Rsmp 2013, turning a lead into business

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Rsmp 2013, turning a lead into business

International Congress and Convention Association . | #RSMP13

Turning a Lead into Business

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• What turns a high quality search into a genuine sales lead?

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

Filter it down

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Subject matter

• First open year for bids

• Preferred meeting months

• Preferred venue

• Preferred region/country next meeting

• Break-out rooms

Filter it Down

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

1. Is the conference likely to come to my destination?

2. Can my venue facilitate the conference?

3. Can my location facilitate the conference?

4. Budgetary factors relating to the conference

5. How is the conference organised?

6. Information on social programmes

7. What does the decision-making process

look like?

Checklist of information to research for suppliers:

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Is there a local counterpart/member present in my country and is he/she willing to set up an organising committee?

• Is a formal bid required (bid-manual)?

• What factors are most important in a successful bid?

• Deadline bids and Decision-date

• Decision-making body: Who decides and

• who influences?

Check list for suppliers (continued)

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• We ask our members to make sure they do their research before approaching potential clients!

• Every Association is different & unique – bridge the gap between association- and supplier world through documentation on decision-making process.

Research is essential!

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Rotation pattern – need to be seen in specific parts of the world on a regular basis, or

part of a policy requirement.

• Decision linked to Presidency or other

holders of key offices.

• Membership growth potential; build chapter network.

• Raise PR awareness of association and its key issue(s)with public and/or government.

Decision-influencing factors

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Destination suffers from specific challenge (eg medical, environmental, social) association exists to address.

• Large local membership nearby; strong local chapter.

• Audience for products and programmes offered by association.

• Local demand/desire for educational

• content delivered by this event.

• Knowledge transfer to underdeveloped countries/regions.

Decision-influencing factors (continued)

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

Business opportunities for current members; investment opportunities for members and association itself.

Strong research/expertise/specialisations in association’s key subject area(s)

Availability of strong local speakers.

Important local site inspection opportunities related to the association’s field of interest.

Decision-influencing factors (continued)

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Opportunity to leave strong local legacy impact.

• Opportunity to collaborate with other national or international associations in same or related fields.

• Wish to anticipate/meet the strategic needs of major sponsors/business partners.

• Wish to respond to competition from other associations or private sector events.

Decision-influencing factors (continued)

ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Build long-term partnership relationships with institutions and the key individuals who

represent a destination’s intellectual capital,

finding ways to link their interests to

those of the local meetings industry.


ICCA Research, Sales & Marketing Programme Twitter: #RSMP13

• Meetings industry should attempt to build stronger relationships with local universities.

• Leading cities like Singapore have known for years that having a strong connection between academia, business, and government is a great way to be more successful in winning bids.

• Others are now catching on to this same equation – is your destination one of them?
