Rolley's Bachelor Challenge Day One

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Rolley's Bachelor Challenge Day One

So I unpaused and waited to see what would happen.

Lark: “So who’s going to move first?”


Ani-Mei “Oh for Pete’s sake!”

“You see there’s nothing to it; you just walk in and...and...”

Scribal: “I can’t wait to get to the kissing, what about you Esme?”

Ani-Mei “Errr...” >stare drool<

Ani_mei was followed by Lark and Song. Lark does manage a wave while the other two go into comma mode.

Peach: “I don’t want to hear you say flirting is gross and you’d rather be a monk one more time Rolley! You will talk to these women and like


Lark: “Hey hottie, give me a call!”

First heartfart of the bachelor goes to Lark.

Inside the house this chest gets placed...

Full of fancy dress clothes, because tonight will be a fancy dress party!

The idea being the first to come view it saying ‘What’s this?’ will get first pick of the costumes and so on.

Outside the second placed heartfarts go to Song.

And lark goes and talks to...Peach.

Lark “Your brothers really hot.”

Peach “I guess he is, so why not go and talk to him?”

Lark “I don’t want to rush him. Does he really play violin naked?”

Ani-Mei >stare drool<

Song >stare drool<

As for the rest...

Some immediatly start tactics to throw the other copetitors off.

Scribal: “You came all the way from the planet Zorb for this bachelor challenge? Awesome!”

Esme: ”Just to observe you understand I’m not here to win. I wouldn’t use my powers like that.”

Scribal: “Wow, you have powers too? Like what?”

Esme “Oh I can use my mind to make people do what I want.”

Scribal: “Really?!”

Esme: “I will of course interact with the bachelor to observe the dating rituals here, but seeing I’m not here to win, well I might just help the

right person out with him if you catch my drift...”

“I do! Thanks Esme you’re a great friend!”

Esme: *Scribal will believe anything!*

Ashley: ”Mystery I really think you need your glass prescription checked, he’s so ugly he makes Gage look good. You’ll want to hide yourself

away for the whole challenge.”

“He looked pretty hot to me!”

“Well that’s what I’m saying, you need to get your glasses checked!”

Mystery: “Well I’ve heard he might be gay...”

Ashley: >Jaw drop<

While the ‘sisterly bonding’ continues our bachelor stands alone.

Esme”So you mustn’t worry if you see me kiss him, I’m just collecting data.”

Scribal “Of course, I understand completly!”

Rolley: *I really don’t know if I want to get too close to any of them, flirting was a most unpleasant experience*

Meanwhile some are going into the house. Who will be first to the chest?

No one, instead they are all making for the couch.


Lark: “I’ve heard he cooks too, wonderful! I love a man who can cook.”

Peach: “So why not go talk to him about it?”

Lark: “Oh no I’d much rather talk to you!”

Ane-Mei >stare drool<

Song >Stare drool<

Holley always is one more for action then to be mesmerized and she becomes the first to talk to Rolley.

I did say she was competitive.

Rolley: “My grandparents’ dying was the worst day of my life”

Holley: “Oh you poor baby, let Holley make it all better.”

Great topic to open up on Rolley.

Jill: *I wonder if these curtains graduated Uni?*

Amylu: *I hope Scribal doesn’t believe everything Esme says*

Lark: “What’s Holley doing talking to him?!”

Peach “Well that’s the idea Lark!”

Lark: “It is?!”

Ani-Mei >stare drool<

Song >stare drool<


Jess: *Cee...what is she hiding?*

*Ani-Mei... dangerous*

*Mystery...Oh that one will be easy.”

So Esme, pretending to read?

“I’m keeping an eye on Jess, I think she’s planning on killing us all off. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch.”

Jess: *Jessie, how dare she have such a similar name.*

The trunk which is just at the foot of Jess’s bed has not been looked at once. *grumble*

Finally Ani-Mei and Song snapped out of there coma’s.

Ani_mei “He’s so hot I was just left speechless for a second.”

Try an hour.

Rolley: *While flirting was quite disgusting there is something about Song...*

Song: “Why you poor thing losing your grandparents.”

Rolley:”I don’t think...oh this is actually kind of nice... very nice.”

Ani-Mei >taps foot<

Rolley: “How do you feel about farm life Ani-Mei? There are no work clocks to follow, but no downtown or city clubs either. Do you think you

could handle it?”

Ani-Mei: “Well I think it depends who you are with doesn’t it? For the right person I’d go anywhere.”

Rolley: “You realize the most exciting thing that happens out here is the fire truck arriving to extinguish one of the flamingos don’t you?”

