Sanislo WITS 5th Grade Poetry

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Poems written by Sanislo students with WITS poet Ann Teplick

Transcript of Sanislo WITS 5th Grade Poetry


Sanislo Elementary 5th-grade poets

June 10, 11



Writing poetry on the theme of HOME is bound to evoke emo-

tions. Some of us have grown up in one home. Some of us have

lived in many homes. Some of us have crossed continents in

search of a new home. Some of us will always long for our old

homes, but may never get to go back. Some of us may, one day, to

pick up the threads of our history.

Through the poetic devices of imagery, repetition, and concrete

details, the fifth graders and I explored our physical homes; our

emotional homes; what home means to us; where we are most at

home, and with whom. We wrote Where I Come From poems

modeled from immigrant poets at Foster High School in Tukwila,

WA. We wrote poems of peaceful places, modeled from “The

Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry. We wrote poems about

our family’s hair—because that’s a part of our home, too—

modeled from the vignette, “Hairs” by Sandra Cisneros, from her

book, The House on Mango Street. We wrote poems about who

we feel at home with, inspired by the poem

“To You” by Karla Kuskin.

Thank you fifth-grade poets for writing your truths, be they quiet

or boisterous, serious or witty. You’ve taken the time to reflect on

your life and to choose words that paint the picture of who you


Thank you Ms. Crowley, Mr. Apostol, Mr. Seevers, and Mr.

Seasholes, for your support of the written and spoken word.

Thank you Rebecca and Jeanine

for making this residency possible.

Ann Teplick, WITS Writer-in-Residence

Sanislo Elementary Fifth Grades

April 1-June 10, 11

my calm place by Keye

The crook in the tree. Maple spiraling in ivy, brown soft

smooth bark with twirling leaves falling to the ground.

So high so happy so unstoppable so prone to falling to the

seemingly delicate worm ridden soil.

Such joy, no naps for me just put me in the maple tree.

No pain no anger up in the ivy maple tree.

2 colors only fall brown and spring green in the pristine

sanctuary of the ivy brown maple tree.

The ivy circling down and back again like careful green

stitches in that tree enough to keep anybody company.

Peace in the tree specially suited for me.

My Hair is Always With Me By Chandra

My hair wakes up with me

In the morning

After I‟ve twisted and turned in bed

Where my hair is as tangled and knotted as a bird nest

My hair jumps up with me

In the afternoon

When I run with my friends

Where my hair is as straight and smooth

As uncooked spaghetti

My hair eats with me

In the evening

At dinnertime

If I‟m not careful

My hair sleeps with me

At nighttime

Where my hair is all over the place

Like lightning bolts ready to strike

My hair

Is always

With me

How I Feel About Poems. By: Shania, Chloe, Levi and Mr. H

They are dumb,

They are dumb and they are boring.

They kill trees,

They are a waste of time and paper,

They make me frown.

I don‟t like them.

We talk about saving trees but kill them for poems,

Why is the word „tree‟ in „poetry‟?

They aren‟t fun to write, but they can express love

and hate,

or they can annoy the crud out of you.

Poems are powerful.

Within me by: David You are

always within me.

You are always there.

You can stay and hide.

From all the world terror.

You can stay within me.

And there we can play.

We will run and hide with your ball.

And there we will never fall.

I would like you to stay within me.

And there we will always be free.

My Hair by Elaine

I love my hair.

My hair is as shiny as gold string,

My hair is as soft as kitten‟s fur (when it‟s combed),

My hair is so great somebody says

„‟I love your hair‟‟ everyday.

But when I wake up it‟s messy,

And naughty, I have a hard time combing it out.

Some days I think I wish I had hair that‟s softer,

shiny all the time, easy to comb out whenever.

But most of the time I think

I love my hair,

It‟s soft (when it‟s combed),

Smells like my coconut shampoo,

And it‟s long how I like it.

I love my hair.

If You Were With Me by Kepler

If you were with me

I could jump out of a plane, only with you.

If you were with me

I could explore an abyss just with you.

If you were with me

I could bungee jump, only with you.

If you were with me

I could go on the ride that I don‟t like, only with you.

If you were with me

I could survive Flash, only with you.

If you were with me I can survive anything.

If You Were There by Alan

I could chop down a tree with a stick.

I could fly in space and find Pluto.

I could round house kick the school down.

I could have a pet giraffe.

I could count to infinite.

I could know why people spontaneously combust.

I could have circle blocks in Miinecraft.

I could know what Willis was talking about.

I could do a wheelie on a unicycle.

Yes I am talking about Chuck Norris.

Only You by Jazmeiha

When I am with you we would stop the tsunami,

and we would help people with things that they would need.

