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MAAMC Bournemouth University IN-PRACTICE assignment March 2011.

Transcript of S-CRM


What’s not to ?

Using the Tools effectively

It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life

And I’m feeling……………………..

It is true,

Man is indeed a Social animal!

WE like to live in tribes

And Communities…

Now more than Ever!

74% of all the people on the internet are tied to a social network

www.jmorganmarketing.com 2010.

Social Media & Web 2.0

What is S-CRM?

SCRM is the company’s response to the customers’ control of the conversation

Simply put

Paul Greenberg 2009

Also known as CRM 2.0


• SCRM is a strategy supported by various tools and technologies based around customer engagement and interactions with transactions being a by-product

Morgan 2010

•“Social CRM is a philosophy & a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted & transparent business environment. It's the company's response to the customer's ownership of the conversation.”

Greenberg 2009

The consumer converses, shares opinions and essentially controls the conversation in the environment spun around him by social media

Consumer is now the Brand’s Ambassador&


Consumer is Now in the driving seat

So join him in the ride on the social media bandwagon!

Social Media is a tool in the SCRM Strategy

But why?????

Consumer’s expectations are higher now, they don’t just want to be sold a product but DEMAND attention…………So are you listening!

And why Social Media?

“What better way to know what consumers’ want than them telling you”!

We’ve heard it before but just to remind you!

Over 500 million users

Translation application supports over 100 languages

Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events

More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared

each month

Source: Facebook 2011


95 million Tweets a day

Over 175 million users of Twitter currently

More than 600 million searches happen on Twitter every day

80% of Twitter users use Twitter on mobile devices

Source: Twitter, 2011.

2nd largest used search engine

2 billion views a day

Localised in 25 countries, 43 languages

Source: YouTube 2011, TG Daily 2011.

And so on and on and on…

oAdvertising has also been impacted greatly because of social media with only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive return on investment

o24 out of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing declines in circulations because the news reaches users in other formats

Affects on traditional media

Source: Asaptechworks, 2011

Social Media Examiner 2011

o78% of customers trust peer recommendations on sites. While, only 14% trust advertisements

Source: Asaptechworks, 2011.

There is no escape………..It’s the REAL thing!

YouTube, 2011.

Carlson , 2010.

Morgan, 2010.

Good old CRM

One wayCommunication

The Social CRM

Morgan, 2010.

360° Communication

Morgan, 2010.

Garcia, 2011.

No more

I Communicate, You Receive.


The Social Media Integration Model has an impact on the overall effectiveness for the Social Media platforms. For this reason consider all the elements when developing Social Media strategies.

Garcia, 2011.

41% of customers believe that companies should use social media tools to solicit feedback on products & services

Cone Business in Social Media Study, 2008

Brain Green Consultancy, 2010.

Companies' cannot wake up one day and decide to jump into social media.It doesn’t work that way.

Social media cannot be utilized as an isolated strategy but the culture of social CRM must be installed in the company’s core values

or else…….

Source: Social Media Today 2011.

Bad Move


What were you thinking?


Social Media Today 2011

Source: www.briansolis.com

Good Practice

does it well

Dell, 2011.

Source: briansolis.com

They know what they are doing

And so does Nestle’

Nestle 2011

Do it right and not only win the consumers’ heartsYou may win accolades and more

• Best global product/service launch by Mobile Marketing Association 2010

•#2 Free App on iTunes upon launch

•Still in top 100 year after its launch


Health & Wellness

•Very popular with mums-to-be

•Over 100,000 downloads since its launch in 2009


•Downloaded 550,000 above to date

•Ranked top 50 downloads in 10 European nations

•Featured in Apple 3G advertisement in France

Pet Care

•Forbes 4th Best Branded Mobile Application

•220,000 above downloads and counting

•Free for iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry

Source: Techcrunch., 2009, Virgin America 2011

Brands create Evangelists through earned media by acting like human beings


“Company culture has to change to allow

Social CRM to happen.”

Greenberg 2010






The Conversation Funnel

Brian Solis 2011

SCRM Process

Not just Social Media A complete process

Social Media Examiner, 2011.

Social CRM is not just Social Media

Get personal, Get connected…..Get Social

Greenberg tells the Coke story

Levi’s wants you to Like it!