Ani-Mei “Oh I can think of some rather more exciting activities then that...inside activities”

Rolley “Oh yeah couch jumping is fun!”

Rolley: “Holley you have a little drop of rain on your shoulder.”

Annnnd Rolley pulls the first flirt of the BC! 0_0 They haven’t even gone inside yet. I think for someone new to the game that he is catching on

rather quickly.

I checked the boltage and I can say this is going to be one heck of a competition. Four of the ladies have three bolts with Rolley and the rest

have two. This means everyone is staying until the first eliminations... yes eliminations plural. Two will go home at once.

Rolley: “Oh sorry I thought...”

Holley: “Just no”

And Holley shoots him down.

Rolley: “Um some help here would be good sis.”

Peach “And then he asked ‘will I be able to see kangaroos in the street?’, so I said ‘Depends how much you’ve been drinking!”

Lark:”Good one Peach!”

Peach: “I recon! The dolt!”

Lark: “Because we really will see them in the street won’t we?”

Peach “urm”

First friendship goes to Lark and Peach! Except it isn’t her BC!

Rolley: “Jill is rather hot.”

“Not as hot as me though.”

Holley >furtive glance around< “Jill isn’t really here to win; she came along more to support me. She’s much more interested in the windows

and curtains.”

Rolley: “That’s a shame.”

Holley: “Isn’t it just.”

I really want to know just what the fascination with the windows and curtains here is?!

Well except for this sport bench in the ladies bathroom.

Mystery *Surely I don’t need new glasses?*

I decided to delete this bench later in the day. So maybe now they will go rest on their beds instead, but at least it’s one step closer to being out

in the main house and doesn’t seem quite so shut off. Come on ladies, Bachelor Challenge!

And puddles, the puddles are highly sort after.

Seeing nobody even looked at the chest I decided to draw names on slips of paper and first come first served. A couple of you I had costumes

planned for, but the rest got something I thought would suit your personalities or if you came at the end of the draw you got what was left.

Rolley: *Mm Lark is smokin’ too.”

Note* Because I made them stand around while I set them all to 0/0 changing a few turn-ons, etc. Some who hadn’t had their free time comfort

perk ticked, had their comfort zoom way down, so I max-motived everyone. I figured I would need it with the setting up of the costumes for the

party. But I hadn’t banked just on how long this keeps everyone’s needs up for. It’s not something I normally use except for posed scenes. So no

one ate or needed to go do anything.

So once the ladies had stopped talking to him for a second I had Rolley go play chess. Maybe a change of scene would encourage somebody else

to interact with him.

Song: “Psst Holley.”


“You know Rolley?”

“Well dur he’s the bachelor.”

“He’s mine for the taking, so you might as well give up now.”

Holley >gasp< “I don’t think so; I’ve been warming up to win a BC for ages.”

“Exactly Holley, you have never won a BC. While I don’t want to brag, I do know how to win these things.”

“We’ll see about that! He has the same amount of bolts for me as he does for you. >stalks off<

How many bolts would that be? Haha I don’t plan on saying.

Scribal what are you doing dancing in the private date room?

“Figure I have a better chance if I camp out in here.”

“Yeah baby! Holley won’t monopolize him then!”

*sigh* Okay whose the drongo that forgot to lock the door?! Oh oops that would be me. >Move objects. Lock door<

Then I remembered Rolley’s aspiration status. I forgot to wish him plat before leaving, but luckily Peach being the only responsible one at

home gets to be the keeper of such things in her inventory. Waste another command. 3. ‘Wish for peace of mind’

Off on free will again he decided to dance with Lark who should have been first to change into costume....but I figure I better let them dance

awhile and picked the next four.

Holley: “He must be coo-coo to dance with Lark instead of me.”

Mystery found being Snow White to be quite hilarious.

Jill is the green fairy.

“Lark has arrived, out of my way peasants”

Lark has the only costume I downloaded for this. After seeing her Tudor post I thought Tudor costume! So I hope it is Tudor.

Jess” *Scribal...easily fooled*

Ashley: “My Life As A Bad Apple By Opal Wonglepong.” *Ohw must read*

Some had to be coaxed ordered off their beds to go change. Come on ladies there’s a bachelor out there. Dreaming and reading won’t get you

any relationship points.

Holley: “There is no way you’re getting to get him away from me Scribal.”

Scribal: “Are you threatening me with that knife?”

“No, but I might make you take a long plane ride.”

“Well, I might just make you walk the plank arr!”

