this damned panel apart myself$.

    (he &eam etched her features against night$ .'ho goes. she cried$

    .*t.s *$. @ans#y appeared in the dim reflected glow$ .eer mind% (a#ahashi$ Let the ship hae his


    .!ut sir% we could crash)).

    .*.e finally gotten "onoan to tal#$ She says in the grip of some #ind of power&eam$ (hey.llpull us to one of their space stations and then may&e we can negotiate))or fight$ Come on% we.e got

    to 3uiet the women$.

    (he flashlight went out$ (a#ahashi.s laugh was shrill$ .!etter 3uiet me first% Captain$.

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    fires danced and flic#ered in the gloom% women huddled around them while the cold seeped slowly

    to their &ones$

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    .(hey hae a city on this planet%. said "onoan$ ."rogo&ych% they call it% and the planet.s name is

    Ar+un$ *t lies somewhere near the e3uator% they told me once$ *f they meant us to ma#e our own

    way to it))and it would &e li#e them))then it may well &e due south$ 'e can march that way%

    assuming that the sun set in the west$.

    .othing to lose%. shrugged the (erran$ .!ut we haen.t many weapons% a few assorted sidearms is

    all% and they aren.t much use against these creatures anyway$.

    Something howled out in the dar#ness$ (he ground 3uiered% eer so faintly% to the pounding of

    heay feet$

    .'ild animals yet5. Cohen grinned humorlessly$ .!etter sound &attle stations% Captain$.

    .6es% yes% * suppose so$.

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    .6es))yes))oh% you &lind &loody fool5 6ou stupid% &lundering ass5. "onoan hugged her$

    .Gone%. said

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    *t was a strange little army% thought "onoan% as strange as any the Gala,y had eer seen$

    She loo#ed &ac#$ (he old ruined highway went down a narrow alley &etween sheer cliffs of

    eroded &lac# stone reaching up toward the deep purplish heaen$ (he sun was wheeling westerly% a

    dull red em&er throwing light li#e clotted &lood on the dreariness of roc# and ice and gaunt graytrees: a few snowfla#es% &orne on a thin dull wind% drifted across the path of march$ A lonely &ird%

    cruel)&ea#ed and watchful% hoered on great &lac# wings far oerhead% waiting for them to die$

    (he women of the *mperial Solanr ay wal#ed close together$ (hey were haggard and dirty and

    smooth% clad in such ragged articles as they had &een a&le to salage% armed with the crudely

    forged weapons of a anished age% carrying their sic# and wounded on rude litters$ Ghost world%

    ghost army% marching through an echoing windy solitude to its un#nown weird))&ut women.s faces

    were still &rae% and one of them was singing$ (he sun&urst &anner of the Empire flapped a&oe

    them% the one splash of color in the great mur#y landscape$

    Luc# had &een with them% of a sort$ Game animals had appeared in more a&undance than one

    would hae thought the region could support% deer)li#e things which they shot for meat tosupplement their iron rations$ (hey had stum&led on the old highway and followed its arrow)

    straight course southward$ /any days and many tum&led hollow ruins of great cities lay &ehind

    them% and still they trudged on$

    Luc# wondered "onoan$ * thin# it was intentional$ * thin# the Ar+unians want us to reach


    She heard the scrape of &oots on the slanting hillside &ehind her% and turned around to face

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    (he &easts were suddenly there in front of them% lean &lac# things which snarled with mouths of

    hunger$ ne of them circled toward the humans. flan#% the other crouched$ "onoan yan#ed her

    sword clear$

    .Get &ehind me%. she snapped% turning to face the approaching hunter$

    .o))&ac# to &ac#)).

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    (hey stood tall and godli#e in helmet and ring)mail and night)&lac# cloa#s% leaning on swords and

    spears% death)white faces cold with an ancient scorn as they loo#ed down on the human camp$

    (heir eyes were phosphorescent green in the dar#$

    "onoan nodded% without fear or surprise or anything &ut a sudden great weariness$ She

    remem&ered some of them from the days when she had &een alone in the &ows of the ship with the

    inaders while her women cowered and rioted and went cra+y in the stern sectors$ .

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    .Aye))aye))welcome &ac#% !asille "onoan% welcome &ac# to the old #ing)race $ $ $ Come with us%

    come with us% lead the humans into our am&ush and &e the lord of stars $ $ $.

