Roles Functions of technology in the 21st Century Education

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Roles Functions of technology in the 21st Century Education

Educational technology is the effective

use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it

concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and

networking hardware, as well as considering underlying

theoretical perspectives for their effective application.


While it is difficult to make precise predictions, it is quite likely that technology we are totally unaware today may be developed in the years following the turn of the century. It may also be technology that totally changes the way we think about the world and the opportunities for the delivery of effective and efficient education .

(Other trend of Technology are the ff.)Student-centered Learning Teaching Higher Cognitive and

Non-cognitive skills The spread of New Information


For constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinkingFor supporting learners internal

negotiations and meaning makingFor reflecting on what they have

learned and how they came to know it

For representing learner’s ideas, understanding and beliefs for organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners.

For accessing needed informationFor comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views.

For representing and simulating meaning real problems, situations and context For representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments, and other stories. For defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking.

For collaborating with othersFor discussing, arguing, and

building consensus among members of a communityFor supporting discourse among

knowledge-building communities.

1. Improvement of Teaching

2. Analysis of the Teaching-Learning Process

3. Improvement of Learning

4. Fixing up Goals of Education

5. Training to Teachers

6. Development of Curriculum:

7. Development of Teaching-Learning Materials

8. Teaching-Learning Strategies

9. Development of Audio-Visual Aids

10. Help in Overall Improvement

11. Identification of Needs of the Community

12. Identification of the Needs of Class-Room Behaviors.

Educational Technology analyses the process of teaching thoroughly. It tries to find out the different variables of teaching, their interlinks, effects upon each other, relationships, theories of teaching, phases of teaching principles of teaching, maxims of teaching etc. By developing the theories of teaching, it helps in improving the quality of education.

Educational Technology aims at analyzing the process of teaching-learning thoroughly. It tries to find out the different variables of teaching their interlinks effects upon each other, relationship etc.

It is also concerned with various phases of teaching. The principles of teaching and the maxims of teaching are also analyzed by it. Over all, it tries to establish better and better relationship between teaching and learning.

Educational Technology analyses the process of learning and the related theories. It facilitates more and more of learning in less time. It takes the help of various empirically established generalizations from psychology, sociology, physical sciences, engineering etc.

The objectives of education are being reviewed and revised with the passage of time. Educational technology helps in finding out the right objectives. Everything in this universe is undergoing tremendous changes and with a very fast speed.

The needs and requirements of the people and hence education need be revised from moment to moment. Educational Technology helps in fixing up the right objectives in the light of the changed circumstances and changed environment.

The changed type of environment with new curriculum and new materials is to be handled by the teachers. The teachers equipped with old strategies and methodologies of teaching will remain misfits

Right type of training to the teachers is the need of the hour. Educational Technology can render its valuable help in the training of teachers also. The use of video tapes and close circuit T.V. will help the teachers to remodel and reshape their teaching behaviourssuitably.

Keeping in view the objectives of education which have been finalized by education technology thereafter comes the question of developing right type of curriculum. Only a suitable type of curriculum will help in the attainment of goals.

Curriculum is the total teaching-learning environment which has to be modified and remodeled in the light of latest thoughts. Only educational technology can do this job of developing a suitable curriculum appropriately.

Teaching- learning materials are also as important as anything else in the teaching-learning process. They have to be in accordance with the environment of the learners. In this age of science and technology, the materials of teaching cannot be unscientific.

Everything of the society including values of life need be reflected in the materials. Only right type of materials will able to modify the behavior of the learner suitably making him a fit person for the society. Only educational technology can develop the required and the desired type of teaching-learning materials.

A strategy plays an important role in the hands of a teacher in every teaching-learning situation.

The strategy has to be the right one which should be according to the materials and is able to bring about effective teaching-learning.

The different strategies are being evolved by educational technology. The knowledge of those strategies is a must for every teacher. Then only the teachers will be able to do justice to their jobs.

Audio-Visual aids have always played an important role in the teaching-learning process. They need be used according to the times. The software aids, the hardware aids, the computer and other such appliances, equipment etc., have “to be used in the present type of teaching-learning


Computer assisted instructions will help the learner as well as the teacher to achieve the goals of education more conveniently. There is need of deriving maximum benefits out of educational technology.

Educational technology helps in locating the problems in the different areas of education. It also helps in remedying the draw-backs.

Evaluation of the teaching- learning process is also made better because through feedback, things are improved thoroughly and there is better control over the process of education. Thus, educational technology can revolutionize thewhole process of teaching-learning.

Educational Technology identifies the needs of the community. It helps in providing equal education opportunities to backward people, disadvantaged students and deprived sections of the society. It helps education to reach the remotest corner of the country.

The needs and requirements of the community are fast changing. Educational Technology aims at identifying the needs of the community from time to time. Then it tries to improve the community in every possible way.

Educational Technology identifies the needs of class-room behavior. As the mass education has reduced the standard of education, the use of educational technology can maintain and improve the standard by the use of teaching aids and programmed instruction material. Educational Technology can inspire the students in the class-rooms for self-learning.