RROI: Roles, Responsibilities, Objectives & Initiatives I ... · • Project margin on project...

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RROI: Roles, Responsibilities, Objectives & Initiatives

I GENERAL INFORMATION Associate Name: Mike Coleman Position Title: Project Engineer / Manager Location: Birmingham, AL Hire Date: 6-1-13 Reports to: VP Operations People this position has reporting: Project Superintendent & Project Assistant People closely coordinating with or providing services to: Estimation, Engineering, Fabrication (People leading processes you support or that support you) Assembly, Logistics

Review Info 1) Current Review Date: Dec. 2015 2) Previous Review Dates (indicate the initial review): Dec. 2014, Dec. 2013 (initial)


General Description of Position Role & Mission: Consistent with the core values and strategic plan

of our company, my Role is to:

Lead the Production and assembly of our products by skilled and caring associates with a strong focus on quality and safety and within the productivity standards established.


III KEY RESPONSIBILITES Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Expectations of this Role within the Strategic Plan 1. My primary responsibilities and accountabilities in this role are (minimum of 3):

(A) Pre-plan all project sequences, schedules, materials & logistical support. (B) Establish & maintain the project budget. (C) Establish, communicate & collaborate up front and during projects. (D) Provide post project support to clients. (E)

2. Set your expectations for each key responsibility and accountabilities listed above.

(A) Reverse phase schedule is developed, communicated and maintained. (B) Schedule meetings to disseminate project information and take corrective

actions on budget variances. (C) Good follow-up with clients at end of project. (D) Have excellent VOC ratings.


Performance Review: Key Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Expectations

(A) Associate comments and date. Dec 2015

I agree with the key responsibilities assigned to me in this document.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date. Dec 2015 I agree


1. This role will be considered as performed successfully when the following key results are achieved: (A) Each budgeted project margin is maintained or increased. (B) The customer is totally satisfied with the quality & schedule outcomes and our company performances. (C) Perfect safety record on each project.


Performance Review: Results vs. Expectations

1) List actual results from IV and compare to the result expectations set.

• Project margin on project portfolio for year – 12% - Budget was 10% • Performed 8 projects – 5 on/or ahead of budget & 3 behind budget. • VOC was at 4.5 avg. – Goal 4.5 • No recordable safety incidents.

2) Discuss associate performance against agreed upon expectations and results.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 All results were good.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 Good job of exceeding your portfolio of projects gross profit plan. Great job on VOC’s & Safety. Your performance against the key result objectives of your role were outstanding.

3) Indicate whether the “expected results” of this role are stated accurately. If not, indicate

desired adjustments for the future.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I think key result objectives are on the mark for the year. (B) Supervisor comments and observations and date. I agree with your assessment of objectives being on target.


V Description of Position Activities

Identify 8-12 activities that will allow your objectives, initiative and ultimately the results of your Role to be achieved.

1. Participate in the estimating on projects managed. 2. Develop a project budget after the turnover. 3. Conduct a complete turnover process from Estimating to the Project Engineer and

Management Team. 4. Develop a complete plan for project sequencing, labor, materials, logistics and

transportation. 5. Develop, communicate and collaborate with the client and all involved contractors

and outside resources to assure the scope, sequence and schedule are all agreed to and committed to.

6. Manage the day-to-day execution of the project. 7. Establish and provide regularly scheduled pro-active communication updates with

the clients through the entire project. 8. Update the project budget weekly and make the necessary adjustments to

maintain margins. 9. Maintain margins. 10. Plan and prepare for project close-out. 11. Plan and prepare for project turnover to the customer and training. 12. Plan and prepare for post project follow-up and service.


Performance Review: Position Activities

1. Comment on performance of above activities designed for this Role.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

• Implement plan to e-mail client, contractors, outside resources on the scope, schedule & sequence as agreed to keep everyone in the loop.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 You have done a good job on communicating this information to all concerned.

2. Comment on any recommended changes to activities to best accomplish the results of the role.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 Need to do a better job in turnover, budgeting & planning for new projects assigned to me.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I agree that the time invested in project planning is the number one determining factor as to the financial success of the project & the customer endorsement of our performance.


VI Leadership Loops-Tactical (Operational) and Sub-Strategic Team Meetings

1. This position leads the following regularly scheduled meetings. A. Turnover meeting with Estimation B. (externally) The customer’s upfront scope sequence and schedule review C. Monthly Project Team Meeting D. Key Agenda Items you want covered in each tactical (operational) meeting you lead. A. Review of customer accepted estimate so it can be turned into a scope, sequence & schedule plan & a project procurement and budget plan. B. Meeting is to include the client, outside construction manager, subs and peer contractors for purpose of getting everyone on the same page. C. Review all tactical activities and schedules with the on-site team and subs. D. Key agenda items and open discussion topics like processes, policies, culture, etc., for Sub-strategic Team Meetings you lead.

2. This position attends the following regularly scheduled meetings. A. Weekly Corp. Project Review Meeting. B. Monthly Project Engineering Team Meeting. C. Scope, Sequence, Procurement, Manpower and Schedule Planning. D. E.

