SAINT CANERA CATHOLIC CHURCH92150].pdf · Salmo Responsorial: 50, 2-4. 12-13. 17 y 19 Segunda...

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Transcript of SAINT CANERA CATHOLIC CHURCH92150].pdf · Salmo Responsorial: 50, 2-4. 12-13. 17 y 19 Segunda...

Parish Office/Oficina

Monday (lunes) - Friday (viernes)

9-12; 1-4:30


SATURDAY/SABADO: 5:00pm., 7:00pm (Spanish),



Tues. (martes) -- Fri. (viernes) 8:30am

RECONCILIATION: Saturday (sabado) 4:30pm.,

Sunday (domingo) 7:30am. Any time by appointment

Communally during Advent, Lent, and as scheduled. ADORATION: Thursday (jueves) 9:00 am—4:30 pm

and 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. No Adoration on holidays.

MISSION STATEMENT The parish family of St. Canera sees as its mission to

work together and in the larger community to know,

love, and serve God. Based on Scripture, the sacra-

ments, and our Roman Catholic tradition, we seek to

recognize our dependence on God, grow spiritually, be-

come images of Christ, educate adults and assist in edu-

cating children, and as God’s instruments, share our

faith with and welcome others.

WELCOME: If you are new to our parish we wel-come you and invite you to become a member of Saint Canera. Registration forms can be found in the church or in the office.

Sacrament of Marriage—contact the church of-

fice six months in advance.

Baptism — contact or come by the church office

for information on classes.

Hospital visitation — contact the church office

with name, location, and room number.


La Familia Parroquial de Santa Canera considera que su mi-

sión es trabajar unidos e integrarse a la comunidad cristiana

más amplia para conocer, amar, y servir a Dios. Fundamenta-

dos en la Escritura y en la Tradición de nuestra Iglesia Cató-

lica Romana, procuramos reconocer nuestra dependencia de

Dios, crecer espiritualmente, convertirnos en imagen de

Cristo, educar a los adultos y acompañar la educación de los

niños y jóvenes; y, como instrumentos de Cristo, compartir

nuestra fe y acoger a los otros.

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2016

XXIIi Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

4 de septiembre del 2016

INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please call the parish office and ask for informa-tion on the RCIA program or send an e-mail to

Saint Canera, patroness of Irish Sailors, is sitting in a boat with an

oil lamp, the symbol of wisdom and virginity, with a monastery on

an island in the background where she sought spiritual rest. She

was refused entrance to the island but was given Eucharist just

before she died. The shamrock speaks to her Irish ancestry.

BIENVENIDOS: Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia le demos la bienvenida y lo invitamos a hacerse miembro de Santa Canera. Las formas de registro se puede encontrar en el templo o en la oficina.

Sacramento de matrimonio –Contacta la oficina parroquial seis meses antes. Bautismo—contacta o visita la oficina parroquial y pedir información de las clases de preparación. Visita al hospital — Contacta la oficina de la igle-sia con nombre, lugar, y número de cuarto.

¿Quisieras ser católico? Por favor, llamar a la oficina de la iglesia y pedir información del programa RICA o envia un e-mail a


Fr. Derek Swanson, C.M. 504 S. WASHINGTON

NEOSHO, MO 64850

(417) 451-3411

(417) 451-3432 (fax)

LECTURAS DE ESTE DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Sabiduría 9, 13-19

Salmo Responsorial: 89, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 y 17

Segunda Lectura: Filemón 9-10. 12-17

Evangelio: Lucas 14, 25-33

LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Primera Lectura: Éxodo 32, 7-11. 13-14

Salmo Responsorial: 50, 2-4. 12-13. 17 y 19

Segunda Lectura: 1 Timoteo 1, 12-17

Evangelio: Lucas 15, 1-32

Este domingo podría llamarse "El domingo del Evan-gelio complicado". En el Evangelio (Lucas 14: 25-33), Jesús va al grano cuando le recuerda a sus seguido-res que hay un costo por el discipulado. Él insiste en que absolutamente nada, ni los lazos de los familiares más cercanos, ni el amor a nuestra propia vida, son causa de conflicto con la manera de comprometerse en los camino de Dios. Este compromiso debe ser de todo corazón. En este compromiso, se anima a los discípulos a tomar en cuenta el valor de sus riquezas antes de tomar una decisión. Y todo aquel que no sea capaz de hacer este sacrificio no puede ser su discí-pulo. "Para nosotros, que vivimos en un mundo de op-ciones aparentemente infinitas, hay mucho de donde escoger y todo esto es presentado como aceptable por la sociedad. El Discipulado de Jesús exige que en el contexto de toda esta situación mantengamos nues-tras prioridades en orden."Nuestro reto es saber cuá-les son las decisiones correctas y luego tener el valor de elegirlas. Al elegir a Jesús optamos por crecer en nuestra relación con Dios y con los demás, perdonar a los demás, vivir una vida sencilla para que otros pue-dan simplemente vivir, y asumir la responsabilidad de adquirir y vivir una vida moral en la sociedad. Elegi-mos seguir el camino estrecho del Señor en esta so-ciedad. Sin embargo, nuestra iglesia nos invita este fin de semana a evaluar si estamos viviendo nuestras vidas como verdaderos discípulos de Dios. Reflexionar en ¿cuáles son nuestras prioridades? ¿Que es lo más importante para nosotros? ¿Qué es lo que sacrifica-mos con el fin de seguir el camino de Dios? Ojalá que podamos tomarnos un tiempo esta semana para orar y reflexionar con este Evangelio y ver que tan compro-metidos estamos con las cosas de Dios.

