RWTC - The Resilience Factor

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of RWTC - The Resilience Factor

Mon, 5 AUG 13Mon, 5 AUG 13US Army 6th Recruiting BrigadeUS Army 6th Recruiting Brigade

Unit Ministry TeamUnit Ministry TeamOutrider ShepherdOutrider Shepherd

Rap With the Rap With the ChapChap

Thanks to Kristi DegnThanks to Kristi Degn

Taco BarTaco Bar

Café Rio style!Café Rio style!

Published by Three Published by Three Rivers Press, New YorkRivers Press, New York

$15.16 hardcover$15.16 hardcover $14.99 paperback$14.99 paperback $13.99 Kindle$13.99 Kindle AuthorsAuthors

Karen Reivich, PhD & Karen Reivich, PhD &

Andrew Shatte, PhDAndrew Shatte, PhD 321 pages321 pages

From From Average rating: 3.95· 82 ratingsAverage rating: 3.95· 82 ratings Review

In the capable hands of psychologists Karen Reivich and In the capable hands of psychologists Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté, resilience is not a Band-Aid or a buzzword. It is Andrew Shatté, resilience is not a Band-Aid or a buzzword. It is a habit of mind. a habit of mind. The Resilience FactorThe Resilience Factor is a practical roadmap is a practical roadmap for navigating unexpected challenges, surprises, and setbacks for navigating unexpected challenges, surprises, and setbacks at work and home. Their premise--that your thinking style at work and home. Their premise--that your thinking style determines your resilience--underlies the books promise: you determines your resilience--underlies the books promise: you can boost resilience by changing the way you think about can boost resilience by changing the way you think about adversity.adversity. Reviews--3.0 out of 5 stars3.0 out of 5 stars

andand 1.0 out of 5 stars 1.0 out of 5 stars I bought this book because of my interest in the topic of I bought this book because of my interest in the topic of

resilience. Boy, was I disappointed! The authors were all resilience. Boy, was I disappointed! The authors were all over the map, borrowed from everybody on information not over the map, borrowed from everybody on information not even remotely connected to the topic they chose to write even remotely connected to the topic they chose to write about. What's more, how anyone can take what they say and about. What's more, how anyone can take what they say and utilize it in any substantive way is a mystery to me. I've come utilize it in any substantive way is a mystery to me. I've come to realize that after reading this drivel, they are no greater to realize that after reading this drivel, they are no greater authority on this topic and the information they espouse is authority on this topic and the information they espouse is nothing new. nothing new.

““The capability of a strained body to recover The capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress .” especially by compressive stress .”


““The basic strength underpinning all the The basic strength underpinning all the positive characteristics in a person’s positive characteristics in a person’s emotional and psychological makeup. A emotional and psychological makeup. A lack of resilience is the major cause of lack of resilience is the major cause of negative functioning. Without resilience negative functioning. Without resilience there is no courage, no rationality, no there is no courage, no rationality, no insight. It is the bedrock on which all else insight. It is the bedrock on which all else is built.”is built.”

-Reivich and Shatte-Reivich and Shatte

Emotional RegulationEmotional Regulation Impulse ControlImpulse Control OptimismOptimism Causal AnalysisCausal Analysis EmpathyEmpathy Self-efficacySelf-efficacy Reaching OutReaching Out

Learning your ABCs – Learning your ABCs –

-identify -identify aadverse situations that lead to dverse situations that lead to negative reactionsnegative reactions

-identify -identify bbeliefs you hold that lead to eliefs you hold that lead to negative feelingsnegative feelings

-recognize that feelings are the -recognize that feelings are the cconsequences of how we think (and our onsequences of how we think (and our beliefs) about what happens to us beliefs) about what happens to us

Avoiding Thinking TrapsAvoiding Thinking Traps Detecting IcebergsDetecting Icebergs Challenging BeliefsChallenging Beliefs Putting it in PerspectivePutting it in Perspective Calming and FocusingCalming and Focusing

Real-time ResilienceReal-time Resilience-”A more accurate way of seeing this is…”-”A more accurate way of seeing this is…”

-”That’s not true because…” (goal: find -”That’s not true because…” (goal: find more concrete evidence to base your more concrete evidence to base your response)response)

-”A more likely outcome is…and I can…to -”A more likely outcome is…and I can…to deal with it”deal with it”

Resilience Factor InventoryR 60 Resilience Factor InventoryR 60 questionsquestions

1=not at all true1=not at all true

2=sometimes or somewhat true2=sometimes or somewhat true

3-moderately true3-moderately true

4=usually true4=usually true

5=very true of me 5=very true of me

Ex: I am good at shutting out anything that distracts Ex: I am good at shutting out anything that distracts me from the task at hand. me from the task at hand. ____

Marriage-communicationMarriage-communication Parenting-providing healthy Parenting-providing healthy

encouragementencouragement Work-dealing with stressWork-dealing with stress For Life-adjusting to life’s changes or For Life-adjusting to life’s changes or

unexpected eventsunexpected events

Emotional RegulationEmotional Regulation Impulse ControlImpulse Control OptimismOptimism Causal AnalysisCausal Analysis EmpathyEmpathy Self-efficacySelf-efficacy Reaching OutReaching Out