San Diego Regional Support for Tailpipe Endgame project with AB 118 Investment Plan

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Supporting letters from UCSD, GE, CleanTech San Diego, and CONECT to CEC for AB118 Funding of renewable energy charging of electric vehicles.

Transcript of San Diego Regional Support for Tailpipe Endgame project with AB 118 Investment Plan

May 11, 2011 Mr. James D. Boyd, Vice-Chair and Presiding Member Ms. Carla Peterman, Commissioner and Associate Member California Energy Commission Dockets Office, MS-4 Re: Docket No. 10-ALT-1 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5512 Subj: 10-ALT-1 Advisory Committee Meeting Ref: Comment on 2011‐2012 Investment Plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program Committee Draft Report. California Energy Commission, Fuels and Transportation Division. Publication Number: CEC-600-2011-006-CTD Dear Commissioners Boyd and Peterman, Please accept this letter as one of support for the provisions in the Committee Draft Report that, “… encourage workplace and fleet charging, the Energy Commission will consider grants to support charging infrastructure (with emphasis on battery storage and renewable charging) and outreach to business and fleet owners.” [p 38] CleanTECH San Diego is a nonprofit association focused on speeding San Diego’s transition to a clean energy economy. We have a broad and diverse membership that includes the private sector such as Bank of America, Soitec Solar, Viridity Energy, Invenergy, Kyocera and Borrego Solar, as well as local governments, nongovernmental agencies and universities and research institutes. Given the region’s designation by the State of California as the iHUB for solar energy storage, we are intensely interested in successfully integrating electric vehicles while also maximizing the potential benefits of renewable energy. CleanTECH San Diego concurs that grid impacts can be reduced by offsetting the increased demand for electricity by improving local efficiency and/or installing photovoltaic systems. [p 39] We believe that the Energy Commission should provide equipment grants that represent investments that encourage off-peak charging or reduction of on-peak charging via renewables such as photovoltaic charging [p 26] as a part of the broad variety of charging installations and related activities that will be potentially funded with the adoption of this report. [p 7] We respectfully urge the Energy Commission to continue to support the rollout of PEVs by investing in the strategic deployment of EVSE, including off peak charging mechanisms and on-peak charging via renewables, especially during this initial phase. [p 26]. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely,

Lisa Bicker

8950 Villa La Jolla Drive • Suite A124 • La Jolla • CA • 92037

June 6, 2011

Mr. James D. Boyd, Vice-Chair and Presiding Member

Ms. Carla Peterman, Commissioner and Associate Member

California Energy Commission

Dockets Office, MS-4

1516 Ninth Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Docket No. 10-ALT-1 Advisory Committee Meeting

Ref: Comment on 2011‐2012 Investment Plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and

Vehicle Technology Program Committee Draft Report. California Energy Commission, Fuels

and Transportation Division. Publication Number: CEC‐600‐2011‐006‐CTD

Dear Commissioners Boyd and Peterman,

CONNECT writes to fully endorse the mission of the Committee Draft Report that

encourages investments in Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) charging infrastructures to help reduce

the amount of petroleum and greenhouse gas emissions. Grants supporting the expansion for

charging infrastructure, especially utilizing photovoltaic systems, are vital to promote the

commercialization of alternative fuels and electric vehicle supply equipment which will result in

new job creation and technological innovation. Additionally, such infrastructure expansion is

critical as the number of PEV’s continues to increase in the next few years increasing demand on

alternative energy and reducing reliance on foreign oil.