Key agenda items you will report on in each meeting you attend A. Review all the performance and budget matrix for each project with Mgt. Team. B. Review Engineering needs for each project. C. Review all material and manpower needs for the correct projects. D. E.


Performance Review: Leadership Loops

1. List my recommended changes to the meetings you lead or attend. I would include in the Internal Turnover Meeting from Estimation to the Project Engineer all other supervisory people who will be assigned to the project team.

2. Comment on how meetings could be more effective.

When these other people are cost effectively available it is a good idea. The Project Engineer should formalize information and pass it on to others assigned to team in a “hand off” meeting prior to project start.

3. List any other meetings you or your colleagues should attend in order to improve communications and support the attainment of results. List meetings you do not think you need to attend.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 By attending these meetings productivity will be improved.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 Continue to monitor those who are scheduled to attend the meetings are there on a consistent basis.



Personal skill set: List the key skills, experience and knowledge required in this position. Answer as though you were to put an ad in the paper for this position (minimum 4).

1) Bachelors Degree in Engineering. 2) 3 years experience in Project Engineering & Project Leadership. 3) Control Systems and Software backup & application experience. 4) Strong in communications both written & verbal. 5) Strong customer relationship builder.

Performance Review: Key Skills

1) Discuss the proficiency you have in skills listed above that enable you to be successful in this position. Note any education and/or training you feel would improve any of the listed skills.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 All is correct. I probably need to work a little on my style of customer communications especially around change orders.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 That was a good comment on your part. Change orders are not meant to be a customer “Gottchas.” They are supposed to be a fair representation of either a change in scope or an unclear scope that, left unchecked, could negatively impact your project profitability. Another tip is to make your change order presentation quickly after it is identified and don’t let it be swept under the carpet to deal with later.


VIII Personal Attributes: Check any of the attributes you feel are specifically critical to your role. The boxes marked are required for employment in all Roles.

Conformity Stress Management Ability to express clear expectations

High degree of ethics X Adversity Management Proactive solution provider X

Personal organization skills X Sense of urgency X Reach out for input/offer feedback

Leadership X Strong work ethic X Ability to recognize & develop talent

Management skills X Passion to succeed X Verbal & written communication skills X

Respectful to everyone X Sense of humor Ability to coach constructively X Ability to effectively prioritize X Flexible Team and Organization Building X

Ability to delegate X Decisive Accepts and understands direction

Dress Overcomes obstacles X Recognizes Achievement of others

Risk adversity Presence / professionalism Builds external & internal

relationships X

Risk tolerant Planning skills X Consistent work accuracy

Proactive problem solver Sense of honor Persistence

Resilient X High Stamina X Create Recognition-based Environment

Performance Review:

1. Discuss how well you employed the attributes that were jointly identified as being important to the success of your position.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I think I have a strength in most. I feel very good about my management skills.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I agree with you both in your strengths and the areas you are planning to work on.


2) Summarize any attributes for which you believe you have opportunities for improvement.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

My organization and planning skills could be a little better.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I agree and believe with some coaching you will get up to speed on these attributes. Do you want to take an on-line course in Project Planning?


IX Behavioral Attitudes 1) Positive behavioral attitudes can represent a critical accelerator to existing skill sets and attributes. The attitudes shown are positive behavioral attitudes that are desired within our company culture.

Positive Attitudes x Humble, Team Player Appreciative/Gracious Forgiving Team Attitude Charitable/Giving Optimistic Sharing Attitude of Gratitude Get it done attitude

Performance Review: Behavioral Attitude

1) Discuss any attitudes you feel may need improvement.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I believe my total attitude is very good.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I agree with you.



A) List 3-5 objectives for the current review cycle, what completion looks like and the time frame in which completion should be realized. Also check if they were achieved.

Objective Objective Met When

Time Frame Achieved

Meet budgeted margin for each project

All projects meet or beat budget with end result being that as a total portfolio you are on budget.

Review after each project at year end

Year end Yes

Voice of the Customer average survey rating 4.2 with a desire to be asked back.

The surveys would show at year end a 4.2 avg.

Review after each project at year end

Year end Yes

No recordable safety incidents Review records After each project at year end

Year end Yes


Performance Review: Current Objectives and Results

1) Comment on any results that met or exceeded jointly defined objectives.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 1. Portfolio of projects were 12% ahead of margin budget. Eight projects finished ahead. 3 finished behind. 2. VOC ratings were 4.5 avg. vs. plan of 4.2 3. No recordable safety incidence

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

2) Comment on any variance against jointly defined objectives.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I hope I can have a year like this every year.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I know you will have a great year next year. You have what it takes to be successful. Keep up your hard work and good attitude.



A) List Initiatives needed to achieve overall objectives.

Initiative Initiative Met When: Time Frame Achieved

Establish improved format and agenda for the upfront scope, sequence and schedule review with the clients.

