Sap Education - Sample Questions C_tscm62_65

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SAP Certified Application Associate – Order Fulfilment with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP – print !iew

"isclaimer# $hese sample %uestions are for self&e!aluation purposes onl' and do not appear on the actual certificatione(ams. Answerin) the sample %uestions correctl' is no )uarantee that 'ou will pass the certification e(am. $hecertification e(am co!ers a much *roader spectrum of topics+ so do ma,e sure 'ou ha!e familiari-ed 'ourself with alltopics listed in the e(am competenc' areas *efore ta,in) the certification e(am.

Answers are at the bottom of th s !o"#ment

Q#est ons

. At which or)ani-ational le!el is the a!aila*ilit' chec, /A$P performed for a sales order1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O Cross&compan' code

* O 2arehouse num*er

c O Sales or)ani-ation

d O Plant

3. 2hat information a*out free )oods is maintained in the condition record1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O 5tem cate)or' of the su*item

* O onus %uantit' t'pe /e(clusi!e or inclusi!e

c O 7a(imum %uantit' of the main item

d O Calculation rule

8. 2hat is a t'pical process se%uence in Product Sale from Stoc,1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O 5ncomin) order – 9oods receipts:transport – "unnin) and pa'ment – illin)

* O Purchase re%uisition – "eli!er':transport – "unnin) and pa'ment – illin)

c O Purchase re%uisition – illin) – $ransport:)oods receipts – "unnin) andpa'ment

d O 5ncomin) order – "eli!er':transport – illin) – "unnin) and pa'ment

;. 2hich statements are correct for items that are *illed in relation to orders1

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4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O A separate *illin) t'pe is re%uired.

* O $he' can *e *illed immediatel' after 'ou ha!e sa!ed the order.

c O $he' can *e in!oiced to)ether with items that are *illed in relation todeli!eries.

d O $he *illin) date is determined *ased on the )oods issue date.

. <ou ha!e a rental contract with 'our customer and 'ou want to in!oice them an a)reed amount each month for therental item.

How do 'ou set up the s'stem so that the item )ets in!oiced periodicall' *' the collecti!e *illin) run1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O Assi)n an in!oicin) date calendar in the sales area data of the customermaster.

* O Set up date proposal maintenance in Customi-in) with the desiredpercenta)es of the amount to *e in!oiced periodicall'.

c O 7aintain a *illin) plan t'pe for periodic *illin).

d O Assi)n a *illin) plan t'pe for periodic *illin) to the item cate)or' of the rentalcontract item.

6. 2hich of the followin) statements re)ardin) deli!er'&related *illin) are correct1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O $he deli!er'&related *illin) rele!ance is set within the sales document t'pe.

* O $he deli!er'&related *illin) rele!ance is set within the item cate)or'.

c O 2ithin the sales order item+ it is possi*le to chan)e the *illin) rele!ance fromorder&related to deli!er'&related.

d O 5n deli!er'&related *illin)+ the *illin) t'pe is proposed *ased on theconfi)uration of the sales document t'pe used.

=. 2hat can 'ou do usin) >ta*le control> in the conte(t of sales orders1

4ote# $here are three /8 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O Rearran)e the se%uence of the ta*le columns

* O Create a personali-ed displa' !ariant

c O "efine default !alues for input fields

d O Hide columns

e O Ad?ust the hei)ht of the rows

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@. <ou want to enhance an e(istin) print document that is *ased on a SAPscript form with a new field that does notre%uire separate preparation lo)ic.

2hich statement is correct1

a O 5f the field e(ists in the rele!ant communication structure+ the enhancementcan *e processed directl' in the SAPscript form.

* O A new access se%uence has to *e created with an access step on a conditionta*le and the new field as the ,e'.

c O A new output t'pe has to *e created and assi)ned to the chan)ed SAPscriptform.

d O A new print out pro)ram with the new field has to *e created.

. 2hich statement relatin) to the determination of the deli!erin) plant in a sales order item is correct1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O 5f there is no default !alue for the deli!erin) plant defined in the materialmaster+ the plant is copied from the item cate)or'.

* O $he deli!erin) plant is deri!ed from the sales document t'pe.

c O $he deli!erin) plant can *e defined in the material master record+ customermaster record+ and customer material info record.

d O $he deli!erin) plant of a sales order item can *e chan)ed after deli!er'creation.

0. 2hat information is deri!ed from the sold&to part' customer master in a sales order1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O Shippin) conditions

* O Pa'ment terms

c O 5ncoterms

d O 5n!oice address

. $o which element is a sales office assi)ned1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O Sales area

* O Sales or)ani-ation

c O "istri*ution channel

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d O Emplo'ee

3. 2hat is the purpose of the condition t'pe within the pricin) process1

Please choose the correct the answer.

a O $o control the properties of pricin) conditions

* O $o define the ,e' fields of the condition records

c O $o define the ,e' fields of the condition records

d O $o define which condition t'pes should *e ta,en into account and in whichse%uence

8. 2ithin pricin)+ a surchar)e should *e calculated *ased on a predefined su*total le!el.

