Samson's Delilah

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Samson's Delilah

  • 8/6/2019 Samson's Delilah


    Erika Lloyd

    Samsons Delilah

    Samson rolled over wearily in bed and blinked at the screeching alarm clock. Rubbing

    the sleep from his eyes, he tried to remember what he was forgetting. He took in a deep breath,

    smelling the cheap rum and tequila, as well as his pungent body odor; Samson winced from the

    smell of his sweating body and glanced over at his Beetles alarm clock. The numbers were out

    of focus and his head pounded from the after effects of last nights tequila. Samson sighed and

    rubbed flat the sheets where his ex-girlfriend, Janet, had once slept. A single itch persisted on

    irritating his scalp. Drained, he raised one leaden arm up to scratch it. It took the rest of his

    energy to reach for his glasses on the nightstand and put them on his face. His glasses on,

    Samson took one more look at the alarm clock before jumping up in fear. Leaping up, as if his

    bed was on fire, Samson cursed his way to the bathroom, hopping on one foot as he pulled up

    one leg of his wrinkled work uniform. Today was the day Samson might get promoted at work, if

    he would have arrived at work on time. Now, Samson was two hours late for work and a little

    unsure if he would ever be promoted as he stumbled into the bathroom.

    The bathroom was a clean blue color, but Janets passion fruit colored accessories littered

    the black marble countertop. Samson recoiled, muttering Guess I have to call Janet today. The

    presence of his recent girlfriend still lingered everywhere in the house. The crisp smell of his

    aftershave helped to wake him up as he fiddled around on the countertop. The toiletries seemed

    to stare at Samson as he put on Old Spice deodorant. As he washed out his mouth with minty

    mouthwash, the Janets items made him feel pinned in and helpless. The feeling became worse,

    and by the time Samson pulled his grey button up shirt over his head, Janets toiletries offended

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    him; he wanted them gone more than anything else. Carefully, as if the items were a contagious

    disease that might consume him, Samson used an empty toilet paper roll to shove the various

    items off the counter and into his undersized trash can. Breathing a sigh of relief, Samson rushed

    to finish getting ready for work. Already, the buzz of taxis and streetcars hummed through the air

    of Samsons small flat. A smell of freshly baked doughnuts made Samsons stomach knot up in

    hunger. Not far up the street, the clamoring and screeching of chimpanzees reminded Samson of

    his need to hurry.

    Samson worked at the Central City Zoo. He got up at the crack of dawn every day

    to head down to the cages to feed the animals and do tour guides for the local citizens and

    visiting tour buses full of wide eyed, and often sticky, children. Samson rushed into the yellow

    kitchen, a color he detested, and began pouring himself a bowl of an off-brand cereal. Today,

    Samson might have been promoted to Chief Zookeeper, and his hands shook in concern as he

    poured the milk into his cereal. He barely could afford rent at the moment. Janet had helped with

    the bills for awhile, until she had found out about Alex, and had left Samson. Janet had shrieked,

    and thrown things as Samsons head.

    I wont stay in this house not another minute! Not a minute, Samson! Janet had yelled

    at him as she had thrown her bags into the stairwell outside Samsons flat.

    Janet Im sorry he had tried to explain, but the words would not come out. There was

    no explanation for what Samson had done to her, how he had cheated on her.

    There is no excuse! How could you cheat on me? Ive been nothing NOTHING but

    good to you Samson! And then you go and cheat on me with with she had left the sentence

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    unfinished and flicked her short brown hair out of her eyes. Janet had glared with hatred at

    Samson as she carried her bags down the flight of stairs.

    Janet, please, I never meant for you to find out this way. Samson pleaded

    Its a little late for that Samson, especially when I walked in on you and Alex! We are

    through! that was the last thing Samson had heard Janet say before she left. Looking at Janets

    book on the counter, Samson shoved those thoughts forcibly from his head.

    I wont think about that right now, Samson reminded himself as he pushed his now

    empty cereal bowl into the sink, she will have to get her stuff back later though.

    Downstairs, Samson was having problems hailing a taxi. As he waited, he tried to press

    out the wrinkles in his work uniform with his hands. Janet had always been good at ironing

    Samsons clothes. She had been good at a lot of things. Samson fought with the wrinkles, like he

    wished he could fight with Janet, to press her down, hold her still, and make her listen to him.

    With a sigh, he gave up on the wrinkles as a faded yellow cab pulled up to the curb.

    Central City Zoo, please Samson told the driver. The driver nodded, touching his

    detestable yellow cap and responding that the fare would be three dollars and fifty cents. Samson

    nodded in agreement as the cab sped away. Janet had worn a yellow dress the first date he had

    taken with her. It was a short little thing, flighty and covered with hideous white polka dots.

    Samson had hated that feminine piece of clothing, the piece that flirted with him and drew such

    strict boundaries between the male and female body. It was a barrier, one that Samson had

    immediately wanted to cross. He had loathed the little cocktail dress and those tall high heels,

    and the color too.

