SAP Inside Track Wroclow - Bluetooth the World

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Transcript of SAP Inside Track Wroclow - Bluetooth the World

Bluetooth the WorldUsing BT as a primary communication medium

Craig Cmehil@ccmehil

Bluetoothfrequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz, or 2400 and 2483.5 MHz including guard bands 2 MHz wide at the bottom end and 3.5 MHz wide at the top

A master Bluetooth device can communicate with a maximum of seven devices in a piconet (an ad-hoc computer network using Bluetooth technology)

Created in 1994, Bluetooth® technology was conceived as a wireless alternative to data cables by exchanging data using radio transmissions. The name Bluetooth came from a tenth century Danish King, Harald Blåtand or, in English, Harold Bluetooth. As the story goes, King Blåtand helped unite warring factions in parts of what are now Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Similarly, Bluetooth technology was created as an open standard to allow connectivity and collaboration between disparate products and industries.

BT with Arduino


microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P

14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs)

6 analog inputs

Middle of Nowhere





Data Collection

Module testing

Making it work

Not so Nowhere