When I am with you I feel brave to do things

I would have never done before in my life.

You make me feel at home when I am with you,


My Hair by Serena

My hair is soft, soft as a bunny‟s fur.

My hair is wavy, wavy as the ocean.

My hair is long, long as a snake

slithering through the forest.

My hair is divided into two colors

Brown as chocolate

Black like chocolate syrup.

My hair is thick, thick as a hug.

My Hair By Ivan

My hair is as spiky as a tip of the mountain

And as spiky as a really sharp pencil

My hair is dark as a colored coffee crayon

My hair is as stiff as fully inflated ball when my hair is gelled

My hair is as short as a little leaf

My hair can be any color like purple or green short or tall.

But my hair is my hair only

If You Were There By: Jailene

If you were there I would jump in the tub with you

(with my pants and shirt)

If you were there I would by you new bacon treats

If you were there I would want you to sleep with me

If you were there I would let you eat my lasagna

If you were there I would take you to the spa

If you were there I would think I had Dove wings

Only if you were there Star my little dog!

What I can do by Alexandra

If you where there, I could leap from cloud to cloud without falling

If you where there, I could do a handstand for 3 minutes, maybe longer!

If you where there, I could climb the Eifel Tower during a pitch black night and

speak fluent French once I reach the top

If you where there, I could chug one whole water bottle, as if it were my last

If you where there, I could soar into space and become friends with aliens on


If you where there, I could crawl on ceilings like Spiderman or as if gravity was-

n‟t right

If you where there, I could march around the whole world in one day

If you where there, life would be fair!

MARS! By. Jarrod

Mar is my peaceful place.

I like mars because it sounds like the country.

I stand on mar‟s red deserts.

I breathe the carbon dioxide air.

I am alone on mars.

I look at Olympus Mons.

I love mars red lava.

I like mars cooled ice caps.

I like hiking throw mars smooth canyons.

This is my peaceful place.

If you were there By: Kevin

If you were there

I wouldn‟t be scared of my horrible nightmare.

And if you were there

I could soar through the air

to the Puyallup fair.

If you were there

I would pet a red colored hare.

And if you were there

I would hug you

like a bear. I think I can do anything

If you were there.

My Hair by Ariana

My hair is as soft as a feather blanket.

My hair is as clean as a piece of soap that is so fragil that it is

going to break when you to touch it.

My hair is as wavy as the ocean that the sun shines

directly in the water that almost looks like sparkles.

My hair is as smooth as a tumbled rock.

My hair is as straight as a flexible rubber band, that you

stretch it before it snaps.

My hair is as dark as gravy from a thanksgiving dinner.

My Peaceful Place by Anya

While I sit in the light of the sun

While I relax in a hammock

The place I lie belongs to no one

Mother Nature brings her winds to swing me to sleep

As I sleep I do dream like every human does.

I dream of willow trees, birds and a place for only me.

Sometimes I do impossible things in life.

Just once I thought I felt the fur of the black bear

Then I woke to the sound of my mother calling,

“time for lunch!” …so I woke and grumbled

While I do but after lunch I go back to my peaceful place.

If you were with me I could fly up to the clouds with you,

If you were with me you were with me I could jump out a heli-

copter without a parachute and your love would be my wings,

If you were with me I would follow you‟re your love in my


If you are with me I would go and find what is hurting your

heart and heal it,

If you are with me I would bring breakfast every single day in

your life,

If you were with me it will be easier to go to that easy path,

If you were with me I would feel like the special one in your


If you are with me I would read every book you love.

If you were with me by Eunice My Hair By Kimseam

My hair is as thick as the

blubber from an orca whale

My hair turns as hot as the

sidewalk on a hot and sunny day

My hair is as brown as the darkest

Reese candy ever made

I love my hair just the way it is

I like how it keeps my neck warm

in the blistering winter like the

thickest blanket in the world

I like my hair just the way it is

Zombie’s poetry by Arden I throw a pipe bomb the alert of the horde

These puny zombies are leaving me bored

Oh no a boomer I shoot him he‟s dead

Except for the fact he‟s not bleeding red

ew that‟s so disgusting I might start hurling

Ah a smoker hey is that my attorney?

I continue my journey oh great a hunter what‟s next a witch

oh great I just fell in a ditch

So a wave of undead still aren‟t bleeding red

I need a med pack I am almost dead.

Levi Erdman Po-


I know someone

Who is smart and funny

Or at least trying to be

I know someone

Who has British in them

and some Syrian in them


I know someone

Who loves all kinds of


Like Nutella, beef, and


But they won‟t try one


Turkey meatloaf.

I know someone

And they love to read.

From adventure

To tall tales.