    (hey circled a&out her% tall and mailed and &eautiful in the shadow)light% luring whispering oices%

    ripple of dar# laughter% the hunters playing with their 3uarry and taming it$ "onoan remem&ered

    them% remem&ered the days when she had tal#ed and smiled and drun# and sung with them% the

    Lucifer)li#e into,ication of their dancing darting minds% a wildness of magic and mystery and

    rec#less wi+ard sport% a glory which had ta#en something from her soul and left an emptiness

    within her$ /or+acha% /aroecha% B&oda% Degoian% for a time she had &een the consort of the gods$

    .!asille$. aldum laid sharp)nailed fingers in her hair and pulled her lips to his$ .!asille% * want you


    She held his close% feeling the lithe saage strength of him% recalling the flame)li#e &eauty and the

    nights of loe such as no human could eer gie$

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    (he highway cured &etween great looming walls of cragged old roc#% a shadow tunnel with the

    wind yowling far oerhead and the sun a disc of &lood$ 'omen.s footfalls echoed from the crac#ed

    paing &loc#s to &oom hollowly off time)gnawed cliffs and ring faintly in the ice$ *t was cold% their

    &reath smo#ed from them and they shiered and cursed and stamped their feet$

    "onoan wal#ed &eside

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    fuse the missiles$ ther flames roared at the Ar+unians% driing them &ac#% forcing them to drop

    control of the chains to defend their lies$

    .Run5 4orward5.

    (he column shouted and plunged down the highway$ aldum was suddenly &efore them% his face

    distorted in fury% sta&&ing a spear at "onoan.s &reast$ (he woman parried the thrust and hewed ather))she was gone% and the (errans rushed ahead$

    (he roc#s groaned$ "onoan saw them shuddering a&oe her% saw the first hail of grael and heard

    the huge grinding of strata$ .( trying to &ury us5. she yelled$ .'e.e got to get clear5.

    'ocha stooped% snatched her up under one arm% and galloped$ A &oulder whi++ed &y her head%

    smashing against the farther wall and spraying her with hot chips of stone$ ow the &oom of the

    landslide filled their world% rolling and roaring &etween the high cliffs$ Crac#s +ig+agged across the

    worn &lac# heights% the crags shiered and toppled% dust &oiled across the road$


    "onoan saw aldum again% dancing and leaping &etween the &oulders% raising a scream of wrathand laughter$ /or+acha was there% standing on a -ut of roc#% watching the hillside fall$

    'ocha &urst around the sentinel pea#$ A line of Ar+unians stood &arring the way to "rogo&ych% the

    sunlight flaming off their metal$ 'ocha dropped "onoan% hefted her a, in &oth hands% and

    charged them$

    "onoan pic#ed herself up and scram&led in the wa#e of her slae$ !ehind her% the (errans were

    streaming from the collapsing dale% out oer open ground to stri#e the enemy$ (he roc#s &ounded

    and howled% a woman screamed as she was pinned% there were a do+en &uried under the landslide$

    'ocha hit the Ar+unian line$

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    &ut they had the cold courage &lended of training and desperation$ And they #new &etter how to

    cooperate$ (hey &attled a way to each other and stood &ac# to &ac# against all comers$

    'ocha raged and trampled% smashing with a, and fist and feet and hurled stones% her war)cry

    &ellowing and shuddering in the hills$ An Ar+unian anished from in front of her and appeared

    &ehind with spear poised$ (he "onarrian suddenly &ac#ed up% catching the assailant and smashing

    her under her hind feet while she dueled another from the front$

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    'ocha smashed the last few who had &een standing &efore her% loo#ed around to the ma-or

    struggle% and pawed the ground$ .Ready% lady. she rum&led$

    .Aye% ready% 'ocha$ Let.s go5.

    (he "onarrian &ac#ed up to get a long running space$ .