How do 'ou confi)ure this re%uirement1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O 7aintain the predefined condition su*total at the reference step le!el withinthe pricin) procedure for the surchar)e condition t'pe.

* O 7aintain the condition su*total that will *e used to determine the calculation*asis as a calculation t'pe within the condition t'pe itself.

c O Assi)n a condition *ase !alue formula within the pricin) procedure for thesurchar)e condition t'pe.

d O Assi)n the su*total le!el as the calculation *asis within the condition recordof the surchar)e.

;. 2hich statements re)ardin) consi)nment processin) are correct1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O $he consi)nment stoc, is mapped usin) a separate plant.

* O $he consi)nment issue re%uires a deli!er' document.

c O $he consi)nment pic,&up is rele!ant for *illin).

d O $he consi)nment issue document is rele!ant for *illin).

. 2hat settin)s related to the deli!er' process are confi)ured in sales document t'pes1

4ote# $here are three /8 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O Re%uested deli!er' date

* O "efault shippin) point

c O "eli!er' rele!ance

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d O 5mmediate deli!er'

e O "efault deli!er' t'pe

6. 2hich of the followin) statements re)ardin) outline a)reement processes are correct1

4ote# $here are three /8 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O 2hen creatin) sales documents+ the s'stem can chec, if open contractse(ist for the respecti!e customer.

* O A !alue contract defines that 'our customer a)rees to purchase a fi(ed%uantit' of )oods and ser!ices durin) the defined period.

c O A %uantit' contract contains fi(ed deli!er' dates and %uantities.

d O A schedulin) a)reement contains fi(ed deli!er' dates and %uantities.

e O A !alue contract defines that 'our customer a)rees to purchase a fi(ed total!alue /tar)et amount of )oods and ser!ices durin) the defined period.

=. 2hat is controlled *' a schedule line cate)or'1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O $he transfer of re%uirements

* O $he determination of the partner determination procedure

c O $he *illin) rele!ance of a material

d O $he mo!ement t'pe with which stoc, chan)es are posted with the )oodsissue

@. 2hat criteria can influence the determination of the pic,in) location for out*ound deli!eries1

4ote# $here are two /3 correct answers to this %uestion.

a O Stora)e condition

* O $ransportation )roup

c O Boadin) )roup

d O Plant

. 2hen a deli!er' item is created with reference to a sales order+ how is the item cate)or' in the out*ound deli!er'determined1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O ased on the deli!er' t'pe+ item cate)or' )roup+ and item usa)e

* O Copied from the correspondin) item of the sales document

c O sin) cop' control *etween the sales document t'pe and the deli!er' t'pe

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d O Proposed from the material master

30. 2hat element directl' determines the loadin) time found in the deli!er' and transportation schedule of the scheduleline in the sales order1

Please choose the correct answer.

a O $he wei)ht

* O $he shippin) point

c O $he loadin) )roup

d O $he pac,in) material

So$#t ons

%a 5ncorrect 2 a 5ncorrect &a 5ncorrect ' a 5ncorrect 5 a 5ncorrect

* 5ncorrect 3 * Correct 8 * 5ncorrect ; * Correct * 5ncorrect

c 5ncorrect 3 c 5ncorrect 8 c 5ncorrect ; c Correct c Correct

d Correct 3 d Correct 8 d Correct ; d 5ncorrect d Correct

6 a 5ncorrect ( a Correct ) a Correct * a 5ncorrect %+a Correct

6 * Correct = * Correct @ * 5ncorrect * 5ncorrect 0 * 5ncorrect

6 c 5ncorrect = c 5ncorrect @ c 5ncorrect c Correct 0 c Correct

6 d Correct = d Correct @ d 5ncorrect d 5ncorrect 0 d 5ncorrect

= e 5ncorrect

%%a Correct %2 a Correct %&a Correct %&a Correct %' a 5ncorrect

* 5ncorrect 3 * 5ncorrect 8 * 5ncorrect 8 * Correct ; * Correct

c 5ncorrect 3 c 5ncorrect 8 c 5ncorrect 8 c 5ncorrect ; c 5ncorrect

d 5ncorrect 3 d 5ncorrect 8 d 5ncorrect 8 d 5ncorrect ; d Correct

%5 a Correct 6 a Correct = a Correct @ a Correct a5ncorrect

30 a5ncorrect

* 5ncorrect 6 *5ncorrect

= *5ncorrect

@ *5ncorrect

* Correct 30 * Correct

c 5ncorrect 6 c5ncorrect

= c5ncorrect

@ c5ncorrect


30 c5ncorrect

d Correct 6 d Correct = d Correct @ d Correct d5ncorrect

30 d5ncorrect

e Correct 6 e Correct

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