All day

All night


Star Fox by Trevor King Jr.

I‟m in the Lylat system,

Area 6.

I‟ve got to get myself

Out of a fix!

Andrew Oinkonny‟s

coming to me,

someone‟s gonna

pay a death warrinty.

Andrew is part of Star Wolf,

Who‟s leader is called Wolf.

We‟re heading to Venom now,

something that Andross won‟t


StarWolf is trying to kill StarFox,

so I will have to set the big locks

to kill StarWolf.

My Family’s Hair My hair is as smooth as a soft rug that smells like coconut. My sister’s hair is as shiny as the big bright yellow sun. My mom’s hair is as curly as a tiny spring under a bed. My dad’s hair is as straight as a stick buried into the ground. My hair is as brown as coffee. My sister’s hair is as black as a shiny black computer. My mom’s hair is as red and brown an autumn leaf.



My hair is as puffy as a soaked up sponge under the sea.

Geana’s hair is as messy as grape vines growing on a black fenced house.

Jacob’s hair is as short as a freshly cut dark brown lawn. Papa’s hair is like a mix of salt and pepper Mama’s hair smells like the hair spray …

even before she puts it on.

Pick Me Up By Theodore

Tide and time wait for no man,

But despite your words you wait for me.

I walk in sullen strokes to your doorstep,

My feet bound to the earth by my guilt and shame.

The words I’ve rehearsed sound dry and fake,

A mask of ‘I’m okay’ slipping from my grasp.

You let my flaw go without a word or look,

A flood overflows in my red eyes.

You say in your sweet crackled voice

‘Come talk to me.’

I resist your warmth,

Though my heart pulls me toward your arms.

I fall into your lap,

You pick me up.


I am from my backyards blooming plums, apples, and cherry

and the cold transitioning from winter to spring wind blowing,

thrusting branches against one another

I from my beautiful spring daffodils, yellow in bloom,

and the “Forget Me Not”, blue, white, small and almost everywhere you


Soon my brother and I will “ride on to our castle” the enormously tall

cherry tree,

The cherry’s cold silent wait, from winter’s gusts of frostbite wind,

waiting, waiting to express the redness and beauty of it round self

The softness and sweetness of a strawberry Soon to become the enjoyment in my mouth

If Only You Were Here By: Mari Drake

I could stand up to the world and tell it to treat its people right for a change, if only you would help.

I could find enough fallen crow feathers to build

wings and fly to heaven, if only you would catch me when I fall.

If you were here I could sing my way to Madison

Square Garden in 10 measly minutes.

If you were here we’d leave. If you were here we’d go.

I’d take all my friends, you’d take all yours, and together, we’d fly away from this place forever.

The Peaceful Place

By Tu Vy Chung

There once was a place where there is peace, Away from your brother or niece, So when you come there, You’re away from everywhere, And that is where you get your peace.

If You Were There

By: Mayra

If you were there

I would construct

A kingdom in the Pacific Ocean.

If you were there

I would jump as high as I can

All the way to Mars with my worse shoes

If you were there

I would build a red flying car just your favorite color

And I would take you to Miami Florida since it‟s so warm

over there

If you were there

I would build you a store

With anything you want and what ever name you want it to


If you were there

I would plant some red roses

And I would make them bloom so quick just for you

If you were there

I would cook you your breakfast

Scrambled eggs, pancakes, baken and I would serve you

your favorite drink coke

If you were there

I would do anything possible

To keep you there

With you By Vanessa Denisha when you‟re with me I could do anything like sing in

front of a crowd without stage fright!!!

If I was with you big sis I could feel like I‟m at home and not

lost like when I‟m sick and you‟re not there for me to lean on I

know you‟re at school getting an education and I know you‟ll

be home soon.

When we‟re together I feel like I can sleep though the night

and not wake up looking for you wondering where you‟re at

which is right next to me.

Love you Denisha.

If you were with me:

I could explore the Mariana Trench with a sub-

marine through the pressure that can swish you like a


I think I could climb up Mount. Everest and

jump down without a parachute and your love will

catch me wherever I fall.

I could build a space station and your love will

be my guide to be smarter enough to do that.

I could ride an imaginary unicorn through the

solar system.

You’re the energy for me to do anything. With

you I can do anything.

If I Was With You by: Kesi

If I was with you I could explore the ocean

without being afraid of all the wonders about it!

If I was with you I could feed a whale a giant fish

without being afraid of getting bit!

If I was with you I could explore the world

without getting stuck at Mercer!

If I was with you I could go to Africa and go to the plains

without being afraid of seeing a tiger!

If I was with you I could go up to someone and inspire them

just by singing!

If I was with you I could do almost anything!

