RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL CONTRACT NO 1842 PLUMBING ... plumbin… · Plumbing Maintenance-Northern...

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Transcript of RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL CONTRACT NO 1842 PLUMBING ... plumbin… · Plumbing Maintenance-Northern...



Release Date: Wednesday 13 June 2018


Contract No 1842 Contents

1 CONDITIONS OF TENDERING ..................................................................................................... 1


3 TENDER SUBMISSION ................................................................................................................. 3

3.1 NON-PRICE ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................................... 3

4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ..................................................................................... 4

4 CONTRACT AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................... 6

6 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE - PUBLIC LIABILITY ....................................................................... 7 7 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE – MOTOR VEHICLE ........................................................................ 9

8 SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................................................... 10

9 BASIS OF PAYMENT .................................................................................................................. 16

10 "NON PRICE ATTRIBUTES" ...................................................................................................... 18

11 FORM OF TENDER ..................................................................................................................... 19

12 SCHEDULE OF RATES .............................................................................................................. 20

Contract No 1842 Conditions of Tendering

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1 CONDITIONS OF TENDERING 1.1 Tenders shall close at the Tenders Box, Huia Street, Taumarunui at 4.00pm on

Thursday 5 July 2018. 1.2 Tenders rates shall be submitted in the enclosed envelope addressed to:

Tender 1842

Ruapehu District Council Private Bag 1001 Taumarunui 3946

1.3 Prices and GST

The rates shall be exclusive of GST.

Contract No 1842 Conditions of Tendering

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Tenders shall be evaluated according to the principle of the Lowest Price Conforming Tender Method as shown in the Competitive Pricing Procedures Manual, Volume 1 Physical Works and Professional Services published by NZTA. Each attribute shall be on a pass/fail basis. If Council requirements are not met for any of these attributes, the tender shall be excluded from further consideration. Any tender which alters the scope or end result of the work shall be excluded. The decision of Council on the compliance of attributes is not contestable. Assessment is not limited to the information supplied by the tenderer and the Council reserves the right to obtain clarification of any of the information supplied. Council may reject the tender in the event excessive supervision would be required.

The tender evaluation process shall be conducted in two stages. 1. The first stage shall consist of ranking tenders in ascending order based on

Price. 2. The second stage shall consist of determining tender acceptability when

assessed against each of the Non-Price Attributes and no others a) Experience b) Resources c) Track Record Each attribute shall be scored on a pass/fail basis. Any attribute, which scores a fail, will exclude that tender from further consideration. Determination of acceptability shall commence with the lowest priced tender and shall cease when the first conforming tender is determined.

Council may reject the tender if: a) The tenderer has made errors of arithmetic in the pricing schedule; or b) The Council is of the opinion that the Tenderer could not perform the work for the

tendered price; or The acceptance of any tender shall not prejudice any of the Council's rights under the Contract.

Contract No 1842 Special Conditions of Contract

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3 TENDER SUBMISSION 3.1 Non-Price Attributes

In assessing tenders the non-price attributes of the contractor and those of their subcontractors (where applicable) are required for the evaluation process. The format of the submission shall be open to the tenderer but must contain the following information to conform:

3.1.1 Relevant Experience

Supply a record of general work experience and of personnel with name, position, qualifications, certification, responsibilities and experience.

3.1.2 Resources

Supply a brief list of plant and equipment that could be made available for the work.

3.1.3 Track Record

Supply a brief description of relevant work that demonstrates experience of this type of work within the last three years.

3.1.4 Health & Safety Plan

Tenderers will need to complete and submit the enclosed Form 1: Contractor’s Occupational Health and Safety Management Information with their tender bid. Tenderers who have already completed Council’s Health and Safety Induction process do not need to complete form 1.

The successful Tenderer will be required to complete Council’s Health and Safety

Induction process if they have not previously completed the process. The successful Tenderer shall submit a comprehensive health and safety plan that will

be taken to control all the hazards relating to this type of work.