Thank you for listening

ASAP Tech, 2011. Social media fascinating statistics. Available from:http://www.asaptechworks.com/news/2011/1/8/social-media-fascinating-statistics.html [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Brian Green Consultancy, 2010.Image. Available from:http://www.blog.bdgreen.it/2010/03/18/social-crm-strategy/ [Accessed 17 March 2011].

Carlson, L., 2010. Social CRM, FTW! How real companies are going social and winning. Software advice. Available from:http://www.softwareadvice.com/articles/crm/social-crm-ftw-how-real-companies-are-going-social-and-winning-1111910/#ixzz1GyuIaaww [Accessed 17 March 2011].

Cone Business in social media study.2008. Social Media Examiner. Available from:http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/what-is-social-crm/ [Accessed 17 March 2011].

Dell, 2011. Dell’s ed4good social media initiative. Available from:http://content.dell.com/us/en/corp/d/corp-comm/ed4good-home.aspx [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Facebook, 2011. Press room. Available from:http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Garcia, I., 2011. Social media integration theory model. Social Media Today. Available from: http://socialmediatoday.com/isra-garcia/278936/social-media-integration-theory-model?ref=headline_rotator [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Gloria, T., 2009. How not to use Twitter: HabitatUK a case study. Social Media Today. Available from:http://socialmediatoday.com/SMC/103334 [Accessed 20 March 2011].


Greenberg, P., 2009. Social CRM comes of age by Paul Greenberg. Oracle. Available from: http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/siebel/036062.pdf [Accessed 18 March 2011].

Greenberg, P., 2010. Sugarcon Day 2, Re-cap of Paul Greenberg’s keynote on social CRM. Available from:http://www.jmorganmarketing.com/sugarcon-day-2-re-cap-of-paul-greenbergs-keynote-on-social-crm/ [Accessed 21 March 2011].

Hibbard, C. 2010. How social media saved Lake Arrowhead when city ad budgets ran dry. Available from:http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-social-media-saved-lake-arrowhead-when-city-ad-budgets-ran-dry/#more-3268 [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Hill, J., 2008. YouTube surpasses Yahoo as world’s #2 search engine. TG Daily. Available from:http://www.tgdaily.com/trendwatch-features/39777-youtube-surpasses-yahoo-as-world%E2%80%99s-2-search-engine [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Morgan, J. 2010. What is Social CRM? Social Media Examiner. Available from:http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/what-is-social-crm/ [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Morgan, J., 2010. The evolution of the social CRM process. Available from:http://www.jmorganmarketing.com/evolution-social-crm-process/ [Accessed 17 March 2011].

Morgan, J., 2011. Now this is how you use a corporate blog! Chrysler does it right after Twitter F-bomb. Available from: http://socialmediatoday.com/joshmorgan/277430/now-how-you-use-corporate-blog-chrysler-does-it-right-after-twitter-f-bomb?ref=node_related_posts [Accessed 18 March 2011].

Nestle, 2011. Free mobile Apps place brands in more hands. Available from: http://www.nestle.com/Media/NewsAndFeatures/Pages/Nestles-free-mobile-apps-place-brands-in-more-hands.aspx [Accessed 19 March 2011].

Ochman, B.L., 2011. Social CRM – Thank you Ben & Jerry’s: a brand that’s social, for real, (and MediaTemple, for trying). Available from:http://www.whatsnextblog.com/2010/12/social_crm_-_thank_you_ben_jerrys_a_brand_thats_social_for_real_and_mediate_1/ [Accessed 19 March 2011].

Solis, B., 2009. Real-time conversations hasten social CRM. Tech Crunch. Available from:http://techcrunch.com/2009/07/11/real-time-conversations-hasten-social-crm/ [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Solis, B., 2010.The business guide to Facebook part 2: From e-commerce to f-commerce. Available from:http://www.briansolis.com/2010/10/the-business-guide-to-facebook-part-2-from-e-commerce-to-f-commerce/ [Accessed 18 March 2011].

Twitter. 2011. About Twitter. Available from:http://twitter.com/about [Accessed 19 March 2011].

Virgin America, 2011. Available from:http://twitter.com/virginamerica [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Youtube. 2011. Press room. Available from:http://www.youtube.com/t/press_statistics [Accessed 20 March 2011].

Youtube, 2011. Video. Available from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed5vJeaEuzA&feature=player_embedded [Accessed 19 March 2011].

YouTube, 2011. Video. Available from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSkT5XykJzo&feature=player_embedded [Accessed 17 March 2011].