Saint Francis STAFF de Sales d 11 27@yahoo · 6/21/2020  · Swede Stelzer, Parish Management...

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Transcript of Saint Francis STAFF de Sales d 11 27@yahoo · 6/21/2020  · Swede Stelzer, Parish Management...

Saint Francisde SalesCatholic Church

Saint John the Baptist Catholic ChurchDiocese of Crookston

601 15th Avenue North Phone (218) 233-4780Moorhead, MN 56560 Fax (218) 227-0021Hours M – F 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Email info@stfrancismhd.orgWeb Facebook

“Seek the Lord in All that You Do!”────────────────────────────────────────────────────


June 21, 2020

“Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin?Yet not one of them falls to the ground

without your Father’s knowledge.Even all the hairs of your head are counted.

So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”(Matthew 10:29-30)

STAFFRev. Raúl Pérez-Cobo,, ext. 106

Deacon Dean

Sr. Lucy Pérez-Calixto,Guadalupe, ext. 107

Dennis Ouderkirk,Administrative, ext. 101

Devan Hirning, Coordinator ofReligious, ext. 104

Swede Stelzer, ParishManagement, ext. 108

Anthony Schefter,Bulletin/Web/Sign, ext. 105

Dean Bloch and YeseniaMendoza, CustodiansBob Seigel and Kim Bloch,TrusteesMr. Andrew Hilliker, SaintJoseph’s School Principalahilliker@stjoesmhdschool.comPhone (218) 233-0553

PASTORAL COUNCILDanielle HolmesSharon JorschumbShari LeeSr. Lucy Perez-CalixtoDeacon Dean RobertsKelli SimonsonTraci SteffenFrancisco Valenzuela

FINANCE COUNCILKim Bloch – TrusteeAnn HenneCarol NygaardBob Seigel – Trustee

VICTIM ASSISTANCEIf you or someone you know hasbeen the victim of sexual mis-conduct on the part of a priest,deacon, or individual repre-senting the Diocese of Crookston,its parishes, or its schools, yourfirst call should be to lawenforcement. In addition, thediocesan Victim AssistanceCoordinator is available at(218) 281-7895 (24-hour confi-dential number).

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASUREContributions received the weekending June 13 – 14 (Week #50)

Envelopes (23) $ 3,727.00Children (1) $ 10.00Loose Plate $ 46.00Total $ 3,783.00June Total $ 12,507.50Monthly Budget Goal $ 30,466.00% of Monthly Budget Goal 41.1%

THIS WEEKFor the time being Father is suspending

the 8 am Thursday Mass.


VIRGIN MARY5 pm, Mass for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary

Time – Ken, Pat, & Randy Vos †††

Sunday 21stTWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEFATHER’S DAY8 am, Mass – Pro Populo10 am, Mass – All Fathers12 noon, Mass (Spanish) – Carlos Perez &

Tomasa Calixto

Monday 22ndST. PAULINUS OF NOLA, BISHOP8 am, Mass - Dick Toenies †

Tuesday 23rd8 am, Mass – Elias Hoffart †7 pm, Mass (Spanish)

Wednesday 24thTHE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST8 am, Mass – For all families of St. John the

Baptist Church, Georgetown

Thursday 25thNO MASS

Friday 26thNO MASS


DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH5 pm, Mass for the Thirteenth Sunday in

Ordinary Time – Chad Varriano †

Sunday 28thTHIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME8 am, Mass – Bernadine Wambach †10 am, Mass – Pro Populo12 noon, Mass (Spanish) - Roberto Lopez †

RITES OF PASSAGEBAPTISM ~ We welcome those newlybaptized. Please pray for them as theycontinue to grow in Christ. Parishionersseeking baptism for their child shouldschedule an appointment and completethe preparation before the birth.MARRIAGES & BANNS ~ Please join usin praying for all newly married couples& those preparing for the sacrament ofMatrimony. Registered members of theparish are to make arrangements for thewedding at least 6 months in advance.DEATHS ~ Please remember those whoare grieving the loss of a loved one inyour prayers.

