Russia (b.e assignment bba sem 6)

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Russia (b.e assignment bba sem 6)








Russian Domain includes Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia .

Russia is the largest country (in land area) on Earth; it spans 11 time zones

Rich in resources, but has one of the harshest climates

Russian Domain has “good farmlands,” metal, petroleum, natural gas, and coal resources

The Russian Domain has had extremely rapid political and economic change since 1990

From centrally planned economy to capitalism

From authoritarian dictatorship to democracy

The Russia economy ranks as the 8th is largest and 6th rank by purchasing power.

It is purchase largest petrolium oil and natural gas globally.

Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia must build global relationships

Geographies of Language

80% of Russia’s people are ethnic Russians

There are other language groups

Finno-Ugric (Finnish) in the north

Altaic (Tatars & Turkic peoples) middle Volga

Yakut (Turkic) in Siberia


Growing Economic Globalization

Starting in 1970s, Soviets exported fossil fuels, imported food; ties now stronger

A New Day for the Consumer

Western consumer goods available (e.g., McDonald’s, Calvin Klein; even some luxury items)

Attracting Foreign Investment

Region struggles to attract foreign investment

Most investment from U.S., western Europe (esp. Germany, U.K.)Fossil fuels, food, telecommunications, consumer goods

Foreign investment growing by more than 14% annually

Globalization and Russia’s Petroleum Economy

Russia has 35% of the world’s natural gas reserves

Mostly in Siberia

World’s largest gas exporter

Primary destination for Russian petroleum products is

western Europe

Former U.S.S.R. republics depend on Russia’s energy

Foreign investment in new pipelines, other technology

Local impacts of globalization

Vary from place to place

Investment in Moscow, Siberia (oil)

Pro-business Nizhny Novgorod and Samara attract investment

Local economic declines in older, uncompetitive industrial areas


E-business capabilities E-business issues

Language translation software for russia

Biotechnology Genetically modified crops Biofuels, such as ethanol

Outsourcing and offshoring Manufacturing Knowledge work Expert systems

Infrastcture is generally interconnected structural element that provide the framework supporting an entire stucture.

The term has diverse meaning in different fildslike,roads,airport.

The information technology ,informal and formal channels of communication.

Example:roads allows the trenspor of raw material and finished products.

Russia has longest electrified railways in the world more than 44 thousand km

Russia is one of the most indusrrialized of the former soviet republics.

Every years of very low investments in the technology and high return of the technology.

9,222 of total state owned enterprice and 30% indurstrial


Russia is total 7.0%GDP rate in 2013 Global consumer cultures are emerging

Persons who share meaningful sets of consumption-related symbols

Pub culture, coffee culture, fast-food culture, credit card culture

Primarily the product of a technologically interconnected world Internet

Satellite TV

Cell phones


• In 2010 the Russian president made a statement about CSR during the XIII Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;

• In 2006 20 companies submitted reports on CSR Among them:Gazprom», Lukoil, Shell, ТNК-BP, , Rusal, Norilsk Nickel etc.

• In 2012 more than 50 companies submitted reports on CSR;

• In August 2013 Russia officially became a member of the WTO

• Higher competitive advantages on the international markets

• Increases profit;

• Loyalty to the company and its products increases;

• PR;

• Investment policy management tool and pledge of their own sustainable development and prosperity.