Contract No 1842 Special Conditions of Contract

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4.1 The Principal is: Ruapehu District Council 59-63 Huia Street TAUMARUNUI 4.2 This contract is a measure and value contract. 4.3 The Contract Manager is Rebecca Van Orden, Team Leader Community Services. The

Contract Supervisors shall be Dean Hosking, Community Property Officer Operations and Rina Hepi Community Services Officer.

4.4 The Contract Manager may delegate certain of her functions to the Contract

Supervisors. The successful Contractor will be advised in writing what these are.

4.5 Public liability insurance shall be effected for an amount not less than $2,000,000 and

shall be in the joint names of the Principal and the Contractor. 4.6 Motor Vehicle third party liability insurance shall be affected for an amount not less than

$1,000,000. 4.7 The successful Contractor shall submit a Health and Safety Plan for the workplace that

includes procedures for self employed and employees that are relevant to the type of work being carried out.

4.8 The contract period shall commence on 1 August 2018. 4.9 The due date for completion of the work shall be 30 June 2020. There is a right of

renewal for a further period of 3 years subject to the satisfactory completion of the contract works.

4.10 To this aim both parties shall advise their position to this extension three months prior to

the Due Date of Completion. A decision by either party not to pursue the extension shall not be contestable.

4.11 The Periods of Defects Liability in respect of the Contract work shall be twelve (12)

weeks. 4.12 There shall be no retention money retained in this contract. 4.13 If the contract is renewed cost fluctuations adjustments (cost of living rise) shall be paid

on the second and subsequent years on an annual basis. These will be paid in accordance with the Consumer Price Index – Cost of Living.

4.14 Default by the Contractor is defined as follows:

The Contractor is persistently, flagrantly or willfully neglecting to carry out its obligations under the contract.

Contract No 1842 Special Conditions of Contract

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4.15 For the purposes of service of notices, the postal address of:

(a) the Principal is: Ruapehu District Council Private Bag 1001 TAUMARUNUI 3946 Fax No. (07) 895 3256

(b) the Contract Manager: Rebecca Van Orden

Ruapehu District Council Private Bag 1001 TAUMARUNUI 3946 Fax No. (07) 895 3256

Contract No 1842 Insurance Certificate

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For PLUMBING MAINTENANCE -NORTHERN PROPERTIES 2018-20 THIS AGREEMENT is made on _______________________ BETWEEN ___________________________(“the Contractor”) AND RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL (“the Principal”). IT IS AGREED as follows: 1. THE Contractor shall construct, complete, deliver and remedy defects in the works and things described in the Contract Documents.

2. THE Principal shall pay the Contractor the prices for items on the Schedule of

Prices or such greater or less sum as shall become payable under the Contract

Documents together with Goods and Services Tax at the times and in the manner

provided in the Contract Documents.

3. EACH party shall carry out and fulfil all other obligations imposed on that party by the Contract Documents. 4. THE Contract Documents are this Contract Agreement and the following, which form part of this agreement: (a) The Notification of Acceptance of Rates; (b) Notices to Tenderers; Nil (c) The Contractor’s Rates; (d) Insurance Certificates; (e) The Special Conditions of Contract; (f) The Specification;

……………………………… ..........................................………. WITNESS to the signature Contractor: of the Contractor:

…………………………… ..........................................……….. WITNESS to the signature Principal: Ruapehu District Council of the Principal:

Contract No 1842 Insurance Certificate

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6 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE - PUBLIC LIABILITY To be completed by Insurance Company for successful Tenderer before work is commenced.

To: RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL From: .................................................................... (Name of Insurance Company) ................................................................................ (Address) Dear Sir We confirm that (Contractor) …………………………………………………………………… has arranged Public Liability Insurance (Policy Number ……………………………..) with this Company, for which the premium has been paid, and we undertake that this policy will remain in force and not be amended or cancelled during the period of this contract or any extensions thereto without 30 days written prior advice to you, and that Indemnity will be provided subject to the terms of the policy. Limit of indemnity: $ (Minimum $2,000,000) GST exclusive

The policy stands in the joint names of the Council and the Contractor The Policy covers all activities by Subcontractors, and other persons engaged by the Contractor or its Subcontractors in or about the execution of the Services. The Policy provides that all rights of subrogation shall be waived as between the Insureds. The Policy includes cross-liabilities clause. The policy provides indemnity for liability arising from fire or explosion. The policy provides indemnity for claims arising from Materials, goods and/or Services supplied, constructed, repaired, altered, renovated, serviced or installed.