Roberto Lopez – June 9Francis Theis – June 5

Bernadine Wambach – June 2Terry Baukol – May 21

Carol Buschette – May 18

PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERSWHO ARE ILL ~ Please join us inpraying for all our sick parishioners. Ifyou are ill and would like to be prayedfor by our parish family, or if you arehospitalized or homebound and wouldlike a visit, please call the parish office.Michael Anderson Nikolai CarlsonGregory Coulter Michael DaughertyJames Erickson Marge EricksonGerald Folstrom Andrew FridgenJulie Fridgen Kathy HarringtonDaniel Hendricks Tony LeeJeaninne McAllister Jane McGoughAnn Mertes Lynden MohlerAl Morris Betty RichardsRobert Seigel Kris ShelladayKathleen Steinmann Bob StrnadCharles Wendlick

Blankets are available for you to passalong to those whom you know need

prayers.Names to this list are added at therequest of the individual or by family onbehalf of the individual. The nameremains on the list unless and until weare contacted and told to take it off.NEW PARISHIONERS ~ We welcomeeveryone to come and worship with ourfaith community. Contact the parishoffice or visit toregister. If you are not Catholic, pleasecall the office or email Deacon DeanRoberts at tolearn about RCIA. Welcome to ourparish family.


ATTENDANCE Please arrive early. Enter and exit

only through the east doors. Yourtemperature will be taken at thedoor when you enter and you willbe escorted to your seat by anusher. Please wait for an usher todismiss you when Mass has ended. You must wear a mask at all times.

There are no extra masks atchurch, so please come prepared. Please place your offertory

envelope or donation in the basketoutside of the sanctuary. Therewill be no collection during Mass. Do not shake hands during the

Sign of Peace. A simple bow ofthe head is fine. Prior to Communion, the priest will

say; “The Body of Christ.”Everyone will then respond;“AMEN”. There will be no one-on-one responses with the priestwhile he is distributing theEucharist. Eucharist is received in the

hand only.Please be patient with us as this is allnew to the priest and the staffassisting during the Mass. Thank you.

“Spread love

everywhere you go.

Let no one ever

come to you without

leaving happier.”

(Saint Mother

Teresa of Calcutta)

PARISH NEWSMass is Now Live and In-person!

St. Francis parish has resumed our normal weekend Mass schedule.The 8 am Georgetown Mass is being celebrated for the time being atSt. Francis. All are welcome if this time suits you. We are practicingsocial distancing and taking temperatures of everyone who attends.Above all please plan on wearing a mask; no one will be admittedwithout one. Elderly and sick people are still asked to stay home; the

Mass will continue to be livestreamed for those who cannot make it to church or do notfeel comfortable doing so. Bishop Hoeppner’s dispensation from the obligation toattend Sunday Mass in person remains in effect, so nobody has to go to Mass. To viewthe livestreams, visit our Facebook page at or our websiteat

Position OpeningPosition OpeningPosition OpeningParishParishParish: St. Francis de Sales, Moorhead/St. John the Baptist, Georgetown

Job TitleJob TitleJob Title: Liturgy and Music Coordinator

Type of JobType of JobType of Job: Full time, salaried with benefits, 12 months, Exempt Position

Responsibilities and TasksResponsibilities and TasksResponsibilities and Tasks: Music ministry (recruit and direct adult choir, encourage developmentof other groups: children’s choir, high school choir, etc.; recruit, train and schedule cantors andmusicians for all liturgies and prayer services). Liturgies (prepare and implement Sunday, HolyDay, Triduum, Easter and Christmas celebrations and for each season of the year, composeliturgical aids when necessary, assist couples in planning marriage ceremonies, funeral planningwith families, serve as baptismal coordinator, recruit and train all volunteer coordinators forushers/greeters, communion ministers, altar servers, lectors sacristans and coordinate trainingfor all liturgical ministers). Worship Space (Recruit individual to chair and members to advise andassist in art and environment, see to upkeep of liturgical vessels and worship space and maintainthe liturgical supplies: wine, candles, baptismal gowns, etc.) Other (have a working knowledge ofConciliar and Post-Conciliar documents of Vatican II and the Catechism of the Roman CatholicChurch. Serve as a resource person to other staff planning liturgical services).