CONNECT is a nonprofit organization, birthed out of the University of California—San

Diego, that is dedicated to creating and sustaining the growth of innovative technology and

related businesses, including the cleantech sector. Thus our interest in the Commission’s actions

is profound. Since 1985, CONNECT has assisted in the formation and development of over

2,000 companies and is widely regarded as one the world’s most successful regional programs

linking inventors and entrepreneurs with the business, legal and financing resources they need

for success. CONNECT focuses on research institution support, business creation and

development, entrepreneurial learning, access to capital, protection of intellectual property,

public policy advocacy, awards, recognition and networking. More than 40 countries and

regions have adopted the CONNECT model, including New York City, the U.K, Australia and

India, while several Latin America, South America and Mid-East city/regions are likely to adopt

8950 Villa La Jolla Drive • Suite A124 • La Jolla • CA • 92037

the CONNECT model in 2011/2012. Additionally, CONNECT is the recipient of the 2010

Innovation in Economic Development Award in the “Innovation in Regional Innovation

Clusters” category presented by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development


The Commission is on point regarding its goal to promote workplace and fleet charging

infrastructure with an emphasis on battery storage and renewable charging. The Committee

properly recognized that while most PEV consumers will charge at home, they must be assured

of readily available charging stations within their driving radius. Thus, it is imperative that

investments be made to provide equipment grants for technologies that encourage off-peak

charging or reduction of on-peak charging via renewables such as photovoltaic charging as part

of a spectrum of charging options.

We commend the Commission for its effort and commitment to keeping California at the

forefront of PEV development and utilization. We encourage the Commission to continue its

leadership by providing investments in charging equipment systems especially using renewables.

We stand ready to assist the Commission with any further information it needs.

Respectfully submitted,


Timothy Tardibono Timothy Tardibono, M.A., J.D.

Director of Public Policy & Chief Counsel

Via E-Mail June 6, 2011 Mr. James D. Boyd, Vice-Chair and Presiding Member Ms. Carla Peterman, Commissioner and Associate Member California Energy Commission Transportation Committee Dockets Office, MS-4 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5512 Subject: 10-ALT-1 Advisory Committee Meeting

2011‐2012 Investment Plan for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program Committee Draft Report, California Energy Commission, Fuels and Transportation Division Publication Number: CEC-600-2011-006-CTD

Dear Commissioners Boyd and Peterman: Electric vehicles and the smart grid are poised to play a critical role in enabling the United States and other countries to make the transition to a low carbon future. That vision, however, will only become reality through an unprecedented transformation of the Nation’s electric and transportation sectors. GE Energy commends the State of California for being a national leader in the promotion of such a transformation. The CEC’s investment plan for alternative and renewable fuel and vehicle technology, along with the CPUC’s evaluation of policies to develop electric vehicle charging infrastructure and their review of long term smart grid deployment plans, will ensure sustained focus on grid safety, reliability and efficiency, customer satisfaction and market innovation. The Digital Energy business within GE Energy provides technology solutions to electric utilities worldwide, solutions that encompass hardware, software and services supporting the entire electricity value chain, from transformers at the generation switchyard to smart meters and electric vehicle charging at customer premises. As a major manufacturer working with all of the

GE Energy Digital Energy

John D. McDonald Director, Technical Strategy & Policy Development 20 Technology Parkway, Suite 380 Norcross, GA 30092 USA T 770.662.7081 F 770.447.7200

investor owned utilities in California and as a member of the Smart City San Diego collaborative, which features one of the largest initial deployments of electric vehicles in the country, GE Energy sees the progress being made in modernizing and strengthening the grid, and delivering important economic, efficiency and environmental benefits. More specifically, GE Energy welcomes the inclusion and recognition of renewable energy for electric vehicle charging in the CEC’s publication number CEC-600-2011-006-CTD. Policy, funding mechanisms and public outreach that encourage off-peak charging and/or the reduction of on-peak charging via renewables such as photovoltaic systems are necessary to deliver the most robust and meaningful deployments. Grid impacts can be reduced by offsetting the increased demand for electricity through improvements in local efficiency and/or installations of photovoltaic systems, and business and fleet owners are key targets for this message given their anticipated electric vehicle related load profiles. We thank the Commission for their support of the roll-out of electric vehicles and strategic investments in electric vehicle supply equipment, and we urge the Commission to continue to highlight the important role of renewable energy for electric vehicle charging. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Respectfully submitted,

John D. McDonald Director, Technical Strategy & Policy Development