When wings would fly By: Keegan

If you were with me I could

hear the ocean roar

from my bedroom in the desert.

If you were with me I could fly on wings like eagles

to the palace above the clouds,

where the diamonds incrusted on the thousand year door

would shine like the sun‟s reflection on rain.

This is the moment when wings would fly…

With me…

Birds By Anton

Chickens sit next to you and talk to you.

Ducks are soft and play tag.

Gooses are large and swans are bigger.

Pigeons are very smart

they can navigate through mazes of city blocks.

Penguins are flightless flying birds

but the only time you see them fly is under water.

Ostriches and emus are as tall as a bird can be.

Eagles our are national bird and are silent hunters.

My Dream Hair –Selam

My dream hair is dark as dark chocolate

and dark as a deep part of a cave.

My dream hair is smooth as a squirrel back

and curly as leaves that curl.

My dream hair is long up to my back to my back.

I like it because it is easy care.

My heart

By Quentin

My heart is gone nowhere to be found

My life goes in the moment

Nobody tries to listen to me

Because my story is sad and wrong

Nobody cares to listen one-on-one

The one only thing I can do is to

Keep the pain and sadness

inside my heart

My heart is broken and

Split in half like a snapped pencil.

There Once Was a Man in Peru

By Tony

There once was a man in Peru.

He was sleeping on a pile of glue.

He was a man.

He sold me a fan.

Then he rode on a cow that said moo.

Abuela (grandma) by Alvaro

She was really nice

as nice as every grandma could love anybody

She loved our family too much,

as much as any grandma could love anybody

The day she died, I didn‟t know.

I was six-years old.

I was playing with a kid.

Her hair was black, as black as a zebra stripe,

and it smelled like an orange.

Her skin was the color of hot coco.

Abuela, I miss you, I love you, everybody loves you

especially Papa.

only you by Damonte if I was with you I think

I could survive the bites of pirannas

can drown in the sea if you would accompany me

I think I could have infinite brain frezzes if

I was with you

If you were there by Zachary

If you were there I would soar through to the world‟s fair.

If you were there I would beat any unfair fair game at the fair.

If you were there I would fly to the clouds so high.

If you were there I would sit on a cloud letting time go by.

Then I‟d go home saying bye-bye.

By Bao

I AM FROM By: Eileen

I am From my mom, dad and sister.

I am from my mom always taking me to the Westfield Mall.

All boring except for the candy and frozen yogurt I get.

I am from my older sister yelling at me and using my computer.

I am from the strange dreams

in my head when I‟m sleeping.

I am from the dream

where there‟s a crazy lady with an ax trying to kill me!

I am from the dream

where I rule the world!

I am from the silly dream

where a monkey is break dancing

Zombie’s poetry

I throw a pipe bomb the alert of the horde

These puny zombies are leaving me bored

Oh no a boomer I shoot him he‟s dead

Except for the fact he‟s not bleeding red

Ew that‟s so disgusting I might start hurling

Ah a smoker hey is that my attorney?

I continue my journey oh great a hunter what‟s next a witch

oh great I just fell in a ditch

You make me great

by: Soren

If you were there, I would battle dangerous sharks throughout the Pacific Ocean. If you were there, I would risk my life to save the world. If you were there I would work in the army. If you were there, I would live life to the fullest. You inspire me to do a thing unimaginable

which is why I wish you were there every day.

My Peaceful Days

by Angelina

My peaceful place is my home town in Cambodia,

feeling the breeze through the tree,

seeing the temple covered with vines.

My heart belongs with my home town,

missing the warm lake in Cambodia,

seeing markets all around the country side,

watching kids play.

I dream about my family going back to Cambodia

seeing my family filled with joy.

My peaceful place by Abe

The most peaceful place is in the woods

were nobody goes

were its as quiet as night.

I can run through the flickering light.

The smell of pine, with the trees so tall,

the fresh air blowing across my face.

This is just the summer.

In the winter

a cold breeze whips at my face,

the snow go‟s up to my chest.

This may not be peaceful to you but I love it .

This is my peaceful place.

If You Were There… by Miles If you were there, Microsoft,

I‟d buy a Mac book Air in front of Bill Gates‟ face.

If you were there, Starbucks,

I‟d sue Howard Shultz and say “Dunkin‟ Doughnuts

kicks your coffee bean b...!”

Also, Howard Shultz, if you were there,

I‟d say “Tell me again who dumped the Sonics?”

If you were there, Sony I‟d say

“What else is hacked besides your 1 million units?”

If you were there, DQ, I‟d say “I heard you got a new grill, so are

you guys going to make better burgers?”

If you were there, Trio, I‟d say “What?! You‟ve only made Tri
