Ruby is dying. What languages are cool now?

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ruby is dying. What languages are cool now?

Ruby is dyingWhat languages are cool now?

Michał Konarski

Seriously, is Ruby dying?

Ruby Go

Who is hiring?

But let’s look from a different angle...


Well, not exactly.

But what languages are cool now?

Let’s look at six of them



● designed by Apple● released in 2014● created for iOS, macOS, tvOS● multi-paradigm● statically, strongly typed● compiled



tuplesoperator overloading

native collections

type inference

pattern matching

multiple return types

Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL)

Swift features

Nothing really outstanding.

So, what’s the story behind Swift?

“We absolutely loved Objective-C, but we had to ask ourselves a question -

what would it be like if we had Objective-C without the baggage of C?”

Tim Cook

It’s mainly because Objective-C is bad.

And they had nothing else.

@interface Foo : NSObject@property (readonly) int bar;- (instancetype)initWithBar:(int)bar;+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(int)bar;@end

@implementation Foo- (instancetype)initWithBar:(int)bar { self = [super init]; if (self) { _bar = bar; }

return self;}

+ (instancetype)fooWithBar:(int)bar { return [[self alloc] initWithBar:bar];}@end

How bad is Objective-C?

Swift is easier to read


if (myDelegate != nil) {if ([myDelegate respondsToSelector:

@selector(scrollViewDidScroll:)]) {[myDelegate scrollViewDidScroll:myScrollView]




Why also Swift is better?

● no need to have two separate files (code and headers)● it’s safer (runtime crash on null pointer)● it has automatic ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)● it’s faster● it requires less code● it has namespaces

It’s not only a language

XCode 8

It’s not only a language

Swift Playgrounds

● sponsored by Mozilla● announced in 2010● first release in 2012● stable release in 2015● statically, strongly typed● multi-paradigm● compiled

“The goal of the project is to design and implement a safe, concurrent, practical systems

language”Rust FAQ

There are not such languages?

Apparently not.

Current languages are wrong

● there is too little attention paid to safety

● they have poor concurrency support

● they offer limited control over resources

● they stick too much to paradigm

So let’s create a new high-low level language!

Rust is a high level language!

● generics ● traits● pattern matching● closures● type inference● automatic memory allocation and deallocation● guaranteed memory safety● threads without data races

Rust is a low level language!

● no garbage collector● manual memory management● zero-cost abstractions● minimal runtime● as fast as C/C++

Guaranteed memory safety? How?


fn foo() {

let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];let v2 = v1;println!("v1[0] is: {}", v1[0]);


error: use of moved value: `v

You can’t have two references to the same object!


stack heap

[1, 2, 3]v1


There are more such mechanisms.

Future of Rust

● currently two big projects: servo and rust● other smaller projects: redox, cgmath, Iron, rust-doom● it changes very quickly● it has a good opinion in the community● it will be hard to replace C/C++● It has a steep learning curve



● designed in Google in 2007● first release in 2009● stable release in 2016● statically, strongly typed● multi-paradigm, concurrent● compiled

Standard languages (Java, C++)

● are very strong: type-safe, effective, efficient● great in hands of experts ● used to build huge systems and companies

Standard languages (Java, C++)

● hard to use● compilers are slow● binaries are huge● desperately need language-aware tools● poorly adapt to clouds, multicore CPUs

Simpler languages (Python, Ruby, JS)

● easier to learn● dynamically typed (fewer keystrokes)● interpreted (no compiler to wait for)● good tools (interpreters make things easier)

Simpler languages (Python, Ruby, JS)

● slow● not type-safe● hard to maintain in a big project● very poor at scale● not very modern

What if we had a static language with dynamic-like syntax?

A niche for a language

● understandable● statically typed● productive and readable● fast to work in● scales well● doesn't require tools, but supports them well● good at networking and multiprocessing

Features of Go

● syntax typical for dynamic languages● type inference● fast compilation● garbage collector● memory safety features● built-in concurrency● object oriented without classes and inheritance● lack of generics● compiles to small statically linked binaries

Interfacestype Animal interface { Speak() string}

type Dog struct {}

func (d Dog) Speak() string {return "Woof!"


func SaySomething(a Animal) {fmt.Println(a.Speak())


func main() {dog := Dog{}SaySomething(dog)


Built-in concurrency!


func main() { go expensiveComputation(x, y, z) anotherExpensiveComputation(a, b, c)



func main() { ch := make(chan int)go expensiveComputation(x, y, z, ch) v2 := anotherExpensiveComputation(a, b, c) v1 := <- chfmt.Println(v1, v2)


Future of Go

● it’s popularity constantly raises● it’s backed by Google● it’s used by Docker, Netflix, Dropbox, CloudFare,

SoundCloud, BBC, New York Times, Uber and others● it’s seen as a good balance between Java-like languages

and Python-like● it easy to learn and powerful● it runs well in cloud environments● might be a good choice for microservices approach

● created by José Valim● released in 2012● functional● dynamically, strongly typed● compiled to Erlang VM byte code

Erlang? Processes!

Elixir = Erlang with Ruby syntax

Elixir features

● massively concurrent● scalable● fault-tolerant● great performance● functional, but practical● nice Ruby-like syntax● metaprogramming via macros

Ruby has Rails.

Elixir has Phoenix.

Controllers in Rails

class PagesController < ApplicationController def index @title = params[:title] @members = [ {name: "Chris McCord"}, {name: "Matt Sears"}, {name: "David Stump"}, {name: "Ricardo Thompson"} ] render "index" endend

Controllers in Phoenix

defmodule Benchmarker.Controllers.Pages do use Phoenix.Controller

def index(conn, %{"title" => title}) do render conn, "index", title: title, members: [ %{name: "Chris McCord"}, %{name: "Matt Sears"}, %{name: "David Stump"}, %{name: "Ricardo Thompson"} ] endend

Future of Elixir

● new Erlang for the masses● fits highly concurrent niche● attracts Ruby developers● no big company behind● used by Pinterest● will fly on the wings of Phoenix?

● created by data scientists● released in 2012● dynamically, strongly typed● compiled

Compiled one for fast stuff.Interpreted one for visualisation.

Data scientists’ two languages problem:

Julia features

● solves scientists’ two language problem● familiar syntax● extensive scientific library● user-defined types● multiple dispatch● built-in parallelism ● good performance (comparing to C)

Single dispatch (Ruby)

a.do_something(b, c)

Only a decides which method to choose.

Multiple dispatch

julia> f(x::Float64, y::Float64) = 2x + y;

julia> f(2.0, 3.0)7.0

julia> f(2.0, 3)ERROR: MethodError: `f` has no method matching

Here everything decides!

Future of Julia

● R, MATLAB and C competitor ● unifies scientific software stack● not mature enough yet● small, but growing number of libraries

● created by Google● released in 2011● optionally typed● interpreted● translated to JavaScript

Let’s replace JavaScript!

Dart vs JavaScript

● class-based (not prototype-based)● normal foreach● named parameters● operator overriding● string interpolation● optional typing● false is false● easy DOM operations

Looks familiarclass Point { num x; num y;

Point(this.x, this.y); distanceFromOrigin() { return sqrt(x * x + y * y); }}

main() { var p = new Point(2, 3); print(p.distanceFromOrigin());}

Cascade operator

querySelector('#button') ..text = 'Confirm' ..classes.add('important') ..onClick.listen(

(e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'));

Future of Dart

● 2016 AdWord UI built in Dart● no Dart VM in browsers● fragmented community● client-side future is dim● backend future looks much better

Any questions?

