Same Differences Film Pitch - Teen Drama

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Same Differences Film Pitch - Teen Drama

Pitch PresentationKainaat, Holly, Laura and Megan

Brief overview:

This story is about 4 young individuals facing problems in life.

Within each character they deal with greater issues in regards to racism, mental health, family issues and disability.

They all pursue ways in dealing with these issues and fighting for their rights against discrimination.

‘Same Differences’ means referring to two or more subject matters which aren’t equal yet they share similar values.

We felt this best suited our film as there are issues that all the characters are dealing with, and they aren’t seen to be equal, but they share the same attitudes towards society accepting them and this is what brings them together.

The oxymoron is also quite catchy and rememorable.

Movie Title: Same Differences

Campaign Ideas - Unique Selling Point

The characters for our teaser trailer create our unique selling point.

Each of the four characters in our film have a different social issue to face.

The trailer will give the audience an idea of their personality, their problem, and they way they deal with it.

We feel that these real life topics need to be addressed in order to raise awareness of them.

We also consider this a USP in terms of the genre because a teen drama has typical conventions of romance and elements of comedy, however our film could create a serious and inspirational tone yet is still primarily targeted towards teenagers.

Character representation and costumes; ● For the character that suffers with a mental illness; we chose to dress her all in black as it represented the feelings the

character had.● For the character who had to deal with racism; we chose to dress her in a headscarf which demonstrated why she was

bullied. ● For the character suffering with family issues; we chose to dress her in a normal teenage outfit that shows her bruises

so that it will be recognisable.● For the character that suffers from discrimination due to a disability; we chose to dress her in a stereotypical outfit to

show that she is no different to the others.

Mise en scene - props, making our trailer more realistic;● Pills● Campaign Posters● Hijab● Wheelchair● Special fx makeup● Home comforts - posters, etc.

Idea for our Teaser Trailer

Graphics - The typography inspired from the Suffragette because we wanted it to be noticeable and defined, typical of a protest poster, once we researched the text, we found our own one that looked similar called ‘Cargocrate’.

The Narrative of The Teaser Trailer

1. We will start with a mid shot of with a main character sitting in a spotlight. Then the edit cuts to a montage of her day to day life, presenting her issues virtually.

2. Next we show a different character sitting in a spotlight and then her day to day life and her

montage of her life. We do this with all four characters, in a fast pace.

3. After introducing all the characters to the audience, we see them all walking towards their campaign. the screen goes black and then it shows the campaign before showing the title.

4. This sets the scene for the plot of the film and shows where the film starts of. Doing this will intrigue the audience to come and watch the film.

5. We aim to please a wide variety of audiences and with this teaser trailer, it doesn’t actually show any specific demographics meaning that all audiences will be enticed to see it.

Ideas for the Film Poster Posters are very important in suggesting to the audience what the film may be about and

thus create enigma for the audience. Ways in which we can achieve this are;

Colours; black, blue and white as we feel they reflect the simplicity of the characters however with the blue it is bolder and shows that the characters can present that boldness in the way they act within the film.

Main image will be a full body image image of all four characters as the main image.

Secondary Images below this will link to the campaigning narrative in our film; showing signs from the campaign, or the coming together of people.

This will be the main iconography for our film.

The tag line will be situated around the main image that will hint a little at the plot of the film and give a slight indication to the viewers on the type of film we are putting out.

The directors name will be placed at the bottom with the actors names at the top of the poster, as this then follows the conventions of a typical film poster.

The style of the poster shall remain consistent alongside the teaser trailer and magazine, staying typical to the branding we want to achieve and present.

Target Audience Profile

● After doing research on Pearl and Dean and IMDb of similar films. We concluded that the most suited target audience for our film will be females between the ages of 15 and 24 and a class status of C1 (working class).

● The aim of our film is to raise awareness of social issues. With 92% of teenagers using social media on a daily basis, it’s been statistically proven that they have a lot of power within this field.

● For instance, with the use of hashtags, Twitter creates a dominating platform to not only raise awareness of our film, but also of the issues themselves. ● Source:

● Despite this, we also want an element of the film to interest the older age groups, as we feel they can also play a significant role in promoting the severity of social issues.

Specific Target AudienceNarrowing our target audience down to a more definite group, has segregated our audience into 3 separate categories, known as strivers, innovators and thinkers.

● Strivers - Motivated by achievement and concerned for the well-being of others.

● Innovators - Enjoy niche products and have high self-confidence, like to take charge.

● Thinkers - Motivated by ideals and functionality.

We believe that these different types of people could benefit from watching our film, as they would be motivated to promote the change we’re aiming for.

Audience Profile: Alice, 17.

Alice is currently a AS student at her sixth form. Due to being a full time student, she does not have a lot of money.

However one way she likes to get out of the house is go to the cinema with her friends.

She enjoys teen dramas, her favourites including; clueless, juno and mean girls.

Alice is a classic example of the type of person we would target to watch our film.

Real Media Products

Cyberbully shows the issues that can be caused with bullying and shows the impact it has upon the character and this is also a real life issue.

Now is Good looks at a girl who has leukemia and she is wanting to fulfil her wishes before she dies, this shows that even teenagers have issues in regards to their health and it can impact them and those around them.

Juno is about teen pregnancy and this is an issue that is now quite common in today's society.

All of these films have characters that deal with issues and they then have a resolvement, or the issues is improved. In ours we show the progress of how society deals with the characters issues, and how at the beginning the characters don’t feel comfortable with who they are, but by the end they will have found resolvement through the struggles and this will be portrayed clearly in the film.

We have looked at other teen dramas that related to the type of film we are achieving to make, we looked at Cyberbully, Now is Good and Juno. These are all films that have a slightly similar addressing issue as we are portraying with our film.