The policy indemnifies Council and Contractor in respect of all Plant and Equipment and lifting devices used in performance of the Contract - including Hired Plant and Equipment. Deductibles: ............................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ We advise that the following "special" terms and conditions or exceptions have been applied to the Policy in respect of this contract:

............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................

Contract No 1842 Insurance Certificate

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Expiry Date: ............................................................. Yours faithfully ................................... .................................... .............................. Branch Manager Insurance Co. Stamp Date

Contract No 1842 Insurance Certificate

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7 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE – MOTOR VEHICLE To: RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL From: ............................................................... (Name of Insurance Company) ............................................................... (Branch and Address) ............................................................... Dear Sir We confirm that (Contractor…………………………………………………………………… has arranged Motor Vehicle Insurance (Policy Number …………………………..………...) with this Company, for which the premium has been paid, and we undertake that this policy will remain in force and not be amended or cancelled during the period of contract without 30 days written prior advice to you, and that Indemnity will be provided subject to the terms of the policy. Sum Insured: Market Value/Other (if other, please specify type of policy and value) Third Party Liability Limit: $ ....................................... (minimum $1,000,000 excluding

GST). Policy Extensions include: Innocent breach of conditions provision Principals Vicarious Liability We advise that the following “special" terms and conditions or exceptions have been applied to the Policy in respect of this contract: .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Expiry Date: ................................................... Yours faithfully ................................... .................................... .............................. Branch Manager Insurance Co. Stamp Date

Contract No 1842 Specification

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8.1 Preliminary

The Contractor shall supply all labour, materials, vehicles, tools and other equipment necessary to carry out and complete the work described in this specification.

All work shall be carried out in a ‘tradesman like manner’ by or under the supervision of a qualified trades-person in accordance with the appropriate Plumbing Regulations and shall be completed to the requirements and satisfaction of the Contract Supervisor.

8.2 Scope of the Work

The work comprising this contract is for all minor plumbing maintenance repairs in Council owned properties in Taumarunui and Ohura.

8.3 Location of the Work

The work involved in this contract is located in the following properties -

RDC Office - Huia Street

Taumarunui Railway Station

Taumarunui Public Toilets

Taumarunui & District War Memorial Hall

Taumarunui under veranda lighting in Hakiaha, Manuaute and Miriama Streets

Manunui Memorial Hall

Cherry Grove Flats

Miriama Street Flats

Rochfort Flats -Taumarunui Street

Rangimarie Flats- Taupo Road

Taumarunui Swimming Pool

Huia Street Depot

Ohura Toilets

Ohura Hall

Owhango Toilets

Any other property as advised by the Contract Manager 8.4 Other Contractors

The Ruapehu District Council has preferred Contractors for the supply of both building and electrical services. The Contractor shall utilise the services of these preferred Contractors whenever work involving either of the trades is required as part of work being undertaken as part of this specification.

If the Council’s preferred Contractors are unavailable, the Contractor shall obtain the

Contract Supervisor’s permission to engage an alternative sub-Contractor and obtain a quote from that sub-Contractor prior to carrying out any work. Rates for work carried out by alternative sub-Contractors shall not exceed the rates of the Council’s preferred Contractor.

The Ruapehu District Council also has contracts with other Contractors for the maintenance of water and sewage treatment facilities. The maintenance of the

Contract No 1842 Specification

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plumbing work at these water and sewage treatment facilities is not included in this work.

8.5 Nature of the Work

Typically the work envisaged is for minor maintenance or repairs such as replacement of washers, taps, toilet cisterns and bowls or other such plumbing related activities as may be required.

The Contractor shall only carry out maintenance or minor upgrading work at the locations listed upon receiving written instructions from the Contract Supervisor detailing the work.

