Roster Verification RV Presentation to School Administrators Spring 2012.

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Transcript of Roster Verification RV Presentation to School Administrators Spring 2012.

Roster Verification RV

Presentation to School AdministratorsSpring 2012

Roster Verification (RV) StepsStep 1: April 20 & 23

District RV Team Present Roster Verification Process

& Assign School Coordinators

Step 2: April 23 – May 15School RV Coordinator - Assign

users, passwords, train teachers, assist teachers

Step 3: April 24 – ?Teachers review rosters, propose

changes, submit rosters for review

Step 4: May - 18School RV Coordinator & Team

Review, Verify, & Submit Rosters to District

Step 5: May 21 – 25District Reviews Changes and

Verifies RostersSubmit to State by May 25th

Overview – WHY?

Section 1012.34(8), Florida Statutes requires the State Board of Education to establish a process to permit instructional personnel to review the class roster for accuracy and to correct any mistakes relating to the identity of students for whom the individual is responsible. To accomplish this requirement, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has created an online Roster Verification Tool to allow districts, schools, and teachers view class rosters. Through the tool, changes to rosters can be made and approved as needed.

Step 1

WHY is this so important ?• 50% of the teacher’s yearly evaluation is based on student data

• Value Added Model (VAM) data is linked to FCAT 2.0 Reading and/or Math, EOC, and to students scheduled to each teacher in FCAT 2.0 & EOC subjects/grade levels

• Yearly Survey rosters (Survey 2 – October, Survey 3 – February) define the students to be included in the data

• This verification is for Survey 3 ONLY – February 17, 2012 – In the future, a similar process will be in place for teacher verification in both October and February

• Previous years’ data is based on the data provided for Survey 2 & Survey 3, and modified information from data corrections processes (attendance verification/FTE verification)

• There are other data sources in this first year (STAR Data, Early Literacy, Readiness Data for PK – 3) that will use an alternative roster verification process

Step 1

WHO needs to verify rosters?Teachers who are assigned students through TERMS scheduling:

• Elementary School: – 4th and 5th grade reading and/or math – ESE Teachers only verifying 4th & 5th grade reading and/or math

• PK-3 will not need to use this tool for verification: Using Readiness, Early Literacy, & Star Growth Data Fall 2011 & Spring 2012

• Special Area Teachers will not need to use this tool for verification: School Value-Added Model information will serve as their data

• ALL Middle School Teachers

• ALL High School Teachers: Roster Verification information will assist with confirmation of students for “other” data sources (AP, ACT/SAT)

Step 1

WHAT are the teachers verifying?• This tool allows teachers the opportunity to review and

verify their class rosters as of February 17, 2012.

• The tool allows them the option of adding students who are missing from their class roster and removing students who were not part of their class roster if necessary.

• “Please keep in mind that this review and modification is in regard to a teacher’s roster as of February 17, 2012. Any changes that have occurred to their roster since February 17, 2012 should not be made with this tool.”

Step 1

HOW will this be checked?

• The school RV coordinator will verify all changes teachers have requested to make on their rosters.

• The school RV coordinator will then submit all school rosters to the district RV team.

• The district RV team will then verify and submit all rosters to DOE.

Step 1

Timeline• April 23 – Monday:

Each school will send Patrick Simon the name of an principal or assistant principal that will be designated as the school RV Coordinator

• April 24 - ?:Teachers will need to verify their rosters and submit to the school coordinator by

• May 18 – Friday: School Coordinators will need to verify teacher rosters and submit to the district

• May 25 – Friday:District submits RV to DOE

Step 1

HOW do we get started?

• By April 23 – MondayEach school selects principal or assistant principal to be the RV coordinator and sends this contact information to Patrick Simon: (First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Phone, Username-Email Address, Temporary Password – Email Address.)

• District RV team will activate each school RV coordinator’s account and notify the school RV coordinator how to log in and start the process with the teachers.– Steps are defined/explained in “School Guide”

Step 1

The School RV Coordinator & School User

• Will coordinate the process of the teachers verifying their rosters – Two Types of School Level Logins– School Coordinator:

• Manage Rosters & Teacher Logins• Add Users & Other School Coordinators• Submit Final Roster

– School User:• Manage Rosters & Teacher Logins ONLY

• Will receive the School Guide to the Spring 2012 Florida Department of Education Roster Verification Tool for step by step directions on this process; guide and assist teachers

• Select other staff to be on the school RV Team that is knowledgeable of the master schedule to address changes noted by teachers.(Registrars, Data Secretaries, TOSA, Guidance Counselors)

Step 2

What the School Coordinator Will See:

Step 2

Collaborative Approaches

Options (school based):Collaborative Teams of Teachers Bring Laptops in Areas That Have Internet Access:• Faculty Meetings• Before or after school• Planning Periods• District RV Team assistance• Other

Step 2

How To Start RV Process With Teachers• RV school team can refer to details of each

step in this guide:

Step 2

Teacher Login• The school RV Coordinator will need to notify each

teacher of website and login process• Direct the teachers to the site:• Their temporary logins will be:• Long-term substitutes will NOT verify rosters; this

will be done by School Coordinator or School UserUsername: Their full Citrus County email

Password: Same as user

Step 2

Teacher Login• Once they log in with the temporary username

and password, they will be prompted to change their password

• First Step: Select “Class Rosters”

Step 3

Teacher Resources• There is a teacher guide available from the

DOE that has step by step directions detailing the process the teachers use to verify their rosters online

• This guide will be sent to each principal, School RV Coordinator, it can be accessed from your school RNA share folder, or teachers can access it when they log in to the RV Tool online.

Step 3

Teacher View• Once logged in, teachers will be able to view

(or print) their rosters.

Step 3

• Teachers will be able to add or delete a student and make comments pertaining to this change

Teacher ViewStep 3

Teacher Roster Verifying Process• Once teachers have completed making the

additions, deletions, and comments on a roster, they click the “save comments and removal checks” button at the bottom of the roster .

• They can also click on “verify” and they will still be able to make changes.

• Please keep in mind that this review and modification is in regard to a teacher’s roster as of February 17, 2012. Any changes that have occurred to their roster since February 17, 2012 should not be made with this tool.

Step 3

Teachers - Submit Complete Rosters

• Once they have reviewed all their rosters and made the necessary changes, they click the “Submit Complete Rosters” from the main menu to submit the rosters and complete the process.

• All changes made by the teacher still must be approved by the school and/or district.

Step 3

Teacher Roster Submission• Clicking the "Submit" button on this page will send notice

to the school coordinator that the teacher has completed the roster verification process.

• This will also close teacher access to the rosters and they will no longer be able to make changes. If they need access re-opened they must contact the school coordinator whose information is provided at the bottom of each web page in the tool.

• Upon successful submission, the teacher will be asked if they would like to complete an anonymous survey to provide feedback on the roster verification tool.

Step 3

School Roster Verification• School coordinator and team review all rosters

to review proposed changes.• This process can include viewing all rosters, or

just the rosters that have proposed changes and comments.

• Refer to the detailed steps on school review on pages 4-5 of the:

• By May 18 submit roster verification to district – district automatically notified

Step 4

Support & Questions

• TERMS & Scheduling:– Steve Chamblin, extension 5942– Joanie Holloway, extension 5938– Email: IS HELP

• Roster Verification Tool:– Patrick Simon, extension 2237– Bob Brust, extension 2244– Karen Stofcheck, extension 2229