-La cita fue tomada de La Predicación del Nuevo Leccionario

de Dianne Bergant y Richard Fragomeni.

Clase de Preparación Bautismal Padres & Padrinos

Domingo, 25 de septiembre, 1:00 PM Casa de Piedra. No Niños, por favor.

Balance de la Construcción

del Centro Parroquial

El monto del préstamo (sólo principal): $ 78,817

Pago al préstamo hecho cada mes: $ 5,000

Recibidos totales en agosto: $ 5,180

No clases de doctrina el 4 de septiembre.

La próxima fecha para bautizar será

el 10 de septiembre a las 11:00 AM. Para mas información visite nuestra oficina

o llame al 451-3411.

RICA—Rito de Iniciación para Adultos

RICA comienza el 18 de septiembre a la 5:00 pm en la casa de piedra. Las clases son para adultos (18 años o más) que necesitan sus sacramentos.


Inscripción previa es necesaria. Ir a haga

click en "registros" en la izquierda o llame a su parroquia/

oficina de la escuela, para recibir ayuda. Si no tiene acceso al

internet o no puede inscribirse en línea por favor llame a la

oficina parroquia. Los participantes deben de estar presentes

durante todo el entrenamiento. Sesiones de entrenamiento son

sólo para adultos.


8 de septiembre

6:00—9:00 p.m. Sta. Canera

El aula de grado 2

La oficina estará cerrada el lunes,

6 de Septiembre

Kermes de Otoño en Santa Canera La Parroquia de Santa Canera será la anfitriona del

kermes anual el domingo, 9 de Octubre desde el mediodía

y hasta las 4 pm. Traiga a su familia y amigos! Este even-

to estará lleno de mucha diversión y grandes sorpresas

porque contará deliciosa comida, música, juegos para to-

das las edades (y habrá premios para los ganadores!),

artículos religiosos, y mucho más! Los ingresos están des-

tinados para el Fondo de Construcción la Parroquia.

¡ATENCIÓN MUJERES! Las mujeres (PCCW) de Sta. Canera tienen un encuentro el miércoles, 14 de septiembre a las

6:30 PM en el salón del grado 2. Todas las mujeres son bienvenidas.

A los que esperan en ti, Señor, concédeles tu paz.

Un Colecta Especial La próxima fin de semana realizaremos un colecta especial para as víctimas de las inundaciones de Louisana.

Parish Center Building Fund Summary

Outstanding Loan (excludes interest): $78,817

Loan principal & interest due each month: $5,000

Building Fund Receipts (August, 2016) $5,180




Don and Novene Wall, Cherri Link, Dorothy Mulik,

David Garnett, John Barnes, Frank Evers, Nettie Bradley,

Rose Fox, Ken Anders, Max Major, Steve Morrow,

Carol Fackler, Becky Bradley, Kayla Bradley,

Joarna Charlton, Jeremiah Durbin (Names stay on list for four weeks, unless renewed.)

Remember your donations for the newly opened RESTORATION LIFE CENTER!

Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

7:00 PM in the Second Grade Classroom

No PSR classes September 4.

No coffee or donuts this Sunday.

A note from the Knights of Columbus . . .

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. St. Teresa of Calcutta

Safe Environment VIRTUS Training

VIRTUS Training is required by the Diocese for anyone

who works with children (as a teacher, substitute, aide,

chaperone, choir director, etc.)

Pre-registration is necessary: go to

and click on "registration" on the left or call the parish

office for assistance.

Participants must be present for the entire training.

Training sessions are for adults only.


September 10

12:30-3:30 PM St. Canera


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Do you know someone who has an interest in joining the Catholic Church? If so, have him or her call the church office (451-3411) for more details and to

register. RCIA sessions begin Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 PM. Sr. Diane Langford will lead the sessions.


Saturday, September 24

10:00 AM—3:00 PM

Parish Hall and 2nd Grade Classroom

Please contact Judy Holden (592-3424) for details.

