Romans 12:1 “How do I give what God wants the most?”

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Romans 12:1 “How do I give what God wants the most?”

Romans 12:1

“How do I give what God wants the most?”

To understand true spirituality

1. We must have an accurate picture of God!

2. True spirituality is built on the principle of relationship.

When you fall back onto Him you gain rest!

•Rest that will sharpen you– in doing His will

•Rest that will sharpen you– to overcome obstacles

•Rest that will give you– refreshment to your soul!

What does God really want from


How would you answer the question…

What does God really want from me?

The Barna Research Group

(On What God Wants Most)

• 80% of Christians think it’s keeping the rules

• Many believe it’s faithful church attendance, Bible reading, & tithing

The Tests of Abraham

•Will you trust me to protect you?

•Will you trust me to provide for your needs?

•Will you trust me with your possessions?

•Will you trust me to fulfill my promises to you?

•Will you trust me by patiently waiting?

•Will you trust me when it doesn’t make sense?

Will you trust me?

What was God trying to teach Abraham?

“With God, risk really means risk, and it can cost us all we have. But when we

take risks with God, we gain all He has. We can never know God in His power and love without taking risk

with Him.”

Quote from Bill Lawrence

Risk demands trust.

The Key to Knowing God

We have to trust Him before we really know what “trust

Him” will mean.

The Problem in Christianity Today

We want the “product” without the “process”

The “Process” for Abraham

• He learned to trust God to protect him.

• He learned to trust God to provide for him.

• He learned to hold his possessions with an open hand.

• He learned to wait on God.

• He learned to say, “God, I’ll do this even though it doesn’t make sense.

Romans 12:1

“Therefore, I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,

holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”


What does God really want from


Not your money

Not your religious activity

Not your rule keeping

He wants you!!!

Am I going to trust God?


Am I going to trust myself?

Trust God!With your whole
