Saint Leo News · Saint Leo News A Publication of The Saint Leo Preservation Society May - 2015 ......

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Saint Leo News A Publication of The Saint Leo Preservation Society

May - 2015

Saint Leo News – May 2015

St. Michael Statue DedicationAt Saint Leo Church

221 Hanford Columbus, OH 43206Sunday, June 28, 2015

7:00 PM

You are very cordially invited to the dedication of the statue of Saint Michael the Archangel. Saint Michael’s statueis being installed in the courtyard between St. Leo Church and the rectory. The plaque will read:

Dedicated to Saint Michael the ArchangelOn June 28, 2015

Asking his protection of all our Columbus Police Officers and Franklin County Sheriffs.In honor of St. Michael’s constant and continued protection of Saint Leo Church.

Saint Michael, the Archangel, pray for us!

We have invited the Columbus Police Department to come for this dedication.Please come and be a part of this very special blessing!

The Saint Leo Preservation Society Supports Vocations to the Priesthood

We have some very happy news for our diocese! On May 30 at 10:00 AM at St. Paul Church SIX new priests will be ordained. The names of these wonderful men are: Anthony Davis, Sean Dooley, Thomas Gardner, Michael Hartge, Brian O’Connor and Nicola Ventura.

Board members of our Saint Leo Preservation Society thought that this was so important for our Catholic Church here in Columbus. Therefore, in keeping with our desire and our work to support vocations for our diocese, we decided to contribute from our own pockets the gift of the Marian Missal, Lectionary and a book of sample sermons to each one of these men. We delivered them to Father Paul Noble, Vocations Director, to distribute to each man.

In addition to our new priests, we also have FOUR new transitional deacons who will be ordained in May of 2016. These young men are: Jeremiah Guappone, Timothy Lynch, Stephen Smith and Daniel Swartz.

Please pray and pray for those vocations! We need these young men to confect the Eucharist for us, to be those Alter Christi’s who will forgive our sins, lead us in worship of our Wondrous God and to bring those beautiful Sacraments to us as we prepare to leave this world. If we ask, God will provide! YES!!! GOD IS GOOD!

Monthly Masses for Vocations to be Scheduled at St. Leo Church – We’re working on details for that. We will let you know and you can always check our website:


Saint Leo News – May 20152

HMMMMMM! Easter Chocolate Crosses!

We delivered 246 Chocolate Crosses to the Josephinum this Easter for 220 seminarians and the staff. We included an Easter prayer card with St. John Vianney and a prayer for priests on it. A lovely thank you note from these seminarians said: Thank you for remembering us men here at the Josephinum with your gift of the chocolate crosses. You have always had such generosity towards us. Be sure of a remembrance of you all in our prayers. May you experience Christ’s love and peace throughout the remainder of this Easter season. Fondly, Seminarians of the PCJ The card was signed by approximately 35 of these great young men!

Donation of Made

A donation of $1210 was made to The Saint Leo Parish Memorial Seminarian Assistance Endowment Fund. This amount is ½ of what was collected at our October Marian Concert. If you will recall, the funds collected were to be split between the stained glass window project and the Seminarian Endowment fund. The fund is slowly growing and Father Noble will be taking a portion of the interest in June to apply towards a special growth experience for one or two of our seminarians. We’ll keep you posted on that!

Please Note: We are always very careful with all funds donated to the society. The St. Michael statue, the expenses with the installation, chocolate crosses and Marian books for the new priests were all made possible thru private donations directed to those specific purposes. We feel it is very important for us to continue supporting vocations and providing for special graces for St. Leo Church and its people.

Mass Intentions Scheduled at Saint Mary Church (German Village) by The Saint Leo Preservation Society 1) Vocations to the Priesthood2) Vocations to the Consecrated Life3) Franciscan Sisters of Penance & Charity4) Bishop Fredrick Campbell5) Seminarians for the Diocese of Columbus6) Vocations to the Priesthood7) Souls of all St. Leo Deceased Parishioners8) Father Kevin Lutz and Father Rod Damico9) Vocations to the Consecrated Life10) Safety of Our Southside Neighborhoods 11) Seminarians for the Diocese of Columbus12) Vocations to the Priesthood


Beautiful May Crowning Our dearest Blessed Mother, Mary, was crowned in the courtyard of St. Leo on the evening of May 7th. Our Franciscan Sisters were in attendance as well as several former parishioners. Cecile Smith led us in song and beautifully sang the Ave Maria. Mary was crowned by Ally Zang (age 9) and flowers were presented by her younger sisters, Katy and Bekah Zang, all daughters of Sarah Mitchell Zang, Class of ‘94. It was a very beautiful evening of prayer and song to honor Our Lady.


Saint Leo News – May 2015 3

For the KingdomThe St. Leo people have always loved God and served Him in whatever task they were called to

accomplish for the sake of the Kingdom of God. There are many wonderful stories about St. Leo and its people. Here is another to tuck away in your


Father Edward Reidy and George Felkner at newly built altar.

If the church, school convent or rectory was in need of any repair or upgrade, the people of the parish came forward to meet the challenge. There is something very special about working for God with the

talents and skills of which He has blessed you --- A gift for a Gift.

