ryde-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · Web viewprovides concert band and instrument lessons at the school....

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Transcript of ryde-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · Web viewprovides concert band and instrument lessons at the school....

Concert Band and Instrument Lessons

Bennelong Music provides concert band and instrument lessons at the school.

Concert band rehearsals occur on Thursday morning beginning at 7:45am at a cost of $66 per term.

Lessons for concert band instruments such as the clarinet, flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium and percussion are held during class time on Thursdays. Students can receive a 30min private lesson costing $32 plus GST or lessons in pairs at $20 plus GST. Instruments can also be rented from Bennelong Music.

Interested students should complete the slip below and return to Miss Mee at school. Or contact Bennelong Music directly: Gavin 0402 471 248, Rachel 0402 471 247, info@bennelongmusic.com.au.

Miss Mee


Concert Band and Instrument Lessons

I give permission to the school to pass on my details to Bennelong Music for the purpose of arranging participation in the school band program.

Student’s Name:___________________________ Class: __________

Parent’s Name: ______________________________________

Phone number: ______________________________________

Email address: ______________________________________

Chosen Instrument: ____________________

Is your child a beginner or how many years has he/she been learning? ___________________

Do you require assistance in renting an instrument? ____________

Will your child require lessons at school? ________

Does your child wish to join the concert band on Thursday mornings? ___________

Parent Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________

Ryde Public School

Pope Street, Ryde NSW 2112

Telephone: 02 9809 3181

Fax: 02 9808 2732

Email: ryde-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au