Music practice is Tuesday at 6:30 PM. If you would like to learn new music, or have a suggestion for music you would like to hear —- please come join us!!

SPECIAL COLLECTION Bishop Rice has authorized a second collection to be taken up on the weekend of September 11, 2016 for the recent Louisiana flood vic-tims. The funds collected in this optional sec-ond collection will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Charities USA to meet immediate emergency needs of such necessities as shelter, clean water, food, medical care, as well as the long-term need to rebuild and recover from the widespread destruction.

The PCCW is starting up again after it’s sum-

mer hiatus. The first meeting of the new season

is Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 PM in the

2nd Grade classroom. All women of the parish

are automatically members of the PCCW.

Come and have some social time, food, and make school

kits for Festival of Sharing.

St. Canera Fall Bazaar Bring your family and friends!

St. Canera Parish is hosting its annual Fall Bazaar on

Sunday, October 9th from Noon to 4pm. This fun-

filled event will feature food, music, bake sale,

games for all ages (with prizes!), and religious

items! Proceeds go to the St. Canera Building Fund.

HELP NEEDED . . . The Fall Bazaar planning commit-

tee needs help with donations—we are looking for 2-liter

bottles of pop for a kid’s game, and “white elephant” prizes/

gifts you might have that need a new home. If you can help,

please bring the items to the church office; or give them to

Diane Strouss or Kathy Bartley. If you have any questions

please call Diane (451-9441) or Kathy (456-2550). Thanks

for your help and see you at the Bazaar on the 9th.


1st Reading: Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14

Responsorial Psalm: 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19

2nd Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Gospel: Luke 15:1-32


BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Please bring written announcements to

the church office or email to by 9 AM Tuesday






(417) 592-2720




Remember when you are considering your will to think about

including the parish among your beneficiaries. Planned giving

involves leaving something for the next generation of Catho-

lics at St. Canera. Your support will make the difference.


Mon: 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 Luke 6:6-11 Tues: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11 Luke 6:12-19

Wed: 1 Corinthians 7:25-31 Luke 6:20-26

Thu: Micah 5:1-4a Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23

Fri: 1Corinthians 9:16-19,22b-27 Luke 6:29-42

Saturday—September 3

5:00 PM +Albert & Evelyn Hamlet (A.Hamlet)

7:00 PM Sick and homebound of the Parish

Sunday—September 4

8:00 AM Parish Family

Monday—September 5

No Mass

Tuesday—September 6

8:30 AM Refugees and Immigrants

Wednesday—September 7

8:30 AM +Josephine Nault (D. Nault)

Thursday—September 8

8:30 AM +Mr. William J. Tucker

Friday—September 9

8:30 AM Abused and neglected children

Saturday—September 10

5:00 PM +Johnnie Robbins (C/M Nowak)

7:00 PM Parish

Sunday—September 11

8:00 AM Victims of terrorism

Thank You! ¡Gracias!





Find bulletins, schedules, and information on

St. Canera’s website:




COMING EVENTS 9/8 VIRTUS Training at St. Canera (Spanish)

9/10 VIRTUS Training at St. Canera (English)

9/11 Neosho Community Day of Service

9/21 PCCW meeting

9/24 Pillowcase Sewing Day

9/28 Bazaar Planning meeting

10/1 Fiesta del Grupo de Oracion

10/9 Fall Bazaar

This Sunday could be called “Hard Gospel Sunday”.

In the gospel reading (Luke 14: 25-33), Jesus does

not mince words when he reminds his followers there

is a cost to discipleship. He insists that nothing, neither the closest

family ties nor love of one’s own life, can be placed in conflict with

a commitment to God’s way. This commitment must be whole-

hearted. In making this commitment, disciples are encouraged to

first take stock of their resources before making a decision. Who-

ever cannot make this sacrifice cannot be his disciple. “For us, we

live in a world of seemingly endless choices; there is so much from

which to choose and all of it is presented as acceptable by the

world. Discipleship demands that in the face of all this we keep our

priorities straight.” Our challenge is knowing which choices are

right and then having the courage to follow them. By choosing Je-

sus we opt to grow in our relationship with God and others, to for-

give others, to live simple lives so others may simply live, and to

take responsibility for the moral character of society. We choose to

follow the narrow way of the Lord in the world. Yet, our church in-

vites us this weekend to evaluate if we are living our lives as a true

disciple of God. What are our priorities? What is most important for

us? What do we sacrifice in order to follow the way of God? May

we take time this week to pray on this gospel and see how commit-

ted we are to God’s way. -The quote was taken from Preaching the New Lectionary

by Dianne Bergant and Richard Fragomeni.


1st Reading: Wisdom 9:13-18b

Responsorial Psalm: 90:3-3, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17

2nd Reading: Philemon 9-10, 12-17

Gospel: Luke 14:25-33