Rome Seminar Beatrice Delpouve

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Mobility through Joint Degrees and PhD Levels

Transcript of Rome Seminar Beatrice Delpouve

Mobility through Joint Degrees and PhD Levels

Dr. Béatrice DELPOUVEDirector of the International Centre

University of LilleFr Bologna Expert


French National Team of Bologna ExpertsThe French team of Bologna experts consists on 18 people from different specialities and region. They have responsabilities in France and in Europe:

- Former ECTS/DS counsellors,- Academics responsible for Higher Education in their

Institution,- Experts in Life Long Learning,- Experts in Quality in HE,- 3 Students from different National Unions.

The team is coordinated by one person.The National Agency has employed one part time person to help the team, to prepare materials, and to manage the project.


French National Team of Bologna Experts

To ensure the cohesion among the team and enlarge their competences, the coordinator organises 1 day meeting each two/three months divided in 2 parts:

- The coordination meeting (with the BE only)- sharing experience- debating some new strategic points- evaluating some problems or good practices in

Europe- defining priorities- planning activities- dividing the work


French National Team of Bologna Experts- The national concertation meeting

The agenda deals with only one or two item / meetingWe invite national authorities or organisations involved in the decision process in the country. Our partners are representatives from:

- Ministry of Higher Education (Bologna follow-up group)

- ENIC/NARIC- Rector Conference (CPU)- Europass team- CampusFrance- National Professionnal Qualification Commission



French National Team of Bologna Experts

- Example of topics for the next meeting with partners

- The problems of the students’ mobility in the Medical studies and social work studies,- Conclusions of the top-up conferences and

consequences in France,- New priorities for 2009 – 2011.


French National Team of Bologna ExpertsFor Mobility, four initiatives have been taken by some Bologna experts and share the experience with the others:

1 – Comparison of the curricula in the Tuning project, two experts are the key persons at the national level (

2 – Survey on the Diploma Supplements, (, 2009 “STUDY ON THE DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT AS SEEN BY ITS USERS”, a joint co-operation ENQA and ENIC-NARIC

3 - Developping and managing joint programmes leading to joint degrees, JOIMAN Project

4 – Organising a Top-Up conference on Phd candidates Mobility



Joint Degree Management and Administration Network: Tackling current issues and facing future challenges

Coordinated by the University of Bologna (It)


JOIMAN PROJECT ON JOINT DEGREESJoint Programme has been defined as follows:

1) A study programme developed or approved jointly by several institutions;

2) Students from each participating institution spend part of the programme at other institutions; 3) Students spend significant periods of time at the participating institutions (as opposed to short exchanges);

4) Periods of study and exams passed at the partner institution(s) are recognized fully and automatically by all institutions and countries involved;

5) Teaching staff from each participating institution devise the curriculum together, form joint admissions and examinations bodies and participate in mobility for teaching purposes;

6) Students who have completed the full programme ideally obtain a degree awarded jointly by the participating institutions, and fully recognized in all countries. Multiple diplomas are also allowed.



Partners- 12 on the 29 Utrecht Network Members (European Institutional Network acting for Internationalization of the Higher Education)- 3 External Universities- 3 National AgenciesStrenghts- 10 Bologna Experts- Around 75 Joint Degrees (double-degrees, joint and multiple diploma) on the three levels : Ba, Ma and PhD- Strong European and non-EU experiences


N. Country Name of institutions Network

1 Italy Università di Bologna Utrecht Network

2 Italy Università degli Studi di Padova

3 France Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1 Utrecht Network

4 France Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg 1 Utrecht Network

5 France Université Bordeaux 1

6 Spain Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto

7 Austria Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Utrecht Network

8 Belgium UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN Utrecht Network

9 Romania Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi Utrecht Network

10 Lithuania VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS Utrecht Network

11 Norway Universitetet i Bergen Utrecht Network

12 Sweden Lunds universitet Utrecht Network

13 Czech Rep. Masarykova Univerzita Utrecht Network

14 Germany Ruhr-Universität Bochum Utrecht Network

15 Germany Universität Leipzig Utrecht Network

16 Italy Associazione servizi e ricerche Rui PNC Erasmus Mundus

17 Belgium ERASMUS MUNDUS NS BEnl. PNC Erasmus Mundus

18 Lithuania Švetimo Mainu Paramos Fonda PNC Erasmus Mundus



- To improve the management capacity of European Higher Education Institutions in the administration and management of Joint Programmes

- To create a common discussion platform among institutions with a relevant experience in the development and management of Joint Programmes

- To analyse the existing administrative procedures and practices in the management of Joint Programmes at Master and PhD level

- To develop new guidelines, good practice examples and common cooperation tools

- To prepare European Universities for sustainability of the joint degrees



Target Group of the questionnaires:

Target group of our survey are administrator of universities involved in the management of Joint Programmes and Professors responsible for the Joint Programmes development and implementation.



1° PhaseThe Network will provide the HEI community good practice examples in the following domains:

- Application, Enrolment, Selection and Certification of students career

- Financial sustainability of master’s programmesQuality/Organisation/Services in Joint Programmes

- Administration of Joint Master Programmes

First Results : September 2009 (conference EAIE in Madrid)



2° Phase

- Development and administration of Joint PhD Programmes - Comparison and compatibility with “non UE” and “non Bologna” institutions

Results : November 2010 in Vilnius


2nd example : A top-up Conference on PhD Mobility

The aim of this conference is :- to explore the added value of international

mobility in the career of a doctoral student,- to demonstrate its benefit for professional

integration,- to identify the expectations of employers in this

area, - to report on mobility financing mechanisms,- to present experiences,- to promote European and international

cooperation strategies in terms of doctoral training.


2nd example : A top-up Conference on PhD Mobility

The target group is the :- Managers of doctoral schools- Research Department Directors- Vice-Rectors of scientific councils- Doctoral candidates Unions- Representatives from Companies- Bologna experts- International Relations for the Doctoral Mobility


2nd example : A top-up Conference on PhD Mobility

The conference is being organised in association with :- the Ministry of Higher Education and Research,- the French Conference of University Presidents,- the Council of Doctoral Education, - the European University Association (CDE-EUA), - the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, - the Campus France Agency, - the Bernard Gregory Association (network of PhD



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