Submit resumeSubmit resumeSubmit resume: Fr. Raul Perez-Cobo; email: or D.L. “Swede” Stelzer, ParishAdmin. Coordinator; email:; or mail letter of interest with resume to eitherat the parish office for full job description: 601 15th Ave. N. Moorhead, MN. 56560

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDOur Wednesday morning maintenance crew hasslowly dwindled down to one person, and hesurely could use some help. If you have sometime on Wednesday mornings from 8 am to Noon,please consider joining the one man crew in doinglight maintenance around the church. Cuttinggrass, painting and some maintenance are just afew of the many opportunities. Remember yourreward is eternal life in heaven, but while you arehere on earth, we offer coffee, soda and cookies!.


Confirmation: July 12 at 10 amBishop Hoeppner will be visiting Sunday, July 12, to confer the sacrament ofConfirmation on our candidates at the 10 am Mass. ONLY CONFIRMANDS ANDIMMEDIATE FAMILY WILL BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND THIS MASS, DUE TO SOCIALDISTANCING REQUIREMENTS. If you are not a Confirmand or family member, pleaseplan to attend a different Mass this weekend. One possibility would be the Sunday 8am Mass which is being celebrated at St. Francis.

Summer Retreat Opportunitiesfor Young People

Per Bishop Folda and the Convent inHankinson, we are able to hold ourYoung Women’s (July 15-18) andYoung Men’s (July 19-22) SummerRetreats. We have wonderful space todo the necessary distancing and stillhold these two great retreats. Currently we have more room foryoung women and young men. This isfor ages 13-17. The fee is $150/personand includes housing, meals, all craftsupplies used, fun times outside, Masseach day, reconciliation andadoration.

The topics this year for the youngwomen is “Our unfinished love story”and for the young men “To theCor…Man’s Relationship with God”.

Our young adults who haveplanned and will present this retreatare absolutely awesome. You willlove all of them. Come one, comeall…get your registrations anddeposit of $50 into the Diocese at thisaddress: Youth and Young AdultMinistry Department, Diocese ofFargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste A,Fargo, ND 58104. Make checks outto “Diocese of Fargo”. Questions,contact Fr. Jasinski at (701) 356-7907. You can find registration formsat

From theSt. Vincent de Paul Society

In the Gospel today, we hear Jesus say:“Everyone who acknowledges me beforeothers I will acknowledge before myheavenly Father.” This week, knowthat you will bring hope to the poor byyour gift to the Society of St. Vincentde Paul.


Please Use Front DoorWe are asking everyone who has akey: Please use the unlocked frontdoor anyway.


Lost + FoundA pair of child’s prescriptionsunglasses and other assorted itemshave been turned in to the office. CallDennis if you’re looking for anything.


The $100 KC Calendar Raffle winneris Don Platt – June 17. Congrat-ulations!


The Immaculate Heart of Mary Council #4463 is offering five $200 scholarships to a brotherKnight, son or daughter of a Knight, grandchild of a Knight or spouse of a Knight, in goodstanding with Council #4463. We encourage all to apply. Applications must be received byAugust 17th. Winners will be announced on September 3rd.

Please complete the attached form and either mail or email the form to:

Financial Secretary twooschner@hotmail.comTrent Oschner331 30th Avenue NWWest Fargo, ND 58078

Additional forms are available at the St Francis de Sales and St Joseph Parish Offices. Pleasecall Dennis at the Parish Office (218) 233-4780 with any questions or concerns.


Immaculate Heart of Mary Council #4463Annual Scholarship Application

Student’s Name___________________________________

Student’s Address_________________________________

Student’s Phone Number___________________________

Member’s Name__________________________________

School to be Attended______________________________

To be eligible you must: Be a member in good standing of the Moorhead 3rd Degree Knights of Columbus, or the son,

daughter, grandchild or spouse of a member in good standing of the Moorhead 3rd DegreeKnights of Columbus; and

Be enrolled and attend a post-secondary school.

Eric GlattGrand Knight218.303.6934