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    At the zoo, the Bonobo monkeys squealed and chirped when they saw him arrive.

    Samsons heart went out to the innocent little creatures, knowing he had let them down this

    morning by arriving late for work. He fed them a mixture of leaves, bananas, and fruit, which

    seemed to set them in a sexually playful mood. Males began humping males for dominance,

    while females swung in between different males for mating. Group playfulness was something

    that Bonobo monkeys cherished in their small communities. After he was done feeding the

    creatures, Samson stepped back to deal with a very angry, short, fat woman that was waiting for

    him outside the Bonobo enclosure. Her face turned red and she glared degradingly at Samson.

    Samson! Where were you this morning?

    Im sorry, I overslept Sarah he blushed and looked down at the woman almost two feet

    below him.

    I hired you cause Janet asked me too. Then you go and dump her, and now you are late

    for your shift! she glared back up at him fearlessly, clearly unimpressed with what she saw with

    Samson. As youve probably figured, you arent up for promotion today after all. Im giving it

    to Charles in the Aviary. She wrote something down in a little notebook that appeared in her

    right hand. In fact, Samson this is your third strike. Company policy says that Im going to have

    to fire you.

    Samson looked down at the pink slip as she thrust it into his hands. She sauntered off,

    almost waddling. Samson could not believe this. Out of all the outcomes he had imagined,

    getting a pink slip was not one of them. He hung his head in shame and walked over to say

    goodbye to his monkey friends. After saying goodbye, Samson walked to the caf that had baked

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    the fresh doughnuts Samson had smelled, just that morning. Sitting in an abandoned and forlorn

    corner of the grimy caf, Samson took out his cell phone and slowly dialed the numbers.

    Janet, hey its Samson he said when she picked up the phone.

    I know that I have caller I.D. she spit out at Samson over the phone. What the hell do

    you want?

    Samson flinched at the nastiness in her voice. Taking a deep breath, just to steady his

    nerves, Samson sputtered You left your s-stuff at my place, and and I want it gone.

    Fine. Janet hung up the phone. Samson figured she would be back tomorrow to pick up

    the things that had repulsed Samson just that morning. Getting an idea, he hastily dialed Alexs


    Hey he said when Alex picked up the phone. Yeah Im fine. Yeah, I lost my job he

    waited as Alex muttered apologies over the phone. Hey I was wondering, how about we have

    dinner at my place? Ill cook and then we can crash at my place, love. How does that sound?

    Samson played with the tablecloth as he waited for Alex to answer. Alexs reply came in short,

    excited bursts. Great, Ill see you tonight then? 6 Oclock? Good, see you then! He hung up the

    phone. The way Samson figured, he did not have to have a completely horrible day. Excitedly,

    he waved down a nearby taxi and hastily got into the cab.

    Back at home, Samson pondered over the thought of a new relationship. Alex now knew

    that Janet was no longer dating him, which was good because they wouldnt have to sneak

    around anymore and worry about getting caught. Grinning for the first time in days, Samson

    began to prepare the best meal he could make. He decided that the cheapest and easiest thing to

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    make was a packet of saffron rice already in the cabinet, some mashed potatoes and a pan of

    baked chicken drumsticks. Humming as he worked, Samson threw all of Janets items in a trash

    bag as the chicken baked. He was elated to be released from her items. One, two, three, Samson

    almost made a game out of throwing the leftover items in the bag. Tying the knot on the bag, to

    make sure none of the hated items worked their way into his vision; Samson thrust the bag for

    further measure out into the hall. Let the presence of the items scream at him! Samson had

    conquered their lust and passion fruit colored existence, banning them to a nasty trash bag where

    their screams would no longer pull at him.

    When it was almost time for Alex to arrive, Samson rushed around, putting out plates and

    flowers for the new love of his life. He had done this for Janet, once. She had not appreciated the

    romantic feel of the candles and flowers that Samson had decorated the dinner table with, but

    had sneered and disgustingly complained about her allergies. Samson froze at the sound of

    footsteps outside his apartment. The loud, rough banging on the door soon followed. The blood

    rushed to Samsons face as he almost tripped on a nearby chair. He took one last look at the

    mirror in the hall, brushing down a few stray blonde hairs and rubbing down his beard, pausing

    to flex in the mirror. Satisfied, he rushed to the door, pausing to catch his breath before opening

    it. In the dim, creaky light of the hallway Samson looked up into the eyes of the person he loved,

    into the eyes of the person Janet had caught him with.

    May I come in? a deep, gruff voice asked.

    Of course. Samson said rushing to hug Alex, the man he had come to love. With a

    twinge, Samson noticed the yellow color of Alexs shirt.

    Is something wrong? Alex asked him, looking down in his face.

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    What? Oh no, nothing Samson brushed aside the irksome, caged, feminist feeling,

    hugging Alex once again. Its just good to see you.