Rupert Final Script

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final script of rupert the ant

Transcript of Rupert Final Script



T206 Fall 2010 Final Project

Rupert: There and Back Again

Jenna Brooks

Mikey Osborn

Trent Dorsett

Shuai Meng            

1 INT. RUPERT’S ROOM- MORNING 1 We see RUPERT the ant woken up by his son, JIFF who runs into his room and jumps on his bed, flailing his arms. He is sleeping on a bed of pollen with a blanket made out of a flower pedal.

JIFF (screaming)

Daddy! Daddy! Today we’re gonna go to tha sidewalk and walk between cracks and then were gonna play catch with sand and then were gonna climb up the tallest blade of grass and then were gonna eat whatever we find in the garba-


Jiff, Jiff, calm down. JIFF

But Daddy I got a full 58 seconds of rest and I want to play!


Son I haven’t got enough time to play today, your father has to go get leaf for the queen.


I know Daddy I wan’t to come! Teach me how t-


Jiff, your father has to work today. And its your birthday week so both of us will have some extra work to do to prepare for your party.

JIFF Paaaaaarty for me! Oh yeah!

RUPERT Now son, help your mother with chores while I go get some leaf. I want you to have a good birthday week but we have to get some business done.


Okay daddy. You promise you will teach me how to climb a tree soon?


Of course, son. Just for you. 2 EXT. ON TREE BARK- AFTERNOON 2

We see Rupert climbing up bark on a tree. He is tired, panting, and exhausted. We hear Rupert mumble to himself. Other ants pass him as he moves slowly up the branch.

RUPERT (struggling to walk)

Must. Keep. Going. Rupert looks around as others pass him effortlessly. He feels bad about himself and tries to speed up

3 INT. INSIDE THE QUEEN’S PALACE- AFTERNOON 3 The queen is sitting on her throne made out of dried stick. Her throne is a small side cave within the ant colony. We see a large barrel full of leaves on one side of her throne. It is quiet in the tunnel. There are ants surrounding her fanning her with leaves. She she sees Rupert, panting, walking over to her.


Rupert, my dear, you’re a little late. I usually like to have the day’s quota before 5 p.m. What do you have for me today?

RUPERT Well, your majesty, I have 1/19th of a leaf for you today.


Well, that’s more than usual. RUPERT

I, I was wondering if I could bring some extra home food because its my son’s birthda-


Absolutely not! I need this food to feed my attendants and the rest of our colony who are not capable of going out into the human world, Rupert! Don’t be silly- It’s unsafe out there!

Rupert drops his portion of a leaf in the bin next to the queen’s throne. He walks towards the exit of the cave with a depressed look on his face. QUEEN ELIZABETH Rupert! RUPERT (looking back gravely)

Yes, Queen Elizaebth. I’m working as hard as I can.

QUEEN ELIZABETH (speaking faster with a stern tone)

I understand Rupert. You need to remind yourself that you live in a colony and everyone has to bring back leaves everyday. Its not just you. I don’t understand what could be so difficult. Remember, a colony has to cooperate and contribute. I don’t want to hear any more complaining!

Rupert walks out of the queen’s cave. 4 INT. INSIDE RUPERTS HOUSE - DAY 4

Jiff, happier than ever, is standing around a table made out of a rock in the living room. A small rag is draped over the rock with a cake crumb resting on the table. His parents are sitting down and some of his family is in the room as well. Jiff has the biggest smile on his face and has a small cloth wrapped around his eyes. RUPERT

Jiff, your mother and Ihave a surprise for you.


What is it dad! Am I going to finally have a brother to play with? Is it a sister? Is it a DOG?


Oh Jiff you know it’s not a brothe- JIFF

Ok mom, I still want a brother though.

Peenelope looks over at Rupert and chortles


Its not much son, but, (pulls the cloths off of Jiff’s eyes), I got you a piece of cake for your birthday.

JIFF (staring at the cake crumb)

CAKE! I love cake so much! Yes! How did you get that?


I had to carry it a long way but I would do anything for you Jiff my boy.


Jiff why don’t you blow the candles out and make a wish?

Jiff leans over, closes his eyes, and makes a wish. He looks up at his father.

JIFF Dad I want you to have a piece of my cake.

RUPERT (with a sad look on his face)

No, you eat your cake. It’s your birthday and you deserve it.

Jiff begins to eat his cake crumb.

JIFF (talking with his mouth full)

Okay Dad. Can I tell you what I wished for?


Sure son, if you really want to tell me go ahead.

JIFF I wished I could be just like you


Rupert tears up and looks at his wife.


Son, you just made my day.


Rupert and Penelope lie down in bed. They face each other.

PENELOPE Honey, that was so sweet of you to get Jiff his birthday crumb. It really meant so much to him.

Peenelope leans over and kisses Rupert. Rupert is quiet.

PEENELOPE Honey is everything okay? RUPERT I’m just tired.

PENELOPE Is it the queen? Is she asking for too much?

RUPERT (pauses)

I just wish that it could be easy for me to provide for you. All I want to do is make my family happy. I just wish there were some way that I could make us rich so that we don’t have to work. I just want to be happy, but I’m always so exhausted.