The Contract Supervisor shall retain the right to call tenders for, or engage a separate Contractor to carry out plumbing work at any of the locations mentioned in clause 8.3.

i) In the case of an emergency ii) Where the Contractor has not responded to the Contract Supervisors request

to carry out work within the stated response time. iii) Work not considered maintenance work. iv) Work estimated to exceed a total value of $1,500.

8.6 Service Requests/Call Outs

The Contract Supervisor shall forward to the Contractor all service requests by facsimile, e-mail or by telephone.

In the case of an emergency service request, the Contract Supervisor shall also advise the details of the service request by telephone to the Contractor.

8.7 Contractors Obligations – Call Outs

It is expected that the work involved in this contract will require the attendance of only one plumber for each call out. The Contractor shall be expected to attend to each call-out equipped with suitable tools and sufficient materials and/or components to complete the work required in one visit. This will obviously not apply in cases where special or out of the ordinary materials, components or equipment are required.

8.8 Non-Compliance If the Contractor fails to respond within the appropriate response time a non-compliance notice will be issued. The Contractors right of reply to a non-compliance notice shall be within 48 hours. The Contractor shall be in default of the contract after three (3) non-compliance notices have been issued and not replied to. The Principal may at its option after giving notice to the Contractor terminate the contract. Refer Special Conditions of Contract clause 4.14 page 4.

8.9 Response Categories

The Contractor shall be required to attend to work issued through a service request by the Contract Supervisor within the appropriate response time.

Contract No 1842 Specification

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Response times shall be divided into three categories namely emergency, urgent and non-urgent call outs.

8.10 Emergency Call Outs

The Contractor shall be available for attending to emergency call-outs on a 24 hour, seven days per week basis. Should the Contractor be unable to attend to any particular urgent call-out within the time specified, the Contract Supervisor shall be advised accordingly in order that alternative arrangements may be made.

Work carried out under the emergency category would be to avert a potentially hazardous situation which may lead to the destruction of Council property or assets or a risk to life and may be only temporary in nature.

Acknowledgment Time for Emergency Call Out

The Contractor shall acknowledge receipt of an emergency service request within 30 minutes by telephone of facsimile.

Response Time for Emergency Call Out

The response time in which the Contractor shall carry out emergency work shall be 2 hours.

The Contractor shall notify the Contract Supervisor by telephone or facsimile on completion of the work. This shall be within 24 hours of notification of the call out.

Failure to Acknowledge Emergency Call Out

Should the Contractor fail to acknowledge an emergency service request within the time specified the Contract Supervisor may engage another Contractor to carry out the work.

Completion of Work

The Contractor shall notify the Contract Supervisor by telephone, facsimile, text or e-mail on completion of emergency work within 24 hours of notification of the call out.

8.11 Urgent Call Outs

The Contractor shall be available for attending to urgent call-outs on a seven days per week basis. Should the Contractor be unable to attend to any particular urgent call-out within the time specified, the Contract Supervisor shall be advised accordingly in order that alternative arrangements are made.

Response Time for Urgent Call Out The response time in which the Contractor shall carry out urgent work shall be 48 hours.

Failure to Acknowledge Urgent Call Out

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Should the Contractor fail to acknowledge an urgent service request within the time specified the Contract Supervisor may engage another Contractor to carry out the work.

Completion of Work The Contractor shall notify the Contract Supervisor by telephone, e-mail, facsimile or text on completion of urgent work within 4 days of notification of the call out.

8.12 Non Urgent Call Outs

The Contractor shall be available for attending to non-urgent call-outs between 8.00am and 5.00pm from Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.

Response Time for Non Urgent Call Outs The response time in which the Contractor shall carry out non urgent work shall be 5 working days.

Failure to Acknowledge Non Urgent Call Out

Should the Contractor fail to acknowledge a non-urgent service request within the time specified the Contract Supervisor may engage another Contractor to carry out the work.

Completion of Work

The Contractor shall notify the Contract Supervisor by telephone, facsimile, text or e-mail on completion of non-urgent work within 7 days of notification of the call out of the work.

8.13 Work costing more than $500

Where the Contractor estimates the total cost of the required work (including materials) will exceed five hundred dollars ($500), the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Contract Supervisor to proceed prior to carrying out the work.

