Roman Empire. Vocabulary part 1 (1ºESO)

Post on 25-May-2015

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A brief vocabulary about Roman Empire for 1ºESO (1/2)

Transcript of Roman Empire. Vocabulary part 1 (1ºESO)

Romevocabulary review, part one

● Each page has a word or phrase written in English. All of these vocabulary words are from the reading and you should already have the translations in your notes (which you can use).

● I will call out a name. That person will have the opportunity to translate the vocabulary into Spanish for a bonus point.

● If the person called on can’t answer, I will then ask if anyone else knows the correct answer.

● Raise your hand if you know the answer. Do not speak aloud unless your name has been called.

The rules

the soliders


the soliders

los soldados





eighth century BC


eighth century BC

siglo octavo AC

the defeat


the defeat

la derrota

the twins


the twins

los gemelos





to improve


to improve


the mining


the mining

la minería

the political rights


the political rights

los derechos politicos

to marry


to marry


the vegetables


the vegetables

las verduras

the citizens


the citizens

los ciudadanos




la plata

well-organized army


well-organized army

ejército bien organizado

according to


according to

según a

to nurse a baby


to nurse a baby

criar un bebé

the Senate


the Senate

el Senado

certain issues


certain issues

ciertos temas

a great revolt


a great revolt

una gran revuelta

the conquered people


the conquered people

la población conquistada

the wealthy minority


the wealthy minority

la minoría rica





to pass laws


to pass laws

aprobar (las) leyes

the Western Roman empire


the Western Roman empire

el Imperio Romano de Occidente

an absolute power


an absolute power

un poder absoluto

on the one side … on the other side...


on the one side … on the other side...

por un lado… del otro lado…

Finally, it spread through the Eastern part.


Finally, it spread through the Eastern part.

Finalmente se expandió hacia la parte oriental.