A few years back when Father Edward Reidy was pastor of St. Leo Parish (1964-1970) there were needs related to the implementation of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Some of the changes

were difficult for both priests and people. One such change was the need for an altar facing the congregation. At some point, Father Reidy had to acknowledge the fact that this change was inevitable.

George Felkner, a generous, skilled parishioner who embraced the spirit of St. Leo Parish, as did his wonderful family, and who did not know the meaning of the phrase “No, I can’t” was asked to use his

gifts to accomplish this task. Father explained his need for a new altar for Mass -- one facing the people.

George knowing how reluctant Father was to say Mass facing the people, and that this was his own first attempt at constructing an altar ---made a deal. George would be honored to build an altar, but only if

Father Reidy would use it. Father agreed--so the deal was made. George would build a beautiful wooden altar for St. Leo’s Sanctuary and Mass would be celebrated at this altar each and every day.

Any good job requires planning and, in this case, a very special love for your church and gratitude to God for Gifts received.

After determining the type of wood and the design best suited, work began. After many hours of work the altar was completed. The finished product spoke of the care that went into its every detail. It was

beautiful to look at, but even more beautiful was the fact that it was “created” by the humble hands of a St. Leo Parishioner. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass would be celebrated at this altar for several years.

We thank God for George Felkner and the many who worked endless hours at St. Leo. They made it great and even now continue to do so!

(This wooden altar was used at St. Leo until the late 70’s. It is still being used for Mass at Seton Square North.) After a few years, in order to match the marble on the high altar, the marble from the communion rail at St. Leo was

designed into an altar.The marble altar is lovely, but isn’t it good to know about the “history of its predecessor“.

This bit of history is recalled by Mrs. Jack Grundey, (Donna Kempf) whose father everyone knew as “Francie’and who spent countless hours maintaining the St. Leo School Property.

For the Kingdom

The St. Leo people have always loved God and served Him in whatever task they were called to accomplish for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

There are many wonderful stories about St. Leo and its people. Here is another to tuck away in your heart.

If the church, school convent or rectory was in need of any repair or upgrade, the people of the parish came forward to meet the challenge. There is something very special about working for God with the talents and skills of which He has blessed you

--- A gift for a Gift.

A few years back when Father Edward Reidy was pastor of St. Leo Parish (1964-1970) there were needs related to the implementation of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Some of the changes were difficult for both priests and

people. One such change was the need for an altar facing the congregation. At some point, Father Reidy had to acknowledge the fact that this change was inevitable. George Felkner, a generous, skilled parishioner who embraced the spirit of St. Leo Parish, as did his wonderful family, and who did not know the meaning of the phrase “No, I can’t” was asked to use his gifts

to accomplish this task. Father explained his need for a new altar for Mass -- one facing the people.

George knowing how reluctant Father was to say Mass facing the people, and that this was his own first attempt at constructing an altar ---made a deal. George would be honored to build an altar, but only if Father Reidy would use it. Father

agreed--so the deal was made. George would build a beautiful wooden altar for St. Leo’s Sanctuary and Mass would be celebrated at this altar each and every day.

Any good job requires planning and, in this case, a very special love for your church and gratitude to God for Gifts received. After determining the type of wood and the design best suited, work began. After many hours of work the altar was

completed. The finished product spoke of the care that went into its every detail. It was beautiful to look at, but even more beautiful was the fact that it was “created” by the humble hands of a St. Leo Parishioner. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

would be celebrated at this altar for several years.

We thank God for George Felkner and the many who worked endless hours at St. Leo. They made it great and even now continue to do so!

(This wooden altar was used at St. Leo until the late 70’s. It is still being used for Mass at Seton Square North.) After a few years, in order to match the marble on the high altar, the marble from the communion rail at St. Leo was designed

into an altar. The marble altar is lovely, but isn’t it good to know about the “history of its predecessor“.

This bit of history is recalled by Mrs. Jack Grundey, (Donna Kempf) whose father everyone knew as “Francie’ and who spent countless hours maintaining the St. Leo School Property

Saint Leo News – May 20154

Visit our website at

Special Occasions at St. Leo

Weddings and Weddings !! We have had 22 weddings scheduled for 2015 and at least another two going into 2016. This is very exciting! We also had a lovely renewal of wedding vows for Theresa & Stu McHarg in

March. Don’t forget to schedule your special days and occasions !!

The Windows Are Looking So Beautiful Because of YOU!

We want to thank all those who have donated for the Stained Glass Window Project. We could never have done it without you! The generosity of all of you is outstanding. I know that God will richly reward each of you

who have, do and will support the efforts and work of The Saint Leo Preservation Society. We still have some windows yet to be adopted and if you would like to help, we will surely welcome that! All donations of any size

are very gratefully accepted!

Mike Wolf finished off the preservation of the windows by re-mudding and washing each one of the gorgeous windows from the inside. He will soon do some weather proofing by sealing the movable parts with gaskets. May

God be praised forever and bless Mike for his perseverance, generosity and love of the Sacred!