Role of Steve Jobs in Bill Gates Life

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Role of Steve Jobs in Bill Gates Life


Steve Jobs, and his friend Steve Wosniak started Apple Computer in Job’s garage in Los Altos,

California in 1976. In contrast to bill Gates, Jobs and Wosniak were hardware experts and

started with the vision for a personal computer that was affordable and easy to use. When

Microsoft offered BASIC to Apple, Jobs immediately dismissed the idea on the basis that he and

Wosniak could create their own version of BASIC in a weekend. This was typical Jobs: decisive

and almost maniacal at times. However, Jobs eventually agreed to license Microsoft’s BASIC

while pursuing his vision of developing a more usable and friendly interface for the PC. Jobs,

seen by some as the anti- Gates, is a trailblazer and a creator as opposed to Gates who is More of

a consolidator of industry standards. Jobs, whose goal was to change the world with his

Computers, was very demanding of his employees. Jobs were not a hard- core computer

programmer, but he sold the idea of the personal computer to the public. He changed the

direction of Apple by developing the Macintosh (Mac) that used a new Graphical User Interface

(GUI) that introduced the world to the mouse and on- screen icons. With all this success, there

was a major problem developing at Apple: Steve Jobs was overconfident and did not see Gates

and Microsoft as a serious threat to Apple. Soon after the release of the Macintosh computer,

Jobs asked Microsoft to develop software for the Mac operating system. Gates obliged and

proceeded to launch a project copying and improving Apple’s user interface. The result of this

venture was what Microsoft Windows became.Jobs’ cocky attitude and the lack of management

skill contributed to Apple’s problems. He never Bothered to develop budgets and neglected his

relationship with his employees. Wosniak left Apple due to differences with Jobs. In 1985, John

Scully, formerly CEO of PepsiCo, was hired to replace Steve Jobs as president and CEO of

Apple Computers. Differences between Scully and Jobs developed which eventually resulted in

the dismissal of Jobs.

Microsoft and Apple at the turn of the Century: An Industry Giant and a Revitalized Leader With

the success of Windows, the Office application suite, and the Internet Explore, Microsoft has

become a household name and Bill Gates has been hailed as a business genius. The fact that

Microsoft’s competitors, the press, and the US Justice Department have called Microsoft a

monopoly reinforces Gate’s determination to succeed. Some people even questioned whether

Microsoft can survive the Justice Department’s decision. But Bill Gates has shown that he is the

master of adapting to changing market conditions and technologies.

In the early days of computing, Apple depended on software from Microsoft for its Macintosh

computer. There's a charming 1983 video, aired in an edited form for the D: All Things Digital

Conference in 2007, in which Jobs hosts a "Dating Game" with software execs including Gates.

It's a love fest with Gates commenting that the Mac"really captures people's imagination" and

Jobs deciding in the end that he needs all of the executives support, including Gates'.By 1997,

Apple's fortunes had sunk so low that it reached out to its sometime partner, sometime nemesis

for a hand. Gates appeared via satellite at the MacWorld conference that year, agreeing to invest

$150 million in Apple and to develop and ship future versions of its Microsoft Office, Internet

Explorer, and development tools for the Macintosh. The companies also settled remaining claims

in their patent dispute.That investment, which surely paid off for Microsoft over the years, also

helped Apple regain financial footing. And it helped Jobs move forward on the job of turning

around Apple and ultimately making it the most valuable company in technology.


Life of power can teach us all great things.Just as gods in Hindu mythology fight for supremacy,

IT billionaires are also thriving within an extremely competitive capsule.  Sad to say, but most of

the time in this business sphere, there is little to no room for friendship.  Gates and Jobs certainly

had a love-hate relationship.  And love would always tell us that at some point, they have treaded

a solitary vision and agreed on some things.  Perhaps they both coincided with the fact that they

wanted to bring something better to the future generation—and they succeeded.  Their

management style of allowing their employees to take risks and bold decisions is also similar to

some extent.Jobs desired to be on top of every single sector he played in, and was a demanding

leader. He was quite the perfectionist and wore his emotions on his sleeve.  He was widely

known to shout and show his temper when unsatisfied with results.  He saw what people wanted

before they even realized it. He was aggressive. He was passionate.

Whether Gates’ philanthropy or Jobs’ being the more imaginative—they both changed the world.

They made it better in many ways.  Microsoft brought computing down to humanity in a very

affordable way. Apple gave us the “i” that made entertainment, communication and computer

personalized, and is still lording over the market with absurd margins to this very day.

Originality here is almost a non-issue. What made the colossal impact was the execution.  Gates

and Jobs stepped on the ideas of their predecessors, but they implemented changes that removed

the term “impossible” from the dictionary of imagination.