Roman romanov (1966)rusian painter(a c)

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Roman romanov (1966)rusian painter(a c)

29.07.2012 17:27:35

Roman Romanov [Роман Романов] was born in 1966 in Siberia, in the city

of Kazan Kemerovo. He finished Art College in Tatarstan Republic. He later

obtained a higher education technology. After serving in the army, where he

organized the first exhibition, he worked as an industrial designer and car

designer. From 2000 he devoted himself entirely to painting.? "Iogahn

Goete, a German poet once said" Art is a mediator of what we can not say.

"In my opinion, as to the nature is very corrected. For a long time can be

described fall foliage color, shadows of the evening in summer and white of

fallen snow. But it is much more difficult to express the feelings caused by

the magnificence of nature, is the strength and beauty. one can hardly

speak of these feelings, we can represent them exclusively. Therefore,

while painting the picture, I propose first of all not only beautiful nature

show, but life in air, space and environment of light, movement for life of

yourself in various states of nature. I do not want to impose my

impressions to viewers of what I saw. I do not get them to have dialogue

and exchange of ideas. I just opened a window in front of them for taste or

the smell of fresh air in winter, autumn leaves rot and hear the sound of the

forest cool summer. It is one thing, each day when a person watches family

as the corners of the nature of childhood and passes them without paying

attention. and another thing when people see through the eyes of the artist.

they open, not only the perfection of nature, but they open. and treat nature

with more love and fear, enjoying its perfection and realize that in the great

book of nature only the first few pages are read "- Roman Romanov.