8.14 Excavation Work

Prior to undertaking any excavation, the Contractor shall make all reasonable attempts to identify or verify the existence of any underground services. Any service that is damaged, as a result of the Contractor’s negligence shall be repaired at the Contractor’s own cost.

8.15 Reinstatement Work

The Contractor shall repair, reinstate or make good any disturbance to surfaces or areas immediately surrounding the area of the work at the Contractors’ own cost to the satisfaction of the Contract Supervisor.

8.16 Work on a Public Holiday

Where work specified to be carried out is not emergency work and falls on a Public Holiday the Contractor may carry out the work on a day other than the Public Holiday.

8.17 Health and Safety

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8.17.1 The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to ensure compliance at all times with

the Health and Safety at Work Act 2016 (including regulations and codes of practice), and any other Acts, regulations or codes of practice relevant to the work being carried out.

8.17.2 The Contractor shall take all practical steps to ensure that, while carrying out work for the Ruapehu District Council, no employee of the Ruapehu District Council, the Contractor or Subcontractor, or any member of the public, or any other person, is harmed.

8.17.3 The Contractor in accepting this contract undertakes to comply with any direction or requirement of a properly authorised agent of the Ruapehu District Council, in relation of “all practicable steps” to ensure that employees of the Contractor, the Ruapehu District Council employees or any other person is not harmed by the Contractors activities.

8.17.4 The Ruapehu District Council retains the right to enter the workplace and inspect the safety procedures at any time. If the Contractor is found not to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2016, then the Contractor must stop work immediately. The Contractor may recommence work only when adequate safety standards are put in place and the requirements of the Act are complied with. If a Contractor consistently fails to comply with safety standards then the Ruapehu District Council may terminate the contract and bring in another Contractor.

8.17.5 The Contractor shall indemnify the Ruapehu District Council for any fines or penalties levied upon itself or any Subcontractor, or the Ruapehu District Council arising from or related to any failure by the Contractor to comply with any health, safety or environment laws, regulations or codes of practice including the Health and Safety at Work Act 2016 and its amendments.

8.17.6 The Contractor shall ensure that its employees and Subcontractors are informed of requirements and comply with their obligations under the Health and Safety legislation.

8.17.7 The Contractor is required to provide a written report to the Ruapehu District Council of any accident, incident or near miss, as soon as practically possible after the event. A Contractor is also to provide the Ruapehu District Council with a copy of the entry from its register of accidents in respect of any accident that harmed or might have harmed any person within 24 hours of the event.

8.17.8 The Contractor is to follow the Ruapehu District Councils emergency procedures in the event of an emergency.

8.17.9 The Contractor shall provide safety training to all of its employees that work on contracts for the Ruapehu District Council. This shall include an induction course, introducing the specific workplace and its hazards.

8.17.10 The Contractor shall have a hazard control system and document safety procedures to which the Council has access.

8.17.11 All necessary signs and barriers shall be erected by the Contractor to ensure that people in the place of work and in the vicinity of the place of work are not harmed.

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8.17.12 The Contractor shall ensure that all appropriate safety clothing and protection equipment is available and used to protect the people in the place of work and people in the vicinity of the place of work from harm.

8.17.13 The Contractor shall maintain and operate equipment in such a manner that will avoid harm occurring to any person.

Contract No 1842 Basis of Payment

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9.1 Call Out Rates 9.1.1 Emergency

The rate for emergency call-outs shall cover all costs associated with providing a qualified tradesman to attend to emergency call-outs within the specified response time. The rate shall include for carrying out the required work at any time of the day or night, and the supply of all consumables, tools and equipment necessary to carry out the work. The rate shall be an hourly rate. Should the Contractor not respond to the emergency call-out within the specified time the Contract Manager shall make payment at the rate for urgent or non-urgent call-outs.

9.1.2 Urgent and Non-Urgent The rate for urgent and non-urgent call-outs shall cover all costs associated with providing a qualified tradesman to attend to these call-outs within the specified response time. The rate shall include carrying out the required work, which may in the case of urgent call-outs, require working outside of normal business hours, as well as the supply of all consumables, tools and equipment necessary to carry out the work. The rate shall be an hourly rate.

