Sacred Geometry the Art of the Life Itself

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Sacred Geometry the Art of the Life Itself

Cover Feature • Sacred Geometry


Sacred Geometry, fractal geometry and the Mandelbrot Set form the science that

describes the entire natural universe. For millennia, Sacred Geometry was the conceptual truth through which ancient cultures lived their daily lives, built their temples, and plotted their astrological calendars with absolute accuracy up to 2,000 years in advance.

Although sacred geometry and fractal geometry have long been recognized, even as part of the math/science curriculum in schools, it is now re-emerging as a deep understanding that the human race needs if it is to move to a new level of growth and harmonious relationship with the planet. Ancient cultures, such as the

Egyptians, Incans, Mayans, the Early Greeks and many more understood a fundamental truth of life – that nothing is random or detached. Everything in the Universe evolves from a magnificent and precise mathematical equation, and a repetition of patterns inseparable and ever evolving from the whole. Even in the very heart of a rainforest, in the seemingly chaotic growth and tangle of plant stems, trunks, vines and rotting vegetation, if untouched by man, all grows and evolves to a precise pattern. In chaos there is order. The Ancients knew and could see the magnificent universal patterns repeated in the world around them - the spirals of the conch shell; tendrils of a vine; the patterns in trees, elephant

trunks, octopi tentacle, the end of clouds (fractals), and even the spiraling galaxies. The sacred geometric patterns have been evidenced in ancient cultures on all sides of the planet. The geometric forms such as the circle, triangle, spiral, golden square and rectangle were believed to be sacred and formed the core design of all spiritual structures and art.

Patterns based on the flower of life (précis vesica, or two intersecting circles), spirals, and pyramids graced temples and sacred buildings and formed the basis for spiritual symbols and designs. Temples were not only decorated with these universal designs, but also built in the geometric forms. Forms and shapes included the five platonic solids (cube, tetrahedron,

Sacred GeometryBy Margaret Girle

The Art of the Life Itself

Sacred Geometry • Cover Feature


octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron), the Golden Spiral, Golden Rectangle, Golden Square, Pyramid, Sphere, the tesseract (4 dimensional cube), and the Merkaba (2 conjoining tetrahedrons).

Ancient cultures knew that spaces created within these shapes radiate an energy of harmony. Some spaces - such as in the great Pyramid and Stonehenge - have been known to harmonise with sound as well as light.

Beginning with the very core of Sacred Geometry is the mathematical constant, the Golden Ratio, Pi (Phi) ratio, also known as the Golden Cut, or the Golden Mean, is this simple equation – when a line is dissected, the smaller section is equal to the larger section in the same ratio as the larger section is equal to the whole. The mathematical number for Phi is 1.6180339887. This, used by great artists, inventors and builders, is the fundamental truth, which forms the entire universe. Leonardo Da Vinci used this equation in his art to give beauty and balance to his artworks. Enclosed in every section of a natural form is the blueprint for that form to constantly repeat its pattern on to eternity. Some forms are repetitive, others have a variance of shape, colour, size, and are seemingly random, but all are an echo of the original. The magnificent patterns of a butterfly are encoded in a simple formula in its DNA. It is one of the millions of perfect examples of the micro design carrying the formula for the macrocosmic vision. You only have to look at a pineapple, pine cone, the segments of a monsterio delicio plant fruit and a myriad of plants and flowers to see the magnificent patterns, the geometry repeated over and over again. Sacred Geometry and the swirling forms of the Mandelbrot set is nature showing us formless reality and eternity. It shows our true essence.

It was in 1980 that mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot discovered the unforgettable shape of the Mandelbrot Set. French mathematician Gaston

Julia first glimpsed this from the discovery in 1917 of Julia Sets. These were sets of swirling designs, organic in shape and formed from simple mathematic formulae. The Mandelbrot set was discovered by putting the original mathematical equations such as Z = Z2 + C into the computer and repeating this many times. The resulting drawings and designs perfectly repeated natural

forms, trees, mountains, landscapes, giving rise to the thought that there is a Divine Design, a God or intelligence which allows for choice within that perfect design.

The tiny Buddha/creature shape at the very base of every cycle of fractal design is mimicked throughout nature and is the main design known as fractals. Fractals are a part of the patterns that repeat into infinity and give a new understanding of the universe. This gives rise to the new understanding that clouds, trees and nature are not simply circles, cylinders and cubes but magnificent constantly repeating patterns, at the base of which is the pattern of

the Mandelbrot. Interesting that the name Mandelbrot stems from Mandala or sacred symbol. Perhaps Benoir Mandelbrot chose to bring this to the world, but the pattern of his destiny was already in place.

The beauty of these repeating patterns are recognizable to the collective unconscious. Carl Jung, co-founder of modern Psychology, first theorized the concept of this well of symbols

and imagery that is available to the human mind. When viewed, these universal images inspire feelings of harmony, peace and love. To see these patterns and to feel the connectedness of the universe, it only takes a moment of living in present time, truly observing the now. Eckhardt Tolle in his latest book, A New Earth, and Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind both speak of truly living in the moment. It’s in that present moment, in that space between thoughts, you can connect with this divine essence. In this moment, you can create your destiny, because every moment is your destiny. In every moment you have choice. It is in seeing the patterns of the universe that an artist connects with this essence, and it is in seeing these patterns of the universe that life’s purpose is understood. Time stops, and healing takes place. In the words of Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Chung: “be empty... be still, be aware of the Source... in this is the fulfillment of

your destiny!”

The magnificent patterns of the universe are creativity and art in its highest order, and similarly the artist, when recognizing these patterns, uses this formula to make drawing simple. An example is when drawing a pineapple or pine cone, the artist recognizes that the base of a pineapple is an oval with two opposing spirals forming a grid, into which the pineapple sections are then quickly drawn. The pinecone is formed by one spiral shape on an oval base. When recognizing the patterns within nature, drawings are not only given life and beauty, but each drawing captures the essence,

the uniqueness of the subject. The same is used for life drawing. Every human form has a rhythm of line and, when recognized by the artist, gives a lyrical quality to the finished work.

The act of creating is an art in itself, and the artist is an instrument through

which source flows. When the artist becomes aware of the moment and empties the mind of all pre-conceived ideas on how to draw, he/she will create a clear mind space from “whence will flow art which breathes life.”

The understanding of the sacred geometry is an understanding of the magnificent consciousness which we are part of. It is the new awakening. Just as the infinity of the universe unfolds in a myriad of repeating forms and patterns, so too is the human consciousness awakening

in a state of egoless enlightenment. Just as the universal life cycles, we are returning in understanding and conscious thought from where we came.Never before has there been the combination of science, quantum

physics, mathematics, art and spirituality - bringing together the one truth out of the chaos of a universe of concepts. Art is an expression of life and sacred geometry is the art of life itself. It echoes the beauty and infinity of the universe.

Margaret Girle is an artist and educator running seminars on Sacred Geometry, Visualisation and Art. For more information visit or email n


“Art is an expression of life and sacred geometry is the art of life itself.”

Cover Feature • Sacred Geometry