Evidence that this format and agenda is being used

1st Quarter 2015

2nd Qtr. No

Learn all of the Project Engineer processes: - Hand-off to Project Team

Turnover process - Project Budgeting Process

Client upfront scope, sequence schedule review

When the Mgr. of Ops. Concludes that all processes are understood and in effect.

3rd Quarter 2015

Not complete

Performance Review: Initiatives and Results

1) Comment on any results that met or exceeded jointly defined Initiatives.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 1. Number 1 is complete. It took until the 2nd quarter.

2. Still working on the Turnover process because I need support from Estimation which has not been forthcoming.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 Planning ahead and getting started early and pacing your progress is very critical as it relates to initiatives. Missing both initiatives on the committed schedule needs Improvement.


2) Comment on any variance against jointly defined Initiatives.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I am still refining the turnover process with Estimation and it has gotten much better. All other Processes are in good shape.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I will support you regarding putting the burden of scheduling the turnover meeting on the Estimation Department.



A) Establish objectives for the next review cycle Objective Objective Met When: Time Frame

B) Comment on the planned strategies or anticipated support needed for meeting objectives for the next review cycle.

(A) Associate comments and date

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date.



A) Establish initiatives for the next review cycle. Initiative Initiative Met When: Time Frame

B) List any planned strategies and anticipated support needed for developing new initiatives that will improve our ability to meet current and future objectives.

(A) Associate comments and date

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date.


XI Commitments to our Valued Associate


A) Discuss personal and professional goals for yourself as you perform in this Role. I want to learn the business, continue my education and put myself in a position of being more valuable to the company.

B) Discuss the most important things you would like to see come from this position for you personally. Learn our business technically and professionally gain more responsibility. Travel and working with customers is also very interesting to me.

C) Any other comments on personal expectations you have within your Role. Just to grow personally and also grow in responsibility within the company.


Performance Review: Personal & Professional

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1) Discuss training and education that will support your career with the company. These will

be thoughts and ideas regarding any needs or desires for personal or professional development, skill proficiency training or on-going education that will enhance your career path opportunities.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

Continued education and OJT regarding the product technology

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 Make arrangements to be present at all scheduled training sessions. If you need any special product training sessions scheduled, please advise.

1) Review previous and current discussions regarding career path interest and future expectations.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 Attended most product training classes offered.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date. We should work together to be sure you are scheduled in these sessions going forward.



1) Outline the one-on-one communication plan you would like with your supervisor to discuss the jointly agreed upon activities and status of your performance along with any other topics. Discuss the ideal intervals between these one-on-one discussions (monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually). Let’s do once per month.

Performance Review:

1) Discuss whether the one-on-one plan was maintained and if you would like to continue with the current intervals.

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I would like to stay with monthly schedule.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 I agree.


XIII Discuss Career Path Interest and Expectations going forward

1. Review any previous discussions regarding career path. Discuss expectations going forward. Discuss any obstacles or challenges from either the associate’s or supervisor’s point of view that stand in the way of the associate’s desired career path goals.

Performance Review: Career Path Expectations

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015 I would like to be considered a top Project Engineer in one to two years. I would like to be considered for larger more difficult projects over time. I would hope that could lead to a Management position in time.

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date. We will support you in meeting your goals stated above.



XIV Plans for the personal & professional development of key people on your team

1. “Keeping the Keepers” who do a great job in their Role and the identification of future leaders.

A) Identify the “Keepers” on your team that do an excellent job within their current Role. i ii iii

B) Discuss the needs and interests of the individuals you want to keep on your team and what development is needed for each. I ii iii

2. Comment on whether you and the company are doing enough to keep them.

3. Identify any future supervisors, managers or leaders who you feel not only perform work in their Role but also have leadership abilities that would make them promotable in the future.

4. What specific development activities have you outlined for these potential future supervisors or managers?


Performance Review: Team Growth & Development

1) Comment on the level of accomplishments you achieved in the development of your team over the last review period (both the “keepers” in their existing roles and also the identification and development of future supervisors and managers).

(A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015

2) Outline plans for team development during the next period.

(A) Associate comments and date

(B) Supervisor comments and observations and date.


XV Other Topics on Your Mind Discuss any other topics on your mind. A) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

All is good

B ) Supervisor comments and observations and date: Dec. 2015 Great


XVI Overall RROI Review Summary Assessment

A) Outline your assessment of the fairness and accuracy of this review of your current and planned performance.

1) Associate comments and date: Dec. 2015

I agree with the general assessment of my performance. I am anxious to increase the value I provide the company.

B) Supervisor’s summary of overall performance during this review cycle with future recommendations.

I believe that your combination of skill, positive attitude and passion to succeed will allow all of your personal goals to be met.

C) Overall Rating: □ Excellent X Very Good □ Good □ Needs some improvement

□ Needs Considerable Improvement

Signed Associate (Reviewee) _______________________________________ Date: Dec. 2015


Supervisor (Reviewer) ______________________________________ Date: Dec. 2015 (Signature)

Next Level _______________________________________ Date: Dec. 2015 (Optional) (Signature)

Mike Coleman

Harold Bender

Jacob Andrews