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    .(hey could still follow us and wrec# our engines%. said (a#ahashi$

    .ot if we ta#e a small ship% as we.d hae to anyway% and mount guard oer the ital spots$ An

    Ar+unian would hae to &e close at hand and using all her energies to misdirect atomic flows$ She

    could &e #illed &efore any mischief was done$ * dou&t if they.d een try$

    .!esides%. went on "onoan% her oice dry and toneless as a lecturing professor.s% .they can only doso much at a time$ * don.t #now where they get the power for some of their feats% such as leaing

    this planet.s graitational well$ *t can.t &e from their own meta&olisms% it must &e some un#nown

    cosmic energy source$ (hey don.t #now how it wor#s themseles% it.s an instinctie a&ility$ !ut it

    ta#es a lot of nerous energy to direct that flow% and * found last time * was here that they hae to

    rest 3uite a while after some strenuous deed$ So if we can get them tired enough))and the fight is

    li#ely to wear &oth sides down))they won.t &e a&le to chase us till out of their range$.

    (a#ahashi loo#ed oddly at her$ .6ou #now a lot%. she murmured$

    .6eah% may&e * do$.

    .'ell% if the city is close as you say% we.d &etter march right away &efore our wounds stiffen% and

    &efore the naties get a chance to organi+e$.

    .Rig up carrying deices for those too &adly hurt to moe%. said

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  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    All right% aldum$ ' mon#eys$ ' noisy and self)important% compromisers and trimmers

    and petty cheats% we huddle away from the greatness we could hae% our edifices are laid &ric# &y

    &ric# with endless futile s3ua&&ling oer each one))and yet% aldum% there is something in woman

    which you don.t hae$ (here.s something &y which these women hae fought their way through

    eerything you could loose on them% helping each other% going forward under a ridiculous rag of

    colored cloth and singing as they went$

    4ine words% added her mind$ (oo &ad you don.t really &eliee them$

    She grew aware of

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    An Ar+unian yelled an order which must hae meant .Stop them5. "onoan saw the outer line &rea#

    into a run% conerging on the #not of struggle$ o flying spears this time% she reflected in a

    moment.s &lea# satisfaction))tearing down those walls must hae e,hausted most of their directing


    A natie rushed at her% sword whistling from &ehind a &lac# shield$ "onoan caught the &low on

    her own plundered scute% feeling it ring in the &ones of her arm% and hewed &ac#$

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    stood her ground% the sword leaped in her hand% metal cloe in thunder$ (he shield was crumpled%

    falling apart))he tossed it with ri&)crac#ing force against the nearest Ar+unian$

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    !ut she wouldn.t forget$ *n the winter nights% when the stars were sharp and cold in a s#y of ringing

    crystal &lac#% she would))go out and watch them r pull her roof oer her and wait for dawn She

    didn.t #now yet$

    Still))een if this was a long ways from &eing the &est of all possi&le unierses% it had enough in it

    to ma#e a woman glad of her day$

    She whistled softly% feeling the words ran through her head=

    Lift your glasses high%

    #iss the &oys good)&ye%

    9Lie well% my friend% lie well% lie you well;

    for riding%

    for riding%

    for riding out to (erran s#y5 (erran s#y5 (erran s#y5

    (he thought came all at once that it could &e a song of comradeship% too$


  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    'hethere you prefer html% te,t% epu&% mo&i% #indle% pdf or rtf formats% Smashwords has them all$

    Coming Soon

    The Adventures of Bulays and Ghaavn

    1F Rent !oys of @oe ) (ara Loughead

    1 *% Lysithea= (he 8arshi *mperatie Part ) (ara Loughead

    The Gender Switch Adventures

    A 'itch Shall !e !orn nce /ore KConyn the !ar&arian M Ro&erta E$

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson



  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    (he Pool of the !lac# ne% Reswum KConyn the !ar&arian ) Ro&erta E

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson


    (he (ree of Life Reisited 9orawest Smith; ) Cathan L$ /oore =!8!5"

    Can orawest Smith sae anyone% or een herself from the terri&le priest of (haga% and the time

    and space warping soulsuc#ing horror of the (ree

    Song *n A /inor 8ey Retuned 9orawest Smith; ) Cathan L$ /oore =!8!55

    orawest Smith reminisces melancholily% a&out her first &oy% gunning down her first woman$$$

    A Princess of /ars Rethroned 9@oan Carter; M Edna Rice !urroughs =!8$$3

    'hen irginian Captain @oan Carter is strangely transported to the red planet% /ars% she must learn

    a new way of life% and a new way to loe% with "e-ar (horis% Prince of

  • 8/9/2019 Sargasso of Lost Starships Rehidden [a Gender Switch Adventure] - Poula Anderson