9.2 Rate for Vehicle Kilometres Travelled

The rate for vehicle shall be a per kilometre rate, which shall cover all costs associated with providing a suitably equipped vehicle to attend to call-outs. The rate shall include for all vehicle-running costs including fuel, oil, wear and tear, registration, road user charges, maintenance and insurance. No payment will be made for unnecessary trips.

9.3 Percentage Mark Up on Materials The Contractor shall indicate the percentage by which materials are marked up from their cost to the Contractor. The cost price of any materials shall be taken to be the unit price paid by the Contractor excluding GST. The Contractor must supply the Engineer with copies of invoices in excess of $500 or other acceptable proof of payment for materials or components used in order that the cost price can be verified.

9.4 Progress Payments The Contractor shall submit to the Contract Supervisor by the fifth working day of each month a payment claim that separately lists each item of work that was carried out as part of this contract during the month prior. The list submitted by the Contractor shall clearly show: -

Contract No 1842 Basis of Payment

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i) the service request number (providing it has been responded to in accordance with clause 8.10, 8.11, 8.12 and 8.13.

ii) the location of the work iii) the man hours spent on each job and resulting cost iv) the materials used on each job and resulting cost (including the approved mark-

up) v) the total cost of each job vi) the total amount claimed for the month vii) the contract number Failure by the Contractor to supply copies of invoices for items over $500 supporting the claim for payment for those materials or components shall result in the payment for that service request being withheld until such time as the required documentation is produced. If the monthly claim is not received on or before the fifth day of the month, payment will not be scheduled for the twentieth of the month. If the monthly claim is received by the twentieth day of the month, then payment will be scheduled for the thirtieth of the month. If the claim is received after the twentieth of the month payment will be made on the twentieth of the following month.

Contract No 1842 Non Price Attributes

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10 "NON PRICE ATTRIBUTES" FORM OF TENDER The Chief Executive Ruapehu District Council Private Bag 1001 TAUMARUNUI 3946


I/We …………………………………..……………………………………………………………...

confirm that the Non Price Attributes for a conforming tender have been attached as outlined

in Section 3.1 of the Contract document. The total number of pages attached for the Non

Price Attributes is …………. pages.

The breakdown of the submission is as follows:

Tender Submission Check List

Non Price Attribute Completed No. of pages

Experience Yes / no

Resources Yes / no

Track Record Yes / no

Form 1 Contractors Occupational Health and Safety

Management Information

Yes / no

Acknowledgement of Notice to Tenderers The tenderer must 1) circle the number of each Notice to Tenderer received during the tender period: Number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2) allow for the impact of changes from the Notice to Tenderers DATED this …………………….day of ……………………………..2013. SIGNATURE: ________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ DESIGNATION: ________________________________________

Contract No 1842 Form of Tender

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11 FORM OF TENDER The Chief Executive Ruapehu District Council Private Bag 1001 TAUMARUNUI 3946 TENDER FOR: PLUMBING MAINTENANCE-NORTHERN PROPERTIES 2018-20 1 I/WE ……………………………………………………………………...…………………… hereby offer to execute and complete the above mentioned works in accordance with

the specifications and conditions of contract for the tendered rates excluding GST as shown on the Schedule of Rates.

2 The Tenderer is/is not (delete as applicable) a registered person in terms of the Goods

and Services Tax Act 1985.

The Tenderer's GST Registration Number is …………………………………………… 3 A complete Schedule of Rates is attached. 4 I/We hereby declare that I/We have seen the specifications. DATED this …………………….day of ……………………………..2018 SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ NAME: _______________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS: _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ TELEPHONE __________________________ NUMBER: FAX NO _________________________ CELL PHONE NO _________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS __________________________

Contract No 1842 Schedule of Rates

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1 Non urgent callouts hour

2 Urgent callouts hour

3 Emergency callouts hour

4 Kilometres km

5 % Mark-up on materials %

All rates are to exclude GST

Name of Tenderer: ________________________________________

Tenderer’s Signature: ________________________________________

Date: _____________________