S3 Don’t have the answers on talent management, engagement ... · Plan I Attract I Support I...

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Transcript of S3 Don’t have the answers on talent management, engagement ... · Plan I Attract I Support I...

S3 Don’t have the answers on talent management, engagement & retention?

You are not alone…

Rudi Loggenberg


Aviary Hill

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain





Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Generation Y and New Generations


Generation Alpha: 2010 +

Most formally educated generation in history, beginning school earlier and studying longer. The children of older, wealthier parents with fewer siblings, they are already being labelled materialistic.

Generation Z: 1995-2009

first generation never to have experienced the pre-internet world.

Accordingly are already technology-focused. The iPad generation?

Generation Y: 1981 and 1994.

Common put-downs include lazy, debt-ridden and programmed for instant gratification. They are portrayed as demanding and unrealistic in their career aspirations. Now we can add "internet-addicted" and "lonely" to the list.

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain 5

40% Lifestyle

• 10% Creative

• 5% Managerial

• 10% Technical

• 10% Pure challenge

• 10% Security

• 10% Service dedication to a cause

• 5% Autonomy independence

Career Anchor

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain 6

• FALSE They are DifferentGen Y is lazy

• FALSE Don’t be a “generational transvestite”To impress Gen Y, act like them

• FALSE Something that is earnedGen Y is disrespectful and not looking for leadership

• TRUE Don’t plan for the future in a linear way

Gen Y is unreliable

• TRUE Haven't needed to be resilientGen Y can’t cope with failure

• TRUE By no means a white-collar phenomenon

Gen Y is technology-addicted

• TRUE constant need for external validation and feedback

Gen Y is high-maintenance

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain 7

•TRUEAll of the above are


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

The Gallop Organisation


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Gallop Organisation Research


“....irrespective of the culture, the most common reason for

people leaving an organisation is dissatisfaction with

their immediate manager.... ”

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

What do great managers do differently?


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

What is Talent?

ResultsConstant Strong

Performer / Exceeds Expectations

BehaviorDisplay core

values / Leadership

PotentialProactive / Resilient / Motivated/

Strong Communicator


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Talent Management Process




Follow up


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Four Outcomes of Managing in Turbulent Times Climate Survey#


Retain Talent

Stay & Grow

Provide Feedback on achievement of


Reward & Recognition

Consider Flexibility and WLB

Work & Play

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

What is most critical for Gen Y?


Retain Talent



Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain 15

Find out what your Staff value

• Analyse data you already Possess

• Be ASK Assertive

Be Creative

• Review Leave Management

• Mutually agree to change hours

• Consider Flexible Work Arrangements

Know your Market

• Research what other Organisations do differently

• Consider ways of Retaining Talent Long Term

Surprise and Delight

• Initiate a “You Said We Did” Regime

• Don’t Boil the Ocean

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain 16

Changed Working Patterns



Job sharing


Leave Options

Time off in lieu or banked hours

Term-time working

Annualised hours

Additional leave entitlement

Allow unpaid Leave by agreement

Alternative arrangements

V-time working

Working from home

Career breaks

Unique working patterns

Shift working.

Shift swapping


Staggered hours

Compressed working hours

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Flexible Working: Benefits to Employers



• Maximise labour

• Reduce absenteeism, sickness and stress

• Attract a wider range of candidates


• Improve customer service

• Create new opportunities

Increase productivity

• Improve Morale

• Improve Engagement

• Build Value Proposition

Cost Reductions

• Reduce Business Costs

• Reduce recruitment costs

• Reduce Induction costs

• Reduce Churn

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Flexible Working: Benefits to Employees



• Greater sense of responsibilityownership

• Control of working life


• Less stress

• More time to focus on life outside work

• Better able to cope with children and Elders care responsibilities


• More opportunity to continue to build career


• Better relations with management

• Increased loyalty and commitment

• Pass the BBQ Test

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

Your role? Find the missing pieces for your company.


Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain

What great managers do differently? They gain employee commitment


Retain Talent

Ethical Behaviour








Be Courageous

Plan I Attract I Support I Perform I Grow I Retain


• There is no quick fix or ‘one size’ fits all• Define or re-define your culture• Define how you want your brand communicated• Appoint an external provider to get a ‘health check’ • Communicate, Communicate and Communicate• If it’s to be it starts with me! Start leading by example• Be courageous, be bold!