Karima you’re an exotic purple...thing. I don’t know, but I think it looks good.

As the ladies got through ‘wardrobe and make-up’ I sent them all to near the chess table where Rolley was. You got in a dance.

And Mystery got in a nice little chat, see this does pay off.

You can probably tell what most of you are.

Amylu is Sleeping Beauty -because I heard someone like Disney princesses.

Ani-mei is I think a butterfly or another kind of fairy, take your pick.

Rolley: “Well whatever Song is, she’s one hot bird.”

Song got the raven costume.

Ashley” “Yeah, yeah and I get to be the chicken” *sigh*

Jo: “And I got the pink rabbit.”

Jessie: “And I got the fricken clown suit as my name was drawn last.”

Amylu: “Aww it’s not that bad Jessie”

Esme: “I’ll say, it could have been the pink gorilla suit.”

Cee: “Seeing I was in the last four can I just say I now love Celebration Stuff! Esme, just what are you supposed to be?”

“I’m a work of art Cee; an alien princess from the planet Zorg.”

Mystery: *I think Esme is off her rocker*

Mystery “Isn’t nature just the sweetest thing ever! I just open the window of a morning wanting to sing to all the pretty blue birds all of a



Karima: “Ashley I know you’re a chicken, but must you eat like one?”

Ashley: “You try and eat with wings!”

Wondering where Rolley is? Well so far he hasn’t come in for dinner and neither have Holley, lark or Ani-Mei. Peach called them, but they

decided to go stalk Rolley instead.

Ani-Mei *Oh he’s so fine, gonna make him mine* >checks Holley’s back is turned<

“Rolley, did I tell you how your new beard makes you look so much more handsome?”

“You think so?”

“Oh I know so”

I’m just glad there is no one with crush hearts around yet.

Command 4. ‘Grab plate’

Peach called the stalkers and reluctant over again and they all mostly came to the table.

Jess: *The Bachelor just sat right beside me* >shock<

Psst Jess, talk to him!

Jess: “So nice weath_”

Lark >Burp!<

Rolley: “Gees lark pack it in will you!”

Rolley: “So ah Jess is it? Do you like to travel?”

Jess: *Oh my gosh he’s speaking to me and he remembered my name!* >fan girl squeal<

Rolley: “what?”

Jess: “I love to travel! Where do you want to travel to? We could catch a train and go across the Nullarbor, or take a boat up the Whitsundays, or

a plane and you know do the whole lot. Or you know Italy, France and Switzerland are all good...or we could go hiking up the Himalayas! ”

Rolley: “Um yeah...” >shovels salad<

Jess: *Dang I talked too much! I knew it was bad to talk to people!*

Peach decides it’s time to take the party outside and Esme immediately jumps in to DJ.

Esme: “Get down people! It’s time to feel the beat!”

“Planet Zorg top ten, oh yeah.”

In unison: “Esme!”

Esme: “This is the best planet Zorg has to offer you cretins!”

Peach decided a stereo might be better as it has the option to smustle on it and nobody can complain about it sounding bad.

From then on it was smustle time. Peach got nearly everyone dancing.

I have no idea why Ani-Mei has a yellow mouth. O_o

Lark “That’s it Holley, stab yourself in the head!”

“Woowha wooah!”



Overall nearly everyone had a good time.

Jessie would rather play with the wolf

And drink her woes away at the keg.

Jessie: “I’m at the bottom of the score board I just know it.”

Aww come on Jessie, you can do it. I’ll have a day tomorrow of talks with everyone before I send the first two home. I like to give everyone a

chance because I figure the shyer sims just get pushed aside in these things.

Ashley: “Ugg I think I would rather read then smell karima!”


Karima: “You wussies get use to the scent of the outback!”

Just caught these two at it again.

Holley: “My man is strangely hot flirting with that insect.”

Lark: “Darn I can’t see what they are up too!”

Wolf: “Woof woof” *Mr, stop making googly eyes and come play with me*

Not sure who flirted or maybe they both did.

Holley: “So enjoyed flirting with my man did you?”

Ani-Mei: “Give it a rest Holley, he is not your man and this is a bachelor challenge and I plan to win.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Yes we shall.”

Around about 3am people started turning in. In true early morning party style everyone crashed in their makeup.

Some people arrived just a little bit late...

Amylu: “Why didn’t I notice these bubbles sooner!”

At 3.30 I cancelled out the actions of those still up and all very sensibly headed towards a bed.

Jill was the only one to miss out so I directed her to the hammock.

So that is the end of the first day, what will happen tomorrow?