Sabrinas project

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sabrinas project

All About Harp Seals


Sabrina Kopecky

Where do they live?

Harp seals live in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s really

cold there.

What do they eat?

Harp seals like to eat codfish, shrimp, salmon, crab, krill, crustations, capelin, eels, octopus, flounder, plankton, anchovies, jellyfish and squid.

How do they stay warm?

• Harp seals keep warm by their fur coat.

• Their coat is made up of two layers.

• Layer 1: is really long and wiry:

• Layer 2: is thick and woolly and helps insulate the body.

Do they have predators?

• Arctic foxes

• Polar bears

• Killer whales

• People

About Harp seal babies …• Babies have white fur so that it blends in with the ice and


• When the babies are adults they loose their fur and their skin turns grey.

• Babies drink milk from their mothers.

Interesting facts about harp seals

• Seals can dive up to 300 meters when hunting for food.

• Harp seals can hold their breath for 5-8 min.

• Harp seals got their name from the harp shaped ring on their back.