PENELOPE (sad) Rupert you have made me the happiest ant in the whole colony, you can’t possible beat yourself up over these things. RUPERT You just don’t understand how it feels when it’s a struggle to find a cake crumb for your son’s birthday. For God’s sake Peenelope I was out of breath and I wasn’t even half way up the tree stump. PENELOPE You need to give yourself more credit. You take care of all of us and we are so happy. (Rupert groans) RUPERT Lets just try and get some sleep Penelope. PENELOPE Ok honey, goodnight.

RUPERT (leans over and gives Peenelope a kiss)

Goodnight, I love you. We see Rupert drift off to sleep.


Rupert awakes as a human. He immediately realizes that something is different. He is lying in a real bed and is next to a human woman. The alarm rings and SUSAN, his human wife, turns it off. She stands up and opens the blinds.


Honey, wake up. We gotta get up.

Rupert looks around wondering what is going on RUPERT What? SUSAN Its TRENTON’S birthday today.

RUPERT Whos Trenton?

SUSAN (looking at him, confused)

Your son, what the hell is wrong with you Rupert?

Rupert realizes he has to play along. He has no time to question his new identity. His wish came true.

RUPERT Oh, sorry I-I was just in the middle of a dream. SUSAN Well get up. We need to go downstairs and start breakfast for Trenton.


Rupert wanders around his room looking for clothes to put on. He looks through drawers, cabinets, and under the bed. He tries one of Susan’s bras, looks through his underwear drawer, knocks over a shoe rack, and accidently

flushes the toilet. He hears Susan yelling for him from downstairs, and throws on a t-shirt.


Trenton is sitting at the table in the kitchen, surrounded by family and friends. A cake is on the table with 12 candles. His family sings happy birthday. Susan smiles. She couldn’t look any happier. TRENTON takes one big breath and blows out his candles.


Trenton what did you wish for buddy?

TRENTON Do you really want to know Pop? SUSAN

Aw, don’t tell your father what you wished for. If you do it won’t come true, silly.


Fine Mom. Do you think I could get some ice cream with my cake?

SUSAN Yes of course!

Susan begins to cut the cake and pass plates around to family and friends.


Trenton rushes into the living room and jumps onto a pile of presents. The rest of the family follows him to the living room. Rupert is the

last person to walk in. He looks around with a shocked look on his face. He could not believe how nicely decorated the house was and how many presents Trenton got for his birthday.


Which gift should I open first? ASSORTED FAMILY MEMBERS

Mine! Open mine first! SUSAN

Save that big red one for last. It’s from your dad and me.


Ok. This is a science. I have to think about it for a second.

Trenton opens a big cardboard box.

TRENTON It’s a basketball. Um, great.


Now Trenton, that’s not a very nice thing to say. Whoever got you that present put a lot of thought into this.

One of Trenton’s friends is sobbing in the

corner. TRENTON But Mom, I don’t play basketball. SUSAN

Honey that’s not what matters now. You have to be thankful for the

presents you get, whether or not you like them. RUPERT (under his breath) So selfish.


We see human Rupert and Susan laying in bed. She turns off the lights.

SUSAN You know, there was something off today. There was something wrong with you. You know I try to give you and Trent everything you want. I try to be a good mother. I try to be a good wife. But it seems like its not good enough. Its not easy trying to raise a kid, you know.


Susan, im sorry I just don’t know how to explain myself-


Don’t bother. I’m going to bed.

Rupert turns over and looks at the clock, 11:37 p.m. He is frustrated and restless. After a wile, he drifts off.

11 INT. RUPERT’S ANT BED-MORNING 11 Rupert’s eyes slowly open and he jumps out of bed. PEENELOPE My goodness honey you scared me!

Rupert runs back to bed and gives Peenelope a big kiss. RUPERT

I am so happy I woke up next to you this morning.

Peenelope looks at Rupert, very confused. 12 INT. JIFF’S ROOM-MORNING 12 Rupert runs into Jiff’s room and wakes him up. RUPERT Good morning Jiff! I love you! Jiff rolls over in his bed JIFF You need more sleep dad.

RUPERT (yelling from the hallway)

No time for sleep- I’m going to work!


We see Rupert speedily climbing up the tree branch. It is pouring rain. He has a big smile on his face. RUPERT

(singing to himself) I’m singin’ in the rain, just singin’ in the rain. What a GLOOOOOORIOUS feelin’….


Rupert struts into the Queen’s cave. He is carrying a large chunk of a leaf. The Queen, initially, does not recognize Rupert. She does a double-take and realizes its Rupert. He walks over to the leaf bin and drops off his leaf. QUEEN ELIZABETH

Rupert, so nice to see you today. You look, you look different.


Oh, you know, I just woke up today and I feel like a whole new ant.


Well Rupert, you look great. How much leaf did you bring me today?


(says as he walks out of the cave) Oh, you know, 1/3 of a leaf.



We see Rupert happily picnicking with his family. Jiff is frolicking on the ground and Rupert and Peenelope are laughing together.