Sam d

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sam d

Stonehenge Adventure

By Sam Davison

One day Lance Stone and Karry Hengewere sitting at home trying to think of

something to build.

They wanted to build something because they are architects.

Then all of a sudden Karry got and idea and went to work while Lance watched

in amazement.

Karry then told Lance they should make a stone monument that would

look something like this.

Then agreed on the idea and set of for their building supplies. Then set off to

find some rocks.

Lance searched high,

While Karry searched low.

Just when they thought they where out of luck they found some rocks!

But now they needed something to transport them away with.

They thought of many ways to transport them but none worked.

So they asked around the community for some help and some wealthy looking man came up to them and said he could help.

He then came back with a lot of poor looking people.

They then carried the rocks to the site and stood them up until it looked how

they liked it.

Lets call it Stonehenge!